First of all, respect and greetings to everyone.
I am building an automation application together with python and selenium.
In general, I take elements that repeat in the DOM in a batch way with the find_elements method and save them in a variable.
<div class="_a9zr">
<h3 class="_a9zc">
<div class="_ab8w _ab94 _ab99 _ab9f _ab9m _ab9p _abbh _abcm"><span class="_aap6 _aap7 _aap8"><a
class="x1i10hfl xjbqb8w x6umtig x1b1mbwd xaqea5y xav7gou x9f619 x1ypdohk xt0psk2 xe8uvvx xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x16tdsg8 x1hl2dhg xggy1nq x1a2a7pz _acan _acao _acat _acaw _a6hd"
href="/zelihaozbey6/" role="link" tabindex="0">zelihaozbey6</a></span></div>
<div class="_a9zs"><span
class="_aacl _aaco _aacu _aacx _aad7 _aade">Emeğine sağlık çok güzel olmuşlar maşallah</span></div>
<div class="_ab8w _ab94 _ab99 _ab9f _ab9m _ab9p _abaj _abb- _abcm">
<div class="_aacl _aacn _aacu _aacy _aad6"><a
class="x1i10hfl xjbqb8w x6umtig x1b1mbwd xaqea5y xav7gou x9f619 x1ypdohk xt0psk2 xe8uvvx xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x16tdsg8 x1hl2dhg xggy1nq x1a2a7pz _a9zg _a6hd"
href="/p/CKddDXShtW_/c/17935291282568260/" role="link" tabindex="0">
<time class="_a9ze _a9zf" datetime="2021-07-08T20:33:35.000Z" title="Tem 8, 2021">64h</time>
<button class="_a9ze">
<div class="_aacl _aacn _aacw _aacy _aad6 _aade">Yanıtla</div>
<div class=" _ab8y _ab94 _ab99 _ab9f _ab9m _ab9p _abbi _abcm"></div>
<div class="_a9ze">
<div class=" _a9zi">
<button class="_abl-" type="button">
<div class="_abm0">
<div class="_ab8w _ab94 _ab97 _ab9h _ab9m _ab9p _abcm" style="height: 24px; width: 24px;">
<svg aria-label="Yorum Seçenekleri" class="_ab6-" color="#8e8e8e" fill="#8e8e8e"
height="24" role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24">
<circle cx="12" cy="12" r="1.5"></circle>
<circle cx="6" cy="12" r="1.5"></circle>
<circle cx="18" cy="12" r="1.5"></circle>
GENERAL_COMMENT_SECTION = "//ul//ul/div/li/div"
COMMENTS_BY_XPATH = "//ul//ul/div/li/div/div/div/div/span"
USERNAME_BY_XPATH = "//ul//ul/div/li/div/div/div/h3"
COMMENT_TIME = "//ul//ul/div/li/div/div/div/div/div/a/time"
comments = self.wait.until(
EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((By.XPATH, GENERAL_COMMENT_SECTION)))
with open('src/comment.txt', 'a+', encoding="utf-8") as f:
for comment in comments:
username = comment.find_element(By.XPATH, USERNAME_BY_XPATH).text
comment_text = comment.find_element(By.XPATH, COMMENTS_BY_XPATH).text
comment_time = comment.find_element(By.XPATH, COMMENT_TIME).get_attribute("title")
OUTPUT comments.txt
armaganfadik,Tosbikk ya,Oca 2, 2022
armaganfadik,Tosbikk ya,Oca 2, 2022
armaganfadik,Tosbikk ya,Oca 2, 2022
armaganfadik,Tosbikk ya,Oca 2, 2022
Then I aim to reach each element in the loop and get some texts and title attributes inside the element. But only the information of the first element in the loop comes. How can I solve this

since you are not referencing the child of the parent node, it will always return the first element.
Try out this one which reference the child of parent element.
GENERAL_COMMENT_SECTION = "//ul//ul/div/li/div"
COMMENTS_BY_XPATH = "./div/div/div/span"
USERNAME_BY_XPATH = "./div/div/h3"
COMMENT_TIME = "./div/div/div/div/a/time"


