Applying Column-based Data Transformations on PySpark DataFrames in Parallel - python

I've searched across SO a bit and haven't been able to find a question that resembles mine; I hope this isn't a duplicate, but feel free to point me in the right direction if a similar question has already been asked!
I'm in the process of K-Fold mean-encoding a set of categorical vectors in a very large dataset (think, 30+ million rows).
I currently have my code set up such that:
the dataframe is split into random subsets using randomSplit()
for each split, I iterate through each column of type categorical and calculate the mean-encoding for that column and split
I keep track of the split's mean-encoding results in a dictionary
following completion of all splits, I average the results
My problem is that this is taking a good amount of time (to perform the mean-encoding calculation on a single column across 5 splits takes a little over 6 minutes; I have multiple hundreds of categorical columns) and I'm fairly certain that I can speed it up by simply running the task in parallel (i.e. apply the same function to all splits simultaneously). However, I can't seem to figure out how to perform said function in parallel using PySpark's built-in functionality. I'm not interested in bringing in threading or pools simply because I'm unsure how it actually interacts with PySpark (if I'm totally wrong and this is the optimal way to go, please let me know).
If it helps, here is the function I've put together for the purposes of calculating the mean-encoding for a specified column for a specified DF, followed by the loop that I'm talking about. Any way to increase the efficiency and speed of this would be hugely appreciated.
def determine_means(df, col, target):
:param df: pyspark.sql.dataframe
dataframe to apply target mean encoding
:param col: str list
column to apply target encoding
:param target: str
target column
dict of {string:float}
means = df.groupby(F.col(col)).agg(F.mean(target).alias(f"{col}_mean_encoding"))
means = means.withColumn(f"{col}_mean_encoding", means[f"{col}_mean_encoding"].cast(FloatType()))
means = means.toPandas()
return dict(zip(list(means[col].values), list(means[f"{col}_mean_encoding"].values)))
meta_means_dict = dict()
splits = PYSPARK_DF.randomSplit([.2, .2, .2, .2, .2])
for sp in splits:
if col not in meta_means_dict.keys():
meta_means_dict[col] = dict()
for k, v in determine_means(sp, col, TARGET_COL).items():
if k in meta_means_dict[col].keys():
meta_means_dict[col][k] = [v]
Does anyone have any advice or tips?


Quickest way to access & compare huge data in Python

I am a newbie to Pandas, and somewhat newbie to python
I am looking at stock data, which I read in as CSV and typical size is 500,000 rows.
The data looks like this
I need to check the data against itself - the basic algorithm is a loop similar to
Row = 0
x = get "low" price in row ROW
y = CalculateSomething(x)
go through the rest of the data, compare against y
if (a):
append ("A") at the end of row ROW # in the dataframe
print ("B") at the end of row ROW
Row = Row +1
the next iteration, the datapointer should reset to ROW 1. then go through same process
each time, it adds notes to the dataframe at the ROW index
I looked at Pandas, and figured the way to try this would be to use two loops, and copying the dataframe to maintain two separate instances
The actual code looks like this (simplified)
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
calc1 = 1 # this part is confidential so set to something simple
calc2 = 2 # this part is confidential so set to something simple
def func3_df_index(df):
dfouter = df.copy()
for outerindex in dfouter.index:
dfouter_openval =[outerindex,"Open"]
for index in df.index:
if ([index,"Low"] <= (calc1) and (index >= outerindex)) :[outerindex,'notes'] = "message 1"
elif ([index,"High"] >= (calc2) and (index >= outerindex)):[outerindex,'notes'] = "message2"
else:[outerindex,'notes'] = "message3"
this method is taking a long time (7 minutes+) per 5K - which will be quite long for 500,000 rows. There may be data exceeding 1 million rows
I have tried using the two loop method with the following variants:
using iloc - e.g df.iloc[index,2]
using at - e,g[index,"low"]
using numpy& at - eg[index,"low"] = np.where(([index,"low"] < ..."
The data is floating point values, and datetime string.
Is it better to use numpy? maybe an alternative to using two loops?
any other methods, like using R, mongo, some other database etc - different from python would also be useful - i just need the results, not necessarily tied to python.
any help and constructs would be greatly helpful
Thanks in advance
You are copying the dataframe and manually looping over the indicies. This will almost always be slower than vectorized operations.
If you only care about one row at a time, you can simply use csv module.
numpy is not "better"; pandas internally uses numpy
Alternatively, load the data into a database. Examples include sqlite, mysql/mariadb, postgres, or maybe DuckDB, then use query commands against that. This will have the added advantage of allowing for type-conversion from stings to floats, so numerical analysis is easier.
If you really want to process a file in parallel directly from Python, then you could move to Dask or PySpark, although, Pandas should work with some tuning, though Pandas read_sql function would work better, for a start.
You have to split main dataset in smaller datasets for eg. 50 sub-datasets with 10.000 rows each to increase speed. Do functions in each sub-dataset using threading or concurrency and then combine your final results.

