How to properly wrap a two dimensional vector using %template - python

I'm trying to make a basic csv parser in c++ for a particular csv schema, and I'm trying to wrap the function for Python, but I keep getting a "StdVectorTraits not found" warning after wrapper generation. The wrapper is still able to be compiled using g++, but when I try to import the underlying shared object using the script, I get "ImportError: undefined symbol: _Z8myVectorRNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE"
This is the swig interface file:
%module parser;
%include "/usr/share/swig4.0/std/std_vector.i";
%include "/usr/share/swig4.0/std/std_iostream.i";
%include "/usr/share/swig4.0/std/std_sstream.i";
%include "/usr/share/swig4.0/std/std_string.i";
%include "/usr/share/swig4.0/std/std_basic_string.i";
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
std::vector<std::vector<double>> myVector(std::string&);
%template(doubleVector) std::vector<double>;
%template(doubleVecVector) std::vector<std::vector<double>>;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> myVector(std::string& path)
std::ifstream file;
std::string read;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> data;;
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
std::getline(file, read);
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
std::vector<double> line;
std::getline(file, read);
std::stringstream ss(read);
for (int j = 0; j < 48; j++)
std::getline(ss, read, ',');
return data;
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/../test.ipynb Cell 1 in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 import parser
File ~/../, in <module>
13 from . import _parser
14 else:
---> 15 import _parser
17 try:
18 import builtins as __builtin__
ImportError: /home/../ undefined symbol: _Z8myVectorRNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE

The function definition should be between %{ and %}. Everything between %{/%} is included directly in the generated wrapper. The function prototype should be at the end of the file after the %template declarations to direct SWIG to generate a wrapper for that function.
Since the function body is in the wrong place it isn't defined hence the undefined symbol error.
Stripped down example:
%module test
#include <vector>
std::vector<std::vector<double>> myVector()
return {{1.0,1.5},{2.0,2.5}};
%include <std_vector.i>
%template(doubleVector) std::vector<double>;
%template(doubleVecVector) std::vector<std::vector<double>>;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> myVector();
>>> import test
>>> test.myVector()
((1.0, 1.5), (2.0, 2.5))


SWIG Attribute Error: module has no attribute 'delete_...'

I have been trying to get this to work for a while now. I am trying to wrap a LOT of c++ classes in swig, but I can't even get the first one to work. The error is at the bottom. Here is my interface file,, and class file.
//This file is automatically generated from "
//Makes changes to to edit jcm.i
%module jcm
#include "jtag/GenericJTAGDevice.h"
typedef unsigned int u32;
class GenericJTAGDevice {
virtual ~GenericJTAGDevice();
GenericJTAGDevice(int irLength, int idCode);
unsigned int getIrLength();
unsigned int getIdCode();
unsigned int idCode;
unsigned int irLength;
typedef unsigned int u32;
%include <std_string.i>
using std::string;
%include "cpointer.i"
%pointer_functions(u32, u32p);
%include "carrays.i"
%array_class(u32, u32a);
%include "std_vector.i"
namespace std {
%template(IntVector) vector<int>;
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
jcm_sources = [
jcm_module = Extension('_jcm',
swig_opts=[ '-I/root/git/jcm/jcm_source/base/include',
include_dirs=[ '/root/git/jcm/jcm_source/base/include',
setup (name = 'jcm', version = '0.3', author = 'BYUCCL', ext_modules = [jcm_module], py_modules = ["jcm"])
Class Header
#include <string>
#include <vector>
//#include "JTAGDevice.h"
using namespace std;
* #brief Basic implementation of a JTAGDevice
* \class GenericJTAGDevice
class GenericJTAGDevice {
virtual ~GenericJTAGDevice();
GenericJTAGDevice(int irLength, int idCode);
unsigned int getIrLength();
unsigned int getIdCode();
unsigned int idCode;
unsigned int irLength;
Here is the error:
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.insert(0, '/root/git/JCM/jcm_source/python/swig')
>>> import jcm
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/root/git/jcm/jcm_source/python/swig/", line 64, in <module>
class GenericJTAGDevice(object):
File "/root/git/jcm/jcm_source/python/swig/", line 67, in GenericJTAGDevice
__swig_destroy__ = _jcm.delete_GenericJTAGDevice
AttributeError: module '_jcm' has no attribute 'delete_GenericJTAGDevice'
I have tried a couple variations in the interface file, such as not having the whole class definition and just doing %include GenericJTAGDevice.h. I have a feeling it has to do with the virtual destructor, but I don't know how to fix that because I need the destructor.
Edit: I tried with another class and it did the same thing. So perhaps I am understanding the interface file wrong.
Edit: All I am running is python3 build
So I saw the answer in the link below before but didn't understand what it was saying. Basically, my process to build swig didn't include making a new So pretty much the first time I ran it was it, and after that all the changes I made to the .i or the code or didn't mean anything because the wasn't being rewritten. In my case, I run a "make clean" from my make file and it deletes the After that I build the again, and then run
Simple, but hard to find.

