So, I have that graph made in Plotly + Dash in python. I really have to stick with that background color because it make sense for my project.
With that in mind, I can't clearly see the ticklines of the graph. How can I change the color of the tickline?
Tickline color
Below is my code:
plot = alt.Chart(df).mark_bar().encode(
x='Name', y='words',color=alt.Color('Name',
The category20b palette has a lot of colours within it that are essentially grouped by shade. Is there a way to tell the plot to select, say, every other colour in the palette? Currently most of my plots are just shades of green because of the number of bars, which is annoying as it would be nice to have the bars be more distinguishable by colour. And yes, I realise I could just choose another scheme, but this one has the most aesthetic appeal for my project right now...
I would like to create a plot just like this, but I'd like to style the labels to the right differently (from the image where image, lines+markers and lines are).
I've added textfont=dict(color='black'), to the go.Scatter line does nothing. I've added a Layout object with font=dict(color='black'),, does nothing. And I've added similar to XAxis and YAxis without anything changing there, either.
For my use I'll be plotting really light colours (yellows, and green), which are fine for the dot, but really bad for the text. I'll also have longer text for the label, but just converts it to ellipses, and I haven't been able to figure a way to prevent that, and just show all the text.
Whenever I plot this image I get issues with the whites turning yellow. I know it's due to the default color mapping viridis, which matplotlib uses. When I switch to cmap='gray', it ends up showing the right red color pane.
Can anyone explain why this is happening? What color map should be used generally for pictures like this? How is the picture able to show the right colors when I do the default imshow(img)? What changes when I isolate the a single color pane? And when isolating red green or blue color panes in images, what is the preferred cmap and why?
This is the output for the red color pane
The regular image plots correctly according to RGB color mode:
The logic is rather simple, possibly the following chart helps more than any explanation.
In Bokeh 0.12.2, I was able to make a stacked bar chart with various hover tooltips using plotting and VBars. I also enabled a legend for the plot. However, my vbars are colored and the colors for each vbar (each stack) are not appearing in the legend. Only the names for the stack in the legend are appearing. Is this not an implemented feature yet or a bug maybe? Or maybe I'm missing something?
what my chart looks like
This was due to a bug in the bokeh source code which is being fixed if not fixed already.
How do I change the background color of the sides of a matplotlib inline plot in LightTable? In the image below, it's a little difficult to see the axis labels. I'm fine with either a python-based solution (i.e. modification of the python code shown), or a LightTable-based solution (i.e. a change in one of the settings files, but I'm not sure which one--e.g. is it user.behaviors?).
If you create a figure first, you can set the background colour using patch.set_facecolor:
Not sure if that works in LightTable (never used it before), but that does work in an ipython session so hopefully its portable to LightTable