When I try to get embeddings from images I get error like this 'too many open files'. I have 50000 images, I do not want to split images into different folders and then concatenate embeddings (It is possible decision), I want to get embdedding using one folder where I have 50000 images. How to solve this problem?
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util
from PIL import Image
#Load CLIP model
model = SentenceTransformer('clip-ViT-B-32')
#Encode an image:
img_emb = model.encode([Image.open(filepath) for filepath in image_names], batch_size=128, convert_to_tensor=True, show_progress_bar=True)
I want to Train a deep neural network on the MRI slices dataset. Here is my code
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
file_dir = 'C:\\Users\\adam\\Downloads\\MRI_Images\\'
import glob
import cv2
images = [cv2.imread(file) for file in glob.glob("C:\\Users\\adam\\Downloads\\MRI_Images\\.png")]
(X_train_full, y_train_full), (X_test, y_test) = images
And python shows that not enough values to unpack. I don't know why. Is there problem when I put all images in one file to python?
I don't know the structure of your dataset directory, but I know that using glob.glob() will return all the images inside the 'C:\\Users\\adam\\Downloads\\MRI_Images\\' folder (not include subfolder).
That is, what you get inside image is a list of read-in images (numpy array format), like:
[image_0, image_1, ...]
A list can not be unpack into two tuples. And this is why the error comes out.
Try reading your train and test images seperately might help:
images_trainx = [cv2.imread(file) for file in glob.glob("C:\\Users\\adam\\Downloads\\MRI_Images\\trainx\\*.png")]
images_trainy = [cv2.imread(file) for file in glob.glob("C:\\Users\\adam\\Downloads\\MRI_Images\\trainy\\*.png")]
images_testx = [cv2.imread(file) for file in glob.glob("C:\\Users\\adam\\Downloads\\MRI_Images\\testx\\*.png")]
images_testy = [cv2.imread(file) for file in glob.glob("C:\\Users\\adam\\Downloads\\MRI_Images\\testy\\*.png")]
This approach is clunky but hard to go wrong.
I want to train a GAN and generate images of pokemon. I scraped around 10000 images from the internet which are locally saved. My folder is structured like so:
- train:
- test:
- validation:
I tried to load it via:
builder = tfds.ImageFolder(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "all_data"))
print(builder.info) # num examples, labels... are automatically calculated
ds = builder.as_dataset(split='train', shuffle_files=True)
tfds.show_examples(ds, builder.info)
but I get the error of:
ValueError: Unrecognized split test. Subsplit API not yet supported for ImageFolder. Split name should be one of []. Is there a Problem with how I structured the dataset? As you can tell from the code snippet the different files all have completely varying names (either their English name or their Pokedex number) is that a problem? Since I do not want to classify anything I thought the labeling is not really important.
Also if it helps the splits from the output I get for the builder Info is empty.
supervised_keys=('image', 'label'),
Thanks a lot in advance!
Your folder structure should be like;
Below code works with this structured directory
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
builder = tfds.ImageFolder('/content/image_dir/')
print(builder.info) # num examples, labels... are automatically calculated
ds = builder.as_dataset(split='train', shuffle_files=True)
tfds.show_examples(ds, builder.info)
I have collected a group of images that I want to train a model on.
How do I load the image dataset? I have a folder of training data with two folders in it denoting the two different kinds of objects. How would I go about loading this data set and then training a model?
this might help you to load your dataset into data variable from a single folder of images
import cv2
import os
import numpy as np
path = 'path to your dataset'
list_of_files = os.listdir(path)
data = np.empty(0)
for i in list_of_files:
x = cv2.imread(os.path.join(path+i))
my studies project is to develop a neural network to recognize text on license plates. Therefore, I found the ReId-dataset at https://medusa.fit.vutbr.cz/traffic/research-topics/general-traffic-analysis/holistic-recognition-of-low-quality-license-plates-by-cnn-using-track-annotated-data-iwt4s-avss-2017/. This dataset contains a bunch of images of number plates as well as the text of the license plates and was used by Spanhel et al. for a similar approach as the one I have in mind.
Example of a license plate there:
In the project I want to recognize only the license plate text, i.e. only "9B5 2145" and not the country acronym "CZ" and no advertisement text.