Web parsing using beautiful soup

I need to parse data from a website:
I am trying to scrape the time of the post. For example "21 hours ago".
HTML code of the site. I am trying to extract time from
<span class = "F....>21 hours ago<...
<li class="comment Pend(2px) Mt(5px) Mb(11px) P(12px) " data-reactid="24">
<div class="Pos(r) Pstart(52px) " data-reactid="25">
<div class="Fz(12px) Mend(20px) Mb(5px)" data-reactid="26">
<div class="avatar D(ib) Bdrs(46.5%) Pos(a) Start(0) Cur(p)" data-reactid="27">...</div>
<button aria-label="See reaction history for 💰Chef💰" class="D(ib) Fw(b) P(0) Bd(0) M(0) Mend(10px)
Fz(16px) Ta(start) C($c-fuji-blue-1-a)" data-reactid="31">💰Chef💰</button>
<span class="Fz(12px) C(#828c93)"><span>21 hours ago</span></span>
<div class="Wow(bw)" data-reactid="33">...</div>
<div class="Py(4px)" data-reactid="39">...</div>
<div class="Pos(r) Pt(5px)" data-reactid="45">...</div>
The issue is, I am not able to find the time after reading the data using beautifulsoup. Here is the code which I have written.
source = requests.get(url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(source, 'lxml')
content = soup.find('ul' , class_= "comments-list List(n) Ovs(touch) Pos(r) Mt(10px) Mstart(-12px) Pt(5px)")
li = content.find('li' , class_ = "comment Pend(2px) Mt(5px) Mb(11px) P(12px)")
li = content.find('li' , class_ = "comment Pend(2px) Mt(5px) Mb(11px) P(12px)")
<li class="comment Pend(2px) Mt(5px) Mb(11px) P(12px)" data-reactid="24">
<div class="Pos(r) Pstart(52px)" data-reactid="25">
<div class="Fz(12px) Mend(20px) Mb(5px)" data-reactid="26">
<div class="avatar D(ib) Bdrs(46.5%) Pos(a) Start(0) Cur(p)" data-reactid="27">
<div class="Pos(r)" data-reactid="28">
<div class="avatar-text Ta(c) Bdrs(48%)" data-reactid="29" style="background-color:#ff333a;color:#fff;font-size:24px;line-height:40px;width:40px;height:40px;" title="See reaction history for 💰Chef💰">
<img alt="💰Chef💰" class="avatar-img Bdrs(48%) Pos(a) StretchedBox Bgc(#400090.03)" data-reactid="30" height="40" src="" title="See reaction history for 💰Chef💰" width="40"/>
<button aria-label="See reaction history for 💰Chef💰" class="D(ib) Fw(b) P(0) Bd(0) M(0) Mend(10px) Fz(16px) Ta(start) C($c-fuji-blue-1-a)" data-reactid="31">
<!-- react-empty: 32 -->
<div class="Wow(bw)" data-reactid="33">
<div class="C($c-fuji-grey-l) Mb(2px) Fz(14px) Lh(20px) Pend(8px)" data-reactid="34">
<!-- react-text: 35 -->
