I am not getting any result my program stuck in infinite loop.
I made a program for four values with same logic which worked great but with three values this is not working
def Karatsuba_Recursive(a, b):
if not a or not b:
return "0"
if len(a) == 1 or len(b) == 1:
return str(int(a)*int(b))
m = max(len(a),len(b))
m2 = m // 2
A = a[0:-m2]
B = a[-m2:len(a)].lstrip("0")
C = b[0:-m2]
D = b[-m2:len(b)].lstrip("0")
val1 = int(Karatsuba_Recursive(A,C))
val2 = int(Karatsuba_Recursive(B,D))
val3 = int(Karatsuba_Recursive((str(A+B)),str((C+D))))
return str((val1 * (10 **(2*m2))) + ((val3 - val1 - val2) * (10**(m2))) + val2)
The main issue is that A+B is a string concatenation, not numeric addition. This should be int(A)+int(B). Same for C+D.
It is unfortunate that you select m to be max(len(a),len(b)) as that makes it necessary to have that first if not a or not b test, and you would also need to adapt the above fix to work with empty strings.
You can avoid all that by taking min(len(a),len(b)) for m instead.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm a beginner in programming and I'm looking for a nice idea how to generate three integers that satisfy a condition.
We are given n = 30, and we've been asked to generate three integers a, b and c, so that 7*a + 5*b + 3*c = n.
I tried to use for loops, but it takes too much time and I have a maximum testing time of 1000 ms.
I'm using Python 3.
My attempt:
x = int(input())
c = []
k = []
w = []
for i in range(x):
for j in range(x):
for h in range(x):
if 7*i + 5*j + 3*h = x:
if len(c) == len(k) == len(w)
print(str(k[0]) + ' ' + str(c[0]) + ' ' + str(w[0]))
First, let me note that your task is underspecified in at least two respects:
The allowed range of the generated values is not specified. In particular, you don't specify whether the results may include negative integers.
The desired distribution of the generated values is not specified.
Normally, if not specified, one might assume that a uniform distribution on the set of possible solutions to the equation was expected (since it is, in a certain sense, the most random possible distribution on a given set). But a (discrete) uniform distribution is only possible if the solution set is finite, which it won't be if the range of results is unrestricted. (In particular, if (a, b, c) is a solution, then so is (a, b + 3k, c − 5k) for any integer k.) So if we interpret the task as asking for a uniform distribution with unlimited range, it's actually impossible!
On the other hand, if we're allowed to choose any distribution and range, the task becomes trivial: just make the generator always return a = −n, b = n, c = n. Clearly this is a solution to the equation (since −7n + 5n + 3n = (−7 + 5 + 3)n = 1n), and a degenerate distribution that assigns all probability mass to single point is still a valid probability distribution!
If you wanted a slightly less degenerate solution, you could pick a random integer k (using any distribution of your choice) and return a = −n, b = n + 3k, c = n − 5k. As noted above, this is also a solution to the equation for any k. Of course, this distribution is still somewhat degenerate, since the value of a is fixed.
If you want to let all return values be at least somewhat random, you could also pick a random h and return a = −n + h, b = n − 2h + 3k and c = n + h − 5k. Again, this is guaranteed to be a valid solution for any h and k, since it clearly satisfies the equation for h = k = 0, and it's also easy to see that increasing or decreasing either h or k will leave the value of the left-hand side of the equation unchanged.
In fact, it can be proved that this method can generate all possible solutions to the equation, and that each solution will correspond to a unique (h, k) pair! (One fairly intuitive way to see this is to plot the solutions in 3D space and observe that they form a regular lattice of points on a 2D plane, and that the vectors (+1, −2, +1) and (0, +3, −5) span this lattice.) If we pick h and k from some distribution that (at least in theory) assigns a non-zero probability to every integer, then we'll have a non-zero probability of returning any valid solution. So, at least for one somewhat reasonable interpretation of the task (unbounded range, any distribution with full support) the following code should solve the task efficiently:
from random import gauss
def random_solution(n):
h = int(gauss(0, 1000)) # any distribution with full support on the integers will do
k = int(gauss(0, 1000))
return (-n + h, n - 2*h + 3*k, n + h - 5*k)
If the range of possible values is restricted, the problem becomes a bit trickier. On the positive side, if all values are bounded below (or above), then the set of possible solutions is finite, and so a uniform distribution exists on it. On the flip side, efficiently sampling this uniform distribution is not trivial.
