get parameters in a get request in django rest framework? - python

I want to get the parameters sent to my rest api
what I want is to obtain the parameters that to use them consume another api and return the response of the third party api
but in name and comic i get None
{name:"3-D Man","comics":12}
this is my view
class MarvelApi(APIView):
def get(self, request):
private_key = "88958f2d87bd2c0c2fa07b7ea654bcdf9f0389b3"
public_key = "8d415ffcc9add56b0a47c0a7c851afc3"
ts = 1
md5_hash = "46ecbbd63108b0561b8778a57823bd34"
query_params = self.request.query_params
name = query_params.get('kword', None)
comic = query_params.get('comic', None)
end_point = f"{ts}&apikey={public_key}&hash={md5_hash}&name={name}&comic={comic}"
response = requests.get(end_point)
response_json = json.loads(response.text)
return Response(status=status.HTTP_200_OK, data=response_json)
I think the problem is these two lines
name = query_params.get('kword', None)
comic = query_params.get('comic', None)
that do not capture the values ​​correctly, do you know how to solve it?

You wanted to get them from GET method, but instead you gave a dictionary, so I guess you sent it via POST. Instead of posting dictionary you should go with url:
And you had probably a typo. You had plural "comics" in dictionary and you seek for "comic" singular.
And if you want to have data with POST method, just change def get(...) to def post(...).


Extract list of Twitter follower IDs using Tweepy API v2: Exception 400

I am simply trying to extract the followers of a Twitter profile using the following code. However, for some unknown reason, the id query parameter value is not valid. I have tried to input the user id of several Twitter accounts to see if the problem lied with the id rather than my code. The problem is in the code...
def create_url_followers(max_results):
# params based on the get_users_followers endpoint
query_params_followers = {'max_results': max_results, # The maximum number of results to be returned per page
'pagination_token': {}} # Used to request the next page of results
return query_params_followers
def connect_to_endpoint_followers(url, headers, params):
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=params)
print("Endpoint Response Code: " + str(response.status_code))
if response.status_code != 200:
raise Exception(response.status_code, response.text)
return response.json()
# Inputs for the request
bearer_token = auth() # retrieves the token from the environment
headers = create_headers(bearer_token)
max_results = 100 # number results i.e. followers of pol_id
To run the code in a for loop I add the id in the position for id in the URL and loop through the list of ids while appending results to the json_response_followers.
pol_ids_list = house["Uid"].astype(str).values.tolist() # create list of politician ids column Uid in df house.
json_response_followers = [] # empty list to append Twitter data
for id in pol_ids_list: # loop over ids in list pol_ids_list
url = (("" + id + "/followers"), create_url_followers(max_results))
json_response_followers.append(connect_to_endpoint_followers(url[0], headers, url[1])) # append data to list json_response_list
sleep(60.5) # sleep for 60.5 seconds since API limit is
I think the problem here could be that you're specifying pol_id as a parameter, which would be appended to the call. In the case of this API, you want to insert the value of pol_id at the point where :id is in the URL. The max_results and pagination_token values should be appended.
Try checking the value of url before calling connect_to_endpoint_followers.
I think you are currently trying to call
This is not valid, as there's no value for :id in the URI where it belongs, and the id parameter itself is not valid / is essentially a duplicate of what should be :id.
It should be:

How to process webhook request coming from a 3rd party application?

I need help to evaluate weather i am doing it right or is there a better way, the scenario is an 3rd party application is sending an webhook request after a successful payment but the problem is that sometimes this application may send the same notification more than it is recommended to ensure that implementation of the webhook is steps that i am implementing for this are
if signature is correct (assume it is corect),Find orders record in the database using orderId in the request params.
Please note: orderId in request params is payment_gateway_order_identifier in orders table.
if txStatus = 'SUCCESS' AND haven't already processed COLLECTION payment for this same order,
Create payments record.
201 response with nothing in the response body.
201 response with nothing in the response body.
422 response with {message: "Signature is incorrect"} in response body
def cashfree_request(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
payment_gateway_order_identifier= data['orderId']
amount = data['orderAmount']
transaction_status = data['txStatus']
signature = data['signature']
if(computedsignature==signature): #assume it to be true
if transaction_status=='SUCCESS':
payment= Payments.objects.get(orders=order)
return Response({"Payment":"Done"},status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
except (Payments.DoesNotExist):
payment = Payments(orders=order,amount=amount,datetime=datetime)
return Response(status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
return Response(status=status.HTTP_422_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
class Orders(models.Model):
id= models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
amount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=19, decimal_places=4)
payment_gateway_order_identifier = models.UUIDField(
class Payments(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
orders = models.ForeignKey(Orders, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
amount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=19, decimal_places=4, verbose_name='Price in INR')
datetime = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=False,auto_now_add=False)
This rather belongs to Codereview site. Anyway - you are doing up to 3 consecutive SQL queries, so there's a chance for a race condition. A simple way how to prevent that: use some KV storage like Redis/Memcache as a lock - save the value you're using as a nonce on the start of the function, and delete it on the end.
def cashfree_request(request):
data = request.POST.dict()
payment_gateway_order_identifier = data['orderId']
# `nx` will set & return only if the key does not exist
# set a timeout in case it wont reach `delete()` on the end
if not redis.set("lock_%s" % payment_gateway_order_identifier, "1", nx=True, ex=2):
return Response(status=status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT)
amount = data['orderAmount']
transaction_status = data['txStatus']
signature = data['signature']
if computedsignature == signature:
order = Orders.objects.get(payment_gateway_order_identifier=payment_gateway_order_identifier)
if transaction_status == 'SUCCESS':
res = Response({"Payment": "Done"}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
except Payments.DoesNotExist:
payment = Payments(orders=order, amount=amount, datetime=datetime)
res = Response(status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
res = Response(status=status.HTTP_422_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
# unlock for another request
redis.delete("lock_%s" % payment_gateway_order_identifier)
return res
you dont need if request.method == 'POST': since the code is accessible via POST only anyway, that will make your code less indented.
notice you dont handle the case where transaction_status is not SUCCESS

How get info about few posts on facebook?

