Applying linear transformation to whole surface of weird shape - python

So, I have this torus that is moved from its usual position given by the function
def toro(u,v,R,r,t):
n = unitary_normal_t(t)
n0, n1, n2 = [n[k][0] for k in [0,1,2]]
b = binormal_t(t)
b0, b1, b2 = [b[k][0] for k in [0,1,2]]
tang = tangente(t)
t0, t1, t2 = [tang[k][0] for k in [0,1,2]]
x = n0*np.cos(u)*(R + r*np.cos(v)) + b0*(R + r*np.cos(v))*np.sin(u) + r*t0*np.sin(v) + n0*R
y = n1*np.cos(u)*(R + r*np.cos(v)) + b1*(R + r*np.cos(v))*np.sin(u) + r*t1*np.sin(v) + n1*R
z = n2*np.cos(u)*(R + r*np.cos(v)) + b2*(R + r*np.cos(v))*np.sin(u) + r*t2*np.sin(v) + n2*R
return np.array([x,y,z])
The actual expression of this tori is not relevant. Since I wish to plot this tori, I do the following:
fig = go.Figure() # this creates the figure object
d = 1 # we add the torus
r = 0.1
R = 0.5
colorscales = ['plotly3','bluered','magma','blugrn','blues','gray']
u = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 240) # discretization of the u parameter
v = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 240) # discretization of the v parameter
uplot,vplot = np.meshgrid(u,v)
t = 0.1
torito = toro(uplot,vplot,R,r,t)
X = torito[0]
Y = torito[1]
Z = torito[2]
colorscale = 'plotly3'
fig.add_surface(x=X, y=Y, z=Z, colorscale = colorscale) # we add a surfaceplot to it
Recall I am using numpy and Plotly. In the code above, torito is the torus and it is an array of shape (3,240,240). Now, I have this 3x3 matrix, let's call it M, that I would like to apply to torito, something like transformed_tori = np.matmul(M,torito) so that I could apply the same code as above to transformed_tori, yet I cannot do so because shapes do not match.
Does anyone know how I could do such a thing? Tryouts can be made with the following matrix: M = np.array([[ 0.00348674, -0.2282992 , 0.97358478], [ 0.07565293, 0.97086078, 0.2273895 ], [-0.99712811, 0.07286169, 0.02065664]])
Thank you in advance!!!

You can use np.einsum() to do the appropriate matrix multiplication along the wanted axis.
transformed_tori = np.einsum("ij,jkl->ikl", M, torito)
Where transformed_tori is a (3, 240, 240) array where transformed_tori[:, i,j] = np.matmul(M, tori[:, i,j]


