Python Request with Cookies - Content blocked by Cookie Banner - python

I'm trying to access a website via Python Requests. To avoid the iframe of the "Cookie Banner" I want to pass the cookie that handles the banner.
With Selenium I already managed to figure out which cookie that is and there it works fine with just passing the key/value" pair. I already found online, that it is necessary to "get" the page before passing and then refreshing it with "get" again after adding the cookies.
website = ""
path = "path/to/your/chromedriver.exe"
service = Service(executable_path=path)
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service = service)
driver.add_cookie({'name': 'notice_preferences','value': '2:'})
So far so good. However, if I pass the same cookie that already worked in Selenium to a Python Request, the response.text that I receive still shows the content of the iframe and "Cookie Banner".
response = requests.get(website, cookies={"notice_preferences":"2:"})
Does anyone know why this is happening or if there is even a solution for this?

I don't think that page's content is blocked by cookie banner. It's rather blocked by the lack of a proper user-agent in header. The following code will return the page content as seen in browser:
import requests
import pandas as pd
s = requests.Session()
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/104.0.5112.79 Safari/537.36'
url = ''
s.cookies.set("name", "notice_preferences", domain="")
s.cookies.set("value", "2:", domain="")
r = s.get(url)
# print(r.text)
Result printed in terminal:
<RequestsCookieJar[<Cookie split-id=e28e4968-c2e3-4145-9226-0d9db15bcffe for>, <Cookie name=notice_preferences for>, <Cookie value=2: for>]>
You can then navigate to another page in that website, and requests' Session will preserve the headers and cookies. Also, print out the text response, see if the info you're looking for is there.
For more info on Requests, you can visit
EDIT: This is an a la carte XY problem - luckily the OP clarified it in comments.
That data is being pulled via an XHR call from an API endpoint. To get the info youi want, you need to scrape the endpoint. THis is how you do it (after inspecting Dev Tools - Network Tab and seeing that endpoint):
import requests
import pandas as pd
s = requests.Session()
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/104.0.5112.79 Safari/537.36'
url = ''
r = s.get(url)
df = pd.DataFrame(r.json()['items'])
This will print in terminal:
item tags type
0 {'country_code': 'US', 'deleted': False, 'description': 'Banane', 'id': 1873022840, 'nutritional_contents': {'calcium': 0.5, 'carbohydrates': 22.84, 'cholesterol': 0, 'energy': {'unit': 'calories', 'value': 89}, 'fat': 0.33, 'fiber': 2.6, 'iron': 1.44444, 'monounsaturated_fat': 0.032, 'polyunsaturated_fat': 0.073, 'potassium': 358, 'protein': 1.09, 'saturated_fat': 0.112, 'sodium': 1, 'sugar': 12.23, 'trans_fat': 0, 'vitamin_a': 4.26667, 'vitamin_c': 14.5, 'vitamin_d': 0}, 'public': True, 'serving_sizes': [{'id': '67628178485117', 'index': 0, 'nutrition_multiplier': 1.18, 'unit': 'medium', 'value': 1}, {'id': '67078422671357', 'index': 1, 'nutrition_multiplier': 1.36, 'unit': 'large', 'value': 1}, {'id': '67628178485245', 'index': 2, 'nutrition_multiplier': 1.5, 'unit': 'cup, sliced', 'value': 1}, {'id': '67078414315389', 'index': 3, 'nutrition_multiplier': 2.25, 'unit': 'cup, mashed', 'value': 1}, {'id': '67628170129277', 'index': 4, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.01, 'unit': 'g', 'value': 1}, {'id': '67078414315517', 'index': 5, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.283495, 'unit': 'oz', 'value': 1}, {'id': '67628170129405', 'index': 6, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.81, 'unit': 'extra small', 'value': 1}, {'id': '67078422703997', 'index': 7, 'nutrition_multiplier': 1.52, 'unit': 'extra large', 'value': 1}, {'id': '67628178517885', 'index': 8, 'nutrition_multiplier': 4.53592, 'unit': 'lb(s)', 'value': 1}, {'id': '67078422704125', 'index': 9, 'nutrition_multiplier': 1e-05, 'unit': 'mg(s)', 'value': 1}, {'id': '67628178518013', 'index': 10, 'nutrition_multiplier': 10, 'unit': 'kg(s)', 'value': 1}, {'id': '67076304547197', 'index': 11, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.00625, 'unit': 'mL, sliced ', 'value': 1}, {'id': '67626060361085', 'index': 12, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.009375, 'unit': 'mL, mashed ', 'value': 1}, {'id': '67076304547325', 'index': 13, 'nutrition_multiplier': 6.25, 'unit': 'liter(s), sliced ', 'value': 1}, {'id': '67626060361213', 'index': 14, 'nutrition_multiplier': 9.375, 'unit': 'liter(s), mashed ', 'value': 1}], 'type': 'food', 'user_id': '133476501057389', 'verified': True, 'version': '199432263862133'} [canonical, best_match] food