One possible approach, which you've used yourself, is to first generate all possible solutions (assuming there's a finite number of them) and then sample from the list of solutions. We can do the solution generation fairly efficiently like this:
find all possible values of a for which the equation might have a solution,
for each such a, find all possible values of b for which there still have a solution,
for each such (a, b) pair, solve the equation for c and check if it's valid (i.e. an integer within the specified range), and
if yes, add (a, b, c) to the set of solutions.
The tricky part is step 2, where we want to calculate the range of possible b values. For this, we can make use of the observation that, for a given a, setting c to its smallest allowed value and solving the equation gives an upper bound for b (and vice versa).
In particular, solving the equation for a, b and c respectively, we get:
a = (n − 5b − 3c) / 7
b = (n − 7a − 3c) / 5
c = (n − 7a − 5b) / 3
Given lower bounds on some of the values, we can use these solutions to compute corresponding upper bounds on the others. For example, the following code will generate all non-negative solutions efficiently (and can be easily modified to use a lower bound other than 0, if needed):
def all_nonnegative_solutions(n):
a_min = b_min = c_min = 0
a_max = (n - 5*b_min - 3*c_min) // 7
for a in range(a_min, a_max + 1):
b_max = (n - 7*a - 3*c_min) // 5
for b in range(b_min, b_max + 1):
if (n - 7*a - 5*b) % 3 == 0:
c = (n - 7*a - 5*b) // 3
yield (a, b, c)
We can then store the solutions in a list or a tuple and sample from that list:
from random import choice
solutions = tuple(all_nonnegative_solutions(30))
a, b, c = choice(solutions)
Ps. Apparently Python's random.choice is not smart enough to use reservoir sampling to sample from an arbitrary iterable, so we do need to store the full list of solutions even if we only want to sample from it once. Or, of course, we could always implement our own sampler:
def reservoir_choice(iterable):
r = None
n = 0
for x in iterable:
n += 1
if randrange(n) == 0:
r = x
return r
a, b, c = reservoir_choice(all_nonnegative_solutions(30))
BTW, we could make the all_nonnegative_solutions function above a bit more efficient by observing that the (n - 7*a - 5*b) % 3 == 0 condition (which checks whether c = (n − 7a − 5b) / 3 is an integer, and thus a valid solution) is true for every third value of b. Thus, if we first calculated the smallest value of b that satisfies the condition for a given a (which can be done with a bit of modular arithmetic), we could iterate over b with a step size of 3 starting from that minimum value and skip the divisibility check entirely. I'll leave implementing that optimization as an exercise.
import numpy as np
def generate_answer(n: int, low_limit:int, high_limit: int):
while True:
a = np.random.randint(low_limit, high_limit + 1, 1)[0]
b = np.random.randint(low_limit, high_limit + 1, 1)[0]
c = (n - 7 * a - 5 * b) / 3.0
if int(c) == c and low_limit <= c <= high_limit:
return a, b, int(c)
if __name__ == "__main__":
n = 30
ans = generate_answer(low_limit=-5, high_limit=50, n=n)
assert ans[0] * 7 + ans[1] * 5 + ans[2] * 3 == n
If you select two of the numbers a, b, c, you know the third. In this case, I randomize ints for a, b, and I find c by c = (n - 7 * a - 5 * b) / 3.0.
Make sure c is an integer, and in the allowed limits, and we are done.
If it is not, randomize again.
