I have a 3D data in a pandas dataframe that I would like to 'oversample'/smooth by replacing the value at each x,y point with the average value of all the points that are within 5 units of that point. I can do it using a for loop like this (starting with a dataframe with three columns X,Y,Z):
import pandas as pd
Z_OS = []
X_OS = []
Y_OS = []
for inddex, row in df.iterrows():
Z_OS += [df[(df['X'] > row['X']-5) & (df['X']<row['X']+5) & (df['Y'] > row['Y']-5) & (df1['Y']<row['Y']+5)]['Z'].mean()]
X_OS += [row['X']]
Y_OS += [row['Y']]
dict = {
'X': X_OS,
'Y': Y_OS,
'Z': Z_OS
OSdf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict)
but this method is very slow for large datasets and feels very 'unpythonic'. How could I do this without for loops? Is it possible via complex use of the groupby function?
xy = df[['x','y']]
df['smoothed z'] = df[['z']].apply(
lambda row: df['z'][(xy - xy.loc[row.name]).abs().lt(5).all(1)].mean(),
Here I used df[['z']] to get a column 'z' as a data frame. We need an index of a row, i.e. row.name, when we apply a function to this column.
.abs().lt(5).all(1) read as absolut values which are all less then 5 along the row.
The code below is actually the same but seems more consistent as it addresses directly the index:
df.index.to_series().apply(lambda i: df.loc[(xy - xy.loc[i]).abs().lt(5).all(1), 'z'].mean())
I have a Pandas dataframe with ~50,000 rows and I want to randomly select a proportion of rows from that dataframe based on a number of conditions. Specifically, I have a column called 'type of use' and, for each field in that column, I want to select a different proportion of rows.
For instance:
df[df['type of use'] == 'housing'].sample(frac=0.2)
This code returns 20% of all the rows which have 'housing' as their 'type of use'. The problem is I do not know how to do this for the remaining fields in a way that is 'idiomatic'. I also do not know how I could take the result from this sampling to form a new dataframe.
You can make a unique list for all the values in the column by list(df['type of use'].unique()) and iterate like below:
for i in list(df['type of use'].unique()):
print(df[df['type of use'] == i].sample(frac=0.2))
i = 0
while i < len(list(df['type of use'].unique())):
df1 = df[(df['type of use']==list(df['type of use'].unique())[i])].sample(frac=0.2)
i = i + 1
For storing you can create a dictionary:
dfs = ['df' + str(x) for x in list(df2['type of use'].unique())]
dicdf = dict()
i = 0
while i < len(dfs):
dicdf[dfs[i]] = df[(df['type of use']==list(df2['type of use'].unique())[i])].sample(frac=0.2)
i = i + 1
This will print a dictionary of the dataframes.
You can print what you like to see for example for housing sample : print (dicdf['dfhousing'])
Sorry this is coming in 2+ years late, but I think you can do this without iterating, based on help I received to a similar question here. Applying it to your data:
import pandas as pd
import math
percentage_to_flag = 0.2 #I'm assuming you want the same %age for all 'types of use'?
#First, create a new 'helper' dataframe:
random_state = 41 # Change to get different random values.
df_sample = df.groupby("type of use").apply(lambda x: x.sample(n=(math.ceil(percentage_to_flag * len(x))),random_state=random_state))
df_sample = df_sample.reset_index(level=0, drop=True) #may need this to simplify multi-index dataframe
# Now, mark the random sample in a new column in the original dataframe:
df["marked"] = False
df.loc[df_sample.index, "marked"] = True
I have a DataFrame with aprox. 4 columns and 200 rows. I created a 5th column with null values:
df['minutes'] = np.nan
Then, I want to fill each row of this new column with random inverse log normal values. The code to generate 1 inverse log normal:
note: if the code bellow is ran multiple times it will generate a new result because of the value inside ppf() : random.random()
df['minutes'] = df['minutes'].fillna(stats.lognorm(0.5, scale=np.exp(1.8)).ppf(random.random()).astype(int))
What's happening when I do that is that it's filling all 200 rows of df['minutes'] with the same number, instead of triggering the random.random() for each row as I expected it to.
What do I have to do? I tried using for loopbut apparently I'm not getting it right (giving the same results):
for i in range(1,len(df)):
df['minutes'] = df['minutes'].fillna(stats.lognorm(0.5, scale=np.exp(1.8)).ppf(random.random()).astype(int))
what am I doing wrong?
