Python get Desktop Path directly on Windows - python

Ive seen answers that finds the user's path, and then concatenating it with desktop, Such as:
desktop = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop")
desktop = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE']), 'Desktop')
However it doesn't work when the device has non-default extensions:
or non-english extension:
I ended up doing this as an emergency response:
possible_desktop_ext = ['Desktop', 'OneDrive\\Desktop', 'OneDrive\\桌面']
I can definitely see the list expanding exponentially in the future, and I don't really like the feeling of doing this every time I find a new extension.
So what is the most reliable way of retrieving the desktop's path?

This is adapted from, I urge you to go to it and give it the recognition it deserves.
import ctypes
from ctypes import wintypes, windll
_SHGetFolderPath = windll.shell32.SHGetFolderPathW
_SHGetFolderPath.argtypes = [wintypes.HWND,
wintypes.DWORD, wintypes.LPCWSTR]
path_buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(wintypes.MAX_PATH)
result = _SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_DESKTOP, 0, 0, path_buf)


How to find a unassigned drive letter on windows with python

I needed to find a free drive letter on windows from a python script. Free stands for not assigned to any physically or remote device.
I did some research and found a solution here on stackoverflow (cant remember the exact link):
# for python 2.7
import string
import win32api
def getfreedriveletter():
""" Find first free drive letter """
assigneddrives = win32api.GetLogicalDriveStrings().split('\000')[:-1]
assigneddrives = [item.rstrip(':\\').lower() for item in assigneddrives]
for driveletter in list(string.ascii_lowercase[2:]):
if not driveletter in assigneddrives:
return driveletter.upper() + ':'
This works fine for all physically drives and connected network drives. But not for currently disconnected drives.
How can I get all used drive letter, also the temporary not used ones?
Creating a child process is relatively expensive, and parsing free-form text output isn't the most reliable technique. You can instead use PyWin32 to call the same API functions that net use calls.
import string
import win32api
import win32wnet
import win32netcon
def get_free_drive():
drives = set(string.ascii_uppercase[2:])
for d in win32api.GetLogicalDriveStrings().split(':\\\x00'):
# Discard persistent network drives, even if not connected.
henum = win32wnet.WNetOpenEnum(win32netcon.RESOURCE_REMEMBERED,
win32netcon.RESOURCETYPE_DISK, 0, None)
while True:
result = win32wnet.WNetEnumResource(henum)
if not result:
for r in result:
if len(r.lpLocalName) == 2 and r.lpLocalName[1] == ':':
if drives:
return sorted(drives)[-1] + ':'
Note that this function returns the last available drive letter. It's a common practice to assign mapped and substitute drives (e.g. from net.exe and subst.exe) from the end of the list and local system drives from the beginning.
As i will pass the found letter to an external script which will run the Winshell cmd 'subst /d letter'. I must not pass a currently not mounted drive, as it will remove the network-drive mapping.
The only way I found, was the result of the winshellcmd 'net use' to find unavailable drives.
Here is my solution, if you have a better way, please share it with me:
# for python 2.7
import string
import win32api
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
def _getnetdrives():
""" As _getfreedriveletter can not find unconnected network drives
get these drives with shell cmd 'net use' """
callstr = 'net use'
phandle = Popen(callstr, stdout=PIPE)
presult = phandle.communicate()
stdout = presult[0]
# _stderr = presult[1]
networkdriveletters = []
for line in stdout.split('\n'):
if ': ' in line:
networkdriveletters.append(line.split()[1] + '\\')
return networkdriveletters
def getfreedriveletter():
""" Find first free drive letter """
assigneddrives = win32api.GetLogicalDriveStrings().split('\000')[:-1]
assigneddrives = assigneddrives + _getnetdrives()
assigneddrives = [item.rstrip(':\\').lower() for item in assigneddrives]
for driveletter in list(string.ascii_lowercase[2:]): #array starts from 'c' as i dont want a and b drive
if not driveletter in assigneddrives:
return driveletter.upper() + ':'

