How do you protect a pdf in Python? - python

I'm looking to password protect a PDF for editing, but without needing the password to view the file.
Is there a way to do this?
I looked at PyPDF2, but I could only find full encryption.

Just be aware the ISO standard describes this optional feature as
ISO 32000-1:
»Once the document has been opened and decrypted successfully, a conforming reader technically has access to the entire contents of the document. There is nothing inherent in PDF encryption that enforces the document permissions specified in the encryption dictionary.«
It is better described as
Specifying access restrictions for a document, such as Printing allowed: None disables the respective function in Acrobat. However, this not necessarily holds true for third-party PDF viewers or other software. It is up to the developer of PDF tools whether or not access permissions are honored. Indeed, several PDF tools are known to ignore permission settings altogether; commercially available* PDF cracking tools can be used to disable all access restrictions. This has nothing to do with cracking the encryption; there is simply no way that a PDF file can make sure it won’t be printed while it still remains viewable.
Forget aiding commercial exploitation of your limited file as many online sites will unlock files for "FREE" and thus your restricted file is more likely to become touted freely across the web (great for web coverage but poor for your personal demands.) However they just need to use their browser to save the PDF copy contents. See here the "protected" Adobe Master book, in two common viewers.

You can use the permisions flag. For example:
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter
pdf_writer = PdfFileWriter()
# This is the key line, not the permission_flag parameter
pdf_writer.encrypt(user_pwd='', owner_pwd=PASSWORD, permissions_flag=0b0100)
with open('NewPDF.pdf', "wb") as out_file:

You could try pikepdf, it could set the pdf permission.
from pikepdf import Pdf, Permissions, Encryption, PasswordError
userkey = 'abcd'
ownerkey = 'king'
with as pdf:
no_print = Permissions(print_lowres=False, print_highres=False), encryption = Encryption(user=userkey, owner=ownerkey, allow=no_print))
It would prevent print while opening the enc_pdf_file with 'abcd'(userkey).
You could read the documents for more details:

I'm late to answer this and of course, #MYK is right, just worth mentioning in PyPDF2 version 3.0.0 PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter is deprecated and some functions like getPage() and addPage() have changed.
from PyPDF2 import PdfWriter, PdfReader
out = PdfWriter()
file = PdfReader("yourFile.pdf")
num = len(file.pages)
for idx in range(num):
page = file.pages[idx]
password = "pass"
out.encrypt(user_pwd='', owner_pwd=password, permissions_flag=0b0100)
with open("yourfile_encrypted.pdf", "wb") as f:
and permissions are


Can't open and read content of an uploaded zip file with FastAPI

I am currently developing a little backend project for myself with the Python Framework FastAPI. I made an endpoint, where the user should be able to upload 2 files, while the first one is a zip-file (which contains X .xmls) and the latter a normal .xml file.
The code is as follows:"/sendxmlinzip/")
def create_upload_files_with_zip(files: List[UploadFile] = File(...)):
if not len(files) == 2:
my_file = files[0].file
zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(my_file, 'r')
filelist = []
for finfo in zfile.infolist():
ifile =
line_list = ifile.readlines()
This should print the content of the files, that are in the .zip file, but it raises the Exception
AttributeError: 'SpooledTemporaryFile' object has no attribute 'seekable'
In the row ifile =
Upon approximately 3 days research with a lot of trial and error involved, trying to use different functions such as .read() or .extract(), I gave up. Because the python docs literally state, that this should be possible in this way...
For you, who do not know about FastAPI, it's a backend fw for Restful Webservices and is using the starlette datastructure for UploadFile. Please forgive me, if I have overseen something VERY obvious, but I literally tried to check every corner, that may have been the possible cause of the error such as:
Check, whether another implementation is possible
Check, that the .zip file is correct
Check, that I attach the correct file (lol)
Debug to see, whether the actual data, that comes to the backend is indeed the .zip file
This is a known Python bug:
SpooledTemporaryFile does not fully satisfy the abstract for IOBase.
Namely, seekable, readable, and writable are missing.
This was discovered when seeking a SpooledTemporaryFile-backed lzma
As #larsks suggested in his comment, I would try writing the contents of the spooled file to a new TemporaryFile, and then operate on that. As long as your files aren't too large, that should work just as well.
This is my workaround
with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(, 'r') as zip:

How to write separate DOCX files by page from one DOCX file?