1 {'brand_name': 'Banane', 'country_code': 'FR', 'deleted': False, 'description': 'Une banane', 'id': 2007191148, 'nutritional_contents': {'calcium': 0, 'carbohydrates': 27, 'cholesterol': 0, 'energy': {'unit': 'calories', 'value': 105}, 'fat': 0.4, 'fiber': 2.1, 'iron': 0, 'monounsaturated_fat': 0, 'polyunsaturated_fat': 0, 'potassium': 0, 'protein': 1.3, 'saturated_fat': 0, 'sodium': 0, 'sugar': 12, 'trans_fat': 0, 'vitamin_a': 0, 'vitamin_c': 0}, 'public': True, 'serving_sizes': [{'id': '93902759513197', 'index': 0, 'nutrition_multiplier': 1, 'unit': 'fruit entier (120g)', 'value': 1}, {'id': '94452515327085', 'index': 1, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.00833333, 'unit': 'gram', 'value': 1}], 'type': 'food', 'user_id': '160406080319149', 'verified': False, 'version': '198055450101605'} [] food
2 {'brand_name': 'Obst', 'country_code': 'DE', 'deleted': False, 'description': ' Banane ()', 'id': 1659839707, 'nutritional_contents': {'calcium': 0.625, 'carbohydrates': 22.84, 'energy': {'unit': 'calories', 'value': 90}, 'fat': 0.33, 'fiber': 2.6, 'iron': 1.857, 'potassium': 358, 'protein': 1.09, 'sodium': 1, 'sugar': 12.23, 'vitamin_a': 0.375, 'vitamin_c': 10.875}, 'public': True, 'serving_sizes': [{'id': '268297681372533', 'index': 0, 'nutrition_multiplier': 1, 'unit': 'g', 'value': 100}, {'id': '268297681372661', 'index': 1, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.01, 'unit': 'g', 'value': 1}, {'id': '268847437186549', 'index': 2, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.283495, 'unit': 'ounce', 'value': 1}, {'id': '268297673016693', 'index': 3, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.992232, 'unit': 'ounce', 'value': 3.5}], 'type': 'food', 'user_id': '163850601983789', 'verified': False, 'version': '129355447387317'} [] food
3 {'brand_name': 'Obst', 'country_code': 'DE', 'deleted': False, 'description': 'Banane 1 Stück', 'id': 1887842011, 'nutritional_contents': {'calcium': 0, 'carbohydrates': 26.4, 'cholesterol': 0, 'energy': {'unit': 'calories', 'value': 115}, 'fat': 0.2, 'iron': 0, 'monounsaturated_fat': 0, 'polyunsaturated_fat': 0, 'potassium': 0, 'protein': 1.2, 'saturated_fat': 0, 'sodium': 0, 'trans_fat': 0, 'vitamin_a': 0, 'vitamin_c': 0}, 'public': True, 'serving_sizes': [{'id': '27521653231597', 'index': 0, 'nutrition_multiplier': 1, 'unit': 'g', 'value': 120}, {'id': '28071409045485', 'index': 1, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.00833333, 'unit': 'g', 'value': 1}, {'id': '27521661620077', 'index': 2, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.236246, 'unit': 'ounce', 'value': 1}], 'type': 'food', 'user_id': '234889390534445', 'verified': False, 'version': '53489009870261'} [] food
4 {'brand_name': 'Obst', 'country_code': 'DE', 'deleted': False, 'description': 'Banane', 'id': 227750309, 'nutritional_contents': {'calcium': 5, 'carbohydrates': 22.8, 'cholesterol': 0, 'energy': {'unit': 'calories', 'value': 89}, 'fat': 0.3, 'fiber': 2.6, 'iron': 0.3, 'monounsaturated_fat': 0.1, 'polyunsaturated_fat': 0.1, 'potassium': 358, 'protein': 1.1, 'saturated_fat': 0.1, 'sodium': 1, 'sugar': 12, 'trans_fat': 0, 'vitamin_a': 64, 'vitamin_c': 9}, 'public': True, 'serving_sizes': [{'id': '88267487686061', 'index': 0, 'nutrition_multiplier': 1, 'unit': 'g', 'value': 100}, {'id': '88817243499949', 'index': 1, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.01, 'unit': 'g', 'value': 1}, {'id': '88267496074541', 'index': 2, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.283495, 'unit': 'ounce', 'value': 1}], 'type': 'food', 'user_id': '134026256871405', 'verified': True, 'version': '230354056064301'} [] food
5 {'brand_name': 'Banane Ohne Schale', 'country_code': 'DE', 'deleted': False, 'description': 'Banane', 'id': 1889101676, 'nutritional_contents': {'calcium': 0.625, 'carbohydrates': 22.84, 'energy': {'unit': 'calories', 'value': 95}, 'fat': 0.33, 'fiber': 2.6, 'iron': 35.71, 'potassium': 358, 'protein': 1.09, 'sugar': 12.23, 'vitamin_a': 0.375, 'vitamin_c': 10.875}, 'public': True, 'serving_sizes': [{'id': '138151424970349', 'index': 0, 'nutrition_multiplier': 1, 'unit': 'g', 'value': 100}, {'id': '137601669156589', 'index': 1, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.01, 'unit': 'g', 'value': 1}, {'id': '138151424970477', 'index': 2, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.283495, 'unit': 'ounce', 'value': 1}], 'type': 'food', 'user_id': '278614430748141', 'verified': False, 'version': '53074667210277'} [] food
