Pyglet displaying text over image - python

I am trying to display some text over an image using the pyglet library. However, I keep getting this "Texture Region" popping up instead of the actual text I included..Hoping someone can help.
# width of window
width = 900
# height of window
height = 900
# caption i.e title of the window
title = "E MAJOR"
# creating a window
window = pyglet.window.Window(width, height, title)
# text
text = "E MAJOR"
# creating label with following properties
# font = cooper
# position = 250, 150
# anchor position = center
label = pyglet.text.Label("E MAJOR",
# creating a batch
batch =
# loading geeksforgeeks image
image = pyglet.image.load('e-major.png')
# creating sprite object
# it is instance of an image displayed on-screen
sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(image, x=100, y=25)
# on draw event
def on_draw():
# clear the window
# draw the image on screen
# draw the label
# key press event
def on_key_press(symbol, modifier):
# key "C" get press
if symbol == key.C:
# printing the message
print("Key : C is pressed")
# image for icon
img = image = pyglet.resource.image("e-major.png")
# setting image as icon
# loading image resource
value = pyglet.resource.image("e-major.png")
# setting text of label
label.text = str(value)
# start running the application

Looks like getting rid of
# setting text of label
label.text = str(value)
fixed this issue


how do i insert button on my surface in pygame

i don't really understand how do i get my choice buttons over my backscreen.surface
import pygame
import sys
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((520, 680))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
pygame.display.set_caption("everlasting night")
main_font = pygame.font.Font("/Users//Desktop/dpcomic.ttf", 65)
backscreen_surface = pygame.image.load("//Users//Desktop/snow.jpeg")
text_surface = main_font.render("go home?", False, "Black")
# choice buttons(i deleted the code because it make 0 sense)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
screen.blit(backscreen_surface, (0, 0))
screen.blit(text_surface, (140, 560))
i tried different ways but what i ger is an only button without backscreen.surface
In pygame draw in order so that
screen.fill(...) # Background
pygame.draw.rect(...) # Draws on top
pygame.draw.rect(...) # Draws on top of both
# ... and so on
This will happend every frame, to make your code clearer I'd encourage you to have a draw function :
def draw():
# Your drawing code goes here
Now that you know that simply put the things in that order :
def draw():
# Fill you background
# Draw anything that should be under the buttons
# Draw your buttons
Your buttons will have multiple properties, for instance you may want to have pos, size, background_color, text.
Hence you should probably create a python dict to represent a button (or an class but I'm assuming you don't use classes yet)
For example, a button could look something like this :
yes_button = {
'pos': (0, 0), # x and y
'size': (80, 40), # width and height
'background_color': (0,255,0), # red, green and blue
'color' : (255,255,255), # text color
'text': 'yes'
And simply draw it like so :
def draw():
# ... your code before
# Draw yes button (4 steps)
# 1 - Create a rect object
yes_button_rect = pg.Rect(
# 2 - Draw the button's background
# 3 - Render the text
button_text_render = main_font.render(
# 4 - Center and draw the text
button_center_x, button_center_y =
text_width, text_height = button_text_render.get_size() # get the width and height of your text
button_text_x = button_center_x - text_width // 2
button_text_y = button_center_y - text_height // 2
screen.blit(button_text_render, (button_text_x, button_text_y))
Go further :
If you care about performance you should pre-render and store your text inside the button dict, you can also pre-calculate the text drawing pos and store it in the button dict.
For instance you could make a preload function :
def preload_button(button):
# Render the text and store it
button['text_render'] = main_font.render(
# Calc the button center pos
button_top, button_left = button['pos']
button_width, button_height = button['size']
button_center_x = button_left + button_width // 2
button_center_y = button_top + button_height // 2
# Calc the pos to the draw the text at
text_render_width, text_render_height = button['text_render'].get_size()
text_x = button_center_x - text_render_width // 2
text_y = button_center_y - text_render_height // 2
button['text_pos'] = (text_x, text_y)
If you do so your draw code becomes :
def draw():
# ... your previous code
# Draw yes button (2 steps)
# 1 - Draw the button's background
(yes_button['pos'], yes_button['size'])
# 2 - Draw the text
screen.blit(yes_button['text_render'], yes_button['text_pos'])
Here I created just a yes button as an example but add as many as you want, placing them into a list :
buttons = [yes_button, no_button, maybe_button, ...]
Now you can interact with them using a for each loop
for button in buttons:
# your code
Obviously making a button class would make everything way clearer but it's outside the scope of this answer
Happy programming