I downloaded the dataset and the labels csv-file to my local memory. So, I have the following folder structure: One mother directory for my whole project. This mother directory includes my data directory, where I stored the ReId dataset. This dataset includes several subdirectories, 4 directories with training data and 4 with test data, all of this subdirectories contain a number of images of license plates. The ReId dataset also contains the trainVal csv-file which is structured as follows (snippet of the actual sheet):
track_id is equal to the subdirectory of the ReID dataset.
image_path is equal to the path to the image, in this case the image's name is 1_1.
lp is the label of the license plate, so the actual license plate.
train is a dummy variable, equal to one, if the image is used for training purposes and 0 for validation purposes.
Regarding this dataset, I got three main questions:
How do I read in this images properly? I tried to use something like this
from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
# create generator
datagen = ImageDataGenerator()
# prepare an iterators for each dataset
train_it = datagen.flow_from_directory('data/train/', class_mode='binary')
val_it = datagen.flow_from_directory('data/validation/', class_mode='binary')
test_it = datagen.flow_from_directory('data/test/', class_mode='binary')
# confirm the iterator works
batchX, batchy = train_it.next()
print('Batch shape=%s, min=%.3f, max=%.3f' % (batchX.shape, batchX.min(), batchX.max()))
But obviously Python did not find images belonging to any classes (side note: I used the correct paths). That is clear to me, because I did not assign any class to my data yet. So, my first question is: Do I have to do that? I don't think so.
How do I then read this images properly? I think, I have to get numpy arrays to work properly with this data.
How do I bring my images and the labels together? In my opinion, I think I have to merge the two datasets, don't I?
Thank you very much!
Question 1 and 2:
For reading the images, imread from matplotlib.pyplot can be used as
shown in the example, this does not require any classes to be set.
Question 3:
The labels and images can be brought together by storing the corresponding license plate number in an output array (y in the example) for each image (stored in the xs array in the example) in the data array. You don't necessarily need to merge them.
Hope I helped!
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
xs, y = [], []
main_dir = './sample/dataset' # the main directory
label_data = pd.read_csv('labels.csv')
for folder in os.listdir(main_dir):
for img in os.listdir(os.path.join(main, folder)):
arr = plt.imread(os.path.join(main, folder) + img)
y.append(label_data[label_data['image_path'] == os.path.join(folder, img)]['lp'])
#^ this part can be changed depending on the exact format of your label data file.
# then you can convert them into numpy arrays and reshape them as you need.
xs = np.array(xs)
y = np.array(y)
I was looking at this Tensorflow tutorial.
In the tutorial the images are magically read like this:
mnist = learn.datasets.load_dataset("mnist")
train_data = mnist.train.images
My images are placed in two directories:
They all have a *.jpg ending.
So how can read them into my program?
I don't think I can use learn.datasets.load_dataset because this seems to take in a specialized dataset structure, while I only have folders with images.
mnist.train.images is essentially a numpy array of shape [55000, 784]. Where, 55000 is the number of images and 784 is the number of pixels in each image (each image is 28x28)
You need to create a similar numpy array from your data in case you want to run this exact code. So, you'll need to iterate over all your images, read image as a numpy array, flatten it and create a matrix of size [num_examples, image_size]
The following code snippet should do it:
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
def load_data(img_dir):
return np.array([cv2.imread(os.path.join(img_dir, img)).flatten() for img in os.listdir(img_dir) if img.endswith(".jpg")])
A more comprehensive code to enable debugging:
import os
list_of_imgs = []
img_dir = "../input/train/"
for img in os.listdir("."):
img = os.path.join(img_dir, img)
if not img.endswith(".jpg"):
a = cv2.imread(img)
if a is None:
print "Unable to read image", img
train_data = np.array(list_of_imgs)
If your images are not 28x28x1 (B/W images), you will need to change the neural network architecture (defined in cnn_model_fn). The architecture in the tutorial is a toy architecture which only works for simple images like MNIST. Alexnet may be a good place to start for RGB images.
You can check the answers given in How do I convert a directory of jpeg images to TFRecords file in tensorflow?. Easiest way is to use the utility provided by tensor flow :build_image_data.py, which does exactly the thing you want to do.