im trying to plot the x and y coordinate of the r-vector in a loop, but don't get how to call the coordinates to iterate in loop. If i could get some help that would be great.
import numpy as np
import math as m
import matplotlib as plt
g = np.array([0,-9.8,0])
r = np.array([0,1.2,0])
theta = 35 * m.pi / 180
v1 = 3.3
v = v1 * np.array([np.cos(theta),np.sin(theta),0])
a = g
t = 0
dt = .01
while r[1] > 0:
v = v + a * dt
r = r + v * dt
t = t + dt
print("r = ",r , "m")
print("t = ",t, "s")
print("v = ",v, "m/s")
I want to simulate a data generating process via tensor methods. In the end, the data will be exported to a csv file such that each row corresponds to a time period and each column corresponds to a unit. The following code
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random
import tensorly as tl
from itertools import product
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorly.decomposition
# Data Generation
L = 0.05
H = 0.05
dx = 0.0025
dy = 0.0025
tmax = 60
dt = 0.01
epsilon = 0.0001
alpha = 0.5e-5+np.random.random()*1e-5
SimulateData = []
SimulateDataNoNoise = []
r_x = alpha*dt/dx**2
r_y = alpha*dt/dy**2
fo = r_x + r_y
if fo > 0.5:
msg = f'Current Fo = {fo}, which is numerically unstable (>0.5)'
raise ValueError(msg)
# x, y meshgrid based on dx, dy
nx = int(L/dx + 1)
ny = int(H/dy + 1)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, L, nx), np.linspace(0, H, ny))
# center point of the domain
ic = int((nx-1)/2)
jc = int((ny-1)/2)
# initial and boundary conditions
S = np.zeros((ny, nx))
def enforceBdy(S):
''' Enforces the boundary conditions on S, the temperature values on the domain's grid points'''
S[:, 0] = 1
S[:, -1] = 1
S[0, :] = 1
S[-1, :] = 1
return S
S = enforceBdy(S)
def Laplace(T):
'''Computes the Laplacian operator, del-squared on the data'''
tmp_x, tmp_y = np.gradient(T, dx, dy)
tmp_x, _ = np.gradient(tmp_x, dx)
_, tmp_y = np.gradient(tmp_y, dy)
return tmp_x+tmp_y
# iteration
nmax = int(tmax/dt)
for n in range(nmax):
dSdt = alpha*Laplace(S)
S = S + dSdt*dt
S = enforceBdy(S)
if n % 100 == 0:
noise = np.random.normal(size=S.shape)*.1
# check for convergence
err = np.abs(dSdt*dt).max()
if err <= epsilon:
# Creates Tensor
X = np.stack(SimulateData, 2)
nx,ny,nt = X.shape
# CP Decomposition
err = []
for i in range(1,11):
CP_Heat = tl.decomposition.parafac(X,i)
reconstructed = tl.kruskal_to_tensor(CP_Heat)
AIC1 = [2*e + 2*(i+1) for i,e in enumerate(err)]
AIC2 = [2*e + (i+1)*nx+(i+1)*ny+(i+1)*nt for i,e in enumerate(err)]
idxmin = np.argmin(AIC)
R = idxmin+1
min_AIC = AIC[idxmin]
Y = np.zeros((21,40))
beta = np.random.randint(low=-0,high=15,size=21).reshape(-1,1)
for i in range(40):
RHS = 15 + X[:,:,i]#beta + np.random.normal(size=21).reshape(-1,1)
Y[:,i] = RHS.ravel()
np.savetxt("Sim1.csv", Y, delimiter=",")
Returns a CSV file of 21 rows and 40 columns. Suppose, however, I wanted 40 or 70 rows in the final file with 40 columns. How would I do this? When I try with the number 22
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random
import tensorly as tl
from itertools import product
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorly.decomposition
# Data Generation
L = 0.05
H = 0.05
dx = 0.0025
dy = 0.0025
tmax = 60
dt = 0.01
epsilon = 0.0001
alpha = 0.5e-5+np.random.random()*1e-5
SimulateData = []
SimulateDataNoNoise = []
r_x = alpha*dt/dx**2
r_y = alpha*dt/dy**2
fo = r_x + r_y
if fo > 0.5:
msg = f'Current Fo = {fo}, which is numerically unstable (>0.5)'
raise ValueError(msg)
# x, y meshgrid based on dx, dy
nx = int(L/dx + 1)
ny = int(H/dy + 1)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, L, nx), np.linspace(0, H, ny))
# center point of the domain
ic = int((nx-1)/2)
jc = int((ny-1)/2)
# initial and boundary conditions
S = np.zeros((ny, nx))
def enforceBdy(S):
''' Enforces the boundary conditions on S, the temperature values on the domain's grid points'''
S[:, 0] = 1
S[:, -1] = 1
S[0, :] = 1
S[-1, :] = 1
return S
S = enforceBdy(S)
def Laplace(T):
'''Computes the Laplacian operator, del-squared on the data'''
tmp_x, tmp_y = np.gradient(T, dx, dy)
tmp_x, _ = np.gradient(tmp_x, dx)
_, tmp_y = np.gradient(tmp_y, dy)
return tmp_x+tmp_y
# iteration
nmax = int(tmax/dt)
for n in range(nmax):
dSdt = alpha*Laplace(S)
S = S + dSdt*dt
S = enforceBdy(S)
if n % 100 == 0:
noise = np.random.normal(size=S.shape)*.1
# check for convergence
err = np.abs(dSdt*dt).max()
if err <= epsilon:
# Creates Tensor
X = np.stack(SimulateData, 2)
nx,ny,nt = X.shape
# CP Decomposition
err = []
for i in range(1,11):
CP_Heat = tl.decomposition.parafac(X,i)
reconstructed = tl.kruskal_to_tensor(CP_Heat)
AIC1 = [2*e + 2*(i+1) for i,e in enumerate(err)]
AIC2 = [2*e + (i+1)*nx+(i+1)*ny+(i+1)*nt for i,e in enumerate(err)]
idxmin = np.argmin(AIC)
R = idxmin+1
min_AIC = AIC[idxmin]
Y = np.zeros((22,40))
beta = np.random.randint(low=-0,high=15,size=22).reshape(-1,1)
for i in range(40):
RHS = 15 + X[:,:,i]#beta + np.random.normal(size=22).reshape(-1,1)
Y[:,i] = RHS.ravel()
np.savetxt("Sim1.csv", Y, delimiter=",")
Python throws an exception saying "(size 22 is different from 21)", but I'm unclear on where the 21 comes from when I do not specify the number 21 anywhere in my code.