Interpolation across different dataframes with Pandas

Context of the Problem
I am running a discrete event simulation where at the end of each event I store the state of the system in a row of a dataframe. Each simulation run has a clock which determines which events are run and when, all the simulation have the same initial clock (0) and the same end clock (simulation end). but the number of rows for the dataframes may be different because the simulation has several stochastic components. The clock column is then converted to timestamp and use as index of the dataframe.
Whenever one does a simulation, it is good practice to run it many times and then average over all the replicates, doing so in this setup is a bit complicated because each simulation produced a dataframe which different indexes.
Proposed Solution
So far this is the solution I found:
# Auxiliary functions
def get_union_index(dfs):
index_union = dfs[0].index
for df in dfs[1:]:
index_union = index_union.union(df.index)
return pd.Series(index_union).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
def interpolate(df, index, method='time'):
aux = df.astype(float)
aux = aux.reindex(index).fillna(method='ffill').fillna(method='bfill')
return aux
# Simulation
dfs = []
replicates = 30
seeds = list(range(40, 40 + replicates))
dfs = [simulate(seed=seed, **parameters) for seed in seeds]
# Main Code
union_index = get_union_index(dfs)
dfs_interpolates = [interpolate(df, union_index) for df in dfs]
df_concat = pd.concat(dfs_interpolates)
by_row_index = df_concat.groupby(df_concat.index)
# Averaging
df_means = by_row_index.mean()
df_std = by_row_index.std()
First, it is necessary to combine all the indexes, then this combined index is used to re-index all the dataframes and the nan values are filled using interpolation.
Is there a native pandas function that could simplify this?
(If not 1) Is there an alternative way to combine the datasets directly, since the majority of the index are disjoint, union_index has a length of approximately len(df) * len(dfs) which is actually huge.
In this case I am using ffill and then bfill but the solution should allow the more general interpolate method to support different and more complex approaches. The main issue is that since each row is an event (before interpolation), only a few columns (sometimes none) are changed in two consecutive rows, making it possible to have several consecutive rows with identical values in several columns and thus having a lot of redundant values, and even more after interpolation (especially for fill and bfill).
Add data to reproduce and change question 3
dfs is a list of 3 DataFrames as follows:
Then dfs_interpolates is also a list of 3 DataFrames but this time the indexes are exactly the same, namely:
Finally the expected result should be a row-wise application of a function (mean, median, etc.) across the different dataframes in dfs_interpolates. For the case of the mean the result should be:

Performance decrease for huge amount of columns. Pyspark

I met problem with processing of spark wide dataframe (about 9000 columns and sometimes more).
Create wide DF via groupBy and pivot.
Transform columns to vector and processing in to KMeans from
So I made extensive frame and try to create vector with VectorAssembler, cached it and trained on it KMeans.
It took about 11 minutes for assembling and 2 minutes for KMeans for 7 different count of clusters on my pc in standalone mode for frame ~500x9000. Another side this processing in pandas (pivot df, and iterate 7 clusters) takes less one minute.
Obviously I understand overhead and performance decreasing for standalone mode and caching and so on but it's really discourages me.
Could somebody explain how I can avoid this overhead?
How peoples work with wide DF instead of using vectorassembler and getting performance decreasing?
More formal question (for sof rules) sound like - How can I speed up this code?
tmp = ('ObjectPath', 'User', 'PropertyFlagValue')
ignore = ['User']
assembler = VectorAssembler(
inputCols=[x for x in tmp.columns if x not in ignore],
Wall time: 36.7 s
print(tmp.count(), len(tmp.columns))
552, 9378
transformed = assembler.transform(tmp).select('User', 'features').cache()
Wall time: 10min 45s
lst_levels = []
for num in range(3, 14):
kmeans = KMeans(k=num, maxIter=50)
model =
rs = [i-j for i,j in list(zip(lst_levels, lst_levels[1:]))]
for i, j in zip(rs, rs[1:]):
if i - j < j:
kmeans = KMeans(k=rs.index(i) + 3, maxIter=50)
model =
Wall time: 1min 32s
.config("spark.sql.pivotMaxValues", "100000") \
.config("spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold", "-1") \
.config("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "4") \
.config("spark.sql.inMemoryColumnarStorage.batchSize", "1000") \
VectorAssembler's transform function processes all the columns and stores metadata on each column in addition to the original data. This takes time, and also takes up RAM.
To put an exact figure on how much things have increased, you can dump your data frame before and after the transformation as parquet files and compare. In my experience, a feature vector built by hand or other feature extraction methods compared to one built by VectorAssembler can cause a size increase of 10x and this was for a logistic regression with only 10 parameters. Things will get a lot worse with a data set with as many columns as you have.
A few suggestions:
See if you can build your feature vector another way. I'm not sure how performant this would be in Python, but I've got a lot of mileage out of this approach in Scala. I've noticed something like a 5x-6x performance difference comparing logistic regressions (10 params) for manually built vectors or vectors built using other extraction methods (TF-IDF) than VectorAssembled ones.
See if you can reshape your data to reduce the number columns that need to be processed by VectorAssembler.
See if increasing the RAM available to Spark helps.
Actually solution was found in map for rdd.
First of all we going to create map of values.
Also extract all distinct names.
Penultimate step we are searching each value of rows' map in dict of names and return value or 0 if nothing was found.
Vector assembler on results.
You haven't to create wide dataframe with a lot of columns count and hence avoid overhead. (Speed was risen up from 11 minutes to 1.)
You still work on cluster and execute you code in paradigm of spark.
Example of code: scala implementation.

What is a good heuristic to detect if a column in a pandas.DataFrame is categorical?