If you want to generate all possibilities,
def generate_all_answers(n: int, low_limit:int, high_limit: int):
results = []
for a in range(low_limit, high_limit + 1):
for b in range(low_limit, high_limit + 1):
c = (n - 7 * a - 5 * b) / 3.0
if int(c) == c and low_limit <= c <= high_limit:
results.append((a, b, int(c)))
return results
If third-party libraries are allowed, you can use SymPy's diophantine.diop_linear linear Diophantine equations solver:
from sympy.solvers.diophantine.diophantine import diop_linear
from sympy import symbols
from numpy.random import randint
n = 30
N = 8 # Number of solutions needed
# Unknowns
a, b, c = symbols('a, b, c', integer=True)
# Coefficients
x, y, z = 7, 5, 3
# Parameters of parametric equation of solution
t_0, t_1 = symbols('t_0, t_1', integer=True)
solution = diop_linear(x * a + y * b + z * c - n)
if not (None in solution):
for s in range(N):
# -10000 and 10000 (max and min for t_0 and t_1)
t_sub = [(t_0, randint(-10000, 10000)), (t_1, randint(-10000, 10000))]
a_val, b_val, c_val = map(lambda t : t.subs(t_sub), solution)
print('Solution #%d' % (s + 1))
print('a =', a_val, ', b =', b_val, ', c =', c_val)
print('no solutions')
Output (random):
Solution #1
a = -141 , b = -29187 , c = 48984
Solution #2
a = -8532 , b = -68757 , c = 134513
Solution #3
a = 5034 , b = 30729 , c = -62951
Solution #4
a = 7107 , b = 76638 , c = -144303
Solution #5
a = 4587 , b = 23721 , c = -50228
Solution #6
a = -9294 , b = -106269 , c = 198811
Solution #7
a = -1572 , b = -43224 , c = 75718
Solution #8
a = 4956 , b = 68097 , c = -125049
Why your solution can't cope with large values of n
You may understand that everything in a for loop with a range of i, will run i times. So it will multiply the time taken by i.
For example, let's pretend (to keep things simple) that this runs in 4 milliseconds:
if 7*a + 5*b + 3*c = n:
then this will run in 4×n milliseconds:
for c in range(n):
if 7*a + 5*b + 3*c = n:
n = 100 would take 0.4 seconds
n = 250 would take 1 second
n = 15000 would take 60 seconds
If you put that inside a for loop over a range of n then the whole thing will be repeated n times. I.e.
for b in range(n):
for c in range(n):
if 7*a + 5*b + 3*c = n:
will take 4n² milliseconds.
n = 30 would take 4 seconds
n = 50 would take 10 seconds
n = 120 would take 60 seconds
Putting it in a third for-loop will take 4n³ milliseconds.
n = 10 would take 4 seconds
n = 14 would take 10 seconds.
n = 24 would take 60 seconds.
Now, what if you halved the original if to 2 milliseconds? n would be able to increase by 15000 in the first case... and 23 in the last case. The lesson here is that fewer for-loops is usually much more important than speeding up what's inside them. As you can see in Gulzar's answer part 2, there are only two for loops which makes a big difference. (This only applies if the loops are inside each other; if they are just one after another you don't have the multiplication problem.)
from my perspective, the last number of the three is never a random number. let say you generate a and b first then c is never a random because it should be calculated from the equation
n = 7*a + 5*b + 3*c
c = (7*a + 5*b - n) / -3
this means that we need to generate two random values (a,b)
that 7*a + 5*b - n is divisible by 3
import random
n = 30;
max = 1000000;
min = -1000000;
while True:
a = random.randint(min , max);
b = random.randint(min , max);
t = (7*a) + (5*b) - n;
if (t % 3 == 0) :
c = (t/-3);
print("A = " + str(a));
print("B = " + str(b));
print("C = " + str(c));
print("7A + 5B + 3C =>")
print("(7 * " + str(a) + ") + (5 * " + str(b) + ") + (3 * " + str(c) + ") = ")
print((7*a) + (5*b) + (3*c));
I am doing the Stanford's Algorithms MOOC and got stuck with Karatsuba multiplication algorithm programming assignment.
Karatsuba multiplication is simply an algorithm for multiplication of two integer that is asymptotically faster than usual multiplication.
I restricted myself to only use single-digit multiplication and padding numbers (adding zeros at the end, i.e. multiplying by 10 to some power), so there are 3 base cases
I also decided to convert the numbers into strings and take several numbers instead of dividing it by 10 to some power, but I tried the other way, it does not help
I also decided to generalise the algorithm, i.e. do not assume that number1 and number2 have similar length therefore I use both n1 and n2 (see the code)
Because of the point above, I also decided not to use the Gauss's trick
I know, the restrictions might see meaningless, but I used it as a programming exercise rather than some practical solution, hence I am mainly interesting in spotting my mistake rather than finding some "simpler solution".
