'Lining up' large lat/lon grid with smaller lat/lon grid - python

Let's say I have a large array of values that represent terrain latitude locations that is shape x. I also have another array of values that represent terrain longitude values that is shape y. All of the values in x as well as y are equally spaced at 0.005-degrees. In other words:
lons[0:10] = [-130.0, -129.995, -129.99, -129.985, -129.98, -129.975, -129.97, -129.965, -129.96, -129.955]
lats[0:10] = [55.0, 54.995, 54.99, 54.985, 54.98, 54.975, 54.97, 54.965, 54.96, 54.955]
I have a second dataset that is projected in an irregularly-spaced lat/lon grid (but equally spaced ~ 25 meters apart) that is [m,n] dimensions big, and falls within the domain of x and y. Furthermore, we also have all of the lat/lon points within this second dataset. I would like to 'lineup' the grids such that every value of [m,n] matches the nearest neighbor terrain value within the larger grid. I am able to do this with the following code where I basically loop through every lat/lon value in dataset two, and try to find the argmin of a the calculated lat/lon values from dataset1:
for a in range(0,lats.shape[0]):
# Loop through the ranges
for r in range(0,lons.shape[0]):
# Access the elements
tmp_lon = lons[r]
tmp_lat = lats[a]
# Now we need to find where the tmp_lon and tmp_lat match best with the index from new_lats and new_lons
idx = (np.abs(new_lats - tmp_lat)).argmin()
idy = (np.abs(new_lons - tmp_lon)).argmin()
# Make our final array!
second_dataset_trn[a,r] = first_dataset_trn[idy,idx]
Except it is exceptionally slow. Is there another method, either through a package, library, etc. that can speed this up?

Please take a look at the following previous question for iterating over two lists, which may improve the speed: Is there a better way to iterate over two lists, getting one element from each list for each iteration?
A possible correction to the sample code: assuming that the arrays are organized in the standard GIS fashion of Latitude, Longitude, I believe there is an error in the idx and idy variable assignments - the variables receiving the assignments should be swapped (idx should be idy, and the other way around). For example:
# Now we need to find where the tmp_lon and tmp_lat match best with the index from new_lats and new_lons
idy = (np.abs(new_lats - tmp_lat)).argmin()
idx = (np.abs(new_lons - tmp_lon)).argmin()


Manually find the distance between centroid and labelled data points

I have carried out some clustering analysis on some data X and have arrived at both the labels y and the centroids c. Now, I'm trying to calculate the distance between X and their assigned cluster's centroid c. This is easy when we have a small number of points:
import numpy as np
# 10 random points in 3D space
X = np.random.rand(10,3)
# define the number of clusters, say 3
clusters = 3
# give each point a random label
# (in the real code this is found using KMeans, for example)
y = np.asarray([np.random.randint(0,clusters) for i in range(10)]).reshape(-1,1)
# randomly assign location of centroids
# (in the real code this is found using KMeans, for example)
c = np.random.rand(clusters,3)
# calculate distances
distances = []
for i in range(len(X)):
Unfortunately, the actual data has many more rows. Is there a way to vectorise this somehow (instead of using a for loop)? I can't seem to get my head around the mapping.
Thanks to numpy's array indexing, you can actually turn your for loop into a one-liner and avoid explicit looping altogether:
distances = np.linalg.norm(X- np.einsum('ijk->ik', c[y]), axis=1)
will do the same thing as your original for loop.
EDIT: Thanks #Kris, I forgot the axis keyword, and since I didn't specify it, numpy automatically computed the norm of the entire flattened matrix, not just along the rows (axis 1). I've updated it now, and it should return an array of distances for each point. Also, einsum was suggested by #Kris for their specific application.