I'm new to python so the code may not be the best. I'm trying to find the minimum Total Cost (TotalC) and the corresponding m,k and xM values that go with this minimum cost. I'm not sure how to do this. I have tried using min(TotalC) however this gives an error within the loop or outside the loop only returns the value of TotalC and not the corresponding m, k, and xM values. Any help would be appreciated. This section is at the end of the code, I have included my entire code.
I have tried using
minIndex = TotalC.argmin()
but I'm not sure how to use it and it only returns 0 each time.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def Load(x):
Fpeak = (1000 + (9*(x**2) - (183*x))) *1000 #Fpeak in N
td = (20 - ((0.12)*(x**2)) + (4.2*(x))) / 1000 #td in s
return Fpeak, td
####################### Part 2 ########################
def displacement(m,k,x,dt): #Displacement function
Fpeak, td = Load(x) #Load Function from step 1
w = np.sqrt(k/m) # Natural circular frequency
T = 2 * np.pi /w #Natural period of blast (s)
time = np.arange(0,2*T,0.001) #Time array with range (0 - 2*T) with steps of 2*T/100
zt = [] #Create a lsit to store displacement values
for t in time:
if (t <= td):
zt.append((Fpeak/k) * (1 - np.cos(w*t)) + (Fpeak/(k*td)) * ((np.sin(w*t)/w) - t))
zt.append((Fpeak/(k*w*td)) * (np.sin(w*t) - np.sin(w*(t-td))) - ((Fpeak/k) * np.cos(w*t)))
zmax=max(zt) #Find the max displacement from the list of zt values
return zmax #Return max displacement
k = 1E6
m = 200
dt = 0.0001
x = 0
z = displacement(m,k,x,dt)
############### Part 3 #######################
# k = 1E6 , m = 200kg , Deflection = 0.1m
k_values = np.arange(1E6, 7E6, ((7E6-1E6)/10)) #List of k values between min and max (1E6 and 7E6).
m_values = np.arange(200,1200,((1200-200)/10)) #List of m values between min and max 200kg and 1200kg
xM = []
for k in k_values: # values of k
for m in m_values: # values of m within k for loop
def bisector(m,k,dpoint,dt): #dpoint = decimal point accuracy
xL = 0
xR = 10
xM = (xL + xR)/2
zmax = 99
while round(zmax, dpoint) !=0.1:
zmax = displacement(m,k,xM,dt)
if zmax > 0.1:
xL = xM
xM = (xL + xR)/2
xR = xM
xM = (xL + xR)/2
return xM
xM = bisector(m, k, 4, 0.001)
print('xM value =',xM)
#######Step 4
def cost (m,k,xM):
Ck = 900 + 825*((k/1E6)**2) - (1725*(k/1E6))
Cm = 10*m - 2000
Cx = 2400*((xM**2)/4)
TotalC = Ck + Cm + Cx
minIndex = TotalC.argmin(0)
return TotalC
TotalC = cost(m, k, xM)
minIndex = TotalC.argmin()
print([xM, m, k, TotalC])
argmin() returns the index of a minimum value. If you are looking for the minimum itself, try using .min(). There is also a possibility that 0 is the lowest value in Your array so bear that in mind
I'm trying to simulate an exoplanet transit and to determine its orbital characteristics with curve fitting. However, the intersection area between two circles needs to distinguish two cases: if the center of the smallest circle is in the biggest or not. This is a problem for scipy with the function curve_fit, calling an array in my function cacl_aire. The function transit simulates the smallest disc's evolution with time.