6 {'brand_name': 'Banane', 'country_code': 'FR', 'deleted': False, 'description': 'Banane Gebacken', 'id': 1349524295, 'nutritional_contents': {'calcium': 0, 'carbohydrates': 25, 'cholesterol': 0, 'energy': {'unit': 'calories', 'value': 157}, 'fat': 4, 'fiber': 0, 'iron': 0, 'monounsaturated_fat': 0, 'polyunsaturated_fat': 0, 'potassium': 0, 'protein': 4, 'saturated_fat': 0, 'sodium': 1, 'sugar': 12, 'trans_fat': 0, 'vitamin_a': 0, 'vitamin_c': 0}, 'public': True, 'serving_sizes': [{'id': '59106944525429', 'index': 0, 'nutrition_multiplier': 1, 'unit': 'g', 'value': 100}, {'id': '58557188711669', 'index': 1, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.01, 'unit': 'g', 'value': 1}, {'id': '59106944525557', 'index': 2, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.283495, 'unit': 'ounce', 'value': 1}, {'id': '58557197100149', 'index': 3, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.992232, 'unit': 'ounce', 'value': 3.5}], 'type': 'food', 'user_id': '133324127170493', 'verified': False, 'version': '31634077001709'} [] food
7 {'brand_name': 'Banane', 'country_code': 'FR', 'deleted': False, 'description': 'Demi banane', 'id': 139561661, 'nutritional_contents': {'calcium': 0, 'carbohydrates': 14, 'cholesterol': 0, 'energy': {'unit': 'calories', 'value': 93}, 'fat': 2, 'fiber': 0, 'iron': 0, 'monounsaturated_fat': 0, 'polyunsaturated_fat': 0, 'potassium': 0, 'protein': 3, 'saturated_fat': 0, 'sodium': 0, 'sugar': 0, 'trans_fat': 0, 'vitamin_a': 0, 'vitamin_c': 0}, 'public': True, 'serving_sizes': [{'id': '124397058706493', 'index': 1, 'nutrition_multiplier': 1, 'unit': 'yaourt', 'value': 1}], 'type': 'food', 'user_id': '133476501057517', 'verified': False, 'version': '63530949537133'} [] food
8 {'brand_name': 'Banane', 'country_code': 'CA', 'deleted': False, 'description': 'Banane (Santé Canada)', 'id': 1568891032, 'nutritional_contents': {'calcium': 1, 'carbohydrates': 27, 'cholesterol': 0, 'energy': {'unit': 'calories', 'value': 105}, 'fat': 0, 'fiber': 3, 'iron': 2, 'monounsaturated_fat': 0, 'polyunsaturated_fat': 0, 'potassium': 487, 'protein': 1, 'saturated_fat': 0, 'sodium': 1, 'sugar': 14, 'trans_fat': 0, 'vitamin_a': 2, 'vitamin_c': 17}, 'public': True, 'serving_sizes': [{'id': '27092291822629', 'index': 0, 'nutrition_multiplier': 1, 'unit': 'banana 118g', 'value': 1}, {'id': '26542536008869', 'index': 1, 'nutrition_multiplier': 1, 'unit': 'med bananna', 'value': 1}], 'type': 'food', 'user_id': '199722294733869', 'verified': False, 'version': '264028726224173'} [] food
9 {'brand_name': 'Banane', 'country_code': 'CA', 'deleted': False, 'description': ' Une banane moyenne', 'id': 1484522768, 'nutritional_contents': {'calcium': 1.53, 'carbohydrates': 22.8, 'cholesterol': 0, 'energy': {'unit': 'calories', 'value': 89}, 'fat': 0.33, 'fiber': 2, 'iron': 0, 'monounsaturated_fat': 0, 'polyunsaturated_fat': 0.07, 'potassium': 0, 'protein': 1.1, 'saturated_fat': 0.11, 'sodium': 8, 'sugar': 12, 'trans_fat': 0, 'vitamin_a': 0, 'vitamin_c': 0}, 'public': True, 'serving_sizes': [{'id': '63099251926181', 'index': 0, 'nutrition_multiplier': 1, 'unit': 'g', 'value': 100}, {'id': '63649007740069', 'index': 1, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.01, 'unit': 'g', 'value': 1}, {'id': '63099260314661', 'index': 2, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.283495, 'unit': 'ounce', 'value': 1}, {'id': '63649016128549', 'index': 3, 'nutrition_multiplier': 0.992232, 'unit': 'ounce', 'value': 3.5}], 'type': 'food', 'user_id': '128659968929645', 'verified': False, 'version': '136640012748413'} [] food
You can drill down further into that json object, (normalize it, etc) to get data in different shapes and forms.


BeautifulSoup find class with space

I am trying to get price info using BS4 with Python.
This is the <p> class from which I am trying to extract the value of '$3245'.
<div class="s1fqyqkq-3 bDmzjk">
<div class="s1fqyqkq-4 ckAXTq">Price Info</div>
<p class="s1fqyqkq-5 dekHBg">$3245</p>
And this is the code I am trying to use to get the data, but it's returning "None"
headers = {
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.121 Safari/537.36"
req = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'html.parser')
result = soup.find("div", {"class": "s1fqyqkq-5 dekHBg"})
I tried all suggestions, but I am still I receiving "None" as a result.
I tried the suggestion here to no avail. Any idea what I am missing?
While cooking your soup taste it to ensure it comes with all expected ingridients.
Main issue, content is created dynamically by javascript so you wont find your information that way, cause requests do not act like a browser and is not able to render all information.