Open an external program from python and examine its memory [duplicate]

im working on a little solitär trainer. I don't know why the function ReadProcessMemory doesn't work. Normally it returns a False or True but in that case nothing. The GetlastError() gives me the Errorcode 6.
#-*- coding: cp1252 -*-
import ctypes, win32ui, win32process ,win32api
HWND = win32ui.FindWindow(None,"Solitär").GetSafeHwnd()
PID = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(HWND)[1]
PROCESS = win32api.OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,0,PID).handle
rPM = ctypes.windll.kernel32.ReadProcessMemory
wPM = ctypes.windll.kernel32.WriteProcessMemory
ADDRESS1 = 0x00E97074
ADDRESS2 = ctypes.create_string_buffer(64)
pi = ctypes.pointer(ADDRESS2)
Check the community comment to the MSDN ReadProcessMemory page, quote(sic):
W7 wont run read process memory
You may need to check your access permissions for "SE_DEBUG_NAME" for the current processes token. If not enabled. Enabled it. This must be done as administrator of course.
Also fully declare the return types and use the use_last_error parameter, where ctypes will cache the GetLastError() value internally directly after the call. Otherwise, it may be incorrect. If you are on a 64-bit system, SIZE_T and pointers are 64-bit values so ctypes needs to know the types to set up the stack correctly for the call.
from ctypes import wintypes
rPM = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32',use_last_error=True).ReadProcessMemory
rPM.argtypes = [wintypes.HANDLE,wintypes.LPCVOID,wintypes.LPVOID,ctypes.c_size_t,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_size_t)]
rPM.restype = wintypes.BOOL
wPM = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32',use_last_error=True).WriteProcessMemory
wPM.argtypes = [wintypes.HANDLE,wintypes.LPVOID,wintypes.LPCVOID,ctypes.c_size_t,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_size_t)]
wPM.restype = wintypes.BOOL
ADDRESS1 = 0x00E97074
ADDRESS2 = ctypes.create_string_buffer(64)
bytes_read = ctypes.c_size_t()
Also, FYI, even with all the fixes I get the same error value, but I didn't go through the trouble of enabling SE_DEBUG_NAME.
The following line is the issue:
PROCESS = win32api.OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,0,PID).handle
win32api.OpenProcess returns a temporary PyHANDLE that gets destroyed and closes the handle after the handle is retrieved.
The solution is to use:
PROCESS = win32api.OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,0,PID)
PROCESS then holds the PyHANDLE object and the handle remains valid.

On OS X, is it possible to get the user library directory from pure Python?

I'm writing a pure Python library, and for various reasons I would very much like to avoid asking users to install any binary extensions. However, when running on OS X, I would also like to locate the user library directory (~/Library) so I can store some configuration data there, and my understanding is that for Very Valid And Vague But Important Reasons the proper way to do this is not by just writing ~/Library in my code, but instead by asking OS X where the directory is with some code like
Of course, this code is Objective-C, not Python, so I can't just use it directly. And if it were plain C, I'd just use ctypes to call it from Python, but it isn't. Is there any way to make this call from Python, without writing an extension module in Objective-C or requiring the user to install some extension module like PyObjC? Alternatively, if I just give up and hard-code ~/Library like everyone else does, then will anything terrible happen?
Well, it is plain C under the hood, so you can achieve the same result with ctypes module:
from ctypes import *
NSLibraryDirectory = 5
NSUserDomainMask = 1
def NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(directory, domainMask, expand = True):
# If library path looks like framework, OS X will search $DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATHs automatically
# There's no need to specify full path (/System/Library/Frameworks/...)
Foundation = cdll.LoadLibrary("Foundation.framework/Foundation")
CoreFoundation = cdll.LoadLibrary("CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation");
_NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains = Foundation.NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains
_NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains.argtypes = [ c_uint, c_uint, c_bool ]
_NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains.restype = c_void_p
_CFRelease = CoreFoundation.CFRelease
_CFRelease.argtypes = [ c_void_p ]
_CFArrayGetCount = CoreFoundation.CFArrayGetCount
_CFArrayGetCount.argtypes = [ c_void_p ]
_CFArrayGetCount.restype = c_uint
_CFArrayGetValueAtIndex = CoreFoundation.CFArrayGetValueAtIndex
_CFArrayGetValueAtIndex.argtypes = [ c_void_p, c_uint ]
_CFArrayGetValueAtIndex.restype = c_void_p
_CFStringGetCString = CoreFoundation.CFStringGetCString
_CFStringGetCString.argtypes = [ c_void_p, c_char_p, c_uint, c_uint ]
_CFStringGetCString.restype = c_bool
kCFStringEncodingUTF8 = 0x08000100
# MAX_PATH on POSIX is usually 4096, so it should be enough
# It might be determined dynamically, but don't bother for now
MAX_PATH = 4096
result = []
paths = _NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(directory, domainMask, expand)
# CFArrayGetCount will crash if argument is NULL
# Even though NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains never returns null, we'd better check it
if paths:
for i in range(0, _CFArrayGetCount(paths)):
path = _CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(paths, i)
buff = create_string_buffer(MAX_PATH)
if _CFStringGetCString(path, buff, sizeof(buff), kCFStringEncodingUTF8):
del buff
return result
print NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSLibraryDirectory, NSUserDomainMask)
But the universe probably won't collapse if you just use ~/Library ;)

What replaces the now-deprecated Carbon.File.FSResolveAliasFile in Python on OSX?

