I have a plotly stacked histogram like this:
I would like to click one part of the graph(for instance, one blue part) and get the data for that part for another graph. I have tried the callback function: def update_point(trace, points, selector)
It seems to work fine with barplot and scatterplot but not with histogram. Can anyone help me with that?
I am trying to plot 2D bars in a Plotly 3D figure. I understand that Plotly's 3D figures do not yet support bar charts out of the box, but I have come across some examples from other people on the Plotly forums which have shown how this might be achieved.
Please see the post Adding a shape to a 3D plot. This is close to what I am trying to achieve, but I am not trying to plot a histogram.
It appears plotting traces as a mesh3d, adding in the missing points and triangulating is the way to go for Plotly's 3D chart, according to other examples I have seen. Below is an example of what I am looking for that I created using Matplotlib.
As you can see, x axis is the date, y axis is the trace name and z axis is the value. I would like to see if I can achieve something similar using Plotly's 3D charts, which are so much better of course because of the client side interactivity.
Is there a working example for what I'm trying to achieve? I am simply looking to plot simple (date, value) per trace as 2D bars in the 3D figure.
There isn't any current way to have a bar chart in 3D with Plotly (at least that I am aware of).
Documentation: Plotly Python Open Source Graphing Library 3D Charts
As shown in the documentation, there aren’t any options for a bar chart. There are, however, alternatives like a bubble chart.
I have a set of data held in a dataframe, with another dataframe with the associated errors. I would want to plot this with seaborn, but I can't seem to find a way to do this. I can get a scatterplot, but not with errorbars.
I would want something like This
Which was produced with Matplotlib. Although if I can't plot the lines that is ok as well. I am able to get a basic scatterplot with the sns.scatterplot() method, but can't find any way to add the errorbars to it. Does anyone know how to do this in seaborn?
I want to plot boxplots on top of the scattered points like this.
I know I have to bin the data into intervals first but I couldn't find the function that does all of this. Sample x and y data are saved here as .npy.
I would look into using matplotlib. Boxes can be drawn as such:
and scatter plots can also be drawn as such: https://matplotlib.org/gallery/lines_bars_and_markers/scatter_demo2.html?highlight=scatter
There is a search functionality on their site, along with plenty of documentation on how to utilize their library.
As for your specific question, you can specify zorder when drawing many of the things in matplotlib, and you could use that to define your boxplots to be on top. I believe if no zorder is defined that it draws items in the order they are encountered in your program (so you could draw scatter plots and then box plots and they should appear correctly as in your diagram above!
I'm trying to retrieve the range of the x-axis when you zoom in a plotly scatter plot, but when I tried to access it using:
it just returns 'None'.
This is the code that I am using to create the graph:
# self.plot contains the dataframe passed to the function to be plotted
self.plot = df
# Creates the plotly plot figure
self.fig = self.plot.iplot(asFigure=True,kind='scatter', xTitle='Date', yTitle='Temperature')
# Displays the plot
iplot(self.fig, show_link=False)
I'm using cufflinks to create the plot from a pandas DataFrame so I don't explicitly set the layout.xaxis.range to anything. Also I'm using a Jupyter Notebook to display the graph, if that helps at all. So is there any way of getting the range of the x-axis of the current view window of the plot? Thanks in advance!
That does not seem to be possible at the moment using python. There's a post on community.plot.ly that says:
Graph parameters don’t dynamically change with chart actions. However,
as you zoom, the plot does emit data regarding the new x-axis range,
you’re unable to to access this information directly in Python.
Instead you’d have to use javascript:
I need to return both a histogram and a scatterplot in one function using matplotlib, but when I try to create the histogram after creating the scatterplot, it appears that the scatterplot gets overridden. Just wondering if anyone has any advice on this issue? Is there a way to return two plots at once if they share an x-axis?
For instance, there is paragraph included in this link http://matplotlib.org/users/pyplot_tutorial.html about how to have 2 subplots. But I'm not sure how to do that with plt.hist() and plt.plot().
Since the histogram fills the bars it is probably better to do it first then the scatter plot.