To get informations take a look at the script variables and extract the JSON strings.
import json, requests
url = ',337340793'
jsonData = json.loads("window.productDetails = (.*?);", requests.get(url).text).group(1))
{'id': '337340793', 'path': '/cep-telefonlari/en-ucuz-apple-iphone-11-64gb-4gb-ram-6-1-inc-12mp-akilli-cep-telefonu-siyah-fiyatlari,337340793', 'itemType': 0, 'mainId': 337341638, 'title': 'Apple iPhone 11 64GB 4GB Ram 6.1 inç 12MP Akıllı Cep Telefonu Siyah', 'offers': [{'id': '506482765', 'price': 13135.85, 'title': 'Yeni Apple iPhone 11 (64\xa0GB) - Siyah', 'shipping': {'fee': 0, 'day': 0}, 'merchant': {'id': '10370', 'url': '', 'seller': '', 'slogan': ' uygulamasında ilk 150 TL ve üzeri alışverişe 40 TL indirim ', 'onlyApp': False}, 'unitPrice': None, 'numbers': [], 'sponsored': False, 'feedLastProcess': 1655495611798}, {'id': '894741295', 'price': 13149, 'title': 'iPhone 11 64 GB Aksesuarsız Kutu Siyah', 'shipping': {'fee': 0, 'day': 3}, 'merchant': {'id': '10109', 'url': '', 'seller': 'Trendyol', 'slogan': "Tüm İhtiyaçların Trendyol'da, Tek Tıkla Kapında!", 'onlyApp': False}, 'unitPrice': None, 'numbers': [], 'sponsored': True, 'feedLastProcess': 1655493405188}, {'id': '887498622', 'price': 13249, 'title': 'Apple iPhone 11 64 GB Cep Telefonu Siyah', 'shipping': {'fee': 0, 'day': 2}, 'merchant': {'id': '10416', 'url': '', 'seller': None, 'slogan': 'A101|Harca Harca Bitmez', 'onlyApp': False}, 'unitPrice': None, 'numbers': [], 'sponsored': False, 'feedLastProcess': 1655489830306}, {'id': '767094934', 'price': 13299, 'title': 'iPhone 11 64 GB Siyah', 'shipping': {'fee': 0, 'day': None}, 'merchant': {'id': '4093', 'url': '', 'seller': None, 'slogan': None, 'onlyApp': False}, 'unitPrice': None, 'numbers': [], 'sponsored': False, 'feedLastProcess': 1655494357178}, {'id': '855428213', 'price': 13350, 'title': 'iPhone 11 64 GB Siyah (Apple Türkiye Garantili) - (Aksesuarsız Kutu)', 'shipping': {'fee': 0, 'day': 0}, 'merchant': {'id': '12192', 'url': '', 'seller': None, 'slogan': 'Alan Memnun, Satan Memnun', 'onlyApp': False}, 'unitPrice': None, 'numbers': [], 'sponsored': True, 'feedLastProcess': 1655495321932}, {'id': '914643935', 'price': 13379, 'title': 'Apple iPhone 11 64GB Akıllı Cep Telefonu Siyah ( Apple Türkiye Garantili )', 'shipping': {'fee': 0, 'day': 1}, 'merchant': {'id': '12665', 'url': '', 'seller': None, 'slogan': None, 'onlyApp': False}, 'unitPrice': None, 'numbers': [], 'sponsored': False, 'feedLastProcess': 1655494393339}, {'id': '491596021', 'price': 13398.99, 'title': 'iPhone 11 64 GB - Siyah - Aksesuarsız Kutu', 'shipping': {'fee': None, 'day': 0}, 'merchant': {'id': '1497', 'url': '', 'seller': 'Hepsiburada', 'slogan': 'Türkiye’de İlk Defa Alışveriş Kredisi Burada', 'onlyApp': False}, 'unitPrice': None, 'numbers': [], 'sponsored': False, 'feedLastProcess': 1655495861494}, {'id': '1027767764', 'price': 13459, 'title': 'Apple iPhone 11 64GB Siyah Cep Telefonu (Apple Türkiye Garantili) (Siyah)', 'shipping': {'fee': 0, 'day': 1}, 'merchant': {'id': '5825', 'url': '', 'seller': 'GENÇPA', 'slogan': 'Vodafone Her Şey Yanımda Alışverişlerinizde Kargo Bedava, Vodafone’lulara İlk Siparişe 15GB Hediye!', 'onlyApp': True}, 'unitPrice': None, 'numbers': [], 'sponsored': False, 'feedLastProcess': 1655495537182}, {'id': '952479181', 'price': 13499, 'title': 'iPhone 11 64 GB Aksesuarsız Kutu Siyah', 'shipping': {'fee': 0, 'day': 0}, 'merchant': {'id': '10109', 'url': '', 'seller': 'Teknosa', 'slogan': "Tüm İhtiyaçların Trendyol'da, Tek Tıkla Kapında!", 'onlyApp': False}, 'unitPrice': None, 'numbers': [], 'sponsored': False, 'feedLastProcess': 1655493405188}, {'id': '1032790438', 'price': 13499, 'title': 'Apple iPhone 11 64 GB Siyah (Apple Türkiye Garantili) (Siyah)', 'shipping': {'fee': 0, 'day': 1}, 'merchant': {'id': '5825', 'url': '', 'seller': 'CepHane Teknoloji', 'slogan': 'Vodafone Her Şey Yanımda Alışverişlerinizde Kargo Bedava, Vodafone’lulara İlk Siparişe 15GB Hediye!', 'onlyApp': True}, 'unitPrice': None, 'numbers': [], 'sponsored': False, 'feedLastProcess': 1655495537182}, {'id': '1063638766', 'price': 13509, 'title': 'Apple iPhone 11 64 GB (Apple Türkiye Garantili) siyah', 'shipping': {'fee': 0, 'day': 2}, 'merchant': {'id': '7000', 'url': '', 'seller': 'cokteknolojik', 'slogan': 'Hayat