Also, I'll add that later I'll need to change some parameters of the inverse log normal above if the value of another column is 0 or 1. as in:
if df['type'] == 0:
df['minutes'] = df['minutes'].fillna(stats.lognorm(0.5, scale=np.exp(1.8)).ppf(random.random()).astype(int))
elif df['type'] == 1:
df['minutes'] = df['minutes'].fillna(stats.lognorm(1.2, scale=np.exp(2.7)).ppf(random.random()).astype(int))
thanks in advance.
The problem with your use of fillna here is that this function takes a value as argument and applies it to every element along the specified axis. So your stat value is calculated once and then distributed into every row.
What you need is your function called for every element on the axis, so your argument must be the function itself and not a value. That's a job for apply, which takes a function and applies it on elements along an axis.
I'm straight jumping to your final requirements:
You could use apply just on the minutes-column (as a pandas.Series method) with a lambda-function and then assign the respective results to the type-column filtered rows of column minutes:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats
import random
# setup
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(8, 4)),
columns=list('ABC') + ['type'])
df['minutes'] = np.nan
df.loc[df.type == 0, 'minutes'] = \
df['minutes'].apply(lambda _: stats.lognorm(
0.5, scale=np.exp(1.8)).ppf(random.random()).astype(int),
df.loc[df.type == 1, 'minutes'] = \
df['minutes'].apply(lambda _: stats.lognorm(
1.2, scale=np.exp(2.7)).ppf(random.random()).astype(int),
... or you use apply as a DataFrame method with a function wrapping your logic to distinguish between values of type-column and assign the result back to the minutes-column:
def calc_minutes(row):
if row['type'] == 0:
return stats.lognorm(0.5, scale=np.exp(1.8)).ppf(random.random()).astype(int)
elif row['type'] == 1:
return stats.lognorm(1.2, scale=np.exp(2.7)).ppf(random.random()).astype(int)
df['minutes'] = df.apply(calc_minutes, axis=1)
Managed to do it with some steps with a different mindset:
Created 2 lists, each with i's own parameters
Used NumPy's append
so that for each row a different random number
lognormal_tone = []
lognormal_ttwo = []
for i in range(len(s)):
lognormal_tone.append(stats.lognorm(0.5, scale=np.exp(1.8)).ppf(random.random()).astype(int))
lognormal_ttwo.append(stats.lognorm(0.4, scale=np.exp(2.7)).ppf(random.random()).astype(int))
Then, included them in the DataFrame with another previously created list:
df = pd.DataFrame({'arrival':arrival,'minTypeOne':lognormal_tone, 'minTypeTwo':lognormal_two})
I am quite new to pandas and I have a pandas dataframe of about 500,000 rows filled with numbers. I am using python 2.x and am currently defining and calling the method shown below on it. It sets a predicted value to be equal to the corresponding value in series 'B', if two adjacent values in series 'A' are the same. However, it is running extremely slowly, about 5 rows are outputted per second and I want to find a way accomplish the same result more quickly.
def myModel(df):
A_series = df['A']
B_series = df['B']
seriesLength = A_series.size
# Make a new empty column in the dataframe to hold the predicted values
df['predicted_series'] = np.nan
# Make a new empty column to store whether or not
# prediction matches predicted matches B
df['wrong_prediction'] = np.nan
prev_B = B_series[0]
for x in range(1, seriesLength):
prev_A = A_series[x-1]
prev_B = B_series[x-1]
#set the predicted value to equal B if A has two equal values in a row
if A_series[x] == prev_A:
if df['predicted_series'][x] > 0:
df['predicted_series'][x] = df[predicted_series'][x-1]
df['predicted_series'][x] = B_series[x-1]
Is there a way to vectorize this or to just make it run faster? Under the current circumstances, it is projected to take many hours. Should it really be taking this long? It doesn't seem like 500,000 rows should be giving my program that much problem.
Something like this should work as you described:
df['predicted_series'] = np.where(A_series.shift() == A_series, B_series, df['predicted_series'])
df.loc[df.A.diff() == 0, 'predicted_series'] = df.B
This will get rid of the for loop and set predicted_series to the value of B when A is equal to previous A.
per your comment, change your initialization of predicted_series to be all NAN and then front fill the values:
df['predicted_series'] = np.nan
df.loc[df.A.diff() == 0, 'predicted_series'] = df.B
df.predicted_series = df.predicted_series.fillna(method='ffill')
For fastest speed modifying ayhans answer a bit will perform best:
df['predicted_series'] = np.where(df.A.shift() == df.A, df.B, df['predicted_series'].shift())
That will give you your forward filled values and run faster than my original recommendation
df.loc[df.A == df.A.shift()] = df.B.shift()
I want to create a new column comp in a pandas dataframe containing a single column price. The value of this new column should be generated by a function that works on the current and last 3 values of the price.
df.apply() works off a single row, shift() doesnt seem to work. Do experts have any suggestion to make it work in a vectorized operation?