In Python 2, I can use the following code to resolve either a MacOS alias or a symbolic link:
from Carbon import File
File.FSResolveAliasFile(alias_fp, True)[0].as_pathname()
where alias_fp is the path to the file I'm curious about, stored as a string (source).
However, the documentation cheerfully tells me that the whole Carbon family of modules is deprecated. What should I be using instead?
EDIT: I believe the code below is a step in the right direction for the PyObjC approach. It doesn't resolve aliases, but it seems to detect them.
from AppKit import NSWorkspace
def is_alias (path):
uti, err = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().typeOfFile_error_(
os.path.realpath(path), None)
if err:
raise Exception(unicode(err))
return "" == uti
Unfortunately I'm not able to get #Milliways's solution working (knowing nothing about Cocoa) and stuff I find elsewhere on the internet looks far more complicated (perhaps it's handling all kinds of edge cases?).
The PyObjC bridge lets you access NSURL's bookmark handling, which is the modern (backwards compatible) replacement for aliases:
import os.path
from Foundation import *
def target_of_alias(path):
url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(path)
bookmarkData, error = NSURL.bookmarkDataWithContentsOfURL_error_(url, None)
if bookmarkData is None:
return None
opts = NSURLBookmarkResolutionWithoutUI | NSURLBookmarkResolutionWithoutMounting
resolved, stale, error = NSURL.URLByResolvingBookmarkData_options_relativeToURL_bookmarkDataIsStale_error_(bookmarkData, opts, None, None, None)
return resolved.path()
def resolve_links_and_aliases(path):
while True:
alias_target = target_of_alias(path)
if alias_target:
path = alias_target
if os.path.islink(path):
path = os.path.realpath(path)
return path
The following Cocoa code will resolve alias.
NSURL *targetOfAlias(NSURL *url) {
CFErrorRef *errorRef = NULL;
CFDataRef bookmark = CFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile (NULL, (__bridge CFURLRef)url, errorRef);
if (bookmark == nil) return nil;
CFURLRef resolvedUrl = CFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData (NULL, bookmark, kCFBookmarkResolutionWithoutUIMask, NULL, NULL, false, errorRef);
return CFBridgingRelease(resolvedUrl);
I don't know how to invoke Cocoa framework from Python, but I am sure someone has done it
The following link shows code to resolve aslias or symlink
The APIs those modules use are deprecated by Apple, it appears. You should use POSIX APIs instead.

How to recognize data not filename using ctypes and tesseract 3.0.2?

I write a snippet using ctypes and tesseract 3.0.2 referring to the example:
import ctypes
from PIL import Image
libname = '/opt/tesseract/lib/'
tesseract = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libname)
api = tesseract.TessBaseAPICreate()
rc = tesseract.TessBaseAPIInit3(api, "", 'eng')
filename = '/opt/ddl.ddl.exp654.png'
text_out = tesseract.TessBaseAPIProcessPages(api, filename, None, 0)
result_text = ctypes.string_at(text_out)
print result_text
It passes filename as a parameter, I have no idea to call which method in API to pass the raw data like:
tesseract.TessBaseAPIWhichMethod(api, open(filename).read())
I can't say for sure but I don't think you can pass complex python objects to that specific API, it won't know how to handle them. Your best bet would to be to look at a wrapper like which will allow you to use file buffers
import tesseract
api = tesseract.TessBaseAPI()
api.SetVariable("tessedit_char_whitelist", "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
mImgFile = "eurotext.jpg"
result = tesseract.ProcessPagesBuffer(mBuffer,len(mBuffer),api) #YAY for buffers.
print "result(ProcessPagesBuffer)=",result
Edit might provide you with the insight that you need.
Acutally if you don't mind what happens when you replace
text_out = tesseract.TessBaseAPIProcessPages(api, filename, None, 0)
text_out = tesseract.ProcessPagesBuffer(mBuffer,len(mBuffer),api)
