Im triyng to make filter inside inlinekeyboard, in short:
markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup()
button_4 = types.InlineKeyboardButton('Да, все верно', callback_data = 'yes')
button_5 = types.InlineKeyboardButton('Нет, нужно изменить', callback_data = 'no')
markup.add(button_4, button_5)
bot.send_message(, 'Введеные данные верны?', reply_markup = markup)
#bot.callback_query_handler(func = lambda call: True)
def answer(call):
if == 'yes':
print('GOT IT')
but nothing happend, i don't see "GOT IT" in terminal (btw i used it in same code at the begin and it works...)
Try to Print callBack data:
key = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup()
key.add(types.InlineKeyboardButton('Да, все верно', callback_data='yes'))
key.add(types.InlineKeyboardButton('Нет, нужно изменить', callback_data='no'))
bot.send_message(, 'Введеные данные верны?', reply_markup=markup)
#bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call:
def answer(call):
I need to make working "back" button in aiogram that returns to /start menu.
I know what's my mistake is, but I have no idea how to fix it. Can someone help?
back_button = InlineKeyboardButton(text = "back", callback_data="bk")
keyboard_back = InlineKeyboardMarkup().add(back_button)
#dp.message_handler(commands=['start', 'help'])
async def send_welcome(message: types.Message):
return await bot.send_message(, text="Hello!\nI'm WriteEssayBot!\nI will write any essay for you!", reply_markup = keyboard_inline)
async def generate_text(call: types.CallbackQuery):
await bot.answer_callback_query(
if == "bk":
await send_welcome() ```
recently i created a telegram bot using python and i added keyboard button features to the bot. However, i am having difficulties in getting replies from bot to the buttons users choose.
button7 = KeyboardButton('About Us',request_contact= False)
keyboard2 = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard = True, one_time_keyboard = True).row(button7)
async def mood(message: types.Message):
await message.reply('Do you wish to know about us??', reply_markup=keyboard2)
In this case, i created a button named "About Us" and i want the bot to open a url using if the user click on that button. Can anyone help me solving this problem?
Try it:
markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup()
button1 = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text='Ukraine', url="", callback_data='1')
bot.send_message(, 'Do you know?, parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=markup)
Text (inline button)
from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher, executor, types
bot = Bot(token='token')
dp = Dispatcher(bot)
async def welcome(message: types.Message):
markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup()
button1 = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text='Ukraine', url="", callback_data='1')
button2 = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text='Hi bot!', callback_data="1")
markup.add(button1, button2)
await bot.send_message(, "Do you know?", parse_mode="Markdown", reply_markup=markup)
#dp.callback_query_handler(lambda call: True)
async def sendText(call: types.CallbackQuery):
msg = ""
if == "1":
msg = "Hi, programmer!"
await call.message.edit_text(msg)
if __name__ == '__main__':
executor.start_polling(dp, skip_updates=True)
I'm implementing a simple function in Python, but it doesn't work
# Рандомное число с кнопкой
#bot.message_handler(content_types=['text'], commands=['get_number'])
def get_number(message):
number = random.randint(0, 1000)
markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup()
item_yes = types.InlineKeyboardButton('Да', callback_data='yes')
item_no = types.InlineKeyboardButton('Нет', callback_data='no')
markup.row(item_yes, item_no)
bot.send_message(, f"<i><b>Ваше число:</b></i>\n{number}\n\nЗагадать еще раз?", reply_markup=markup,
# Реакция на нажатие кнопки
#bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: True)
def answer(call, message):
if == 'yes':
elif == 'no':
Tell me how to make it so that when you click the "Yes" button, the function is executed when you click it again, when you click "No", it stops accordingly.
I believe you can change your method:
def answer(call, message):
def handle_query(call):
I'm using TelegramBotAPI library to create a telegram bot in python.
I have this code to show an Inline Keyboard
def gen_markup():
markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup()
markup.row_width = 2
markup.add(InlineKeyboardButton("Yes", callback_data="cb_yes"),
InlineKeyboardButton("No", callback_data="cb_no"))
return markup
And after a function to see this keyboard when you send a command.
I have also this code to do an action when press on a button.
#bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: True)
def send_welcome(call):
if == "cb_yes":
bot.answer_callback_query(, "YES")
elif == "cb_no":
bot.send_message(, "NO")
This only show the text on the screen and after some seconds it disappear. How can I send instead a text message?
CallbackQuery contains the message object which holds chat id that can be used with send_message()
#bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: True)
def callback_query(call):
if == "cb_yes":
bot.answer_callback_query(, "Answer is Yes")
elif == "cb_no":
bot.send_message(, "This is a message")
I made telegram bot which works fine except the second InLineKeyboard (keyboard2 in the relevant code below). Can you provide any hints why? Thanks!
def get_text_messages(message):
if message.text == "start":
keyboard = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup()
btn1 = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="1", callback_data="1")
btn10 = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="10", callback_data="10")
keyboard.row(btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5)
keyboard.row(btn6, btn7, btn8, btn9, btn10)
bot.send_message(, "some text", reply_markup=keyboard)
keyboard2 = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup()
btn11 = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="Yes", callback_data="yes")
btn12 = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="No", callback_data="no")
keyboard2.add(btn11, btn12)
bot.send_message(, "some text", reply_markup=keyboard2)
#bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: True)
def callback_inline(call):
if call.message:
if == "1":
img = open('1.jpg', 'rb')
bot.send_photo(, photo=img, reply_markup=keyboard)
#Nine more buttons here
elif == "yes":
bot.send_message(, "some text", reply_markup=keyboard)
elif == "no":
bot.send_message(, "some text")