Sana Gelir', 'onlyApp': False}, 'unitPrice': None, 'numbers': [], 'sponsored': False, 'feedLastProcess': 1655495952093}, {'id': '930481030', 'price': 13559, 'title': 'iPhone 11 64GB Black', 'shipping': {'fee': 0, 'day': 1}, 'merchant': {'id': '13105', 'url': '', 'seller': None, 'slogan': None, 'onlyApp': False}, 'unitPrice': None, 'numbers': [], 'sponsored': False, 'feedLastProcess': 1655491323973}, {'id': '1007434732', 'price': 13633, 'title': 'Apple iPhone 11 64 GB (Apple Türkiye Garantili) siyah', 'shipping': {'fee': 0, 'day': 1}, 'merchant': {'id': '7000', 'url': '', 'seller': 'yukseliletisim', 'slogan': 'Hayat Sana Gelir', 'onlyApp': False}, 'unitPrice': None, 'numbers': [], 'sponsored': False, 'feedLastProcess': 1655495952093}, {'id': '912636803', 'price': 13699, 'title': 'Apple iPhone 11 64GB Siyah - 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Dilerseniz fiyat ve özellik karşılaştıraması yapabilir ve son 1 yıla ait fiyat değişimlerini takip edebilirsiniz. ile siz de en ucuz Apple iPhone 11 64GB 4GB Ram 6.1 inç 12MP Akıllı Cep Telefonu Siyah fırsatlarını kaçırmayın!"}, 'specs': [{'name': 'Model Bilgisi', 'specEntries': [{'name': 'Iphone Modelleri', 'value': 'iPhone 11', 'order': 1}], 'order': 1}, {'name': 'Ekran Özellikleri', 'specEntries': [{'name': 'Ekran Boyutu', 'value': '6.1 inç', 'order': 3}, {'name': 'Ekran Teknolojisi', 'value': 'IPS LCD', 'order': 5}, {'name': 'Yan Ekran', 'value': 'Yok', 'order': 14}, {'name': 'Mavi Işık Filtresi', 'value': 'Var', 'order': 15}, {'name': 'Çözünürlük Standartı', 'value': 'HD+', 'order': 16}, {'name': 'Karanlık Modu', 'value': 'Var', 'order': 16}, {'name': 'Ekran Çözünürlüğü', 'value': '828x1792 Piksel', 'order': 21}, {'name': 'Ekran Gövde Oranı', 'value': '79 %', 'order': 21}, {'name': 'Piksel Yoğunluğu', 'value': '326 PPI', 'order': 22}, {'name': 'Multi Touch', 'value': 'Var', 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'order': 3}, {'name': 'Kamera Çözünürlüğü', 'value': '12 MP', 'order': 4}, {'name': 'Ön (Selfie) Kamera Çözünürlüğü', 'value': '12 MP', 'order': 8}], 'unitType': None, 'variantsHeader': 'Renk', 'variants': [{'id': '337337465', 'imageId': 178955343, 'minPrice': 13229, 'shortTitle': 'Beyaz', 'title': 'Apple iPhone 11 64GB 4GB Ram 6.1 inç 12MP Akıllı Cep Telefonu Beyaz', 'url': '/cep-telefonlari/en-ucuz-apple-iphone-11-64gb-4gb-ram-6-1-inc-12mp-akilli-cep-telefonu-beyaz-fiyatlari,337337465', 'unitPrice': None}, {'id': '337339455', 'imageId': 178955504, 'minPrice': 13249, 'shortTitle': 'Sarı', 'title': 'Apple iPhone 11 64GB 4GB Ram 6.1 inç 12MP Akıllı Cep Telefonu Sarı', 'url': '/cep-telefonlari/en-ucuz-apple-iphone-11-64gb-4gb-ram-6-1-inc-12mp-akilli-cep-telefonu-sari-fiyatlari,337339455', 'unitPrice': None}, {'id': '337338130', 'imageId': 178955431, 'minPrice': 13299, 'shortTitle': 'Yeşil', 'title': 'Apple iPhone 11 64GB 4GB Ram 6.1 inç 12MP Akıllı Cep Telefonu Yeşil', 'url': 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'/cep-telefonlari/en-ucuz-apple-iphone-11-64gb-4gb-ram-6-1-inc-12mp-akilli-cep-telefonu-kirmizi-fiyatlari,337340093', 'unitPrice': None}], 'mainVariantsHeader': 'Kapasite', 'mainVariants': [{'id': '337341638', 'imageId': 178955480, 'minPrice': 12986, 'shortTitle': '64 GB', 'title': 'Apple iPhone 11 64GB 4GB Ram 6.1 inç 12MP Akıllı Cep Telefonu', 'url': '/cep-telefonlari/en-ucuz-apple-iphone-11-64gb-4gb-ram-6-1-inc-12mp-akilli-cep-telefonu-fiyatlari,a337341638'}, {'id': '331840845', 'imageId': 178954771, 'minPrice': 13999, 'shortTitle': '128 GB', 'title': 'Apple iPhone 11 128GB Akıllı Cep Telefonu', 'url': '/cep-telefonlari/en-ucuz-apple-iphone-11-128gb-akilli-cep-telefonu-fiyatlari,a331840845'}, {'id': '337357780', 'imageId': 178954858, 'minPrice': 20899, 'shortTitle': '256 GB', 'title': 'Apple iPhone 11 256GB 4GB Ram 6.1 inç 12MP Akıllı Cep Telefonu', 'url': '/cep-telefonlari/en-ucuz-apple-iphone-11-256gb-4gb-ram-6-1-inc-12mp-akilli-cep-telefonu-fiyatlari,a337357780'}], 'brand': {'id': 4, 'name': 'Apple', 'slug': 'apple'}, 'category': {'id': '130', 'name': 'Cep Telefonları', 'slug': 'cep-telefonlari'}}

How to scrap data when the site kind of doesn't allow it? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Not able to scrape dynamic content using Selenium or BeautifulSoup
(2 answers)
Closed last year.
