Guessing game: Difficulty importing class and getting it to function. PYTHON - python

I am making a guessing game. I wanted to create a guess counter module in a doc and import it into my so i could access its instance for other modules.
The only problem is I cant get it to function. code ##
guess = Guess_Counter(0)
print("Welcome to the guessing game you have 3 guesses your first riddle is: \n")
while True and (guess) < 4:
print("I am cool as a breeze, I stop your heart with ease, seasons may be my enemy, but im part of you and you are friend to me. What am I? \n")
print("Enter your guess or type 'hint', or 'quit' below.")
answer = input()
answer = answer.upper()
guess += 1
if "sneeze" in answer.upper():
print("Great work, your next riddle is: \n")
elif answer == "hint":
guess.guess -= 1
elif answer == "quit" or guess == 4:
print("Better luck next time! ")
print("Try again!") code ##
class Guess_Counter():
def __init__(self, numguess):
self.numguess = numguess


how to make it that it does not repeat?

I know that a "not repeat with random from a list" is probably seen as a info you can find, but as someone who does not have a lot of knowledge of python yet, i cannot seem to understand those answers or they do not work for my problem. So I hope any of you are able to help.
as my first small project I am building a truth or dare program, and now I am at the point that I want to make it that the questions cannot be asked twice, and that if the truth questions are all done it prints that announcement, and I want the same for my dare questions.
here is my program so far, sorry if it is messy:
import random
import time
truth = ["If you could be invisible, what is the first thing you would do?",
"What is a secret you kept from your parents?",
"What is the most embarrassing music you listen to?",
"What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself?",
"Who is your secret crush?"]
dare = ["Do a free-style rap for the next minute",
"Let another person post a status on your behalf.",
"Hand over your phone to another player who can send a single text saying anything they want to anyone they want.",
"Let the other players go through your phone for one minute.",
"Smell another player's armpit."]
print("Hello, and welcome to my truth or dare show, just type truth or type dare to get a question!")
lives = 3
while lives > 0:
choice = input("truth or dare?: ").lower()
if choice == "truth":
while True:
answer_truth = input("want to answer? type yes or no: ").lower()
if answer_truth == "yes":
input("> ").lower()
print("good answer")
print(f"you have {lives} lives left")
elif answer_truth == "no":
print("you lost a life!")
lives -= 1
print(f"you have {lives} lives left")
print("that is not an option")
elif choice == "dare":
while True:
do_dare = input(f"did you do the dare? type yes or no: ").lower()
if do_dare == "yes":
print("well done!")
print(f"you have {lives} lives left")
elif do_dare == "no":
print("you lost a life!")
lives -= 1
print(f"you have {lives} lives left")
print("that is not an option")
print("that is not an option")
print("GAME OVER!")
This should work:
choice = random.choice(truth)
# inside the loop
if len(truth) == 0:
print("all questions are done")
do the same for dare
You probably want a construct like this:
from random import shuffle
ls = ["a", "b", "c"]
lives = 3
while lives > 0 and ls:
current_question = ls.pop()
... # Rest of your code
So you want to select a random option, but then no longer have it in the set that you select random things from in the future.
If you imagine it physically, you have a jar list that has papers item's in it and you want to take them out at random. Obviously, any that you take out can not be taken out again.
We can accomplish this by removing the item from the list after it's 'picked'
To answer your question about having it let them know there are no more truths or no more dares, we can simply add a conditional to the whole truth segment and one to the whole dare segment as well, then further, if both run out, end the game.
while lives > 0 and (len(truth)>0 or len(dare>0)):
# Rest of the program
if choice == "truth":
if len(truth) > 0:
# Code
print("there are no more truths (existential crisis), maybe try a dare instead")
elif choice == "dare":
if len(dare)>0:
# Code
print("there are no more dares *sigh of releif*, maybe try a truth instead")