I have a MS Word document that consists of several hundred pages.
Each page is identical apart from the name of a person which is unique across each page. (One page is one user).
I would like to take this word document and automate the process to save each page individually so I end up with several hundred word documents, one for each person, rather than one document that consists of everyone, that I can then distribute to the different people.
I have been using the module python-docx found here:
I am struggling on how to achieve this task.
As far as I have researched it is not possible to loop over each page as the pages are not determined in the .docx file itself but are generated by the program, i.e. Microsoft Word.
However python-docx can interpret the text and since each page is the same can I not say to python when you see this text (the last piece of text on a given page) consider this to be the end of a page and anything after this point is a new page.
Ideally if I could write a loop that would consider such a point and create a document up until that point, and repeating the over all pages that would be great. It would need to take all formatting/pictures as well.
I am not against other methods, such as converting to PDF first if that is an option.
Any thoughts?
I had the exact same problem. Unfortunately I could not find a way to split .docx by page. The solution was to first use python-docx or docx2python (whatever you like) to iterate over each page and extract the unique (person) information and put it in a list so you end up with:
people = ['person_A', 'person_B', 'person_C', ....]
Then save the .docx as a pdf split the pdfs up by page and then save them as person_A.pdf etc like this:
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader
inputpdf = PdfFileReader(open("document.pdf", "rb"))
for i in range(inputpdf.numPages):
output = PdfFileWriter()
with open(f"{people[i]}.pdf", "wb") as outputStream:
The result is a bunch of one page PDFs saved as Person_A.pdf, Person_B.pdf etc.
Hope that helps.
I would suggest another package aspose-words-cloud to split a word document into separate pages. Currently, it works with cloud storage(Aspose cloud storage, Amazon S3, DropBox, Google Drive Storage, Google Cloud Storage, Windows Azure Storage and FTP Storage). However, in near future, it will support process files from the request body(streams).
P.S: I am developer evangelist at Aspose.
# For complete examples and data files, please go to
import os
import asposewordscloud
import asposewordscloud.models.requests
from shutil import copyfile
# Please get your Client ID and Secret from
words_api = asposewordscloud.WordsApi(client_id,client_secret)''
remoteFolder = 'Temp'
localFolder = 'C:/Temp'
localFileName = '02_pages.docx'
remoteFileName = '02_pages.docx'
#upload file
words_api.upload_file(asposewordscloud.models.requests.UploadFileRequest(open(localFolder + '/' + localFileName,'rb'),remoteFolder + '/' + remoteFileName))
#Split DOCX pages as a zip file
request = asposewordscloud.models.requests.SplitDocumentRequest(name=remoteFileName, format='docx', folder=remoteFolder, zip_output= 'true')
result = words_api.split_document(request)
print("Result {}".format(result.split_result.zipped_pages.href))
#download file
response_download = words_api.download_file(request_download)
copyfile(response_download, 'C:/'+ result.split_result.zipped_pages.href)

Using Adobe Reader commands to manipulate a PDF using python

I would like to secure PDF files the same way it's possible using Adobe Reader: it's possible to open the file without the password, but copying, changing the document, page extraction, printing in high-resolution etc. are not allowed.
I know that there is a way to encrypt a PDF file using PyPDF2, using this code (for the curious only, taken from, but it asks for a password before opening the contents and then copying is still possible:
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader
def encrypt(input_pdf, output_pdf, password):
pdf_writer = PdfFileWriter()
pdf_reader = PdfFileReader(input_pdf)
for page in range(pdf_reader.getNumPages()):
pdf_writer.encrypt(user_pwd=password, owner_pwd=None,
with open(output_pdf, 'wb') as fh:
if __name__ == '__main__':
But is there a way to secure a PDF using Adobe Reader commands? I've searched and I failed. Does anybody know how to do it? Hope somebody can help!
Actually, it is possible after all!
The code above works, all you need is to change the user password to empty string, set an owner password and change one line in the PyPDF2's file from:
# permit everything:
P = -1
# permit everything:
P = -3904
This block all changing, copying etc. for the encrypted PDF :)