I have been trying to scrap data from using python's BeautifulSoup.
Inspecting the page with Dev tools gives an idea but with the following code, I'm not getting the full HTML code returned or as it seems the site isn't allowing scraping if I'm correct.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
content= requests.get("").text
soup= BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')
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How to solve this issue & get to scrap? If you suggest to use Selenium, we need to specify it's webdriver locally, I have to get this working in production, please do mention then how to achieve that.
Really thanks.
What happens?
As mentioned in the comments content of website is provided dynamically, so you won't get your information with requests on that specific ressource / url, cause it is not able to render the website like a browser would do.
How to fix?
It do not need beautifulsoup for that task, cause there are ressources that will give you structured json data:
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python search nested dictionary for value and key

I have this tuple with nested dictionaries:
Orders = ({'ret_code': 0, 'ret_msg': 'OK', 'ext_code': '', 'ext_info': '', 'result': [{'user_id': 121212, 'stop_order_id': 'ssdf3215641d215415d', 'symbol': 'XRPUSDT', 'side': 'Sell', 'order_type': 'Market', 'price': 0, 'qty': 2, 'time_in_force': 'ImmediateOrCancel', 'order_status': 'Untriggered', 'trigger_price': 0.8839, 'base_price': '0.8860', 'order_link_id': '', 'created_time': '2021-06-14T14:21:50.000Z', 'updated_time': '2021-06-14T14:21:50.000Z', 'take_profit': 0, 'stop_loss': 0, 'tp_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN', 'sl_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN', 'trigger_by': 'LastPrice', 'reduce_only': False, 'close_on_trigger': False}, {'user_id': 121212, 'stop_order_id': 's65d4654sd234165sd4', 'symbol': 'XRPUSDT', 'side': 'Buy', 'order_type': 'Market', 'price': 0, 'qty': 2, 'time_in_force': 'ImmediateOrCancel', 'order_status': 'Untriggered', 'trigger_price': 0.8929, 'base_price': '0.8820', 'order_link_id': '', 'created_time': '2021-06-14T14:03:20.000Z', 'updated_time': '2021-06-14T14:18:59.000Z', 'take_profit': 0, 'stop_loss': 0, 'tp_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN', 'sl_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN', 'trigger_by': 'LastPrice', 'reduce_only': True, 'close_on_trigger': True}, {'user_id': 121212, 'stop_order_id': 'sd654s6d5465416ds546s5d4', 'symbol': 'XRPUSDT', 'side': 'Sell', 'order_type': 'Market', 'price': 0, 'qty': 3, 'time_in_force': 'ImmediateOrCancel', 'order_status': 'Untriggered', 'trigger_price': 0.88, 'base_price': '0.8817', 'order_link_id': '', 'created_time': '2021-06-14T14:03:04.000Z', 'updated_time': '2021-06-14T14:18:59.000Z', 'take_profit': 0, 'stop_loss': 0, 'tp_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN', 'sl_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN', 'trigger_by': 'LastPrice', 'reduce_only': True, 'close_on_trigger': True}, {'user_id': 121212, 'stop_order_id': 's65d46s5d46s5d46s5d46sd5', 'symbol': 'XRPUSDT', 'side': 'Buy', 'order_type': 'Market', 'price': 0, 'qty': 2, 'time_in_force': 'ImmediateOrCancel', 'order_status': 'Untriggered', 'trigger_price': 0.88, 'base_price': '0.8839', 'order_link_id': '', 'created_time': '2021-06-14T13:58:30.000Z', 'updated_time': '2021-06-14T14:18:59.000Z', 'take_profit': 0, 'stop_loss': 0, 'tp_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN', 'sl_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN', 'trigger_by': 'LastPrice', 'reduce_only': True, 'close_on_trigger': True}, {'user_id': 121212, 'stop_order_id': 'sd654s6d54s6d51s6d54s65d4', 'symbol': 'XRPUSDT', 'side': 'Sell', 'order_type': 'Market', 'price': 0, 'qty': 3, 'time_in_force': 'ImmediateOrCancel', 'order_status': 'Untriggered', 'trigger_price': 0.8929, 'base_price': '0.8855', 'order_link_id': '', 'created_time': '2021-06-14T13:49:20.000Z', 'updated_time': '2021-06-14T14:18:59.000Z', 'take_profit': 0, 'stop_loss': 0, 'tp_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN', 'sl_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN', 'trigger_by': 'LastPrice', 'reduce_only': True, 'close_on_trigger': True}], 'time_now': '1623682473.336069', 'rate_limit_status': 598, 'rate_limit_reset_ms': 1623682473333, 'rate_limit': 600}, <bravado.requests_client.RequestsResponseAdapter object at 0x00789C86BBFA0>)
I want to search every dictionary for:
'reduce_only': False, 'close_on_trigger': False
If available print (True) and get the 'side' for exactly this dictionary:
The problem is that the dictionary changes depending on the orders
It means that there can be two or three dictionaries in the list
I tried to use For Loop but it only prints variables and keys
for x in Orders:
for y in x:
Your data doesn't look like a proper Python data.