I managed to pick up an Xbox series X and I have to say the tech is very impressive (bought it not knowing). This only makes up around 10% of Microsoft’s business and slated to out perform PS5. I personally believe this stock is still undervalued. Longs stay strong!
<!-- /react-text -->
<div class="Pos(r) D(ib) Lh(12px)" data-reactid="36">
<video autoplay="" class="W(a) Mah(320px) My(3px) H(a) Maw(100%)" data-reactid="37" height="236" loop="" muted="" playsinline="" poster="" width="258">
<source data-reactid="38" src="" type="video/mp4"/>
<div class="Py(4px)" data-reactid="39">
<div class="D(ib) Pos(r)" data-reactid="40">
<div class="Fz(12px) Px(8px) Mend(4px) Va(m) Bdrs(3px) C($c-fuji-grey-g) Bgc($c-fuji-grey-b) Cur(d) Py(3px)" data-reactid="41">
<div class="D(ib) Mend(6px) Cur(d) Cur(p)" data-icon="traffic" data-reactid="42" style="vertical-align:middle;fill:#333;stroke:#333;stroke-width:0;width:18px;height:18px;">
<!-- react-text: 43 -->
<!-- /react-text -->
<!-- react-empty: 44 -->
<div class="Pos(r) Pt(5px)" data-reactid="45">
<div class="D(ib)" data-reactid="46">
<button class="reply-button O(n):h O(n):a P(0) Bd(n) Cur(p) Fz(12px) Fw(n) C(#828c93) D(ib) Mend(20px)" data-reactid="47">
<svg class="Mend(6px) Cur(p)" data-icon="reply" data-reactid="48" height="15" style="fill:#828c93;stroke:#828c93;stroke-width:0;vertical-align:bottom;" viewbox="0 0 25 20" width="15">
<path d="M12.8 5.8V2.4c0-.4-.2-.7-.6-.8-.3-.2-.8-.1-1.1.1L.9 8.8c-.2.2-.4.4-.4.7s. 7.1c. 0 6.1.6 8.5 7.3 18.5 5.9 12.8 5.8zm-.1 5.6h-1c-.6 0-1 .4-1 .9v2.4L3.2 9.5l7.5-5.2v2.4c0 .5.5.9 1 .9 4.2 0 7.9 0 9.8 6.3-2.9-2.6-6.3-2.6-8.8-2.5z" data-reactid="49">
<!-- react-text: 50 -->
<!-- /react-text -->
<div class="D(ib) Pos(r)" data-reactid="51">
<button aria-label="8 Thumbs Up" class="O(n):h O(n):a Bgc(t) Bdc(t) M(0) P(0) Bd(n) Mend(20px)" data-reactid="52">
<svg class="Cur(p)" data-icon="thumbsup-outline" data-reactid="53" height="12" style="vertical-align:middle;fill:#828c93;stroke:#828c93;stroke-width:0;" viewbox="0 0 24 24" width="12">
<path d="M2.4 21.7V11.6h2.1c1.1 0 1.7-.7 2.1-1.1.7-.7 1.5-1.4 2.2-2.1.3-.2.5-.4.7-.6 1.6-1.8 2.3-3.4 2.2-5.5 0 0 .1-.1.3 0 .5.1 1 .6 1.1 1.6.3 2.4-.2 4.3-.7 4.7-.9.7-.4 2 .8 2h7.1c.7 0 1.3.4 1.3.8 0 .3-.5.8-.7.8-1.6 0-1.6 2.1-.1 2.2 0 . 0 .1 0 .2-.3.3-.3-.1-.5-.1-.7-.1-1.3 0-1.7 1.7-.5 2.2 0 0 . 0 .1-.1.1-.3.3-.2.1-.5.2-.7.2-1.3.2-1.4 1.9-.1 2.2l.1.1s. .4-.2.6-.6.6l-16.2-.2zM20.3 8.3h-5.1c.4-1.3.6-2.9.3-4.7-.2-2-1.5-3.3-3.1-3.6-1.7-.3-3.2.7-3.1 2.4.1 1.5-.4 2.6-1.7 4l-.5.5c-.6.7-1.3 1.4-2 2-.3.2-.5.4-.7.5H1.2c-.7 0-1.2.5-1.2 1.1v12.3c0 .7.6 1.2 1.2 1.2h17.3c1.6 0 3-1 3-2.8 0-.5-.1-.9-.3-1.2.7-.5 1.1-1.1 1.1-2 0-.5-.1-.9-.3-1.3.7-.4 1.2-1.1 1.2-2 0-.4-.1-.9-.3-1.3.6-.5 1-1.3 1-2.1.1-1.8-1.7-3-3.6-3z" data-reactid="54">