How to produce a Python dictionary from a C++ unordered map using SWIG?

I'm trying to wrap an unordered map in a python dictionary using swig:
// UsingAnUnorderedMap.h
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> makeStringToIntMap(){
return std::unordered_map<std::string, int>{
{"first", 4},
{"second", 5},
%module UsingUnorderedMap
#include "UsingUnorderedMap.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
%include "std_string.i"
%include "std_pair.i"
%include "std_unordered_map.i"
%template(StringToIntMap) std::unordered_map<std::string,int>;
%include "UsingUnorderedMap.h"
%typemap(out) StringToIntMap {
PyDictObject* dict = PyDict_New($input);
for (auto &item: StringToIntMap){
PyDict_SetItem(dict, PyUnicode_FromString(item.first), item.second);
$result = dict;
import sys
sys.path += [
import UsingUnorderedMap
This produces
<class 'UsingUnorderedMap.StringToIntMap'>
i.e. it just ignores the typemap. Technically the StringToIntMap behaves pretty much the same as a Python dict - at far as I can tell, but I think there's confort for Python users in Python dictionaries and so it would be better if this were a straight up dictionary. Does anybody have any pointers on how to achieve this?
For convenience, you can build this code using the following CMake code. Note that I build this using the command -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/swig.exe.
# CMakeLists.txt
set(Python_ROOT_DIR "C:/Miniconda3")
find_package(Python COMPONENTS Interpreter Development NumPy)
message("Python_EXECUTABLE ${Python_EXECUTABLE}")
find_package(SWIG 4.0.0 REQUIRED
set_property(SOURCE UsingUnorderedMap.i PROPERTY CPLUSPLUS ON)
SOURCES UsingUnorderedMap.i UsingUnorderedMap)
target_include_directories(UsingUnorderedMap PUBLIC
target_link_libraries(UsingUnorderedMap PUBLIC ${Python_LIBRARIES})
install(TARGETS UsingUnorderedMap DESTINATION UsingUnorderedMap)
DESTINATION UsingUnorderedMap)
Here goes a small example showing conversion of std::unordered_map to a python dictionary
%module dictmap
#include "test.h"
%typemap(out) std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> (PyObject* obj) %{
obj = PyDict_New();
for (const auto& n : $1) {
PyObject* strA = PyUnicode_FromString(n.first.c_str());
PyObject* strB = PyUnicode_FromString(n.second.c_str());
PyDict_SetItem(obj, strA, strB);
$result = SWIG_Python_AppendOutput($result, obj);
%include "test.h"
Small inline function
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> makeStringMap() {
return std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> {
{"first", "hello"},
{"second", "world"},
I hope that you can see what you have made wrong. You are returning an empty dictionary created using an empty $input. I am not sure of whether you need to defined a PyObject argument, but I do this always in case it is needed together with another typemap.

How to solve the warning "Warning 401: Nothing known about base class 'xxxx' Ignored." in swig