As for the dictionaries, I see no problem:
orders = ({
'ret_code': 0,
'ret_msg': 'OK',
'ext_code': '',
'ext_info': '',
'result': [{
'user_id': 121212,
'stop_order_id': 'ssdf3215641d215415d',
'symbol': 'XRPUSDT',
'side': 'Sell',
'order_type': 'Market',
'price': 0,
'qty': 2,
'time_in_force': 'ImmediateOrCancel',
'order_status': 'Untriggered',
'trigger_price': 0.8839,
'base_price': '0.8860',
'order_link_id': '',
'created_time': '2021-06-14T14: 21: 50.000Z',
'updated_time': '2021-06-14T14: 21: 50.000Z',
'take_profit': 0,
'stop_loss': 0,
'tp_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN',
'sl_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN',
'trigger_by': 'LastPrice',
'reduce_only': False,
'close_on_trigger': False
'user_id': 121212,
'stop_order_id': 's65d4654sd234165sd4',
'symbol': 'XRPUSDT',
'side': 'Buy',
'order_type': 'Market',
'price': 0,
'qty': 2,
'time_in_force': 'ImmediateOrCancel',
'order_status': 'Untriggered',
'trigger_price': 0.8929,
'base_price': '0.8820',
'order_link_id': '',
'created_time': '2021-06-14T14: 03: 20.000Z',
'updated_time': '2021-06-14T14: 18: 59.000Z',
'take_profit': 0,
'stop_loss': 0,
'tp_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN',
'sl_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN',
'trigger_by': 'LastPrice',
'reduce_only': True,
'close_on_trigger': True
'user_id': 121212,
'stop_order_id': 'sd654s6d5465416ds546s5d4',
'symbol': 'XRPUSDT',
'side': 'Sell',
'order_type': 'Market',
'price': 0,
'qty': 3,
'time_in_force': 'ImmediateOrCancel',
'order_status': 'Untriggered',
'trigger_price': 0.88,
'base_price': '0.8817',
'order_link_id': '',
'created_time': '2021-06-14T14: 03: 04.000Z',
'updated_time': '2021-06-14T14: 18: 59.000Z',
'take_profit': 0,
'stop_loss': 0,
'tp_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN',
'sl_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN',
'trigger_by': 'LastPrice',
'reduce_only': True,
'close_on_trigger': True
'user_id': 121212,
'stop_order_id': 's65d46s5d46s5d46s5d46sd5',
'symbol': 'XRPUSDT',
'side': 'Buy',
'order_type': 'Market',
'price': 0,
'qty': 2,
'time_in_force': 'ImmediateOrCancel',
'order_status': 'Untriggered',
'trigger_price': 0.88,
'base_price': '0.8839',
'order_link_id': '',
'created_time': '2021-06-14T13: 58: 30.000Z',
'updated_time': '2021-06-14T14: 18: 59.000Z',
'take_profit': 0,
'stop_loss': 0,
'tp_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN',
'sl_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN',
'trigger_by': 'LastPrice',
'reduce_only': True,
'close_on_trigger': True
'user_id': 121212,
'stop_order_id': 'sd654s6d54s6d51s6d54s65d4',
'symbol': 'XRPUSDT',
'side': 'Sell',
'order_type': 'Market',
'price': 0,
'qty': 3,
'time_in_force': 'ImmediateOrCancel',
'order_status': 'Untriggered',
'trigger_price': 0.8929,
'base_price': '0.8855',
'order_link_id': '',
'created_time': '2021-06-14T13: 49: 20.000Z',
'updated_time': '2021-06-14T14: 18: 59.000Z',
'take_profit': 0,
'stop_loss': 0,
'tp_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN',
'sl_trigger_by': 'UNKNOWN',
'trigger_by': 'LastPrice',
'reduce_only': True,
'close_on_trigger': True
'time_now': '1623682473.336069',
'rate_limit_status': 598,
'rate_limit_reset_ms': 1623682473333,
'rate_limit': 600
}, '<bravado.requests_client.RequestsResponseAdapter object at 0x00789C86BBFA0 >')
dicts = orders[0]['result']
for i, d in enumerate(dicts):
reduce = d['reduce_only']
close = d['close_on_trigger']
sell = d['side']
prnt = d['print']
prnt = ""
print(f'dict {i} : {reduce=} {close=} {sell=} {prnt=}')
dict 0 : reduce=False close=False sell='Sell' prnt=''
dict 1 : reduce=True close=True sell='Buy' prnt=''
dict 2 : reduce=True close=True sell='Sell' prnt=''
dict 3 : reduce=True close=True sell='Buy' prnt=''
dict 4 : reduce=True close=True sell='Sell' prnt=''

JSON issue with Beautifulsoup

I'm trying to extract consistently this portion of code (line 237 in page source) with python requests.
<script type="text/javascript">
window.classified = {"EverythingHere"
Yet I'm unable to parse it using the following code, while it works for every other "script" tags.
url = ''
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")
for p in soup.find_all():
for n in p:
if == 'script':
Do I need to set up a time.sleep to let the parser loading the webpage or do I need to change something in my code ?
Any helps would be really appreciated ! Thanks.
Couple things:
You are unnecsarily using a nested loop to search for 'script' tags. Rather than find_all() tags, then iterate through all the tags to find the ones that are <script>, you can do that right off the bat with .find_all('script').