Restarting a function once condition returns True

Trying my hand at writing a very simple Game of Chance game on Codecademy while working through their Python course. I was doing ok (I think) for a while and the code returned what I expected it to, but now it feels I'm stuck and googling things frantically hasn't really helped me and I don't just want to look at the actual solution because where's the fun in that so here goes.
My thought process was the game should initially ask the player to input their guess and their bid, then run the code in game() and print the outcome. This was then to be locked in a while loop to check if the user wanted to continue playing or not and if the answer was "Yes" to restart the game() function again. This is where I am stuck as I just can't figure out what to put in line 26 after the "Yes" check returns True.
I guess the TL/DR version of my actual question is how do you (without giving the actual code away) call a function from within a while loop? Wondering if perhaps I'm simply headed in the wrong direction here and need to review while loops once more.
# Import stuff
import random
# Generate random number from 1 - 9
num = random.randint(1, 10)
# The actual game, asking user for input and returning the outcome
def game():
guess = int(input("Guess the number: "))
bid = int(input("Bet on the game: "))
money = 100
if guess == num:
money = (money + bid)
print("You Won")
print("You now have: " + str(money) +" money")
return money
money = (money - bid)
print("You lost, you will die poor")
print("You now have: " + str(money) +" money")
return money
# Run game() while there's still money left in the pot
def structure():
while money > 0:
another_go = input("Would you like to play again? Yes or No: ")
if another_go == "Yes":
game() # This is where I'm stuck
elif another_go == "No":
print("Oh well, suit yourself")
print("Pick Yes or No")
Ok so a few things to go through here.
First off, the concept of a local variable is coming into play here and is why your money variable is not communicating properly between your two functions. Each of your functions uses it's own money variable, which is completely independent of the other.
So this is the root of your current problem, where your money > 0 loop never actually runs. Secondly, although this might have just been done for troubleshooting, you don't actually call structure which is supposed to control game().
Lets try something like this where we keep money in the structure function and pass an update version to the game function as a parameter. Then, because you have game() returning money, you can just update the money value in your structure() call.
# Import stuff
import random
# Generate random number from 1 - 9
num = random.randint(1, 10)
# The actual game, asking user for input and returning the outcome
def game(money):
guess = int(input("Guess the number: "))
bid = int(input("Bet on the game: "))
if guess == num:
money = (money + bid)
print("You Won")
print("You now have: " + str(money) +" money")
return money
money = (money - bid)
print("You lost, you will die poor")
print("You now have: " + str(money) +" money")
return money
# Run game() while there's still money left in the pot
def structure():
money = 100
money = game(money)
while money > 0:
another_go = input("Would you like to play again? Yes or No: ")
if another_go == "Yes":
money = game(money) # This is where I'm stuck
elif another_go == "No":
print("Oh well, suit yourself")
print("Pick Yes or No")
Notice because of how your while loop is written, in order to get game() to run the first time I had to call it before the while loop. Maybe as a challenge, see if you can be rewrite the structure of your loop so that you don't have to do this!
Welcome to SO. Your code is overall fine. Here's one way to slightly change your code to make it work:
... Most of the code ...
money = 10
def structure():
another_go = "Yes" # initialize to 'Yes', so we'll
# always have a first game.
while money > 0:
if another_go == "Yes":
game() # This is where I'm stuck
elif another_go == "No":
print("Oh well, suit yourself")
print("Pick Yes or No")
# move 'another go' to the end of the loop
another_go = input("Would you like to play again? Yes or No: ")
structure() # call this function to start
# make money a global parameter with a -ve value
money = -1
def game():
global money
guess = int(input("Guess the number: "))
bid = int(input("Bet on the game: "))
# Then, if money has default(game started for first time), update it
if(money < 0):
money = 100
while money > 0:
global money
another_go = input("Would you like to play again? Yes or No: ")
if another_go == "Yes":
game(money) # Pass remaining money to game()

Why my random number game doesn't work right?