Efficiently find closest points to track in space & time on gridded data

Summary/simplified version
Given a list of track points defined by three 1-dimensional arrays (lats, lons and dtime all with same length) and a gridded 3-dimensional array rr (defined by 2-D lat_radar, lon_radar coordinate arrays and a 1-dimensional time array time_radar) I want to extract all the grid values in rr where the coordinates (latitude, longitude AND time included) are closest to the three 1-dimensional arrays.
I've managed to use cKDTree to select points in space but I don't know how to generalize the solution to space & time together. Right now I have to do the selection on time separately and it makes the code quite bulky and hard to read.
for more details about this problem see hereinafter
Extended version
I'm trying to develop an app that uses precipitation data obtained from weather radar composites to predict the precipitation along a track. Most apps usually predict the precipitation at a point without considering the point moving in time.
The idea is, given points identifying a track in space and time, find the closest grid points from radar data to obtain a precipitation estimate over the track (see plot). The final goal would be to shift the start time to identify the best time to leave to avoid rain.
I just optimized my previous algorithm, that was using plain loops, to use cKDTree from scipy. Execution time went down from 30s to 380ms :). However I think the code can still be optimized. Here is my attempt.
As input we have
lons, lats: coordinates of the track as N-dimensional arrays
dtime: timedelta T-dimensional array containing the time elapsed on the track
lon_radar, lat_radar: M x P matrices containing the coordinates of the radar data
dtime_radar: timedelta Q-dimensional array containing the radar forecast
rr: M x P X Q array containing the radar forecast at every time step
First find the grid points closest to the trajectory using cKDTree:
combined_x_y_arrays = np.dstack([lon_radar.ravel(),
points_list = list(np.vstack([lons, lats]).T)
def do_kdtree(combined_x_y_arrays, points):
mytree = cKDTree(combined_x_y_arrays)
dist, indexes = mytree.query(points)
return indexes
results = do_kdtree(combined_x_y_arrays, points_list)
# As we have many duplicates, since the itinerary has a much higher resolution than the radar,
# we only select the unique points
inds_itinerary = np.unique(results)
lon_lat_itinerary = combined_x_y_arrays[inds_itinerary]
then find the closest points in the track to subset it. It doesn't make sense to have a track resolution of 10 m if the radar only has grid points every km.
combined_x_y_arrays = np.vstack([lons, lats]).T
points_list = list(lon_lat_itinerary)
results = do_kdtree(combined_x_y_arrays, points_list)
Now we can use these positions to get the elapsed time on the trajectory and the relative time steps in radar data
dtime_itinerary = dtime[results]
# find indices of these dtimes in radar dtime
inds_dtime_radar = np.abs(np.subtract.outer(dtime_radar, dtime_itinerary)).argmin(0)
Now we have everything that we need to find the precipitation so we only need one last loop. I also loop on shifts to obtain prediction with different start times.
shifts = (1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
rain = np.empty(shape=(len(shifts), len(inds_itinerary)))
for i, shift in enumerate(shifts):
temp = []
for i_time, i_space in zip(inds_dtime_radar, inds_itinerary):
rain[i, :] = temp
In particular I would like to find a way to combine the time search with the lat-lon search for the closest points.

Large set of x,y coordinates. Efficient way to find any within certain distance of each other?

I have a large set of data points in a pandas dataframe, with columns containing x/y coordinates for these points. I would like to identify all points that are within a certain distance "d" of any other point in the dataframe.
I first tried to do this using 'for' loops, checking the distance between the first point and all other points, then the distance between the second point and all others, etc. Clearly this is not very efficient for a large data set.
Recent searching online suggests that the best way might be to use scipy.spatial.ckdtree, but I can't figure out how to implement this. Most examples I see check against a single x/y location, whereas I want to check all vs all. Is anyone able to provide suggestions or examples, starting from an array of x/y coordinates taken from my dataframe as follows:
points = df_sub.loc[:,['FRONT_X','FRONT_Y']].values
That looks something like this:
[[19091199.587 -544406.722]
[19091161.475 -544452.426]
[19091163.893 -544464.899]
[19089150.04 -544747.196]
[19089774.213 -544729.005]
[19089690.516 -545165.489]]
The ideal output would be the ID's of all pairs of points that are within a cutoff distance "d" of each other.
scipy.spatial has many good functions for handling distance computations.
Let's create an array pos of 1000 (x, y) points, similar to what you have in your dataframe.
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
num = 1000
pos = np.random.uniform(size=(num, 2))
# Distance threshold
d = 0.25
From here we shall use the distance_matrix function to calculate pairwise distances. Then we use np.argwhere to find the indices of all the pairwise distances less than some threshold d.
pair_dist = distance_matrix(pos, pos)
ids = np.argwhere(pair_dist < d)
ids now contains the "ID's of all pairs of points that are within a cutoff distance "d" of each other", as you desired.
Of course, this method has the shortcoming that we always compute the distance between each point and itself (returning a distance of 0), which will always be less than our threshold d. However, we can exclude self-comparisons from our ids with the following fudge:
pair_dist[np.r_[:num], np.r_[:num]] = np.inf
ids = np.argwhere(pair_dist < d)
Another shortcoming is that we compute the full symmetric pairwise distance matrix when we only really need the upper or lower triangular pairwise distance matrix. However, unless this computation really is a bottleneck in your code, I wouldn't worry too much about this.