Python basics - request data from API and write to a file

I am trying to use "requests" package and retrieve info from Github, like the Requests doc page explains:
import requests
r = requests.get('')
And this:
with open(filename, 'wb') as fd:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size):
I have to say I don't understand the second code block.
filename - in what form do I provide the path to the file if created? where will it be saved if not?
'wb' - what is this variable? (shouldn't second parameter be 'mode'?)
following two lines probably iterate over data retrieved with request and write to the file
Python docs explanation also not helping much.
EDIT: What I am trying to do:
use Requests to connect to an API (Github and later Facebook GraphAPI)
retrieve data into a variable
write this into a file (later, as I get more familiar with Python, into my local MySQL database)
When using open the path is relative to your current directory. So if you said open('file.txt','w') it would create a new file named file.txt in whatever folder your python script is in. You can also specify an absolute path, for example /home/user/file.txt in linux. If a file by the name 'file.txt' already exists, the contents will be completely overwritten.
The 'wb' option is indeed the mode. The 'w' means write and the 'b' means bytes. You use 'w' when you want to write (rather than read) froma file, and you use 'b' for binary files (rather than text files). It is actually a little odd to use 'b' in this case, as the content you are writing is a text file. Specifying 'w' would work just as well here. Read more on the modes in the docs for open.
The Loop
This part is using the iter_content method from requests, which is intended for use with large files that you may not want in memory all at once. This is unnecessary in this case, since the page in question is only 89 KB. See the requests library docs for more info.
The example you are looking at is meant to handle the most general case, in which the remote file might be binary and too big to be in memory. However, we can make your code more readable and easy to understand if you are only accessing small webpages containing text:
import requests
r = requests.get('')
with open('events.txt','w') as fd:
filename is a string of the path you want to save it at. It accepts either local or absolute path, so you can just have filename = 'example.html'
wb stands for WRITE & BYTES, learn more here
The for loop goes over the entire returned content (in chunks incase it is too large for proper memory handling), and then writes them until there are no more. Useful for large files, but for a single webpage you could just do:
# just W becase we are not writing as bytes anymore, just text.
with open(filename, 'w') as fd:

Pulling data out of MS Word with pywin32

I am running python 3.3 in Windows and I need to pull strings out of Word documents. I have been searching far and wide for about a week on the best method to do this. Originally I tried to save the .docx files as .txt and parse through using RE's, but I had some formatting problems with hidden characters - I was using a script to open a .docx and save as .txt. I am wondering if I did a proper File>SaveAs>.txt would it strip out the odd formatting and then I could properly parse through? I don't know but I gave up on this method.
I tried to use the docx module but I've been told it is not compatible with python 3.3. So I am left with using pywin32 and the COM. I have used this successfully with Excel to get the data I need but I am having trouble with Word because there is FAR less documentation and reading through the object model on Microsoft's website is over my head.
Here is what I have so far to open the document(s):
import win32com.client as win32
import glob, os
word = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Word.Application')
word.Visible = True
for infile in glob.glob(os.path.join(r'mypath', '*.docx')):
doc = word.Documents.Open(infile)
So at this point I can do something like
And see the contents of the files, but it still looks like there is some odd formatting in there and I have no idea how to actually parse through to grab the data I need. I can create RE's that will successfully find the strings that I'm looking for, I just don't know how to implement them into the program using the COM.
The code I have so far was mostly found through Google. I don't even think this is that hard, it's just that reading through the object model on Microsoft's website is like reading a foreign language. Any help is MUCH appreciated. Thank you.
Edit: code I was using to save the files from docx to txt:
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(r'mypath'):
for doc in [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, filename)) for filename in files if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, '*.docx')]:
print("processing %s" % doc)
docastxt = doc.rstrip('docx') + 'txt'
If you don't want to learn the complicated way Word models documents, and then how that's exposed through the Office object model, a much simpler solution is to have Word save a plain-text copy of the file.
There are a lot of options here. Use tempfile to create temporary text files and then delete them, or store permanent ones alongside the doc files for later re-use? Use Unicode (which, in Microsoft speak, means UTF-16-LE with a BOM) or encoded text? And so on. So, I'll just pick something reasonable, and you can look at the Document.SaveAs, WdSaveFormat, etc. docs to modify it.
wdFormatUnicodeText = 7
for infile in glob.glob(os.path.join(r'mypath', '*.docx')):
doc = word.Documents.Open(infile)
txtpath = os.path.splitext('infile')[0] + '.txt'
doc.SaveAs(txtpath, wdFormatUnicodeText)
with open(txtpath, encoding='utf-16') as f:
As noted in your comments, what this does to complex things like tables, multi-column text, etc. may not be exactly what you want. In that case, you might want to consider saving as, e.g., wdFormatFilteredHTML, which Python has nice parsers for. (It's a lot easier to BeautifulSoup a table than to win32com-Word it.)
oodocx is my fork of the python-docx module that is fully compatible with Python 3.3. You can use the replace method to do regular expression searches. Your code would look something like:
from oodocx import oodocx
d = oodocx.Docx('myfile.docx')
d.replace('searchstring', 'replacestring')'mynewfile.docx')
If you just want to remove strings, you can pass an empty string to the "replace" parameter.
