This is my code:
def _poll_for_messages(self, poller: Poller):
sockets = dict(poller.poll(3000))
if not sockets:
if self._command_handler.command_socket in sockets:
encoded_message = self._command_handler.command_socket.recv_multipart()
This should communicate with my service bus and potentially reconnect if the bus gets restarted. When the Bus gets shut down, sometimes the last line still gets reached but the socket is not able to receive a message and it waits for one indefinitely.
For normal receives there is zmq.DONTWAIT but this does not work for multipart messages as far as I'm aware. Is there an easy way around this or am I polling for messages the wrong way in general?
If anyone stumbles over this and has the same problem, mine got fixed by adding the zmq.POLLIN flag when registering a socket to my poller:
poller.register(self._command_handler._command_socket, zmq.POLLIN)
I'm building photovoltaic motorized solar trackers. They're controlled by Raspberry Pi's running python script. RPI's are connected to my public openVPN server for remote control and continuous software development. That's working fine. Recently a passionate customer asked me for some sort of telemetry data for his tracker - let's say, it's current orientation, measured wind speed etc.. By being new to python, I'm really struggling with this part.
I've decided to use socket approach from guides like this. Python script listens on a socket, and my openVPN server, which is also web server, connects to it using PHP fsockopen. Python sends telemetry data, PHP makes it user friendly and displays it on the web. Everything so far works, however I don't know how to design my python script around it.
The problem is, that my script has to run continuously, and socket.accept() halts it's execution, waiting for a connection. Didn't find any obvious solution on the web. Would multi-threading work for this? Sounds a bit like overkill.
Is there a way to run socket listening asynchronously? Like, for example, pigpio callback's which I'm using abundantly?
Or alternatively, is there a better way to accomplish my goal?
I tried with remote accessing status file that my script is maintaining, but that proved to be extremely involved with setup and prone to errors when the file was being written.
I also tried running the second script. Problem is, then I have no access to relevant data, or I need to read beforementioned status file, and that leads to the same problems as above.
Relevant bit of code is literally only this:
# Main loop
while True:
# Telemetry
conn, addr = S.accept()
Best regards.
For a simple case like this I would probably just wrap the socket code into a separate thread.
With multithreading in python, the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) means that only one thread executes at a time, so you don't really need to add any further locks to the data if you're just reading the values, and don't care if it's also being updated at the same time.
Your code would essentially read something like:
from threading import Thread
def handle_telemetry_requests():
# Main loop
while True:
# Telemetry
conn, addr = S.accept()
# Error handling here (this will cause thread to exit if any error occurs)
socket_thread = Thread(target=handle_telemetry_requests)
socket_thread.daemon = True
Setting the daemon flag means that when the main application ends, the thread will also be terminated.
Python does provide the asyncio module - which may provide the callbacks you're looking for (though I don't have any experience with this).
Other options are to run a flask server in the python apps which will handle the sockets for you and you can just code the endpoints to request the data. Or think about using an MQTT broker - the current data can be written to that - and other apps can subscribe to updates.
I'm struggling understanding a "weird" behavior of my simple script. Basically, it works as expected if time.sleep() is set as 60s but as soon as I put a value above 90 (90 is the limit apparently in my case), the loop doesn't work properly. I discovered this when I was trying to pause the script for 3 mins.
Here's my script
from gpiozero import CPUTemperature
import time
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt #import the client1
import psutil
client = mqtt.Client("P1") #create new instance
client.connect(broker_address) #connect to broker
while True:
cpu = CPUTemperature()
#client.publish("test/ram", psutil.virtual_memory()[2])
#client.publish("test/cpu", psutil.cpu_percent())
In this case, with 91s it just prints the value of cpu.temperature every 91s, whereas with a value like 60s, besides printing, it also publishes the value via mqtt every cycle.
Am I doing something wrong here? Or for a longer sleep I need to change my code? I'm running this on a RaspberryPi.
Thanks in advance
I solved modifying the script, in particular how mqtt was handling the timing
here's the new script
#mqttc.on_connect = onConnect
#mqttc.on_disconnect = onDisconnect
mqttc.connect("", port=1883, keepalive=60)
while True:
cpu = CPUTemperature()
The MQTT client uses a network thread to handle a number of different aspects of the connection to the broker.
Firstly, it handles sending ping request to the broker in order to keep the connection alive. The default period for the keepalive period is 60 seconds. The connection will be dropped by the broker if it does not receive any messages in 1.5 times this value, which just happens to be 90 seconds.
Secondly, the thread handles any incoming messages that the client may have subscribed to.
Thirdly, if you try to publish a message that is bigger than the MTU of the network link, calling mqttc.publish() will only send the first packet and the loop is needed to send the rest of the payload.
There are 2 ways to run the network tasks.
As you have found, you can start a separate thread with the mqttc.loop_start()
The other option is to call mqttc.loop() within your own while loop
I have a very basic socket script which sends a single message to clients.
Part of server script :
while True:
con.send("Hello from server".encode())
Part of client script :
message = s.recv(5)
while message:
print("Message", message.decode())
I start 2 clients. They both prints the message (5 bytes at a time), then close.
However the server remains open, because it is still waiting for clients.
What is the correct way to exit the server while True loop ?