Image not getting drawn on tkinter canvas

I would like to display a knapsack image on green canvas. The height and width of that canvas is 250X250 pixels.
And the size of the image is 260X280 pixels.
When I try to execute below code, I get the output as shown in screenshot above 1. The location of the code file and image file is same.
from tkinter.font import BOLD
from tkinter import *
import tkinter
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
root = Tk()
def draw():
global canvas
canvas = Canvas(root,bg='black',highlightthickness=0)
canvas.pack(fill=tkinter.BOTH, expand=True)
sw = root.winfo_screenwidth()
sh = root.winfo_screenheight()
UI_frame1 = Frame(canvas,bg='black',width=int(sw*0.6510),height=int(sh*0.1580))
canvas.create_window(0,0, anchor=NW,window=UI_frame1)
N = Label(UI_frame1,text='N',bg ='black',fg='white',font=(12))
N.grid(row=0,column=0, padx=139,pady=22)
weights = Label(UI_frame1,text='Weights',bg ='black',fg='white',font=(12))
val = Label(UI_frame1,text='Values',bg ='black',fg='white',font=(12))
n = Entry(UI_frame1,bg='white',width=4,font=(12))
value_arr = Entry(UI_frame1,bg='white',font=(12))
weight_arr = Entry(UI_frame1,bg='white',font=(12))
i = Label(canvas,text=" i ",bg='white',font=(12)).place(x=175,y=185)
j = Label(canvas,text=" j ",bg='white',font=(12)).place(x=550,y=185)
table = Canvas(canvas,bg='red',width=600,height=450),y=300)
w = int(600/8)
h = int(450/5)
for r in range(5):
for c in range(8):
UI_frame2 = Frame(canvas,bg='blue',width=250,height=250)
canvas.create_window(835,630, anchor=CENTER,window=UI_frame2)
image_c = Canvas(UI_frame2,bg='green',highlightthickness=0,width=250,height=250)
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file ='knapsack.png')
I would like to cover the entire green canvas with single image of knapsack. I am not any error while running the GUI. Anyone could help me out, I'll be really thankful.
There are two problems:
You display in position (835,630) but canvas has visible only (250, 250) - (top left corner is (0,0)) - so photo is in place which you can see.
There is bug in PhotoImage() which removes image from memory when it is assigned to local variable. One of solution is to use global photo to assign it to global variable.
def draw():
global canvas
global photo # use global variable
#... code ...
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file='knapsack.png')
image_c.create_image(0, 0,image=photo, anchor=NW) # position (0,0)
Doc (on PhotoImage - see Note at the botton of doc.
Other problem can be that image has big (transparent) margins around object and it may show object in differnt place then you may expect.
Screenshot shows photo in position (0,0) but object is in center of green canvas.