Use a series sum group.apply() function. Below assumes you have an index or column named ID of increasing row values 1, 2, 3, ... that can be used to count back 3 values.
def intsum(x):
if x < 3:
ser = df.price[(df.ID < x)]
ser = df.price[(df.ID >= x - 3) & (df.ID < x)]
return ser.sum()
df['comp'] = df['ID'].apply(intsum)
It seems that applying functions to data frames is typically wrt series (e.g df.apply(my_fun)) and so such functions index 'one row at a time'. My question is if one can get more flexibility in the following sense: for a data frame df, write a function my_fun(row) such that we can point to rows above or below the row.
For example, start with the following:
def row_conditional(df, groupcol, appcol1, appcol2, newcol, sortcol, shift):
"""Input: df (dataframe): input data frame
groupcol, appcol1, appcol2, sortcol (str): column names in df
shift (int): integer to point to a row above or below current row
Output: df with a newcol appended based on conditions
df[newcol] = '' # fill new col with blank str
list_results = []
members = set(df[groupcol])
for m in members:
df_m = df[df[groupcol]==m].sort(sortcol, ascending=True)
df_m = df_m.reset_index(drop=True)
numrows_m = df_m.shape[0]
for r in xrange(numrows_m):
# CONDITIONS, based on rows above or below
if (df_m.loc[r + shift, appcol1]>0) and (df_m.loc[r - shfit, appcol2]=='False'):
df_m.loc[r, newcol] = 'old'
df_m.loc[r, newcol] = 'new'
return pd.concat(list_results).reset_index(drop=True)
Then, I'd like to be able to re-write the above as:
def new_row_conditional(row, shift):
"""apply above conditions to row relative to row[shift, appcol1] and row[shift, appcol2]
return new value at df.loc[row, newcol]
and finally execute:
Thoughts/Solutions with 'map' or 'transform' are also very welcome.
From an OO-approach, I might imagine a row of df to be treated as an object that has attributes i) a pointer to all rows above it and ii) a pointer to all rows below it. Then referencing row.above and row.below in order to assign the new value at df.loc[row, newcol]
One can always look into the enclosing execution frame:
import pandas
dataf = pandas.DataFrame({'a':(1,2,3), 'b':(4,5,6)})
import sys
def foo(roworcol):
# current index along the axis
axis_i = sys._getframe(1).f_locals['i']
# data frame the function is applied to
dataf = sys._getframe(1).f_locals['self']
axis = sys._getframe(1).f_locals['axis']
# number of elements along the chosen axis
n = dataf.shape[(1,0)[axis]]
# print where we are
print('index: %i - %i items before, %i items after' % (axis_i,
Within the function function foo there is:
roworcol the current element out of the iteration
axis the chosen axis
axis_i the index of along the chosen axis
dataf the data frame
This is all needed to point before and after in the data frame.
>>> dataf.apply(foo, axis=1)
index: 0 - 0 items before, 2 items after
index: 1 - 1 items before, 1 items after
index: 2 - 2 items before, 0 items after
A complete implementation of the specific example you added in the comments would then be:
import pandas
import sys
df = pandas.DataFrame({'a':(1,2,3,4), 'b':(5,6,7,8)})
def bar(row, k):
axis_i = sys._getframe(2).f_locals['i']
# data frame the function is applied to
dataf = sys._getframe(2).f_locals['self']
axis = sys._getframe(2).f_locals['axis']
# number of elements along the chosen axis
n = dataf.shape[(1,0)[axis]]
if axis_i == 0 or axis_i == (n-1):
res = 0
res = dataf['a'][axis_i - k] + dataf['b'][axis_i + k]
return res
You'll note that whenever additional arguments are present in the signature of the function mapped we need jump 2 frames up.
>>> df.apply(bar, args=(1,), axis=1)
0 0
1 8
2 10
3 0
dtype: int64
You'll also note that the specific example you have provided can be solved by other, and possibly simpler, means. The solution above is very general in the sense that it is letting you use map while jailbreaking from the row being mapped but it may also violate assumption about what map is doing and, for example. deprive you from the opportunity to parallelize easily by assuming independent computation on the rows.
Create duplicate data frames that are index shifted, and loop over their rows in parallel.
df_pre = df.copy()
df_pre.index -= 1
result = [fun(x1, x2) for x1, x2 in zip(df_pre.iterrows(), df.iterrows()]
This assumes you actually want everything from that row. You can of course do direct operations for example
result = df_pre['col'] - df['col']
Also, there are some standard processing functions built in like diff, shift, cumsum, cumprod that do operate on adjacent rows, although the scope is limited.