Drawing Poincare Section using Python

I was about to plot a Poincare section of the following DE, which is quite meaningful to have a periodic potential function V(x) = - cos(x) in this equation.
After calculating the solution using RK4 with time interval dt = 0.001, the one that python drew was as the following plot.
But according to the textbook(referred to 2E by J.M.T. Thompson and H.B. Stewart), the section would look like as
it has so much difference. For my personal opinion, since Poincare section does not appear as what writers draw, there must be some error in my code. However, I actually done for other forced oscillation DE, including Duffing's equation, and obtained the identical one as those in the textbook. So, I was wodering if there are some typos in the equation given by the textbook, or somewhere else. I posted my code, but might be quite messy to understand. So appreicate dealing with it.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import sys
import time
state = [1]
def print_percent_done(index, total, state, title='Please wait'):
percent_done2 = (index+1)/total*100
percent_done = round(percent_done2, 1)
print(f'\t⏳{title}: {percent_done}% done', end='\r')
if percent_done2 > 99.9 and state[0]:
print('\t✅'); state = [0]
no = 1
def multiple(n, q):
m = n; i = 0
while m >= 0:
m -= q
i += 1
return min(abs(n - (i - 1)*q), abs(i*q - n))
# system(2)
#Basic info.
filename = 'sinPotentialWell'
# a = 1
# alpha = 0.01
# w = 4
w0 = .5
n = 1000000
h = .01
t_0 = 0
x_0 = 0.1
y_0 = 0
A = [(t_0, x_0, y_0)]
def f(t, x, y):
return y
def g(t, x, y):
return -0.5*y - np.sin(x) + 1.1*np.sin(0.5*t)
for i in range(n):
t0 = A[i][0]; x0 = A[i][1]; y0 = A[i][2]
k1 = f(t0, x0, y0)
u1 = g(t0, x0, y0)
k2 = f(t0 + h/2, x0 + h*k1/2, y0 + h*u1/2)
u2 = g(t0 + h/2, x0 + h*k1/2, y0 + h*u1/2)
k3 = f(t0 + h/2, x0 + h*k2/2, y0 + h*u2/2)
u3 = g(t0 + h/2, x0 + h*k2/2, y0 + h*u2/2)
k4 = f(t0 + h, x0 + h*k3, y0 + h*u3)
u4 = g(t0 + h, x0 + h*k3, y0 + h*u3)
t = t0 + h
x = x0 + (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)*h/6
y = y0 + (u1 + 2*u2 + 2*u3 + u4)*h/6
A.append([t, x, y])
if i%1000 == 0: print_percent_done(i, n, state, 'Solving given DE')
#phase diagram
print('showing 3d_(x, y, phi) graph')
PHI=[[]]; X=[[]]; Y=[[]]
PHI_period1 = []; X_period1 = []; Y_period1 = []
for i in range(n):
if w0*A[i][0]%(2*np.pi) < 1 and w0*A[i-1][0]%(2*np.pi) > 6:
PHI.append([]); X.append([]); Y.append([])
PHI_period1.append((w0*A[i][0])%(2*np.pi)); X_period1.append(A[i][1]); Y_period1.append(A[i][2])
phi_period1 = np.array(PHI_period1); x_period1 = np.array(X_period1); y_period1 = np.array(Y_period1)
print('showing Poincare Section at phi=0')
plt.plot(x_period1, y_period1, 'gs', markersize = 2)
plt.title('phi=0 Poincare Section')
plt.xlabel('x'); plt.ylabel('y')
If you factor out some of the computation blocks, you can make the code more flexible and computations more direct. No need to reconstruct something if you can construct it in the first place. You want to catch the points where w0*t is a multiple of 2*pi, so just construct the time loops so you integrate in chunks of 2*pi/w0 and only remember the interesting points.
num_plot_points = 2000
h = .01
t,x,y = t_0,x_0,y_0
x_section,y_section = [],[]
T = 2*np.pi/w0
for k in range(num_plot_points):
t = 0;
while t < T-1.2*h:
x,y = RK4step(t,x,y,h)
t += h
x,y = RK4step(t,x,y,T-t)
if k%100 == 0: print_percent_done(k, num_plot_points, state, 'Solving given DE')
x_section.append(x); y_section.append(y)
with RK4step just containing the code of the RK4 step.
This will not solve the mystery. The veil gets lifted if you consider that x is the angle theta (of a forced pendulum with friction) on a circle. Thus to get points with the same spacial location it needs to be reduced by multiples of 2*pi. Doing that,
plt.plot([x%(2*np.pi) for x in x_section], y_section, 'gs', markersize = 2)
results in the expected plot

Fastest way to get list of xyz coordinates between 2 points

I have 2 Points A and B and their xyz-coordinates. I need a list of all xyz points that are on the line between those 2 points. The Bresenham's line algorithm was too slow for my case.
Example xyz for A and B:
p = np.array([[ 275.5, 244.2, -27.3],
[ 153.2, 184.3, -0.3]])
Expected output:
x3 = p[0,0] + t*(p[1,0]-p[0,0])
y3 = p[0,1] + t*(p[1,1]-p[0,1])
z3 = p[0,2] + t*(p[1,2]-p[0,2])
p3 = [x3,y3,z3]
There was a very fast approach for 2D:
def connect(ends):
d0, d1 = np.diff(ends, axis=0)[0]
if np.abs(d0) > np.abs(d1):
return np.c_[np.arange(ends[0, 0], ends[1,0] + np.sign(d0), np.sign(d0), dtype=np.int32),
np.arange(ends[0, 1] * np.abs(d0) + np.abs(d0)//2,
ends[0, 1] * np.abs(d0) + np.abs(d0)//2 + (np.abs(d0)+1) * d1, d1, dtype=np.int32) // np.abs(d0)]
return np.c_[np.arange(ends[0, 0] * np.abs(d1) + np.abs(d1)//2,
ends[0, 0] * np.abs(d1) + np.abs(d1)//2 + (np.abs(d1)+1) * d0, d0, dtype=np.int32) // np.abs(d1),
np.arange(ends[0, 1], ends[1,1] + np.sign(d1), np.sign(d1), dtype=np.int32)]
It is impossible to give "all" points on a line, as there are countless points. You could do that for a discrete data type like integers, though.
My answer assumes floating point numbers, as in your example.
Technically, floating point numbers are stored in a binary format with a fixed width, so they are discrete, but I will disregard that fact, as it is most likely not what you want.
As you already typed in your question, every point P on that line satisfies this equation:
P = P1 + t * (P2 - P1), 0 < t < 1
My version uses numpy broadcasting to circumvent explicit loops.
import numpy as np
p = np.array([[ 275.5, 244.2, -27.3],
[ 153.2, 184.3, -0.3]])
def connect(points, n_points):
p1, p2 = points
diff = p2 - p1
t = np.linspace(0, 1, n_points+2)[1:-1]
return p1[np.newaxis, :] + t[:, np.newaxis] * diff[np.newaxis, :]
print(connect(p, n_points=4))
# [[251.04 232.22 -21.9 ]
# [226.58 220.24 -16.5 ]
# [202.12 208.26 -11.1 ]
# [177.66 196.28 -5.7 ]]
Maybe I missunderstand something here, but couldn't you just create a function (like you already did just for one single point) and then create a list of points depending of how manny points you want?
I mean between 2 points are an infinite number of other points, so you have to either define a number or use the function directly, which describes where the points are at.
import numpy as np
p = np.array([[ 275.5, 244.2, -27.3],
[ 153.2, 184.3, -0.3]])
def gen_line(p, n):
points = []
stepsize = 1/n
for t in np.arange(0,1,stepsize):
x = (p[1,0]-p[0,0])
y = (p[1,1]-p[0,1])
z = (p[1,2]-p[0,2])
px = p[0,0]
py = p[0,1]
pz = p[0,2]
x3 = px + t*x
y3 = py + t*y
z3 = pz + t*z
return points
# generates list of 30k points
gen_line(p, 30000)