I need to fetch information about likes, comments and etc. from only one post object and here's the request code I send.
Example of my requests:
class StatsSN:
def init(self, fb_post_id, fb_token):
self.fb_post_id = fb_post_id
self.fb_token = fb_token
def req_stats(self, url_method):
req = requests.get(url_method)
if req.status_code != 200:
# return req.json().get('error')
# return 'error''FB_Statistics: %s' % req.json())
return -1
return req.json().get('summary').get('total_count')
def fb_likes(self):
url_method = fb_api_url + '%s/likes?summary=true&access_token=%s' % (self.fb_post_id, self.fb_token)
return self.req_stats(url_method)
def fb_reactions(self):
url_method = fb_api_url + '%s/reactions?summary=total_count&access_token=%s' % (self.fb_post_id, self.fb_token)
return self.req_stats(url_method)
def fb_comments(self):
url_method = fb_api_url + '%s/comments?summary=true&access_token=%s' % (self.fb_post_id, self.fb_token)
return self.req_stats(url_method)
def fb_sharedposts(self):
url_method = fb_api_url + '%s/sharedposts?access_token=%s' % (self.fb_post_id, self.fb_token)
req = requests.get(url_method)
if req.status_code != 200:'FB_Statistics: %s' % req.json())
return -1
return len(req.json().get('data'))
def fb_stats(self):
fb_likes, fb_reactions, fb_comments, fb_sharedposts = self.fb_likes(), self.fb_reactions(), self.fb_comments(), \
return int(fb_likes), int(fb_reactions), int(fb_comments), int(fb_sharedposts)
Is there a method in the Graph API to get info about few posts in one request?
You can achieve it by sending a batch request; If you only need public data, a normal page token is good enough. However if you need private information, you will need a specific page token of the page post you want to get the metrics of.
As the metrics you are referring to are public, you should be able to send a GET request with following syntax:,comments.limit(0).summary(true),shares,reactions.limit(0).summary(true)&ids=STATUS_ID1,STATUS_ID2,STATUS_ID3,...,STATUS_ID50&access_token=PAGE_TOKEN
You can request up to 50 status id's in one call.
This part you need to add with comments and reactions as it is the best practice to retrieve the total amount of comments/reactions.

Django Responds code 500 no matter what

I have a method in Django where I get POST data from a mobile app and all I do is save it and send a Response. The problem is though the the data gets saved but no matter what the app receives the response code 500.
<Response [500]>
def store_recordings(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
print "In POST",request.POST
driverName = request.POST['driverName']
driverMobileNum = request.POST['driverMobileNum']
customerMobileNum = request.POST['customerMobileNum']
salesOrderNo = request.POST['salesOrderNo']
callRecord = request.POST['callRecord']
latitude = request.POST['latitude']
longitude = request.POST['longitude']
callStart = request.POST['callStart']
callEnd = request.POST['callEnd']
callDuration = request.POST['callDuration']
callType = request.POST['callType']
driverrecording = DriverRecording(driverName=driverName,driverMobileNum=driverMobileNum,customerMobileNum=customerMobileNum,salesOrderNo=salesOrderNo,callRecord=callRecord,latitude=latitude,longitude=longitude,callStart=callStart,callEnd=callEnd,callDuration=callDuration,callType=callType)
save_or_not =
driverexist = DriverNames.objects.all()
new_driver_flag = False
driverName_list = [each.driverName for each in driverexist]
driverName_list = list(set(driverName_list))
if driverName in driverName_list:
return HttpResponse(status=201)
return HttpResponse(status=400)
I am perplexed what is the problem.
Almost certainly, one or more of those fields is not being sent, so you are getting a KeyError. If you set DEBUG to True you would see the traceback.
You should be using Django's forms framework, instead of directly accessing the POST data. That will validate the input and allow you to display any errors.

How can I implement dynamic routing in Python?

I'm attempting to implement dynamic routing for a web framework. At the moment, the goal is to pass arguments into a function by way of the url. So, if user offers a url of "/page/23", then the route function will extract the "23" which will then be used as a parameter for the page function. I am getting a "keyerror", however.
import re
routing_table = {}
url = "/page/23"
def route(url, func):
key = url
key = re.findall(r"(.+?)/<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*>", url)
if key:
params = re.findall(r"<([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)>", url)
routing_table[key[0]] = [params, func]
routing_table[url] = func
def find_path(url):
if url in routing_table:
return routing_table[url]
return None
def page(page_id):
return "this is page %d" % page_id
route("/page/<page_id>", page)
When you called route, you used a url equal to "/page/<page_id>", but in the last line, url is a global variable equal to "/page/23".
It looks like there are other problems: replace your last line with
to see what you're doing.