I've been developing a tool that automatically preprocesses data in pandas.DataFrame format. During this preprocessing step, I want to treat continuous and categorical data differently. In particular, I want to be able to apply, e.g., a OneHotEncoder to only the categorical data.
Now, let's assume that we're provided a pandas.DataFrame and have no other information about the data in the DataFrame. What is a good heuristic to use to determine whether a column in the pandas.DataFrame is categorical?
My initial thoughts are:
1) If there are strings in the column (e.g., the column data type is object), then the column very likely contains categorical data
2) If some percentage of the values in the column is unique (e.g., >=20%), then the column very likely contains continuous data
I've found 1) to work fine, but 2) hasn't panned out very well. I need better heuristics. How would you solve this problem?
Edit: Someone requested that I explain why 2) didn't work well. There were some tests cases where we still had continuous values in a column but there weren't many unique values in the column. The heuristic in 2) obviously failed in that case. There were also issues where we had a categorical column that had many, many unique values, e.g., passenger names in the Titanic data set. Same column type misclassification problem there.
Here are a couple of approaches:
Find the ratio of number of unique values to the total number of unique values. Something like the following
likely_cat = {}
for var in df.columns:
likely_cat[var] = 1.*df[var].nunique()/df[var].count() < 0.05 #or some other threshold
Check if the top n unique values account for more than a certain proportion of all values
top_n = 10
likely_cat = {}
for var in df.columns:
likely_cat[var] = 1.*df[var].value_counts(normalize=True).head(top_n).sum() > 0.8 #or some other threshold
Approach 1) has generally worked better for me than Approach 2). But approach 2) is better if there is a 'long-tailed distribution', where a small number of categorical variables have high frequency while a large number of categorical variables have low frequency.
There's are many places where you could "steal" the definitions of formats that can be cast as "number". ##,#e-# would be one of such format, just to illustrate. Maybe you'll be able to find a library to do so.
I try to cast everything to numbers first and what is left, well, there's no other way left but to keep them as categorical.
You could define which datatypes count as numerics and then exclude the corresponding variables
If initial dataframe is df:
numerics = ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64']
dataframe = df.select_dtypes(exclude=numerics)
I think the real question here is whether you'd like to bother the user once in a while or silently fail once in a while.
If you don't mind bothering the user, maybe detecting ambiguity and raising an error is the way to go.
If you don't mind failing silently, then your heuristics are ok. I don't think you'll find anything that's significantly better. I guess you could make this into a learning problem if you really want to. Download a bunch of datasets, assume they are collectively a decent representation of all data sets in the world, and train based on features over each data set / column to predict categorical vs. continuous.
But of course in the end nothing can be perfect. E.g. is the column [1, 8, 22, 8, 9, 8] referring to hours of the day or to dog breeds?
I've been thinking about a similar problem and the more that I consider it, it seems that this itself is a classification problem that could benefit from training a model.
I bet if you examined a bunch of datasets and extracted these features for each column / pandas.Series:
% floats: percentage of values that are float
% int: percentage of values that are whole numbers
% string: percentage of values that are strings
% unique string: number of unique string values / total number
% unique integers: number of unique integer values / total number
mean numerical value (non numerical values considered 0 for this)
std deviation of numerical values
and trained a model, it could get pretty good at inferring column types, where the possible output values are: categorical, ordinal, quantitative.
Side note: as far as a Series with a limited number of numerical values goes, it seems like the interesting problem would be determining categorical vs ordinal; it doesn't hurt to think a variable is ordinal if it turns out to be quantitative right? The preprocessing steps would encode the ordinal values numerically anyways without one-hot encoding.
A related problem that is interesting: given a group of columns, can you tell if they are already one-hot encoded? E.g in the forest-cover-type-prediction kaggle contest, you would automatically know that soil type is a single categorical variable.
IMO the opposite strategy, identifying categoricals is better because it depends on what the data is about. Technically address data can be thought of as unordered categorical data, but usually I wouldn't use it that way.
For survey data, an idea would be to look for Likert scales, e.g. 5-8 values, either strings (which might probably need hardcoded (and translated) levels to look for "good", "bad", ".agree.", "very .*",...) or int values in the 0-8 range + NA.
Countries and such things might also be identifiable...
Age groups (".-.") might also work.
I've been looking at this, thought it maybe useful to share what I have. This builds on #Rishabh Srivastava answer.
import pandas as pd
def remove_cat_features(X, method='fraction_unique', cat_cols=None, min_fraction_unique=0.05):
"""Removes categorical features using a given method.
X: pd.DataFrame, dataframe to remove categorical features from."""
if method=='fraction_unique':
unique_fraction = X.apply(lambda col: len(pd.unique(col))/len(col))
reduced_X = X.loc[:, unique_fraction>min_fraction_unique]
if method=='named_columns':
non_cat_cols = [col not in cat_cols for col in X.columns]
reduced_X = X.loc[:, non_cat_cols]
return reduced_X
You can then call this function, giving a pandas df as X and you can either remove named categorical columns or you can choose to remove columns with a low number of unique values (specified by min_fraction_unique).

Creating dataframe by merging a number of unknown length dataframes

I am trying to do some analysis on baseball pitch F/x data. All the pitch data is stored in a pandas dataframe with columns like 'Pitch speed' and 'X location.' I have a wrapper function (using pandas.query) that, for a given pitch, will find other pitches with similar speed and location. This function returns a pandas dataframe of unknown size. I would like to use this function over large numbers of pitches; for example, to find all pitches similar to those thrown in a single game. I have a function that does this correctly, but it is quite slow (probably because it is constantly resizing resampled_pitches):
def get_pitches_from_templates(template_pitches, all_pitches):
resampled_pitches = pd.DataFrame(columns = all_pitches.columns.values.tolist())
for i, row in template_pitches.iterrows():
resampled_pitches = resampled_pitches.append( get_pitches_from_template( row, all_pitches))
return resampled_pitches
I have tried to rewrite the function using pandas.apply on each row, or by creating a list of dataframes and then merging, but can't quite get the syntax right.
What would be the fastest way to this type of sampling and merging?
it sounds like you should use pd.concat for this.
res = []
for i, row in template_pitches.iterrows():
res.append(resampled_pitches.append(get_pitches_from_template(row, all_pitches)))
return pd.concat(res)
I think that a merge might be even faster. Usage of df.iterrows() isn't recommended as it generates a series for every row.