I am trying to use swig to call c++ functions from python. Its actually working (I can import the module in python), but there are some warnings that i want to solve before i get in trouble later.
I tried to just include the code, that produces the warning.
I have this Classes in my MDF4.h Header File:
// MDF4.h
typedef struct
// Block Header
enum { RID=M4ID_FH };
// enumeration of links
fh_fh_next, // Link to next FHBLOCK (can be NIL if list finished)
LinkMax // # of known links
// Data members
M_DATE fh_time;
M_UINT8 fh_reserved[3]; // Reserved
} m4FHRecord;
template<class R,class T=BYTE,int ID=R::RID> class m4BlockImpl : public m4Block,public R
m4BlockImpl(size_t nVar=0) : m4Block(R::LinkMax),m_var(nVar)
R *pThis=static_cast<R *>(this);
BOOL setCommentBlk(m4Block &TXorMD,int linkNo)
// cannot call twice
if (!hasLink(linkNo))
ATLASSERT(TXorMD.hdrID()==M4ID_TX || TXorMD.hdrID()==M4ID_MD);
M_LINK mdAt=TXorMD.Create(m_File,3);
if (mdAt)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
class M4FHBlock : public m4BlockImpl<m4FHRecord>
M4FHBlock(MDF4File *File); // ctor: create and insrt current time
M4FHBlock(); // used for reading
BOOL setComment(m4Block &md); // CANNOT be a TX Block!
And this is my MDF4.i interface file:
%module MDF4
#include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\stdafx.h"
#include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\utf8.h"
#include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\Resource.h"
#include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\mdfConfig.h"
#include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\Ptrlist.h"
#include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\dynArray.h"
#include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\miniz.c"
#include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\md5.h"
#include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\m4Dump.h"
#include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\mdFile.h"
#include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\mdfTypes.h"
#include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\mdf4.h"
%feature("autodoc", "1");
%rename(__incr__) Indent::operator++;
%rename(__incr__) ptrlist::iterator::operator++;
%rename(__eq__) ptrlist::iterator::operator=;
%rename(__decr__) ptrlist::iterator::operator--;
%rename(__eq__) ptrlist::iterator::operator=;
%rename(__invert__) ptrlist::iterator::operator!;
%rename(__incr__) DbtObjPtrList::iterator::operator++;
%rename(__eq__) DbtObjPtrList::iterator::operator=;
%rename(__decr__) DbtObjPtrList::iterator::operator--;
%rename(__eq__) DbtObjPtrList::iterator::operator=;
%rename(__invert__) DbtObjPtrList::iterator::operator!;
%include <wchar.i>
%include <cwstring.i>
%include <std_vector.i>
%include <std_map.i>
%include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\stdafx.h"
%include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\utf8.h"
%include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\Resource.h"
%include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\mdfConfig.h"
%include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\Ptrlist.h"
%include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\dynArray.h"
%include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\miniz.c"
%include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\md5.h"
%include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\m4Dump.h"
%include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\mdFile.h"
%include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\mdfTypes.h"
%include "mdf4_lib_v2_019\\mdf4.h"
But i get always this warning after calling swig -c++ -python MDF4.i:
mdf4_lib_v2_019\mdf4.h(1226) : Warning 401: Nothing known about base class 'm4BlockImpl< m4FHRecord >'. Ignored.
mdf4_lib_v2_019\mdf4.h(1226) : Warning 401: Maybe you forgot to instantiate 'm4BlockImpl< m4FHRecord >' using %template.
---- EDIT -----
I created a simple example with the same warning output:
typedef struct
enum { RID=1};
template<class A,class B=BYTE,int ID=A::RID> class Foo : public A
int a;
int a = 1;
class Bar : public Foo<myStruct>
%module test
#include "test.h"
%include "test.h"