guys! I'm new here. Nice to meet you!
I have the following problem. My random number generator always do exactly the same number. I have a guess why it's happening, but I'm not sure. Can you, please, explain what I'm doing wrong and just write some words about my code at all? Thanks!
import random
def begin():
r_num = random.randint(1, 10)
p_num = int(input('Enter your number: '))
ch = (r_num, p_num)
if ch[0] == ch[1]:
print("You've won! Excellent!")
play_again = input("Do you want to play again? y/n")
if play_again == 'y' or play_again == 'Y':
elif play_again == 'n' or play_again == 'N':
elif ch[1] < ch[0]:
print("Your number is lower than it must be!")
elif ch[1] > ch[0]:
print("Your number is higher than it must be!")
def start():
gen = input('Print generate to begin playing! \n')
if gen == 'generate':
print('Welcome to my first Python game! Guess random generated number from 1 to 10!')
The code works perfectly fine and so you genuinely must just have had incredibly good/bad luck (depending on which way you think about it). Try running the code in a different IDE - it's the only thing I can think of that may be causing the issue. Try running the script again?

Python Guess game how to repeat

I have been working on this guessing game but i just cant get it to repeat the game when the player says yes. The game gives you 5 attempts to guess the number that it thought of and then after it asks you if you would like to play again but when you say 'YES' it just keeps repeating the sentence and when you say 'NO' it does what its supposed to which is break the code
def main():
game = "your game"
import random #imports random number function
print("Welcome to the number guessing game!")
counter=1 #This means that the score is set to 0
number = int(random.randint(1,10))
while counter >0 and counter <=5:
guess=int(input("Try and guess the number\n"))#tells the user to try and guess the number
if guess!=number and guess>number:
print("wrong number! Try again you are too high")#tells you that you were wrong and that that you were too high
counter=counter+1#adds 1 count for every attempt it took you to guess the number
elif guess!=number and guess<number:
print("wrong number! Try again you are too low!")#tells you that you were wrong and tells you that you were too low
counter=counter+1#adds 1 count for every attempt it took you to guess the number
print("Well done! You have guessed the number i was thinking of! The number was ",number)#Prints this out when you guessed the number
print("it took you ",counter, "attempts!")#tells you how many attempts it took you to guess the number
if counter==2:
print("4 attempts left before program ends")
if counter==3:
print("3 attempts left before program ends")
if counter==4:
print("2 attempts left before program ends")
if counter==5:
print("1 attempts left before program ends")
def play_again():
while True:
play_again = input("Would you like to play again?(yes or no) : ")
if play_again == "yes":
if play_again == "no":
print("I'm sorry I could not recognize what you entered")
It's because your game code isn't in the function. Try it in this manner:
<import statements>
def game():
<insert all game code>
def main():
while True:
play_again = input("Would you like to play again?(yes or no) : ")
if play_again == "yes":
if play_again == "no":
print("I'm sorry I could not recognize what you entered")
There's a few problems with your code that I'd like to point out.
The main one being that your game does not run again when typing yes. All it will do is run main() which will print your game and then ask you if you want to retry once again. It's easier if you put your game inside a definition that way you can call it whenever necessary.
Also, I don't know if it's just me, but if you guess the correct number, it will still ask you to guess a number. You need to exit your loop by putting your play_again() method in your else block.
Below is the code. I've polished it up a little just for optimization.
import random #imports random number function
def main():
print("Welcome to the number guessing game!")
game = "your game"
def run_game():
counter = 1
number = random.randint(1, 10)
while counter > 0 and counter <= 5:
guess=int(input("Try and guess the number\n"))#tells the user to try and guess the number
if guess!=number and guess > number:
print("wrong number! Try again you are too high")#tells you that you were wrong and that that you were too high
counter=counter+1#adds 1 count for every attempt it took you to guess the number
elif guess != number and guess < number:
print("wrong number! Try again you are too low!")#tells you that you were wrong and tells you that you were too low
counter=counter+1#adds 1 count for every attempt it took you to guess the number
print("Well done! You have guessed the number i was thinking of! The number was " + str(number))#Prints this out when you guessed the number
print("it took you " + str(counter) + " attempts!")#tells you how many attempts it took you to guess the number
if counter == 2:
print("4 attempts left before program ends")
if counter == 3:
print("3 attempts left before program ends")
if counter == 4:
print("2 attempts left before program ends")
if counter == 5:
print("1 attempts left before program ends")
def play_again():
while True:
retry = input("Would you like to play again?(yes or no) : ")
if retry == "yes":
if retry == "no":
print("I'm sorry I could not recognize what you entered")

Still new to python. So confused right now. How do I make this program work?