<span class="D(ib) Va(m) Fz(12px) Mstart(6px) C(#828c93)" data-reactid="55">
<button aria-label="0 Thumbs Down" class="O(n):h O(n):a Bgc(t) Bdc(t) M(0) P(0) Bd(n)" data-reactid="56">
<svg class="Cur(p)" data-icon="thumbsdown-outline" data-reactid="57" height="12" style="vertical-align:middle;fill:#828c93;stroke:#828c93;stroke-width:0;" viewbox="0 0 24 24" width="12">
<path d="M21.6 2.3v10.1h-2.1c-1.1 0-1.7.7-2.1 1.1-.7.7-1.5 1.4-2.2 2.1-.2.2-.4.4-.5.6-1.6 1.8-2.3 3.4-2.2 5.5 0 0-.1.1-.3 0-.5-.1-1-.6-1.1-1.6-.3-2.4.2-4.3.7-4.7.9-.7.4-2-.8-2H3.9c-.7 0-1.3-.4-1.3-.8-.2-.2.4-.6.5-.6 1.6 0 1.6-2.1.1-2.2 0-.1-.1-.2-.1-.4 0-.1 0-.2.3-.3s.5-.1.7-.1c1.3 0 1.7-1.7.5-2.2 0 0-.2-.1-.3-.2-.2-.2-.3-.3-.3-.6 0 0 .1-.1.3-.2.3-.1.6-.2.7-.2 1.3-.2 1.4-1.9.1-2.2L5 3.3s-.1-.2-.1-.5c0-.4.2-.6.6-.6l16.1.1zM0 12.7c0 1.8 1.8 3 3.7 3h5.1c-.4 1.3-.6 2.9-.3 4.7.3 1.9 1.5 3.3 3.1 3.5 1.7.3 3.2-.7 3.1-2.4-.1-1.5.4-2.6 1.7-4 .2-.2.3-.4.5-.5.7-.7 1.4-1.3 2.1-1.9.3-.2.5-.4.6-.5h3.2c.7 0 1.2-.5 1.2-1.1V1.2c0-.7-.6-1.2-1.2-1.2H5.5c-1.6 0-3 1-3 2.8 0 . 1.2-.8.5-1.2 1.2-1.2 2 0 . 1.3-.7.4-1.2 1.1-1.2 2 0 . 1.3-.6.6-1 1.3-1 2.1" data-reactid="58">
If I print this line of code the output says "None".
date = content.find('span' , class_="Fz(12px) C(#828c93)")
Can someone explain me why this is happening or help with the code which reads the time of the post (21 hours ago)?
Thank you .
You get output as "None" because BeautifulSoup gets the HTML Source from the initial Request and it doesn't have the Posted time values. Those values are rendered after the initial request. To capture those kinds of values you can use a library like "Selenium". When you use selenium, you can wait till the page loads and then pass that HTML Source into BeautifulSoup and try out. Below is a sample code created to get a basic understanding:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
html = driver.page_source
myElem = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, 'comment Pend(2px) Mt(5px) Mb(11px) P(12px)')))
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
# Rest of the code
except TimeoutException:
print("Load failed")
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
response = requests.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')