ImportError: undefined symbol when importing swigged c++-class in python

I try to use a c++-class for socket communication in Python. Therefore, I created a class that uses nngpp. When importing the swigged file to python, I get the ImportError: undefined symbol: nng_msg_insert. The definition of the class is:
/* commclass.h */
#include <nngpp/nngpp.h>
#include <nngpp/protocol/req0.h>
#include <nngpp/protocol/rep0.h>
#include <nngpp/msg_body.h>
#include <nngpp/msg_header.h>
#include <nngpp/msg.h>
#include <nngpp/socket.h>
#include <nngpp/view.h>
#include <string>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
//#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include "/usr/local/include/nng/nng.h"
//#include <memory>
#include <chrono>
using json = nlohmann::json;
class CommIF
nng::socket socket;
nng::msg message;
int msg_size;
CommIF(const std::string option, std::string ipToListen, std::string ipToDial)
message = nng::make_msg(0);
if ("rep") == 0)
socket = std::move(nng::rep::v0::open());
else if ("req") == 0)
socket = std::move(nng::req::v0::open());
bool connected = false;
while (connected == false)
connected = true;
std::cout << "successfully connected\n";
catch (const nng::exception &e)
std::cerr << e.what() << "; retry in 1 s" << '\n';
msg_size = 0;
The interface file for swig is:
/* commclass.i */
%module commclass
#include "src/commclass.h"
%include "src/commclass.h"
I then start with the command python3 build_ext --inplace the build process. The file is the following
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
import os
name = "commclass"
version = "0.0.1"
os.environ["CC"] = "g++"
setup(name = name, version = version, ext_modules = [Extension(
name = '_commclass',
sources = ["commclass.i"],#"src/commclass.h"],
include_dirs = ['src'],#'/home/user1/Documents/extLibs','/usr/local/include'],
swig_opts = ["-c++", "-modern"]
When I now import the the class to python, I get the error mentioned above. I searched a lot on google and stackoverflow and I am quite sure this is a linker issue. I also tried a lot of different things with the compiler and linker options of distutils.core, but I didn't find a solution.
Edit 1:
I now changed the interface file as following
/* commclass.i */
/* module*/
%module commclass
#include "/usr/local/include/nng/nng.h"
#include "src/nngpp/nngpp.h"
#include "src/nngpp/protocol/req0.h"
#include "src/nngpp/protocol/rep0.h"
#include "src/nngpp/socket.h"
#include "src/nngpp/msg.h"
#include "src/nngpp/aio.h"
#include "src/nngpp/aio_view.h"
#include "src/nngpp/msg_body.h"
#include "src/nngpp/msg_header.h"
#include "src/commclass.h"
%include "/usr/local/include/nng/nng.h"
%include "src/commclass.h"
I now get the same error when importing in python, but the undefined symbol changed. It is now nng_aio_set_iov. Both nng_msg_insert and nng_aio_set_iov are defined in the file nng.h which I have now included. I am confused now.
SWIG only generates interfaces for definitions that are directly specified by %include by default. nng_msg_insert is not defined in src/commclass.h. You need additional %include statements to bring in the definition.
Note you can change the default to recurse into all #include statements with the -includeall SWIG flag, but you generally don't want the entire <iostream>, <cstdio>, <string>, etc. interfaces to be wrapped and it likely won't work without a lot of additional effort.

typedef does not work with SWIG (python wrapping C++ code)

Hello and thanks for your help in advance !
I am writing a python wrapper (SWIG 2.0 + Python 2.7) for a C++ code. The C++ code has typedef which I need to access in python wrapper. Unfortunately, I am getting following error when executing my Python code:
tag = CNInt32(0)
NameError: global name 'CNInt32' is not defined
I looked into SWIG documentation section 5.3.5 which explains size_t as typedef but I could not get that working too.
Following is simpler code to reproduce the error:
C++ header:
#ifndef __EXAMPLE_H__
#define __EXAMPLE_H__
/* File: example.h */
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined(API_EXPORT)
#define APIEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define APIEXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
typedef int CNInt32;
class APIEXPORT ExampleClass {
void printFunction (int value);
void updateInt (CNInt32& var);
#endif //__EXAMPLE_H__
C++ Source:
/* File : example.cpp */
#include "example.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/* I'm a file containing use of typedef variables */
ExampleClass::ExampleClass() {
ExampleClass::~ExampleClass() {
void ExampleClass::printFunction (int value) {
cout << "Value = "<< value << endl;
void ExampleClass::updateInt(CNInt32& var) {
var = 10;
Interface file:
/* File : example.i */
%module example
typedef int CNInt32;
#include "example.h"
%include <windows.i>
%include "example.h"
Python Code:
# file:
from example import *
# Try to set the values of some typedef variables
exampleObj = ExampleClass()
exampleObj.printFunction (20)
var = CNInt32(5)
exampleObj.updateInt (var)
Thanks again for your help.
I got it working. I had to use typemaps in the interface file, see below:
- Thanks a lot to "David Froger" on Swig mailing lists.
- Also, thanks to doctorlove for initial hints.
%include typemaps.i
%apply CNInt32& INOUT { CNInt32& };
And then in python file:
var = 5 # Note: old code problematic line: var = CNInt32(5)
print "Python value = ",var
var = exampleObj.updateInt (var) # Note: 1. updated values returned automatically by wrapper function.
# 2. Multiple pass by reference also work.
# 3. It also works if your c++ function is returning some value.
print "Python Updated value var = ",var
Thanks again !