Reshape function values for Heatmap plot

I would like to plot a heatmap of y=f(r,phi).
The code I use is to get the values,
import numpy as np
def power(inclination,phi):
D = np.arange(0.5, 12.0, 0.1)
r = np.sqrt((h1-h2)**2 + D**2)
freq = 865.7
lmb = 300/freq
H = D**2/(D**2+2*h1*h2)
theta = 4*np.pi*h1*h2/(lmb*D)
q_e = H**2*(np.sin(theta))**2 + (1 - H*np.cos(theta))**2
sigma = 1.94
N_1 = np.random.normal(0,sigma,D.shape)
rnd = 10**(-N_1/10)
F = 10
alpha=inclination + np.arcsin((h1-h2)/r)
y=10*np.log10( 1000*(power*gain*1.622*((lmb)**2) *0.5*1) / (((4*np.pi*r)**2) *1.2*1*F)*q_e*rnd )
return (r,phi,y)
phi=np.linspace(0, np.pi,num=115) + 10e-14
x,y,z = power(np.pi/6,phi)
I could plot the heatmap doing a meshgrid of x and y (i.e. r and phi)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
gives (115, 115) both.
I would need to reshape z values in the meshgrid before calling contourf() but I do not know how to do it.
The trick consists in to compute the function values using the meshgrid datapoints:
inclination = np.pi/6
def power(inclination,phi):
D = np.arange(0.5, 12.0, 0.015)
r = np.sqrt((h1-h2)**2 + D**2)
freq = 865.7
lmb = 300/freq
H = D**2/(D**2+2*h1*h2)
theta = 4*np.pi*h1*h2/(lmb*D)
q_e = H**2*(np.sin(theta))**2 + (1 - H*np.cos(theta))**2
sigma = 1.94
N_1 = np.random.normal(0,sigma,D.shape)
rnd = 10**(-N_1/10)
F = 10
R,PHI = np.meshgrid(r,phi[1:-1])
alpha=inclination + np.arcsin((h1-h2)/R)
y=10*np.log10( 1000*(power*gain*1.622*((lmb)**2) *0.5*1) / (((4*np.pi*R)**2) *1.2*1*F)*q_e*rnd )
return (R,PHI,y)