Python selenium find checkbox

I'm trying to find check box and click in it. I've tried using:
driver.find_element_by_xpath(("//*[contains(text(), '2+ interchanges')]")).click()
driver.find_element_by_class_name('BpkCheckbox_bpk-checkbox__label__1vrLS BpkCheckbox_bpk-checkbox__label--small__16XBT')
driver.find_element_by_name('2+ interchanges').click()
but no luck, always get error:
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: Unable to locate element:
Could you please give me some advice how i do should find this checkbox?
The code looks like:
<div class="Filter_verticallySpaced__1Sm6F Filter_horizontallySpaced__RwfGp FiltersCheckboxes_colourOnHover__erAw_">
<label class="BpkCheckbox_bpk-checkbox__2yTOQ FiltersCheckboxes_checkboxLine__7IQLY">
<input aria-invalid="false" aria-label="2+ interchanges" checked="" class="BpkCheckbox_bpk-checkbox__input__2qMb7" name="twoPlusStops" type="checkbox"/>
<svg class="BpkCheckbox_bpk-checkbox__icon__1KuPa" height="18" style="width: 0.75rem; height: 0.75rem;" viewbox="0 0 24 24" width="18" xmlns="">
<path d="M9.4 20c-.5 0-.9-.2-1.3-.5l-5.8-5.1c-.4-.4-.5-1-.1-1.4l1.3-1.5c.4-.4 1-.5 1.4-.1l4 3.5c. 0l9.2-10.5c.4-.4 1-.5 1.4-.1l1.5 1.3c.4.4.5 1 .1 1.4L10.9 19.3c-.4.5-.9.7-1.5.7z">
<span aria-hidden="true" class="BpkCheckbox_bpk-checkbox__label__1vrLS BpkCheckbox_bpk-checkbox__label--small__16XBT">
2+ interchanges
<span class="BpkText_bpk-text__2NHsO BpkText_bpk-text--sm__345aT FiltersCheckboxes_subText__3aG9- FiltersCheckboxes_block__1ZTpQ FiltersCheckboxes_checkboxIndent__2c49O">
2 735 $
<div class="Filter_verticallySpaced__1Sm6F Filter_horizontallySpaced__RwfGp FiltersCheckboxes_colourOnHover__erAw_">
<label class="BpkCheckbox_bpk-checkbox__2yTOQ FiltersCheckboxes_checkboxLine__7IQLY">
<input aria-invalid="false" aria-label="1 interchange" checked="" class="BpkCheckbox_bpk-checkbox__input__2qMb7" name="oneStop" type="checkbox"/>
<svg class="BpkCheckbox_bpk-checkbox__icon__1KuPa" height="18" style="width: 0.75rem; height: 0.75rem;" viewbox="0 0 24 24" width="18" xmlns="">
<path d="M9.4 20c-.5 0-.9-.2-1.3-.5l-5.8-5.1c-.4-.4-.5-1-.1-1.4l1.3-1.5c.4-.4 1-.5 1.4-.1l4 3.5c. 0l9.2-10.5c.4-.4 1-.5 1.4-.1l1.5 1.3c.4.4.5 1 .1 1.4L10.9 19.3c-.4.5-.9.7-1.5.7z">
<span aria-hidden="true" class="BpkCheckbox_bpk-checkbox__label__1vrLS BpkCheckbox_bpk-checkbox__label--small__16XBT">
1 interchange
<span class="BpkText_bpk-text__2NHsO BpkText_bpk-text--sm__345aT FiltersCheckboxes_subText__3aG9- FiltersCheckboxes_block__1ZTpQ FiltersCheckboxes_checkboxIndent__2c49O">
2 787 $
With this
driver.find_element_by_class_name('BpkCheckbox_bpk-checkbox__label__1vrLS BpkCheckbox_bpk-checkbox__label--small__16XBT')
you picked two class names as one (between every class name is a space).
Try using this:
By the way- this
driver.find_element_by_name('2+ interchanges').click()
is searching for the name in an element (eg ), not the value within. (Your tag has no name attribute)
All right i found it :)
Solution, i just added wait for 10 secs before click, and changed xpath.
stops_chkbox = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[#id="stops_content"]/div/div/div[3]/label').click()

Python Selenium get_attribute not returning value

I am trying to extract the data-message-id from the following html. My original goal is to extract the data-message- id for the span containing a particular text and then clicking on the star_button to star it.
<div class="message_content_header">
<div class="message_content_header_left">
<span class="ts_tip_float message_current_status ts_tip ts_tip_top ts_tip_multiline ts_tip_delay_150 color_U5TPDSMQQ color_9f69e7 hidden ts_tip_hidden">
<span class="ts_tip_tip ts_tip_inner_current_status">
<span class="ts_tip_multiline_inner">
<i class="copy_only">[</i>4:34 PM<i class="copy_only">]</i><span class="ts_tip_tip"><span class="ts_tip_multiline_inner">Yesterday at 4:34:07 PM</span></span>
<span class="message_star_holder">
Star this message
<span class="message_body">hoho<span class="constrain_triple_clicks"></span></span>
<div class="rxn_panel rxns_key_message-1498084447_119862-C5UGEFBS9"></div>
<i class="copy_only"><br></i>
<span id="msg_1498084447_119862_label" class="message_aria_label hidden">
four thirty-four PM.
and i am using the code on the above span(message_star_holder) which is returning a None
data_mess= star_button_span.find_element_by_xpath("//button[#class=
'star ts_icon ts_icon_star_o ts_icon_inherit ts_tip_top star_message
ts_tip ts_tip_float ts_tip_hidden btn_unstyle']")
print data_mess.get_attribute("innerHTML")
print star_button_span.get_attribute("data-msg-id")
star_button_span doesn't have data-msg-id attribute. data_mess has
print data_mess.get_attribute("data-msg-id")

element is not clicked [selenium]

