Cassandra partition key vs clustering key vs index vs second table - python

I'm trying to make an application using the Python driver for Cassandra in which I want to store car objects in the database.
I've been reading a lot about Cassandra partition keys, clustering keys, indexes etc. but I can't figure out what would be the best schema for my situation.
Situation: The 'Car' objects contain 20 fields, of which I want to perform a single query for car_uuid (unique per car), factory_uuid (which factory made the car) and customer_uuid (who bought the car, this value is never null).
Based on what I read about partition keys, having a high cardinality partition key is preferred, hence it would make sense to choose car_uuid for this due to each car having a unique car_uuid. However if I now want to query for all cars from a certain factory_uuid I get an error that I need to enable ALLOW FILTERING since car_uuid is the first partition key and should always be specified when trying to query on the secondary partition key (if I have understood it correctly).
Most of my queries will either be getting all cars made by a certain factory (factory_uuid), or retrieving information about a single car (using car_uuid)
So I'm thinking of setting factory_uuid as first partition key as, for my particular application, I know I'll always have the factory_uuid when querying for a specific car_uuid. However now the main partition key does not have as high cardinality, as there are only that many factories, so in theory my data will not be a properly distributed anymore. This raised some question:
To what extend will I notice that impact of using a low(er) cardinality primary partition key?
In some posts people made a suggestion to use lookup tables. Would this be a solution for my situation, and which would be better: using car_uuid in the main table and factory_uuid in the lookup table as primary partition keys? (My intuition says that one of these tables will then still have this low cardinality primary partition key problem, is this true?)
Just to be sure, as far as I understand, indexes are not not desirable to use for factory_uuid since, while trying to get all cars for a certain factory_uuid, Cassandra will go over all nodes to check for matching results, which will have major performance implications on such a frequent query.
Any suggestions / inputs are welcomed!


Analyze rarely populated fields in mongodb

I have a mongodb collection with close to 100,000 records and each record has around 5000 keys. Lot of this is empty. How can I find (maybe visually represent) this emptiness of data.
In other words, I would like to analyze the type of values in each key. What would be the right approach for this.
You could take a look to MongoDB aggregation strategies. Check out $group.
From how you exposed your problem, I could totally see an accumulator over the number of keys of each record.
As an example, with the appropriate thresholds and transformation, such an operation could basically return you the records grouped by number of keys (or an array solely populated with the number of keys for each record).
Such an approach could also allow you to perform some data analysis over the keys used for each record.

Real-time access to simple but large data set with Python

I am currently facing the problem of having to frequently access a large but simple data set on a smallish (700 Mhz) device in real time. The data set contains around 400,000 mappings from abbreviations to abbreviated words, e.g. "frgm" to "fragment". Reading will happen frequently when the device is used and should not require more than 15-20ms.
My first attempt was to utilize SQLite in order to create a simple data base which merely contains a single table where two strings constitute a data set:
CREATE TABLE WordMappings (key text, word text)
This table is created once and although alterations are possible, only read-access is time critical.
Following this guide, my SELECT statement looks as follows:
def databaseQuery(self, query_string):
self.cursor.execute("SELECT word FROM WordMappings WHERE key=" + query_string + " LIMIT 1;")
result = self.cursor.fetchone()
return result[0]
However, using this code on a test data base with 20,000 abbreviations, I am unable to fetch data quicker than ~60ms, which is far to slow.
Any suggestions on how to improve performance using SQLite or would another approach yield more promising results?
You can speed up lookups on the key column by creating an index for it:
CREATE INDEX kex_index ON WordMappings(key);
To check whether a query uses an index or scans the entire table, use EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN.
A long time ago I tried to use SQLite for sequential data and it was not fast enough for my needs. At the time, I was comparing it against an existing in-house binary format, which I ended up using.
I have not personally used, but a friend uses PyTables for large time-series data; maybe it's worth looking into.
It turns out that defining a primary key speeds up individual queries by an factor order of magnitude.
Individual queries on a test table with 400,000 randomly created entries (10/20 characters long) took no longer than 5ms which satisfies the requirements.
The table is now created as follows:
CREATE TABLE WordMappings (key text PRIMARY KEY, word text)
A primary key is used because
It is implicitly unique, which is a property of the abbreviations stored
It cannot be NULL, so the rows containing it must not be NULL. In our case, if they were, the database would be corrupt
Other users have suggested using an index, however, they are not necessarily unique and according to the accept answer to this question, they unnecessarily slow down update/insert/delete performance. Nevertheless, using an index may as well increase performance. This has, however not been tested by the original author, although not tested by the original author.