Image in Button tkinter

I am having a problem in making a login image to a button. I have succeeded in making the image with a transparent background, but I can't succeed to make the button with transparent background.
I attached a screenshot that shows what I mean. The upper 'login' is a image (with transparent background), the lower is Login button but there is a white background around it. I want to make a button with transparent background.
self.login_image ='images/LoginButton.png')
self.login_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.login_image)
self.main_screen_canvas.create_image(700, 300, image=self.login_image)
self.login_button = Button(self.main_screen_canvas, borderwidth=0, image=self.login_image),y=400)
What should I do?
Here's how to do what I was suggesting in the comment which uses the technique shown in another answer of mine to simulate a tkinter Button on a Canvas that has a transparent image placed on it (instead of text).
One issue I ran into was that fact that your 2421 × 1210 pixel background image was larger than my screen. To deal with it I added a fitrect() helper function to determine a new smaller size for it that would fit. I wrote it a long time ago, but have found it handy to have around many times (like now). Note that in the code ll and ur refer to the lower-left and upper-right corners of the rectangles involved.
Here's the resulting code:
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import tkinter as tk
class CanvasButton:
""" Create left mouse button clickable canvas image object.
The x, y coordinates are relative to the top-left corner of the canvas.
flash_delay = 100 # Milliseconds.
def __init__(self, canvas, x, y, image_source, command, state=tk.NORMAL):
self.canvas = canvas
if isinstance(image_source, str):
self.btn_image = tk.PhotoImage(file=image_source)
self.btn_image = image_source
self.canvas_btn_img_obj = canvas.create_image(x, y, anchor='nw', state=state,
canvas.tag_bind(self.canvas_btn_img_obj, "<ButtonRelease-1>",
lambda event: (self.flash(), command()))
def flash(self):
self.canvas.after(self.flash_delay, self.set_state, tk.NORMAL)
def set_state(self, state):
""" Change canvas button image's state.
Normally, image objects are created in state tk.NORMAL. Use value
tk.DISABLED to make it unresponsive to the mouse, or use tk.HIDDEN to
make it invisible.
self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.canvas_btn_img_obj, state=state)
def fitrect(r1_ll_x, r1_ll_y, r1_ur_x, r1_ur_y, r2_ll_x, r2_ll_y, r2_ur_x, r2_ur_y):
""" Find the largest rectangle that will fit within rectangle r2 that has
rectangle r1's aspect ratio.
Note: Either the width or height of the resulting rect will be
identical to the corresponding dimension of rect r2.
# Calculate aspect ratios of rects r1 and r2.
deltax1, deltay1 = (r1_ur_x - r1_ll_x), (r1_ur_y - r1_ll_y)
deltax2, deltay2 = (r2_ur_x - r2_ll_x), (r2_ur_y - r2_ll_y)
aspect1, aspect2 = (deltay1 / deltax1), (deltay2 / deltax2)
# Compute size of resulting rect depending on which aspect ratio is bigger.
if aspect1 > aspect2:
result_ll_y, result_ur_y = r2_ll_y, r2_ur_y
delta = deltay2 / aspect1
result_ll_x = r2_ll_x + (deltax2 - delta) / 2.0
result_ur_x = result_ll_x + delta
result_ll_x, result_ur_x = r2_ll_x, r2_ur_x
delta = deltax2 * aspect1
result_ll_y = r2_ll_y + (deltay2 - delta) / 2.0
result_ur_y = result_ll_y + delta
return result_ll_x, result_ll_y, result_ur_x, result_ur_y
def btn_clicked():
""" Prints to console a message every time the button is clicked """
print("Button Clicked")
background_image_path = 'background_image.jpg'
button_image_path = 'button_image.png'
root = tk.Tk()
background_img = # Must use PIL for JPG images.
scrnwidth, scrnheight = root.winfo_screenwidth(), root.winfo_screenheight()
bgrdwidth, bgrdheight = background_img.size
border_width, border_height = 20, 20 # Allow room for window's decorations.
# Determine a background image size that will fit on screen with a border.
bgr_ll_x, bgr_ll_y, bgr_ur_x, bgr_ur_y = fitrect(
0, 0, bgrdwidth, bgrdheight,
0, 0, scrnwidth-border_width, scrnheight-border_height)
bgr_width, bgr_height = int(bgr_ur_x-bgr_ll_x), int(bgr_ur_y-bgr_ll_y)
# Resize background image to calculated size.
background_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(background_img.resize((bgr_width, bgr_height)))
# Create Canvas same size as fitted background image.
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, width=bgr_width, height=bgr_height)
# Put background image on Canvas.
background = canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor='nw', image=background_img)
# Put CanvasButton on Canvas centered at the bottom.
button_img = tk.PhotoImage(file=button_image_path)
btn_x, btn_y = (bgr_width/2), (bgr_height-button_img.height())
canvas_btn1 = CanvasButton(canvas, btn_x, btn_y, button_img, btn_clicked)
And here's the result of running it:

Add lable, textbox and button to tkinter canvas

How to add a label, textbox and button to a program in which an image is display using tkinter canvas. In this program, an image is displayed to user. Lines are drawn over image on mouse click at different position. I want to add a textbox and a button, so that user can enter name for the object drawn using mouse clicks. For example, Enter label: textboxforinputname__Button to enter.
from Tkinter import *
import Image, ImageTk, ImageDraw
import numpy as np
coord=[] # for saving coord of each click position
Dict_Polygon={} # Dictionary for saving polygon
def draw_lines(event):
mouse_xy = (event.x, event.y)
def func_Draw_lines(mouse_xy):
center_x, center_y = mouse_xy
if canvas.old_coords:
x1, y1 = canvas.old_coords
canvas.create_line(center_x, center_y, x1, y1)
# add clicked positions to list
if flag==True:
canvas.old_coords = center_x, center_y
# Main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk()
# Input image
img ="test.jpg")
# Draw canvas for iput image to pop up image for clicks
filename = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
canvas = Canvas(root,height=img.size[0],width=img.size[0])
canvas.image = filename
canvas.old_coords = None
# bind function to canvas to generate event
canvas.bind("<Button 3>", draw_lines)