Here's my code:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import xlrd
dt = 0.1
Vx = 0.08
Vy = 0
X0 = -5
Y0 = 0
R = 2
r = 0.7
X = X0
Y = Y0
doc = xlrd.open_workbook("transit data.xlsx")
feuille_1 = doc.sheet_by_index(0)
mag = [feuille_1.cell_value(rowx=k, colx=4) for k in range(115)]
T = [feuille_1.cell_value(rowx=k, colx=3) for k in range(115)]
def calc_aire(r, x, y):
D2 = x * x + y * y
if D2 >= (r + R)**2:
return 0
d = (r**2 - R**2 + D2) / (2 * (D2**0.5))
d2 = D2**0.5 - d
if abs(d) >= r:
return min([r * r * np.pi, R * R * np.pi])
H = (r * r - d * d)**0.5
As = np.arccos(d / r) * r * r - d * H
As2 = R * R * np.arccos(d2 / R) - d2 * H
return As + As2
def transit(t, r, X0, Y0, Vx, Vy):
return -calc_aire(r, X0 + Vx * t, Y0 + Vy * t)
best_vals = curve_fit(transit, T, mag)[0]
print('best_vals: {}'.format(best_vals))
plt.plot(T, mag)
I have the following error :
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() with the line 28 :
if D2 >= (r + R)**2:
Here is my database:
I don't see any trick to solve my problem.
I am studying about neural network tutorial and made simple perceptron code like this below
The purpose is
Spliting 20 points into two groups.
import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.tests.dataframe.mocks import Mock2x2Transform'ggplot')
font = {'family' : 'meiryo'}
matplotlib.rc('font', **font)
rng = np.random.RandomState(123)
d = 2 #dimension
N = 10 # each group items
mean = 5
x1 = rng.randn(N,d) + np.array([0,0]) # group 0
x2 = rng.randn(N,d) + np.array([mean,mean]) $group 1
x = np.concatenate((x1,x2),axis = 0)
##### Plot points
allDf = pd.DataFrame(columns=['x','y'])
k = 0
for i in x:
temp = pd.DataFrame({'x' : i[0],
'y' : i[1]},index=[k])
k = k + 1
allDf = pd.concat([allDf,temp])
allDf.plot(kind='scatter',x = 'x',y='y')
#initialize w b
w = np.zeros(d)
b = 0
def y(x):
return step(,x) + b)
def step(x):
return 1 * (x > 0)
def t(i):
if i < N:
return 0
return 1
while True:
classified = True
for i in range(N * 2):
delta_w = (t(i) - y(x[i])) * x[i]
delta_b = (t(i) - y(x[i]))
w += delta_w
b += delta_b
classified *= all(delta_w == 0 ) * (delta_b == 0)
if classified:
print("Final answer")
pprint(b) # I get the answer here but how can I plot this w and b
X = np.linspace(-2,6,100) # it's wrong!!
Y = (w[0] * X + w[1] * X) - b # it's wrong!!
This source code gives me
the final answer like this
w = array([ 2.14037745, 1.2763927 ])
b = -9
But how can I plot this??
I want to make line between two groups.
The final graph(line) is supposed to be like this
I am trying to use the Python interpolation function to get the value y for a given x but I am getting the error "raise ValueError("x and y arrays must be equal in length along along interpolation axis" even though my arrays have both equal size and shape (according to what I get when I use .shape in my code). I am quite new to programming so I don't know how to check what else could be different in my arrays. Here is my code:
s = []
def slowroll(y, t):
phi, dphi, a = y
h = np.sqrt(1/3. * (1/2. * dphi**2 + 1/2.*phi**2))
da = h*a
ddphi = -3.*h*dphi - phi
return [dphi,ddphi,da]
phi_ini = 18.
dphi_ini = -0.1
init_y = [phi_ini,dphi_ini,1.]
h_ini =np.sqrt(1/3. * (1/2. * dphi_ini**2. + 1/2.*phi_ini**2.))
from scipy.integrate import odeint
sol = odeint(slowroll, init_y, t)
phi = sol[:,0]
dphi = sol[:,1]
h = np.sqrt(1/3. * (1/2. * dphi**2 + 1/2.*phi**2))
x = np.asarray(s)
y = np.asarray(t)
F = interp1d(y, x, kind='cubic')
print F(7.34858263)
After adding in the required imports, I've been unable to duplicate your error with version 2.7.12. What python version are you running?
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
s = []
def slowroll(y, t):
phi, dphi, a = y
h = np.sqrt(1/3. * (1/2. * dphi**2 + 1/2.*phi**2))
da = h*a
ddphi = -3.*h*dphi - phi
return [dphi,ddphi,da]
phi_ini = 18.
dphi_ini = -0.1
init_y = [phi_ini,dphi_ini,1.]
h_ini =np.sqrt(1/3. * (1/2. * dphi_ini**2. + 1/2.*phi_ini**2.))
from scipy.integrate import odeint
sol = odeint(slowroll, init_y, t)
phi = sol[:,0]
dphi = sol[:,1]
h = np.sqrt(1/3. * (1/2. * dphi**2 + 1/2.*phi**2))
x = np.asarray(s)
y = np.asarray(t)
F = interp1d(y, x, kind='cubic')
print F(7.34858263)