I am using selenium2library(python) for our automation. this is the method is used
def get_appointment_from_manage(self, date, appt_id):
ref_date = "//*[#data-date=\"%s\"]" % date
while not self.is_element_present_by_xpath(ref_date) :
element = self._current_browser().find_element_by_xpath("//*[#data-aid=\"%s\"]" % appt_id)
The logging states that the element was found but it doesn't click.
this is the part that isn't clicking.
element = self._current_browser().find_element_by_xpath("//*[#data-aid=\"%s\"]" % appt_id)
When you inspect the element, the whole element is covered in blue. So I don't know what am i missing. Firefox version is 28. Thanks in advance!
This is the html
<div class="fc-event-container">
<div class="fc-event-box" style="position:relative;z-index:1"></div>
<div data-aid="31" class="fc-event-data-container fc-status-2" style="position:absolute;top:0px;right:0;bottom:-62px;left:0;z-index:1">
<div class="fc-event-data-box">
<a class="fc-time-grid-event fc-event fc-start fc-end evnt-1419408000000" style="top: 0px; bottom: -62px; z-index: 1; left: 0%; right: 0%;">
<div class="fc-content">
<div class="fc-time" data-start="8:00" data-full="8:00 AM - 8:30 AM" style="display:none;">
<span>8:00 - 8:30</span>
<div class="fc-title">Robot-FN</div>
<span class="fc-product">Home Loans</span>
<div class="fc-bg"></div>
I'm not sure this what you are trying, but if you want to click on the <a> tag (which is clickable), then, you need to hold that element, not the <div> that contains it.
try somthing like this: (I didn't try this xpath so take it as a general idea)
element = self._current_browser().find_element_by_xpath("//*[#data-aid=\"%s\"]//a" % appt_id)

Get span text from a website using selenium

The website I'm trying to scrape looks like this:
<div align="center" class="movietable">
<span style="width:45px;height:47px;vertical-align:middle;display:table-cell;">
<img border="0" src="styles/images/cat/hd.png" alt="HdO">
<div align="left" class="movietable">
<span style="padding:0px 5px;width:455px;height:47px;vertical-align:middle;display:table-cell;">
<a data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" data-html="true" title="" href="details.php?id=578197" data-original-title="<img src=''>">
<b>GET THIS TEXT</b></a><br><font class="small">[Action, Horror, Sci-Fi]</font>
How can I extract:
The text in the <b> tag - in this case GET THIS TEXT
The content of the font_class= 'small' - in this case this would be Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
.movietable b works great!!
The img_scr link - in thiscase it would be
I have no ideea how to do this
Below are CSS selectors you can use:
driver.find_element_by_css_selector('div[align=left] b')
driver.find_element_by_css_selector('div[align=left] .small')
You can access all of them using xpath:
1) [parents before this div]/div[2]/span/a/b
2) [parents before this div]/div[2]/span/font
3) [parents before this div]/div[1]/span/a/img
[parents before this div] should be /html/body/...
As per the HTML you have shared to extract the items you can use the following solution:
driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[#class='movietable' and #align='left']/span/a[#data-toggle='tooltip' and #data-placement='bottom']/b").get_attribute("innerHTML")
[Action, Horror, Sci-Fi]:
driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[#class='movietable' and #align='left']/span//font[#class='small']").get_attribute("innerHTML")
img_src = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[#class='movietable' and #align='left']/span/a[#data-toggle='tooltip' and #data-placement='bottom']").get_attribute("data-original-title")
src = img_src.replace("'", "-").split("-")