How to obtain a correlogram using Moran's I values at different lag distances

I am new to calculating these values and am having a hard time figuring out how to calculate a (global?) Moran's I value for an increasing neighbour distance between points. Specifically, I'm not really sure how to set this lag/neighbour distance so that I can plot a correlogram.
The data I have is for the variation of single parameter in a 2D list (matrix). This can be plotted simply as a colorplot where the axes represent the points/pixels in each direction of the image, and the colormap shows the value of this parameter for each box across the 2D surface. As they seem to be clumping, I would like to see how long this 'parameter clump length' is using a correlogram.
So far I have managed to create another colorplot which I don't know exactly how to interpret.
y = 2D_Array
w = pysal.lat2W(rows,cols,rook=False,id_type="float")
lm = pysal.Moran_Local(y,w)
moran_significance = np.reshape(lm.p_sim,np.shape(ListOrArray))
I have also managed to obtain the global Moran I value by converting the 2D_Array into a 1D list.
y = 1D_List
w = pysal.lat2W(rows,cols)
mi = pysal.Moran(y,w,two_tailed=False)
But what I am really looking for is, how does I change when looking at how the parameter changes for neighbour n = 1,2,3,4,... where n = 1 is the nearest neighbour and n = 2 is the next nearest, and so on. Here is an example of what I'd like: https://creativesciences.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/morins-i-e1430616786173.png

Finding n nearest data points to grid locations

I'm working on a problem where I have a large set (>4 million) of data points located in a three-dimensional space, each with a scalar function value. This is represented by four arrays: XD, YD, ZD, and FD. The tuple (XD[i], YD[i], ZD[i]) refers to the location of data point i, which has a value of FD[i].
I'd like to superimpose a rectilinear grid of, say, 100x100x100 points in the same space as my data. This grid is set up as follows.
[XGrid, YGrid, ZGrid] = np.mgrid[Xmin:Xmax:Xstep, Ymin:Ymax:Ystep, Zmin:Zmax:Zstep]
XG = XGrid[:,0,0]
YG = YGrid[0,:,0]
ZG = ZGrid[0,0,:]
XGrid is a 3D array of the x-value at each point in the grid. XG is a 1D array of the x-values going from Xmin to Xmax, separated by a distance of XStep.
I'd like to use an interpolation algorithm I have to find the value of the function at each grid point based on the data surrounding it. In this algorithm I require 20 data points closest (or at least close) to my grid point of interest. That is, for grid point (XG[i], YG[j], ZG[k]) I want to find the 20 closest data points.
The only way I can think of is to have one for loop that goes through each data point and a subsequent embedded for loop going through all (so many!) data points, calculating the Euclidean distance, and picking out the 20 closest ones.
for i in range(0,XG.shape):
for j in range(0,YG.shape):
for k in range(0,ZG.shape):
Distance = np.zeros([XD.shape])
for a in range(0,XD.shape):
Distance[a] = (XD[a] - XG[i])**2 + (YD[a] - YG[j])**2 + (ZD[a] - ZG[k])**2
B = np.zeros([20], int)
for a in range(0,20):
indx = np.argmin(Distance)
B[a] = indx
Distance[indx] = float(inf)
This would give me an array, B, of the indices of the data points closest to the grid point. I feel like this would take too long to go through each data point at each grid point.
I'm looking for any suggestions, such as how I might be able to organize the data points before calculating distances, which could cut down on computation time.
Have a look at a seemingly simmilar but 2D problem and see if you cannot improve with ideas from there.
From the top of my head, I'm thinking that you can sort the points according to their coordinates (three separate arrays). When you need the closest points to the [X, Y, Z] grid point you'll quickly locate points in those three arrays and start from there.
Also, you don't really need the euclidian distance, since you are only interested in relative distance, which can also be described as:
abs(deltaX) + abs(deltaY) + abs(deltaZ)
And save on the expensive power and square roots...
No need to iterate over your data points for each grid location: Your grid locations are inherently ordered, so just iterate over your data points once, and assign each data point to the eight grid locations that surround it. When you're done, some grid locations may have too few data points. Check the data points of adjacent grid locations. If you have plenty of data points to go around (it depends on how your data is distributed), you can already select the 20 closest neighbors during the initial pass.
Addendum: You may want to reconsider other parts of your algorithm as well. Your algorithm is a kind of piecewise-linear interpolation, and there are plenty of relatively simple improvements. Instead of dividing your space into evenly spaced cubes, consider allocating a number of center points and dynamically repositioning them until the average distance of data points from the nearest center point is minimized, like this:
Allocate each data point to its closest center point.
Reposition each center point to the coordinates that would minimize the average distance from "its" points (to the "centroid" of the data subset).
Some data points now have a different closest center point. Repeat steps 1. and 2. until you converge (or near enough).