Redis: find all objects older than

I store several properties of objects in hashsets. Among other things, something like "creation date". There are several hashsets in the db.
So, my question is, how can I find all objects older than a week for example? Can you suggest an algorithm what faster than O(n) (naive implementation)?
My initial thought would be to store the data elsewhere, like relational database, or possibly using a zset.
If you had continuous data (meaning it was consistently set at N interval time periods), then you could store the hash key as the member and the date (as a int timestamp) as the value. Then you could do a zrank for a particular date, and use zrevrange to query from the first rank to the value you get from zrank.

ways to detect data redundancy between tables with different structures

I'm working on a problem that involves multiple database instances, each with different table structures. The problem is, between these tables, there are lots and lots of duplicates, and i need a way to efficiently find them, report them, and possibly eliminate them.
Eg. I have two tables, the first table, CustomerData with the fields:
_countId, customerFID, customerName, customerAddress, _someRandomFlags
and I have another table, CustomerData2 (built later) with the fields:
_countId, customerFID, customerFirstName, customerLocation, _someOtherRandomFlags.
Between the two tables above, I know for a fact that customerName and customerFirstName were used to store the same data, and similarly customerLocation and customerAddress were also used to store the same data.
Lets say, some of the sales team have been using customerData, and others have been using customerData2. I'd like to have a scalable way of detecting the redundancies between the tables and report them. It can be assumed with some amount of surety that customerFID in both tables are consistent, and refer to the same customer.
One solution I could think off was, to create a customerData class in python, map the records in the two tables to this class, and compute a hash/signature for the objects within the class that are required (customerName, customerLocation/Address) and store them to a signature table, which has the columns:
sourceTableName, entityType (customerData), identifyingKey (customerFID), signature
and then for each entityType, I look for duplicate signatures for each customerFID
In reality, I'm working with huge sets of biomedical data, with lots and lots of columns. They were created at different people (and sadly with no standard nomenclature or structure) and have been duplicate data stored in them
For simplicity sake, I can move all the database instances to a single server instance.
If I couldn't care for performance, I'd use a high-level practical approach. Use Django (or SQLAlchemy or...) to build your desired models (your tables) and fetch the data to compare. Then use an algorithm for efficiently identifying duplicates (...from lists or dicts,it depends of "how" you hold your data). To boost performance you may try to "enhance" your app with the multiprocessing module or consider a map-reduce solution.

Efficient large dicts of dicts to represent M:M relationships in Python

I have a very large dataset - millions of records - that I want to store in Python. I might be running on 32-bit machines so I want to keep the dataset down in the hundreds-of-MB range and not ballooning much larger than that.
These records - represent a M:M relationship - two IDs (foo and bar) and some simple metadata like timestamps (baz).
Some foo have too nearly all bar in them, and some bar have nearly all foo. But there are many bar that have almost no foos and many foos that have almost no bar.
If this were a relational database, a M:M relationship would be modelled as a table with a compound key. You can of course search on either component key individually comfortably.
If you store the rows in a hashtable, however, you need to maintain three hashtables as the compound key is hashed and you can't search on the component keys with it.
If you have some kind of sorted index, you can abuse lexical sorting to iterate the first key in the compound key, and need a second index for the other key; but its less obvious to me what actual data-structure in the standard Python collections this equates to.
I am considering a dict of foo where each value is automatically moved from tuple (a single row) to list (of row tuples) to dict depending on some thresholds, and another dict of bar where each is a single foo, or a list of foo.
Are there more efficient - speedwise and spacewise - ways of doing this? Any kind of numpy for indices or something?
(I want to store them in Python because I am having performance problems with databases - both SQL and NoSQL varieties. You end up being IPC memcpy and serialisation-bound. That is another story; however the key point is that I want to move the data into the application rather than get recommendations to move it out of the application ;) )
Have you considered using a NoSQL database that runs in memory such at Redis? Redis supports a decent amount of familiar data structures.
I realize you don't want to move outside of the application, but not reinventing the wheel can save time and quite frankly it may be more efficient.
If you need to query the data in a flexible way, and maintain various relationships, I would suggest looking further into using a database, of which there are many options. How about using an in-memory databse, like sqlite (using ":memory:" as the file)? You're not really moving the data "outside" of your program, and you will have much more flexibility than with multi-layered dicts.
Redis is also an interesting alternative, as it has other data-structures to play with, rather than using a relational model with SQL.
What you describe sounds like a sparse matrix, where the foos are along one axis and the bars along the other one. Each non-empty cell represents a relationship between one foo and one bar, and contains the "simple metadata" you describe.
There are efficient sparse matrix packages for Python (scipy.sparse, PySparse) you should look at. I found these two just by Googling "python sparse matrix".
As to using a database, you claim that you've had performance problems. I'd like to suggest that you may not have chosen an optimal representation, but without more details on what your access patterns look like, and what database schema you used, it's awfully hard for anybody to contribute useful help. You might consider editing your post to provide more information.
NoSQL systems like redis don't provide MM tables.
In the end, a python dict keyed by pairs holding the values, and a dict of the set of pairings for each term was the best I could come up with.
class MM:
def __init__(self):
self._a = {} # Bs for each A
self._b = {} # As for each B
self._ab = {}