Solve a nonlinear ODE system for the Frenet frame

I have checked python non linear ODE with 2 variables , which is not my case. Maybe my case is not called as nonlinear ODE, correct me please.
The question isFrenet Frame actually, in which there are 3 vectors T(s), N(s) and B(s); the parameter s>=0. And there are 2 scalar with known math formula expression t(s) and k(s). I have the initial value T(0), N(0) and B(0).
diff(T(s), s) = k(s)*N(s)
diff(N(s), s) = -k(s)*T(s) + t(s)*B(s)
diff(B(s), s) = -t(s)*N(s)
Then how can I get T(s), N(s) and B(s) numerically or symbolically?
I have checked scipy.integrate.ode but I don't know how to pass k(s)*N(s) into its first parameter at all
def model (z, tspan):
T = z[0]
N = z[1]
B = z[2]
dTds = k(s) * N # how to express function k(s)?
dNds = -k(s) * T + t(s) * B
dBds = -t(s)* N
return [dTds, dNds, dBds]
z = scipy.integrate.ode(model, [T0, N0, B0]
Here is a code using solve_ivp interface from Scipy (instead of odeint) to obtain a numerical solution:
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
# Define the parameters as regular Python function:
def k(s):
return 1
def t(s):
return 0
# The equations: dz/dt = model(s, z):
def model(s, z):
T = z[:3] # z is a (9, ) shaped array, the concatenation of T, N and B
N = z[3:6]
B = z[6:]
dTds = k(s) * N
dNds = -k(s) * T + t(s) * B
dBds = -t(s)* N
return np.hstack([dTds, dNds, dBds])
T0, N0, B0 = [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]
z0 = np.hstack([T0, N0, B0])
s_span = (0, 6) # start and final "time"
t_eval = np.linspace(*s_span, 100) # define the number of point wanted in-between,
# It is not necessary as the solver automatically
# define the number of points.
# It is used here to obtain a relatively correct
# integration of the coordinates, see the graph
# Solve:
sol = solve_ivp(model, s_span, z0, t_eval=t_eval, method='RK45')
# >> The solver successfully reached the end of the integration interval.
# Unpack the solution:
T, N, B = np.split(sol.y, 3) # another way to unpack the z array
s = sol.t
# Bonus: integration of the normal vector in order to get the coordinates
# to plot the curve (there is certainly better way to do this)
coords = cumtrapz(T, x=s)
plt.plot(coords[0, :], coords[1, :]);
plt.axis('equal'); plt.xlabel('x'); plt.xlabel('y');
T, N and B are vectors. Therefore, there are 9 equations to solve: z is a (9,) array.
For constant curvature and no torsion, the result is a circle:
thanks for your example. And I thought it again, found that since there is formula for dZ where Z is matrix(T, N, B), we can calculate Z[i] = Z[i-1] + dZ[i-1]*deltaS according to the concept of derivative. Then I code and find this idea can solve the circle example. So
is Z[i] = Z[i-1] + dZ[i-1]*deltaS suitable for other ODE? will it fail in some situation, or does scipy.integrate.solve_ivp/scipy.integrate.ode supply advantage over the direct usage of Z[i] = Z[i-1] + dZ[i-1]*deltaS?
in my code, I have to normalize Z[i] because ||Z[i]|| is not always 1. Why does it happen? A float numerical calculation error?
my answer to my question, at least it works for the circle
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
# Define the parameters as regular Python function:
def k(s):
return 1
def t(s):
return 0
def dZ(s, Z):
return np.array(
[k(s) * Z[1], -k(s) * Z[0] + t(s) * Z[2], -t(s)* Z[1]]
T0, N0, B0 = np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 1, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1])
deltaS = 0.1 # step to calculate dZ/ds
num = int(2*np.pi*1/deltaS) + 1 # how many points on the curve we have to calculate
T = np.zeros([num, ], dtype=object)
N = np.zeros([num, ], dtype=object)
B = np.zeros([num, ], dtype=object)
T[0] = T0
N[0] = N0
B[0] = B0
for i in range(num-1):
temp_dZ = dZ(i*deltaS, np.array([T[i], N[i], B[i]]))
T[i+1] = T[i] + temp_dZ[0]*deltaS
T[i+1] = T[i+1]/np.linalg.norm(T[i+1]) # have to do this
N[i+1] = N[i] + temp_dZ[1]*deltaS
N[i+1] = N[i+1]/np.linalg.norm(N[i+1])
B[i+1] = B[i] + temp_dZ[2]*deltaS
B[i+1] = B[i+1]/np.linalg.norm(B[i+1])
coords = cumtrapz(
[i[0] for i in T], [i[1] for i in T], [i[2] for i in T]
, x=np.arange(num)*deltaS
plt.plot(coords[0, :], coords[1, :]);
plt.axis('equal'); plt.xlabel('x'); plt.xlabel('y');
I found that the equation I listed in the first post does not work for my curve. So I read Gray A., Abbena E., Salamon S-Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica. 2006 and found that for arbitrary curve, Frenet equation should be written as
diff(T(s), s) = ||r'||* k(s)*N(s)
diff(N(s), s) = ||r'||*(-k(s)*T(s) + t(s)*B(s))
diff(B(s), s) = ||r'||* -t(s)*N(s)
where ||r'||(or ||r'(s)||) is diff([x(s), y(s), z(s)], s).norm()
now the problem has changed to be some different from that in the first post, because there is no r'(s) function or discrete data array. So I think this is suitable for a new reply other than comment.
I met 2 questions while trying to solve the new equation:
how can we program with r'(s) if scipy's solve_ivp is used?
I try to modify my gaussian solution, but the result is totally wrong.
thanks again
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
# Define the parameters as regular Python function:
def k(s):
return 1
def t(s):
return 0
def dZ(s, Z, r_norm):
return np.array([
r_norm * k(s) * Z[1],
r_norm*(-k(s) * Z[0] + t(s) * Z[2]),
r_norm*(-t(s)* Z[1])
T0, N0, B0 = np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 1, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1])
deltaS = 0.1 # step to calculate dZ/ds
num = int(2*np.pi*1/deltaS) + 1 # how many points on the curve we have to calculate
T = np.zeros([num, ], dtype=object)
N = np.zeros([num, ], dtype=object)
B = np.zeros([num, ], dtype=object)
R0 = N0
T[0] = T0
N[0] = N0
B[0] = B0
for i in range(num-1):
r_norm = np.linalg.norm(R0)
temp_dZ = dZ(i*deltaS, np.array([T[i], N[i], B[i]]), r_norm)
T[i+1] = T[i] + temp_dZ[0]*deltaS
T[i+1] = T[i+1]/np.linalg.norm(T[i+1])
N[i+1] = N[i] + temp_dZ[1]*deltaS
N[i+1] = N[i+1]/np.linalg.norm(N[i+1])
B[i+1] = B[i] + temp_dZ[2]*deltaS
B[i+1] = B[i+1]/np.linalg.norm(B[i+1])
R0 = R0 + T[i]*deltaS
coords = cumtrapz(
[i[0] for i in T], [i[1] for i in T], [i[2] for i in T]
, x=np.arange(num)*deltaS
plt.plot(coords[0, :], coords[1, :]);
plt.axis('equal'); plt.xlabel('x'); plt.xlabel('y');