Here is my code:
def karatsuba(number1, number2):
n1 = len(str(number1)) # number of digits in the first number
n2 = len(str(number2)) # number of digits in the second number
if n1 == 1 and n2 == 1: # base case number 1 - both numbers are single-digit
kara = number1*number2
return kara
elif n1 == 1: # base case number 2 - only one number is single-digit
c = int(str(number2)[:(n2//2)])
d = int(str(number2)[(n2//2):])
kara = 10**((n2+1)//2)*c*number2 + d*number2
return kara
elif n2 == 1: # base case number 3 - only one number is single digit
a = int(str(number1)[:(n1//2)])
b = int(str(number1)[(n1//2):])
kara = 10**((n2+1)//2)*a*number2 + b*number2
return kara
elif n1 != 1 and n2 != 1: # loop
a = int(str(number1)[:(n1 // 2)])
b = int(str(number1)[(n1 // 2):])
c = int(str(number2)[:(n2 // 2)])
d = int(str(number2)[(n2 // 2):])
z1 = karatsuba(a, c)
z2 = karatsuba(a, d)
z3 = karatsuba(b, c)
z4 = karatsuba(b, d)
kara = 10**((n1+1)//2+(n2+1)//2)*z1 + 10**((n1+1)//2)*z2 + 10**((n2+1)//2)*z3 + z4
return kara
This is not a Karatzuba algorithm. The point of Karatzuba is to make only 3 recursive invocations; you do 4 of them. The recursive invocations, in your notation, should be
karatzuba(a, c)
karatzuba(b, d)
karatzuba(a + b, c + d)
Besides that, there is a problem with base case 2: number1 does not participate in it at all.
These are some mistakes to be corrected if you haven't yet.
kara = 10**((n2+1)//2)*c*number1 + d*number1 #in base case 2
kara = 10**((n1+1)//2)*a*number2 + b*number2 #in base case 3. your code has n2+1
Conventional Karatsuba has 3 recursions. but I can see why are you making 4 recursions. can't say which is faster though.
working code for the example you've given above in the comments
def karatsuba(number1, number2):
n1 = len(str(number1)) # number of digits in the first number
n2 = len(str(number2)) # number of digits in the second number
if n1 == 1 and n2 == 1: # base case number 1 - both numbers are single-digit
kara = number1*number2
return kara
elif n1 == 1: # base case number 2 - only one number is single-digit
c = int(str(number2)[:(n2//2)])
d = int(str(number2)[(n2//2):])
kara = 10**((n2+1)//2)*c*number1 + d*number1 #a mistake here
return kara
elif n2 == 1: # base case number 3 - only one number is single digit
a = int(str(number1)[:(n1//2)])
b = int(str(number1)[(n1//2):])
kara = 10**((n1+1)//2)*a*number2 + b*number2 #a mistake here
return kara
elif n1 != 1 and n2 != 1: # loop
a = int(str(number1)[:(n1 // 2)])
b = int(str(number1)[(n1 // 2):])
c = int(str(number2)[:(n2 // 2)])
d = int(str(number2)[(n2 // 2):])
z1 = karatsuba(a, c)
z2 = karatsuba(a, d)
z3 = karatsuba(b, c)
z4 = karatsuba(b, d)
kara = 10**((n1+1)//2+(n2+1)//2)*z1 + 10**((n1+1)//2)*z2 + 10**((n2+1)//2)*z3 + z4
return kara
num1 = 3141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592
num2 = 2718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967627
k_res = karatsuba(num1,num2)
ac_res = num1*num2
assert k_res==ac_res
I am trying to implement the Karatsuba Algorithm as mentioned in the course here in python 2.7. Here is the code that I have got currently:
# Karatsuba multiplication implementation in python
import numpy as np
import sys
# x = 10^(n/2)*a + b and y = 10^(n/2)*c + d
# x.y = 10^n*(ac) + 10^(n/2)*(ad + bc) + bd
# now recursively compute ac, ad, bc and bd
def algo_recurs(val1, val2):
# Assuming that the length of both the multiplier and multiplicand is
# Currently employing numbers which are of length 2^n
n = len(str(val1)) # n = 4
divVal = 10**(n/2)
a = val1 / divVal # a = 12
b = val1 % divVal # b = 34
c = val2 / divVal # c = 43
d = val2 % divVal # d = 21
# let the example case be 1234 * 4321
if(len(str(val1)) == 2):
prob1 = a * c
prob2 = b * d
prob3 = (a+b)*(c+d) - prob1 - prob2
finalResult = prob1*(divVal*divVal)+prob3*divVal+prob2
prob1 = algo_recurs(a,c)
prob2 = algo_recurs(b,d)
prob3 = algo_recurs((a+b),(c+d)) - prob1 -prob2
finalResult = prob1*(divVal*divVal)+prob3*divVal+prob2
#Enter the inputs
multiplicand = input("Enter the multiplicand:")
multiplier = input("Enter the multiplier:")
output = algo_recurs(multiplicand, multiplier)
The above code works well with the numbers of length 4 or less. But the moment I go beyond that, it throws the following error:
File "Karatsuba.py", line 31, in algo_recurs
prob1 = algo_recurs(a,c)
File "Karatsuba.py", line 31, in algo_recurs
prob1 = algo_recurs(a,c)
File "Karatsuba.py", line 31, in algo_recurs
prob1 = algo_recurs(a,c)
File "Karatsuba.py", line 15, in algo_recurs
n = len(str(val1)) # n = 4
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while getting the str of an object
I increased the recursion limit too, thinking that it might have been the issue. But that didn't solve it either.
