I'm translating a Python class to Matlab. Most of it is straightforward, but I'm not so good with Python syntax (I hardly ever use it). I'm stuck on the following:
# find the basis that will be uncorrelated using the covariance matrix
basis = (sqrt(eigenvalues)[newaxis,:] * eigenvectors).transpose()
Can someone help me figure out what the equivalent Matlab syntax would be?
I've found via Google that np.newaxis increases the dimensionality of the array, and transpose is pretty self explanatory. So for newaxis, something involving cat in matlab would probably do it, but I'm really not clear on how Python handles arrays TBH.
Assuming eigenvalues is a 1D array of length N in Python, then sqrt(eigenvalues)[newaxis,:] would be a 1xN array. This is translated to MATLAB as either sqrt(eigenvalues) or sqrt(eigenvalues).', depending on the orientation of the eigenvalues array in MATLAB.
The * operation then does broadcasting (in MATLAB this is called singleton expansion). It looks like the operation multiplies each eigenvector by the square root of the corresponding eigenvalue (assuming eigenvectors are the columns).
If in MATLAB you computed the eigendecomposition like this:
[eigenvectors, eigenvalues] = eig(A);
then you’d just do:
basis = sqrt(eigenvalues) * eigenvectors.';
basis = (eigenvectors * sqrt(eigenvalues)).';
(note the parentheses) because eigenvalues is a diagonal matrix.
I've computed the eigenvalues and eigenstates of a Hamiltonian in Python. I have a matrix containing all the wavefunctions in discrete space psi. I'd like to normalise the total wavefunction (or the 'ket') (i.e the matrix of vectors) such that its modulus squared integrates to 1.
I've tried the following:
A= np.linalg.norm(abs(psi.T)**2)
The matrix is transposed so I can access each state using psi[n].
However, the output of the print statement is:
When it should be 1.I feel like I'm not using linalg.norm correctly. I've also tried using my own integral function using the trapezium rule to no success.
I'm not really sure as to what to do at this point. Any help would be great.
It seems you're confusing np.linalg.norm and np.sum, up to the usual floating point issues these two snippets should be identical:
normed_psi = psi.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(psi.T**2))
normed_psi = psi.T / np.linalg.norm(psi.T)
I try to write a matrix consisting of kronecker-products
def kron_sparse_2(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p):
kron= sparse.kron(sparse.kron(sparse.kron(sparse.kron(sparse.kron(sparse.kron(sparse.kron(sparse.kron(sparse.kron(sparse.kron(sparse.kron(sparse.kron(sparse.kron(sparse.kron(sparse.kron(a,b),c),d),e),f),g),h),i),j),k),l),m),n),o),p)
return kron
res = 0
for i in sd:
res= res +( kron_sparse_2(i,i,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I))
The i's in sd are 2x2 matrices.
Is there anything I can do further to calculate this without the memory problem?
The error I get is: MemoryError: Unable to allocate 16.0 GiB for an array with shape (536870912, 2, 2) and data type float64
If I understand correctly (I think you are trying to form the Hamiltonian for some spin problem, and you should be able to go up to 20 spins with ease. Also if it is indeed the case try using np.roll and reduce functions to rewrite your methods efficiently), you might try converting all of your matrices (even with dims. 2X2) to sparse format (say csr or csc) and use scipy kron function with the format specified as the sparse matrix format you used to construct all of your matrices. Because as far as I remember kron(format=None) uses an explicit representation of matrices which causes memory problems, try format='csc' for instance.
This is the problem I'm struggling from like 3 hours now ;/
In python with numpy I do simple multiplication like:
matrix.T * matrix
, where m is my matrix
but even if in my brain everything is ok ( sizes match properly) I keep on getting error message:
operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (5,20) (20,5)
Why is that? Doesn't 20 match 20 ? What's wrong with me ;D ?
Thanks in advance
Matrix multiplication is the dot method in NumPy, or the # operator if you're on sufficiently recent Python and NumPy:
matrix.T # matrix
or (if you have sufficiently recent NumPy but insufficiently recent Python)
np.matmul(matrix.T, matrix)
Note that NumPy has a matrix class that behaves differently, but you should never use it.
Your matrix variable is a misnomer. What you have is a multidimensional array.
You can simply use np.dot to multiply your arrays:
If you actually had matrices created with np.matrix, that multiplication will work without problems
I am trying to find an inverse of this 9x9 covariance matrix so I can use it with mahalanobis distance. However, the result I'm getting from matrix inverse is a matrix full of 1.02939420e+16. I have been trying to find why, considering Wolfram would give me the correct answer, and this seems to have something to do with condition number of matrix, which in this case is 3.98290435292e+16.
