Twisted web problem when serving docx files - python

I have a question for you!
I'm running a simple webserver with twistd web and it works great must of the time. I have a problem serving .docx files.
Let me explain with an example.
On my webserver I have two files: file.pdf and file.docx (the x is important).
Now, on my browser, if I enter the URL of the pdf file, the browser will start the download (or open it depending on user preferences). This is the expected behavior.
But if I enter a link to a docx, instead of downloading it, the browser will display it as a sequence of strange letters and numbers.
It is not a browser issue, because if a click on a docx file served from another webserver, the browser will download it.
I'm starting the webserver directly from the windows cmd prompt using twistd. The line looks like this:
twistd -no web --path d:\shares\
The question is: how can I tell twistd to force the download of docx file the same way it does for pdf?

It might help if you shared some of your code, but I think the basic idea is that you should add the correct MIME type to the header that your server returns, which will help the browser know what to do with it rather than try to render it as text. Based on the docs here it looks like you want something like this:
from twisted.web import static
root = static.File("/files")
root.contentTypes[".docx"] = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"
Using the somewhat long-winded MIME type for docx.


Is it wrong to use modules like wget to let users download files on django?

I am working on a django application in which users can download their own files. I need to make the files secure and only let them download it.
At first, I was thinking of using something like
{%if files%}
<a href='/media/files/pics/photo.png' download>
Then i realised that anyone can brute force my site and get any files. So I thought of handling the download through views. I am very beginner and don't know how to make my own download view. So I used something like:
def download(id):
file = data.objects.get(pk=id)
url = file.fileurl
filename =
and call the function when the user want to download the file. I am using wget module. I think I am doing wrong, So I decided to ask for some suggestions.
At last my question is :
Is it wrong to use other modules to download files? Or how to write a download view on Django?
Thank you!!
How to download a file in Django depends on your needs. any library that can download and store the file somewhere should be fine. How to serve them to other users on the other hand is a different story.
As you mentioned, you need URLs to be private so only the authorized user can download the file. In this case, You can set up a view and authorize the user and then let your webserver know that it should serve a specific file to this user.
You can use X-Accel-Redirect if you're using Nginx. Other web servers such as Apache have a similar option named X-Sendfile.
Take a look here for nginx example: Django and Nginx X-accel-redirect
As for saving files, you should save the files somewhere and store the path to that file in the database and link it to a user (with a foreignkey for example) and let only the owner of the file download the file. It is also worth mentioning that downloading files might take a long time so it's a good idea to lunch a background task for downloading the files and allow users to start the download when it's finished. You can take a look at Celery for background tasks.

How to get file from dropbox and upload on my server by using python

I am working on application where I am giving a functionality to user where they can signin from dropbox by using my application but when I am trying to get the file from Dropbox I am unable to do it. When user choose the desired file from dropbox and click on choose and then nothing happen. Can anyone please help out either is it possible to do it or not? If yes, how can we do it? I am at beginner level. Please help me out and explain the whole process to do it in detail.
Are you using public Dropbox files?
Then you just need to fetch the item by URL and download it. If this happens in a browser tool, you'll need JavaScript and not Python to download it.
Or you leave out JS and just use Python to render an HTML page where a button is for a Dropbox file and clicking the button triggers a download of the file. That is a generic HTML task you can search for.
If you need access to sign in Dropbox and view private files, consider using a Python library built around Dropbox.
See the Python Dropbox guide. Are you using a library like that? Please share as your question was vague.
Also please share an explanation of what your logic is or a small code snippet. I can't see what you are doing yet so I don't know where you are missing something or making a mistake.
From the screenshot, I see you're using the Dropbox Chooser. That's a pre-built way to let your end-users select files from their Dropbox accounts and give them to your app.
Make sure you implement the success and cancel callback methods as documented there for the Chooser.
In the success callback, you'll get the information for the selected file(s). That occurs in JavaScript in the browser though, so if you need that on your server, you'll need to write some JavaScript to send that up to your server, e.g., via an AJAX call or a form or whatever means you use in your app.

Image Uploading Script in Python

I was trying to make an image uploading script for
I tried searching for an API but it seems that there is not any available. Can anyone help me how to make this script ? I don't have any idea how to make the uploading proccess? I think that something that i should do is open the image file in read binary mode ("rb").
Anyway i am waiting for your suggestions and ideas.
Firstly you should think about what happens when you press the upload button on the website. What your script could do is mimic this functionality, because essentially all it's triggering is a POST request to the web server with the specified information in the form and the image file data. You can initiate HTTP requests (e.g. GET, POST, etc.) using a library such as Requests (
However, as this seems to have been discussed before, I will instead point you in the right direction: Send file using POST from a Python script

Get started with pystache

This is really a newbie question, but I don't know how to search answers for this. I want to use pystache, and I am able to execute the .py file to print out some rendered output from .mustache file. but how exactly do I convert this into .html file? Specifically, how to put it on the server so that the browser would direct to the .html file like index.html?
Pystache is a template library not http server! If you want make webapp try to use ready-made webframeworks like Django or Pyramid.

how to download in python

I am writing a script which will run on my server. Its purpose is to download the document. If any person hit the particular url he/she should be able to download the document. I am using urllib.urlretrieve but it download document on the server side not on the client. How to download in python at client side?
If the script runs on your server, its purpose is to serve a document, not to download it (the latter would be the urllib solution).
Depending on your needs you can:
Set up static file serving with e.g. Apache
Make the script execute on a certain URL (e.g. with mod_wsgi), then the script should set the Content-Type (provides document type such as "text/plain") and Content-Disposition (provides download filename) headers and send the document data
As your question is not more specific, this answer can't be either.
Set the appropriate Content-type header, then send the file contents.
If the document is on your server and your intention is that the user should be able to download this file, couldn't you just serve the url to that resource as a hyperlink in your HTML code. Sorry if I have been obtuse but this seems the most logical step given your explanation.
You might want to take a look at the SocketServer module.
