I am trying to combine two SQLAlchemyConnectionField. The current error i face is graphql.error.base.GraphQLError: Expected value of type "PostsObject" but got: Tag
My current connections are defined like so posts = SQLAlchemyConnectionField(PostsObject.connection, /* input arguments like posts(name: "") */) Is there a way to add another type or allow to return something like
"data": {
"posts": {
"edges": [
"node": "Different table"
"node": "Other table"
I am using graphene_sqlalchemy well anyway thats all thanks !
I'm currently a bit stuck. I have to create a model of our dynamodb using pynamodb, and here's what I have (part of a bigger model, exported from a real user in DB)
packs = [
"exos": {
"4": {
"start": 1529411739,
"session": 1529411739,
"finish": 1529417144
"5": {
"start": 1529417192,
"session": 1529417192
"id": 10
"exos": {
"32": {
"start": 1529411706,
"session": 1529411706
"id": 17
Here's what I got so far:
class ExercisesMapAttribute(MapAttribute):
class PackMapAttribute(MapAttribute):
exos = ExercisesMapAttribute()
id = NumberAttribute()
class TrainUser(Model):
class Meta:
table_name = 'TrainUser'
region = 'eu-west-1'
# [...] Other stuff removed for clarity
packs = ListAttribute(of=PackMapAttribute())
Currently I think I got correctly up until the "4":, "5": etc... As they are exercices name.
The idea is that this structure is supposed to represent a list of packs, then inside a list of exercises with their id and more info... I need a way to map that from the current db json to classes I can then use with PynamoDB. Is it even possible?
I've tried DynamicMapAttribute but I can't figure out if it will work with my configuration.
I also don't know how a custom attribute could be done to overcome this.
I have a json file called pool.json which contains this:
"pools": {
"$poolId": {
"nodes": {
"$nodeId": {
"bcm": {
"address": {
"ip": ""
"password": "ADMIN",
"username": "ADMIN"
This is my Python code:
pool_id = ['123456']
json_pool = json.loads(read_json_file('pool.json'))
for i in pool_id:
json_pool['pools'][i] = json_pool.pop(['pools']['$poolId'])
print('json_pool: %s' % json_pool)
I'm trying to update $poolId with the value in pool_id(I know I've only got one pool_id. I just want to get this piece working before I do anything else). Ive been trying to do this with pop but am having no success when it's nested as in this case. I can get it working when I want to change a top level key. What am I doing wrong?
I think you want to execute json_pool['pools'].pop('$poolId') instead of json_pool.pop(['pools']['$poolId']).
I've got some code that looks like this
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
client = Elasticsearch(hosts = [myhost])
results = es_client.search(
body = {
'query' : {
'bool' : {
'must' : {
'term' : {
'foo' : 'bar',
'hello' : 'world'
index = 'index_A,index_B',
size = 10,
from_ = 0
except Exception as e:
## my code stops here, as there is an exception
import pdb
Examining the exception
SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed;
And further down
Parse Failure [Failed to parse source [{"query": {"bool": {"must": {"term": {"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}}}}}]]]; nested: QueryParsingException[[index_A] [bool] query does not support [must]];
The stack trace was huge so I just grabbed snippets of it, but the main error appears to be that "must" is not supported, at least the way I have constructed my query.
I was using this and this for guidance on constructing the query.
I can post a more complete stack trace, but I was hoping someone is able to see a very obvious error that I have made inside the "body" parameter inside the "search" method.
Can anyone see anything that I have clearly done wrong as far as constructing the query body for the python API?
The syntax of the query doesn't look correct to me. Try this:
results = es_client.search(
body = {
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"foo": {
"value": "bar"
"term": {
"hello": {
"value": "world"
index = 'index_A,index_B',
size = 10,
from_ = 0
I have the following code in python:
from pymongo import Connection
import bson
c = Connection()
db = c.twitter
ids = db.users_from_united_states.distinct("user.id")
for i in ids:
count = db.users_from_united_states.find({"user.id":i}).count()
for u in db.users_from_united_states.find({"user.id":i, "tweets_text": {"$size": count}}).limit(1):
I need to get all the users and find the register of each user where the number of tweets_text is equal to the number of times that it appears in the collection (meaning that this document contains ALL the tweets that the same user posted).
Then, I need to save it in another collection, or just group it on the same collection.
When I run this code it gives me a number of documents that is less than the ids number
I saw something about mapReduce but I just can't figure out how to use it in my case.
I tried to run another code directly on mongodb but it hasn't worked at all:
var ids = db.users_from_united_states.distinct("user.id")
for (i=0; i< ids.length; i++){
var count = db.users_from_united_states.find({"user.id":ids[i]}).count()
db.users_from_united_states.find({"user.id":ids[i], "tweets_text": {$size: count}).limit(1).forEach(function(doc){db.my_usa_fitness_network.insert(doc)})
Can you help me please? I have a huge project and I need help. Thank you.
"$group": {
"_id": "$user.id",
"my_fitness_data": {
"$push": "$text"
"$project": {
"UserId": "$_id",
"TweetsCount": {
"$size": "$my_fitness_data"
"Tweets": "$my_fitness_data"
Hi i have a problem with queries data using mongoengine. I try to do this same like in documentation but i have a problem.
I create two models
class Alarm(mongoengine.Document):
added = mongoengine.DateTimeField()
title = mongoengine.StringField()
tracks = mongoengine.ListField(mongoengine.EmbeddedDocumentField(Track))
meta = {
'indexes': [[("tracks.location", "2dsphere")]]
class Track(mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument):
created_on = mongoengine.DateTimeField()
location = mongoengine.PointField()
from django shell i add one row :
db.alarm.insert({"title": "Warszawa", "tracks": [{"location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [21.01666, 52.233333]}}]})
I connect to mongodb and from shell i try to find my new location using $near:
>db.alarm.find({'tracks.location': {$near: {$geometry: {"type": "Point", coordinates: [18.068611, 59.329444]}, $maxDistance: 810997}}})
> db.alarm.find({'tracks.location': {$near: {$geometry: {"type": "Point", coordinates: [18.068611, 59.329444]}, $maxDistance: 810998}}})
"_id" : ObjectId("53ef89626dda06655a57a342"), "title" : "Warszawa",
"tracks" : [ { "location" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [
21.01666, 52.233333 ] } } ] }
Returned result is that what i expected. First query return none second find my location.
But i cannot receive this same result using mongoengine
Alarm.objects(tracks__location__near = {"coordinates":[ 21.01666, 52.233333 ] , "type": "Point"}, tracks__location__max_distance=810998)
i get:
<repr(<mongoengine.queryset.queryset.QuerySet at 0x7ff3a50e8a10>) failed: pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: database error: Can't canonicalize query: BadValue geo near accepts just one argument when querying for a GeoJSON point. Extra field found: $maxDistance: 810998>
This is more like a hint, but:
$near operator in MongoDB has two subclauses: $geometry and $maxDistance (that's how you call it in the Mongo shell). But it looks like your custom object tries to instantiate $near clause with only $geometry as parameter.
So it's not tracks__location__max_distance, but rather something like tracks__location__near__max_distance (i.e. max_distance should be inside $near clause).