You have to specify on what condition you want your server to exit. Usually a server is programmed like a daemon, i.e., run indefinitely. In python, you already have a way to break the infinite while loop -- Ctrl-C to trigger a keyboard exception. Otherwise, think of the following:
After N clients handled, break inside the loop. You will need to have a counter and keep track of the clients handled
On some POSIX signal, such as the answer in How do I capture SIGINT in Python?, and usually this is the way daemons do to terminate nicely
By the way, your server code may need rewrite: You currently only handle one client at a time without parallel processing. It will very easy run into head-of-line blocking issues when you have many clients.
I have a threaded python socket server that opens a new thread for each connection.
The thread is a very simple communication based on question and answer.
Basically client sends initial data transmission, server takes it run an external app that does stuff to the transmission and returns a reply that the server will send back and the loop will begin again until client disconnects.
Now because the client will be on a mobile phone thus an unstable connection I get left with open threads no longer connected and because the loop starts with recv it is rather difficult to break on lost connectivity this way.
I was thinking on adding a send before the recv to test if connection is still alive but this might not help at all if the client disconnects after my failsafe send as the client sends a data stream every 5 seconds only.
I noticed the recv will break sometimes but not always and in those cases I am left with zombie threads using resources.
Also this could be a solid vulnerability for my system to be DOSed.
I have looked through the python manual and Googled since thursday trying to find something for this but most things I find are related to client and non blocking mode.
Can anyone point me in the right direction towards a good way on fixing this issue?
Code samples:
serversocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
serversocket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
logg("Binded to port: " + str(port))
# Listening Loop
while 1:
clientsocket, clientaddr = serversocket.accept()
threading.Thread(target=handler, args=(clientsocket, clientaddr,port,)).start()
# This is useless as it will never get here
# Socket connection handler (Threaded)
def handler(clientsocket, clientaddr, port):
# Loop till client closes connection or connection drops
while 1:
stream = ''
while 1:
ending = stream[-6:] # get stream ending
if ending == '.$$$$.':
data = clientsocket.recv(1)
if not data:
# this is the usual point where thread is closed when a client closes connection normally
stream += data
# Clear the line ending
stream = base64.b64encode(stream[:-6])
# Send data to be processed
re = getreply(stream)
# Send response to client
clientsocket.send(re + str('.$$$$.'))
As you can see there are three conditions that at least one should trigger exit if connection fails but sometimes they do not.
Sorry, but I think that threaded idea in this case is not good. As you do not need to process/do a lot of stuff in these threads (workers?) and most of the time these threads are waiting for socket (is the blocking operation, isn't it?) I would advice to read about event-driven programming. According to sockets this pattern is extremly useful, becouse you can do all stuff in one thread. You are communicate with one socket at a time, but the rest of connections are just waiting to data so there is almost no loss. When you send several bytes you just check that maybe another connection requires carrying. You can read about select
and epoll.
In python there is several libraries to play with this nicly:
libev (c library wrapper) - pyev
I used tornado in some projects and it is done this task very good. Libev is nice also, but is a c-wrapper so it is a little bit low-level (but very nice for some tasks).
So you should use socket.settimeout(float) with the clientsocket like one of the comments suggested.
The reason you don't see any difference is, when you call socket.recv(bufsize[, flags]) and the timeout runs out an socket.timeout exception is thrown and you catch that exception and exit.
data = clientsocket.recv(1)
should be somthing like:
data = clientsocket.recv(1)
except timeout:
#timeout occurred
#handle it
If I connect to an inexistent socket with pyzmq I need to hit CTRL_C to stop the program. Could someone explay why this happens?
import zmq
INVALID_ADDR = 'ipc:///tmp/idontexist.socket'
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
poller = zmq.Poller()
poller.register(socket, zmq.POLLIN)
conn = dict(poller.poll(1000))
if conn:
if conn.get(socket) == zmq.POLLIN:
print "got result: ", socket.recv(zmq.NOBLOCK)
print 'got no result'
This question was also posted as a pyzmq Issue on GitHub. I will paraphrase my explanation here (I hope that is appropriate, I am fairly new to SO):
A general rule: When in doubt, hangs at the end of your zeromq program are due to LINGER.
The hang here is caused by the LINGER socket option, and happens in the context.term() method called during garbage collection at the very end of the script. The LINGER behavior is described in the zeromq docs, but to put it simply, it is a timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for any pending messages in the queue to be handled after closing the socket before dropping the messages. The default behavior is LINGER=-1, which means to wait forever.
In this case, since no peer was ever started, the 'hello' message that you tried to send is still waiting in the send queue when the socket tries to close. With LINGER=-1, ZeroMQ will wait until a peer is ready to receive that message before shutting down. If you bind a REP socket to 'ipc:///tmp/idontexist.socket' while this script is apparently hanging, the message will be delivered and the script will finish exiting cleanly.
If you do not want your script to wait (as indicated by your print statements that you have already given up on getting a reply), set LINGER to any non-negative value (e.g. socket.linger = 0), and context.term() will return after waiting the specified number of milliseconds.
I should note that the INVALID_ADDR variable name suggests an understanding that connection to an interface that does not yet have a listener is not valid - this is incorrect. zeromq allows bind/connect events to happen in any order, as illustrated by the behavior described above, of binding a REP socket to the interface while the sending script is blocking on term().
In most cases, you can bind and connect ZMQ sockets in either order, so your connect()/send() is simply waiting for the corresponding bind() at the other end, which never comes, so the program appears to hang. Check where the program is hanging by printing out some logging statements...