So I'm making a little game to teach myself how python works, and it's been okay up to this point, but now I'm completely stuck. I'm sure the logic and formatting of the if and while statement are all wrong, so I'd be happy if people could point me in the right direction - again, REALLY new to programming in general. I'll paste the code, then explain what I'm trying to make it do:
import random
import time
print("Welcome to the Dojo!")
print("You have three opponents; they are ready...")
print("Are you?")
print("*To view the rules, type 'rules' ")
print("*To view commands, type 'commands' ")
print("*To begin, type 'start' ")
while True:
userInput = (input())
# Rules
if userInput == "rules":
print("The rules in this Dojo are simple. Kill your opponent! Fight to the death! Show no mercy!")
print("Each opponent gets progressively more difficult, whether it be in terms of health or damage.")
print("To attack, type 'attack'")
print("May the better (luckier) warrior win")
# Commands - to be added
elif userInput == "commands":
print("Commands will be added soon!")
# Start
elif userInput == "start":
damage = random.randint(1, 50)
userHealth = int(100)
opponentHealth = int(100)
print("Your first opponent is Larry Schmidt. Don't sweat it, he'll be a piece of cake.")
print("The battle will begin in")
if userInput == "attack":
int(userHealth - damage)
print("You did %(damage) to Larry!")
# Invalid response
print("Enter a valid response, young grasshopper.")
if userInput == "start" is True:
If you run the program for yourself, everything is okay until you reach the "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Fight!" part. Then when you type "attack," it gives you "Enter a valid response, young grasshopper." I understand why this is happening, because "attack" doesn't fall under "rules", "commands", or "start". I just don't get how I'm supposed to format it so that after I enter "attack", it actually proceeds and outputs the damage done, etc. I apologize if this is hard to understand, but I think if you run it for yourself, you'll understand what I'm having problems with. Honestly, something tells me I've messed up the if and while statements up entirely, but hey, I'm learning and having fun :P.
Thanks for any help.
You aren't asking for more input. It's guaranteed that the userInput will still be "start" at that point.
Your code would benefit greatly from the use of functions. You could really organize the code better that way.
def intro():
print("Welcome to the Dojo!")
print("You have three opponents; they are ready...")
print("Are you?")
print("*To view the rules, type 'rules' ")
print("*To view commands, type 'commands' ")
print("*To begin, type 'start' ")
def get_user_input():
user_input = (input())
while user_input not in ['rules', 'commands', 'start']:
print("valid commands are rules, commands and start")
user_input = (input())
return user_input
returned_user_input = get_user_input()
There are a lot of ways to do these things, and you'll get better with time. Mainly note that user_input only gets updated when you do this:
user_input = (input())
Which in your code was only done once.
The code you have in the "start" branch of the if conditional will only run once, and userInput will still be "start" at that point. The solution, wrap it in a loop. Maybe something like this:
elif userInput == "start":
userHealth = 100
opponentHealth = 100
print("Your first opponent is Larry Schmidt. Don't sweat it, he'll be a piece of cake.")
print("The battle will begin in")
while opponentHealth > 0 and userHealth > 0:
userInput = input()
if userInput == "attack":
damage = random.randint(1, 50)
opponentHealth = opponentHealth - damage
print("You did %d to Larry!" % damage)
The while loop will loop until the opponent has been defeated or until the user is defeated, but at the moment, there's no damage done to the user. I'll leave that part to you.