Using matplotlib to generate 3D surfaces from 2D matrices

Using a 2d matrix in python, how can I create a 3d surface plot, where columns=x, rows=y and the values are the heights in z?
I can't understand how to creat 3D surface plot using matplotlib.
Maybe it's different from MatLab.
from pylab import *
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
def p(eps=0.9, lmd=1, err=10e-3, m=60, n=40):
delta_phi = 2 * np.pi / m
delta_lmd = 2 / n
k = 1
P0 = np.zeros([m + 1, n + 1])
P = np.zeros([m + 1, n + 1])
GAP = 1
while GAP >= err:
k = k + 1
for i in range(0, m):
for j in range(0, n):
if (i == 1) or (j == 1) or (i == m + 1) or (i == n + 1):
P[i,j] = 0
A = (1+eps*np.cos((i+1/2)*delta_phi))**3
B = (1+eps*np.cos((i-1/2)*delta_phi))**3
C = (lmd*delta_phi/delta_lmd)**2 * (1+eps*np.cos((i)*delta_phi))**3
D = C
E = A + B + C + D
F = 3*delta_phi*((1+eps*np.cos((i+1/2)*delta_phi))-(1+eps*np.cos((i-1/2)*delta_phi)))
P[i,j] = (A*P[i+1,j] + B*P[i-1,j] + C*P[i,j+1] + D*P[i,j-1] - F)/E
if P[i,j] < 0:
P[i,j] = 0
S = P.sum() - P0.sum()
T = P.sum()
GAP = S / T
P0 = P.copy()
return P, k
def main():
start = time.time()
eps = 0.9
lmd = 1
err = 10e-8
m = 60
n = 40
P, k = p()
fig = figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
X = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, m+1)
Y = np.linspace(-1, 1, n+1)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
#Z = P[0:m, 0:n]
#Z = Z.reshape(X.shape)
ax.set_xticks([0, np.pi/2, np.pi, np.pi*1.5, 2*np.pi])
ax.set_yticks([-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1])
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, P)
if __name__ == '__main__':
ValueError: shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single
And the pic
pic by matplotlic
And I also use MatLab to generate,the pic:
pic by MatLab
I should think this is a problem of getting the notaton straight. A m*n matrix is a matrix with m rows and n columns. Hence Y should be of length m and X of length n, such that after meshgridding X,Y and P all have shape (m,n).
At this point there would be no need to reshape of reindex and just plotting
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, P)
would give your the desired result.
Let's assume if you have a matrix mat.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
h, w = mat.shape
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8))
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(w), np.arange(h))
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, mat, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none', antialiased=False)