I would appreciate if you can point out what I might be doing wrong in the implementation.
Your algorithm will never terminate, no matter how high you set the recursion limit. This is because the parameters a and c will always stay the same once val1 gets to single digits, because then n is 1 and 10**(n/2) is also 1.
It's dangerous to change the recursion limit because typically when you have exceeded the recursion limit, it's because your program contains an error or a poor design decision. Recursion can always be replaced with iteration at equal or lower memory cost.
Unless your algorithm insists you to do so knowing that at some point you will receive a result, you can change the maximum recursion depth every time you call your function, but again I wouldn't recommend since your program exceeded 1500 recursive calls when you set it to that and that is quite excessive.
# Karatsuba multiplication implementation in python
import numpy as np
import sys
def algo_recurs(val1, val2):
sys.setrecursionlimit(sys.getrecursionlimit() + 1) # Changes the recursion limit every time
n = len(str(val1))
divVal = 10**(n/2)
a = val1 / divVal # a = 12
b = val1 % divVal # b = 34
c = val2 / divVal # c = 43
d = val2 % divVal # d = 21
if(len(str(val1)) == 2):
prob1 = a * c
prob2 = b * d
prob3 = (a+b)*(c+d) - prob1 - prob2
finalResult = prob1*(divVal*divVal)+prob3*divVal+prob2
prob1 = algo_recurs(a,c)
prob2 = algo_recurs(b,d)
prob3 = algo_recurs((a+b),(c+d)) - prob1 -prob2
finalResult = prob1*(divVal*divVal)+prob3*divVal+prob2
multiplicand = int(input("Enter the multiplicand:"))
multiplier = int(input("Enter the multiplier:"))
output = algo_recurs(multiplicand, multiplier)
I recently implemented Karatsuba Multiplication as a personal exercise. I wrote my implementation in Python following the pseudocode provided on wikipedia:
procedure karatsuba(num1, num2)
if (num1 < 10) or (num2 < 10)
return num1*num2
/* calculates the size of the numbers */
m = max(size_base10(num1), size_base10(num2))
m2 = m/2
/* split the digit sequences about the middle */
high1, low1 = split_at(num1, m2)
high2, low2 = split_at(num2, m2)
/* 3 calls made to numbers approximately half the size */
z0 = karatsuba(low1, low2)
z1 = karatsuba((low1+high1), (low2+high2))
z2 = karatsuba(high1, high2)
return (z2*10^(2*m2)) + ((z1-z2-z0)*10^(m2)) + (z0)
Here is my python implementation:
def karat(x,y):
if len(str(x)) == 1 or len(str(y)) == 1:
return x*y
m = max(len(str(x)),len(str(y)))
m2 = m / 2
a = x / 10**(m2)
b = x % 10**(m2)
c = y / 10**(m2)
d = y % 10**(m2)
z0 = karat(b,d)
z1 = karat((a+b),(c+d))
z2 = karat(a,c)
return (z2 * 10**(2*m2)) + ((z1 - z2 - z0) * 10**(m2)) + (z0)
My question is about final merge of z0, z1, and z2.
z2 is shifted m digits over (where m is the length of the largest of two multiplied numbers).
Instead of simply multiplying by 10^(m), the algorithm uses *10^(2*m2)* where m2 is m/2.
I tried replacing 2*m2 with m and got incorrect results. I think this has to do with how the numbers are split but I'm not really sure what's going on.
Depending on your Python version you must or should replace / with the explicit floor division operator // which is the appropriate here; it rounds down ensuring that your exponents remain entire numbers.
