Importing module test data into python tests without explicitly setting PYTHONPATH? - python

I am trying to import a file (module) that contains test data into my python tests. I am keeping the data separate as it is a large python dictionary and the tests will be mmore readable with them in a separate place.
My test folder:
I run the tests with:
PYTHONPATH=./source python -m unittest discover -s tests
In I attempt to import the data from with:
from fixture_data import EVENT_DATA
It looks like fixture_data is not available on the path as it gives this error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fixture_data'
I can explicitly add the test folder to the python path and then the data is found and tests work with:
PYTHONPATH=./source:./tests/elasticsearch_tests python -m unittest discover -s tests
Is there a better way though - in which the tests will automatically pickup the test data module?


(Python Unittest) Module being tested cannot import its dependencies: ModuleNotFoundError

I am working on developing unittests for a project that has been already completed, however I am having a hard time running my unittests without modifying the original code. The module I am trying to test has other dependencies in the same folder that will not import when the unittests are run. Here is what my directory looks like:
The original code in successfully imports on its own like this: from module2 import Practices where Practices is a function from module2.
The issue I am running into is that in order to run (which I am doing by calling python3 -m unittest from the root directory), I have to modify itself such that it says: from main_folder.module2 import Practices.
If I run the test file without modifying, I get the error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'module2'.
Ideally I cannot modify the code in this way, and I am trying to find a way to make my tests work without touching the application itself. How should I go about this? runs normally when I run the application without modifying the file, however modifying it so that the tests work breaks the main application. What can I do to make my tests independent of the code for the main app?
(For some more background, the file works by calling from main_folder.module1 import fun1 where fun1 is the function I am trying to test)
Try running your tests using one of the following commands (replacting the actual paths):
if your tests import the modules "from main_folder import ..."
env PYTHONPATH=/root python3 -m unittest
or if your tests import directly "import module1":
env PYTHONPATH=/root/main_folder python3 -m unittest
As a side note, you might need to have existing
file, to get the main_folder recognized as package, depending of the python version you're using. If you currently don't have such file, try creating it (empty, no need to put code inside it) and check if the issue persists.

pytest cannot locate dynamically created module

I have a directory structure like what follows:
in I have a function that creates a file ( that contains a function (f). also has a function that then imports bar and runs bar.f().
When I state, within "import bar", it works, and I have access to bar.f and it runs just fine.
However, this is not the case when running pytest. We run pytest from package_root and it cannot find the module bar when it attempts to import it. This is because (I believe) when running pytest, it creates in /package_root which contains no file. Since our tests run automatically for our cicd pipeline, I need it to be able to properly import when running pytest from package_root. Any suggestions?
As far as I comprehend from your question is that you are facing imports issue in your pipeline(Correct me if am wrong). In pytest, normally your framework should contain the pytest.ini/tox.ini along with all the test scripts. Please refer link(
Create a file pytest.ini/tox.ini in your framework design from where you are running your code(in your case in the package_root/ directory).
python_paths = . lib/<package-name>/

Python unittest does not run tests

I made a small project called demo, with a single test in it
import unittest
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def testName1(self):
self.assertEqual(5+9, 14)
if __name__ == "__main__":
#import sys;sys.argv = ['', 'Test.testName']
However, from command line
ThinkPad-T520:~/workspacep/demo$ python -m unittest
Ran 0 tests in 0.000s
Why doesn't this work? In general, how can I run all unit tests from command line with a single line?
The structure of the directory is
There are three gotcha's that I know of:
Your tests in your TestCases need to be named test_*
Your test files need to be named: test*.py (by default, you can change it with the -p flag when running the tests). e.g.
Your tests folder needs to have an file in it, or else it won't be considered a valid location to import from.
So, for #1, you need to rename the test to test_name_1. And for #2, there's two options:
A - Restructure your files like this:
Then run python -m unittest and it should find the test cases.
B - Just run it like: python -m unittest discover -p *
I fought with the same exact problem a while ago and I solved it by using test discovery command.
python -m unittest discover -s .
You can pass in your test file pattern as well and a whole other options
You need to pass in a list of modules.
For example, if your test file is, then you can run python -m unittest foo.
For me (running tests from IntelliJ IDEA) I had to remove the class' 'Run configuration'. Earlier on I had wrongly imported the unittest as _pytest.unittest and ran the test class. Of course that didn't work.
I corrected the module import, but the 'run configuration' was still there, causing it to run as a Python script and not as 'Python tests'.
I had a similar issue and figured out that I had to run python3 -m unittest instead as I had forgotten python defaults to Python 2 on my system

Python unitttest discover importing non-modules

I have a Python package organized roughly as such:
When I run unittest discover passing in pkg as the start location, it imports the tests I have put in those packages, but throws import errors saying things like "failed to import pkg.subpkg2..idea" or "failed to import pkg.subpkg2." Is there anyway to run discover from a root without having it fail when it discovers folders that are not Python modules? Would be nice if I didn't have to specify each individual test.

Python import src modules when running tests

My source files are located under src and my test files are located under tests. When I want to run a test file, say python, I get an import error: "No module named".
How do I import all the modules from source needed to run my tests?
You need to add that directory to the path:
import sys
Maybe put this into a module if you are using it a lot.
If you don't want to add the source path to each test file or change your PYTHONPATH, you can use nose to run the tests.
Suppose your directory structure is like this:
You should import the module normally in the (e.g. from package import module). Then run the tests by running nosetests in the project folder. You can also run specific tests by doing nosetests tests/
The in the tests directory is necessary if you want to run the tests from inside it.
You can install nose easily with easy_install or pip:
easy_install nose
pip install nose
nose extends unittest in a lot more ways, to learn more about it you can check their website:
On my system (Windows 10), I was required to do something like this:
import sys
import os
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../src")
Appending the relative directory directly to sys.path did not work
The best (most manageable) solution appears to be using a virtualenv and setuptools/distribute to install a development copy of your (src) package. That way your tests execute against a fully "installed" system.
In the pystest docs there is a section on "good practices" explaining this approach, see here.
For those using Pytest:
Make sure src is recognized as a package by putting an inside.
Put an empty in the project folder.
Make sure there is no in the test directory.
Looks like this:
And make sure contains the line:
from src import module
Source: Pytest docs