Although I would like to understand the math behind this, what I really need at this moment is just a solution to this problem so I can continue with implementation. Is there a way how to find an inverse of such matrix? Or is it somehow possible to find inverse covariance matrix directly from data instead?
Edit: Matrix data (same as the pastebin link)
[[ 0.46811097 0.15024959 0.01806486 -0.03029948 -0.12472314 -0.11952018 -0.14738093 -0.14655549 -0.06794621]
[ 0.15024959 0.19338707 0.09046136 0.01293189 -0.05290348 -0.07200769 -0.09317139 -0.10125269 -0.12769464]
[ 0.01806486 0.09046136 0.12575072 0.06507481 -0.00951239 -0.02944675 -0.05349869 -0.07496244 -0.13193147]
[-0.03029948 0.01293189 0.06507481 0.12214787 0.04527352 -0.01478612 -0.02879678 -0.06006481 -0.1114809 ]
[-0.12472314 -0.05290348 -0.00951239 0.04527352 0.164018 0.05474073 -0.01028871 -0.02695087 -0.03965366]
[-0.11952018 -0.07200769 -0.02944675 -0.01478612 0.05474073 0.13397166 0.06839442 0.00403321 -0.02537928]
[-0.14738093 -0.09317139 -0.05349869 -0.02879678 -0.01028871 0.06839442 0.14424203 0.0906558 0.02984426]
[-0.14655549 -0.10125269 -0.07496244 -0.06006481 -0.02695087 0.00403321 0.0906558 0.17054466 0.14455264]
[-0.06794621 -0.12769464 -0.13193147 -0.1114809 -0.03965366 -0.02537928 0.02984426 0.14455264 0.32968928]]
The matrix m you provide has a determinant of 0 and is hence uninvertible from a numerical point of view (and this explain the great values you have which tends to bump to Inf):
In [218]: np.linalg.det(m)
Out[218]: 2.8479946613617788e-16
If you start doing linear algebra operations/problem solving, I strongly advise to check some basic concepts, which would avoid doing numerical mistakes/errors:
You are faced with a very important and fundamental mathematical problem. If your method gives non-invertible matrix the method has a trouble. The method is trying to solve an ill-posed problem. Probably all well-posed problems have been solved in the XIX century. The most common way to solve ill-posed problems is regularization. Sometimes Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse may be convenient. Scipy.linalg have pseudoinverse. But pseudoinverse is not a shortcut. Using pseudoinverse you're replacing non-solvable problem A by solvable problem B. Sometimes the solution of problem B can successfully work instead of non-existent solution of problem A, but it is a matter of mathematical research.
Zero determinant means that your matrix has linearly dependent rows (or columns). In other words, some information in your model is redundant (it contains excessive or duplicate information). Re-develop your model in order to exclude redundancy.
How would I translate the following into Python from Matlab? I'm still trying to wrap my head around lists/matrices and arrays in numpy, etc.
outframe(:,[4:4:nout-1]) = 0.25*inframe(:,[1:n-1]) + 0.75*inframe(:,[2:n])
for index =1:512:
outarray(index,:) =uint8(interp1([1:n],inarray64(index,:),[1:.25:n],method))
(There's other stuff, these are just the particular statements I'm not sure how to make sense of. I have numpy imported,
The main workhorse in numpy is the ndarray (or array). It will for the most part replace matlab matrices when you translate code. Like a matlab matrix, the ndarray stores homogeneous data (ie float64) and is optimized for numerical operations.
The numpy matrix is a subclass of the ndarray which can be convenient for some linear algebra intensive applications. Here is more info about the differences between the two.
The python list is more like a matlab cell array (though not exactly the same). It's one of the basic python data structures, but in scientific applications I find that it comes up most often when you need to hold heterogeneous data. (Or when you're doing something very simple and don't want to go to the trouble of creating a numpy array).
Your code above can be converted almost verbatim to python using the ndarray and replacing () with [] for indexing and taking into account that indexing starts at 1 in MATLAB and 0 in python
i.e. : the first element in MATLAB is element 1, and in python it is element 0.
Let's try this line by line:
outframe(:,[4:4:nout-1]) = 0.25*inframe(:,[1:n-1]) + 0.75*inframe(:,[2:n])
would translate in "English" to: all rows of outframe, but only every 4th column starting from 4 to nout-1 (i.e.4,8..). I assume you understand what inframe references mean.
Possibly beamnum is a vector and (beamnum >0) returns a vector of {0,1} such that the elements are '1' where the respective beamnum element is >0, else 0. The rest of it is clear, i hope.
The second last line is a for-loop and the last line should hopefully be clear.