This is essential for example when splitting your operands in high digits (by floor dividing by 10^m2) and low digits (by taking the residual modulo 10^m2) this would not work with a fractional m2.
It also explains why 2 * (x // 2) does not necessarily equal x but rather x-1 if x is odd.
In the last line of the algorithm 2 m2 is correct because what you are doing is giving a and c their zeros back.
If you are on an older Python version your code may still work because / used to be interpreted as floor division when applied to integers.
def karat(x,y):
if len(str(x)) == 1 or len(str(y)) == 1:
return x*y
m = max(len(str(x)),len(str(y)))
m2 = m // 2
a = x // 10**(m2)
b = x % 10**(m2)
c = y // 10**(m2)
d = y % 10**(m2)
z0 = karat(b,d)
z1 = karat((a+b),(c+d))
z2 = karat(a,c)
return (z2 * 10**(2*m2)) + ((z1 - z2 - z0) * 10**(m2)) + (z0)
i have implemented the same idea but i have restricted to the 2 digit multiplication as the base case because i can reduce float multiplication in function
import math
def multiply(x,y):
sx= str(x)
sy= str(y)
nx= len(sx)
ny= len(sy)
if ny<=2 or nx<=2:
r = int(x)*int(y)
return r
n = nx
if nx>ny:
sy = sy.rjust(nx,"0")
elif ny>nx:
sx = sx.rjust(ny,"0")
m = n%2
offset = 0
if m != 0:
offset = 1
floor = int(math.floor(n/2)) - offset
a = sx[0:floor]
b = sx[floor:n]
c = sy[0:floor]
d = sy[floor:n]
ac = multiply(a,c)
bd = multiply(b,d)
ad_bc = multiply((int(a)+int(b)),(int(c)+int(d)))-ac-bd
r = ((10**n)*ac)+((10**(n/2))*ad_bc)+bd
return r
I tried replacing 2*m2 with m and got incorrect results. I think this has to do with how the numbers are split but I'm not really sure what's going on.
This goes to the heart of how you split your numbers for the recursive calls.
If you choose to use an odd n then n//2 will be rounded down to the nearest whole number, meaning your second number will have a length of floor(n/2) and you would have to pad the first with the floor(n/2) zeros.
Since we use the same n for both numbers this applies to both. This means if you stick to the original odd n for the final step, you would be padding the first term with the original n zeros instead of the number of zeros that would result from the combination of the first padding plus the second padding (floor(n/2)*2)
You have used m2 as a float. It needs to be an integer.
def karat(x,y):
if len(str(x)) == 1 or len(str(y)) == 1:
return x*y
m = max(len(str(x)),len(str(y)))
m2 = m // 2
a = x // 10**(m2)
b = x % 10**(m2)
c = y // 10**(m2)
d = y % 10**(m2)
z0 = karat(b,d)
z1 = karat((a+b),(c+d))
z2 = karat(a,c)
return (z2 * 10**(2*m2)) + ((z1 - z2 - z0) * 10**(m2)) + (z0)
Your code and logic is correct, there is just issue with your base case. Since according to the algo a,b,c,d are 2 digit numbers you should modify your base case and keep the length of x and y equal to 2 in the base case.
I think it is better if you used math.log10 function to calculate the number of digits instead of converting to string, something like this :
def number_of_digits(number):
Used log10 to find no. of digits
if number > 0:
return int(math.log10(number)) + 1
elif number == 0:
return 1
return int(math.log10(-number)) + 1 # Don't count the '-'
The base case if len(str(x)) == 1 or len(str(y)) == 1: return x*y is incorrect. If you run either of the python code given in answers against large integers, the karat() function will not produce the correct answer.
To make the code correct, you need to change the base case to if len(str(x) < 3 or len(str(y)) < 3: return x*y.
Below is a modified implementation of Paul Panzer's answer that correctly multiplies large integers.
def karat(x,y):
if len(str(x)) < 3 or len(str(y)) < 3:
return x*y
n = max(len(str(x)),len(str(y))) // 2
a = x // 10**(n)
b = x % 10**(n)
c = y // 10**(n)
d = y % 10**(n)
z0 = karat(b,d)
z1 = karat((a+b), (c+d))
z2 = karat(a,c)
return ((10**(2*n))*z2)+((10**n)*(z1-z2-z0))+z0