Tkinter bind widgets below a rectangle widget to a mouse event

I hope I am explaining the problem correctly.
My example below is able to move two images defined on a canvas. The problem is that I want a rectangle, also defined on the canvas, on top of the images. When I do that using .tag_raise, the event triggered by mouse drag is triggered by the rectangle, not the images.
I tried using bing_class but that did not work. I tried to define a separate canvas for the rectangle but it has to overlay the main canvas and I got stuck.
How to keep the rectangle on top but bind the images to my mouse drag event?
import Tkinter as tk # for Python2
import PIL.Image, PIL.ImageTk
win = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(win, height = 500, width = 500)
#Create a rectangle with stipples on top of the images
rectangle = canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 400, 300, fill = "gray", stipple = "gray12")
#Create two images
SPRITE ="image.jpg")
imagePIL = SPRITE.resize((100, 100))
imagePI = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(imagePIL)
image1 = canvas.create_image(100, 100, image = imagePI, tags = "image")
image2 = canvas.create_image(200, 200, image = imagePI, tags = "image")
# Here I select image1 or image2 depending on where I click, and
# drag them on the canvas. The problem is when I put the rectangle
# on top using tag_raise (see below).
def callback(event):
id = canvas.find_withtag(tk.CURRENT)
canvas.coords(id, (event.x, event.y))
canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", callback)
#Place the rectangle on top of all
# This is the problem. I want to have the rectangle on top and be able to use the callback
SOLUTION: I enhanced Nehal's answer with the following code. His answer had a glitch, by which images could be switched. In my enhancement I solve it by storing a lock for each image so that, while dragging an image around on the canvas, the same image is dragged. When I move e.g. image1 over image2 I notice that image1 does not completely move over image2, which is fine for me.
import Tkinter as tk # for Python2
import PIL.Image, PIL.ImageTk
win = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(win, height = 500, width = 500)
#Create a rectangle with stipples on top of the images
rectangle = canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 400, 300, fill = "gray", stipple = "gray12")
#Create two images
SPRITE ="image.jpg")
imagePIL = SPRITE.resize((100, 100))
imagePI = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(imagePIL)
image1 = canvas.create_image(100, 100, image = imagePI, tags = "image")
image2 = canvas.create_image(200, 200, image = imagePI, tags = "image")
images = [image1, image2]
locks = [True, True]
def getImage(x, y):
for image in images:
curr_x, curr_y = canvas.coords(image)
x1 = curr_x - imagePI.width()/2
x2 = curr_x + imagePI.width()/2
y1 = curr_y - imagePI.height()/2
y2 = curr_y + imagePI.height()/2
if (x1 <= x <= x2) and (y1 <= y <= y2):
return image
# Here I select image1 or image2 depending on where I click, and
# drag them on the canvas.
def callback(event):
id = getImage(event.x, event.y)
if id:
if locks[images.index(id)] is False: #Hold on to the image on which I originally clicked
canvas.coords(id, (event.x, event.y))
def mouseClick(event):
id = getImage(event.x, event.y)
if id:
locks[images.index(id)] = False
def mouseRelease(event):
id = getImage(event.x, event.y)
if id:
locks[images.index(id)] = True
canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", mouseClick) #unlock the image to move it
canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", mouseRelease) #lock the image
canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", callback)
#Place the rectangle on top of all
# This was the original problem
I don't know a tkinter specific way to do this, however, you can try to get the coordinates of the closest image and play with them. Like this:
import Tkinter as tk # for Python2
import PIL.Image, PIL.ImageTk
win = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(win, height = 500, width = 500)
#Create a rectangle with stipples on top of the images
rectangle = canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 400, 300, fill = "gray", stipple = "gray12")
#Create two images
SPRITE ="image.jpg")
imagePIL = SPRITE.resize((100, 100))
imagePI = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(imagePIL)
image1 = canvas.create_image(100, 100, image = imagePI, tags = "image")
image2 = canvas.create_image(200, 200, image = imagePI, tags = "image")
images = [image1, image2]
def getImage(x, y):
for image in images:
curr_x, curr_y = canvas.coords(image)
x1 = curr_x - imagePI.width()/2
x2 = curr_x + imagePI.width()/2
y1 = curr_y - imagePI.height()/2
y2 = curr_y + imagePI.height()/2
if (x1 <= x <= x2) and (y1 <= y <= y2):
return image
# Here I select image1 or image2 depending on where I click, and
# drag them on the canvas. The problem is when I put the rectangle
# on top using tag_raise (see below).
def callback(event):
id = getImage(event.x, event.y)
if id:
canvas.coords(id, (event.x, event.y))
canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", callback)
#Place the rectangle on top of all
# This is the problem. I want to have the rectangle on top and be able to use the callback