Secondly, it's the last <script> tag. You can either just call the [-1] index, or probably a better way incase for whatever reason it's not that last tag for another page, just get the one with 'window.classified'
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import json
url = ''
headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36'}
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url, headers=headers).content, "html.parser")
for p in soup.find_all('script'):
if 'window.classified' in str(p):
dataStr = str(p)
# Parse the json
data ='{.*}', dataStr).group(0)
jsonData = json.loads(data)
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'floorPlans': None, 'specifications': None, 'virtualExperienceUrl': ''}, 'property': {'type': 'APARTMENT_GROUP', 'subtype': 'APARTMENT_GROUP', 'title': 'BUY NOW AND PAY IN 2022', 'description': 'This new project (available at the end of 2022) is ideally located in the new district of Chirec / Delta, near the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB and VUB) and consists of 70 units, from studios to 2-bedroom apartments. Most units have a terrace and / or a view of the green surroundings and the green rooftops. The building has a passive energy label. PEB A+ A bicycle storage is available on the 1st floor. Parkings and cellars are also provided at the same floor, at an additional cost. Sale under the mixed system of registration on the land value and VAT on the construction value. Choose your apartment now and pay for it at the delivery, at no extra cost! Contact us for more information about this project: 02 3751010 /', 'name': None, 'isHolidayProperty': None, 'bedroomCount': None, 'bedrooms': [], 'bathroomCount': None, 'bathrooms': [], 'location': {'country': 'Belgium', 'region': 'Brussels', 'province': 'Brussels', 'district': 'Brussels', 'locality': 'Auderghem', 'postalCode': '1160', 'street': 'Boulevard du Triomphe', 'number': '201', 'box': None, 'propertyName': None, 'floor': None, 'latitude': 50.816023, 'longitude': 4.3999304, 'approximated': None, 'regionCode': 'BRUSSELS', 'type': None, 'hasSeaView': None, 'pointsOfInterest': [{'type': 'SCHOOL', 'distance': 150}, {'type': 'SHOPS', 'distance': 200}, {'type': 'TRANSPORT', 'distance': 0}], 'placeName': 'Projets Bruxelles Est'}, 'netHabitableSurface': None, 'roomCount': None, 'attic': None, 'hasAttic': None, 'basement': None, 'hasBasement': None, 'hasDressingRoom': None, 'diningRoom': None, 'hasDiningRoom': None, 'building': None, 'propertyCertificates': None, 'hasCaretakerOrConcierge': None, 'hasDisabledAccess': None, 'hasLift': None, 'constructionPermit': {'constructionType': None, 'floodZoneType': 'NON_FLOOD_ZONE', 'isObtained': None, 'hasObligationToConstruct': None, 'hasPlotDivisionAuthorization': None, 'hasPossiblePriorityPurchaseRight': None, 'isBreachingUrbanPlanningRegulation': None, 'floodZoneIconUrl': None, 'totalBuildableGroundFloorSurface': 0, 'urbanPlanningInformation': None}, 'energy': None, 'kitchen': None, 'land': None, 'laundryRoom': None, 'hasLaundryRoom': None, 'livingRoom': None, 'hasLivingRoom': False, 'isFirstOccupation': None, 'hasBalcony': None, 'hasBarbecue': None, 'hasGarden': None, 'gardenSurface': None, 'gardenOrientation': None, 'parkingCountIndoor': 1, 'parkingCountOutdoor': 1, 'parkingCountClosedBox': None, 'hasAirConditioning': None, 'hasArmoredDoor': None, 'hasVisiophone': None, 'hasSecureAccessAlarm': None, 'hasTVCable': None, 'hasDoorPhone': None, 'hasInternet': None, 'showerRoomCount': None, 'showerRooms': [], 'specificities': None, 'toiletCount': None, 'toilets': [], 'hasFitnessRoom': None, 'hasTennisCourt': None, 'hasSwimmingPool': None, 'hasSauna': None, 'hasJacuzzi': None, 'hasHammam': None, 'bedroomSurface': None, 'alternativeDescriptions': {'fr': "Ce projet (disponible fin 2022), bien situé dans le nouveau quartier du Chirec/Delta, et des facultés universitaires ULB/VUB, comporte 70 logements allant principalement du studio à l’appartement 2 chambres. Très urbain, les logements bénéficient néanmoins pour la plupart de terrasses et/ou de vues sur la verdure et les toits verdurisés. Le bÃtiment est passif et profite de l’alimentation en chauffage co-génération du Chirec. PEB A+ Le local vélo est disponible au 1er et les parkings et les caves au © 1 sont en supplément. Vente sous droits d'enregistrement sur le terrain et sous régime TVA sur la construction, Réservez votre appartement maintenant et payez-le à la livraison, sans augmentation de prix ! Consultez-nous sans attendre pour tout détail sur ce projet : 02 3751010 /", 'nl': "Dit nieuwbouwproject (beschikbaar eind 2022) is uitstekend gelegen in de nieuwe stadswijk Chirec/Delta, nabij de Vrije Universiteit Brussel en omvat 70 wooneenheden gaande van studio's tot appartementen met 2 slaapkamers. De meeste units hebben een terras en/of zicht op de groene omgeving en de groene daken. Het gebouw heeft een passief energielabel. EPC A+ Een fietsenberging is voorzien op de 1e verdieping. Hier zijn ook parkings en kelders voorzien, dit tegen een meerprijs. Verkoop onder het gemend stelsel van registratierechten op de grondwaarde en BTW op de constructiewaarde. Kies nu uw appartement en betaal het aan de levering à zonder meerprijs! Raadpleeg ons voor meer informatie over dit project: 02 3751010 /"}, 'habitableUnitCount': None, 'fireplaceCount': None, 'fireplaceExists': False, 'hasTerrace': None, 'terraceSurface': None, 'terraceOrientation': None}, 'publication': {'creationDate': '2020-09-23T03:12:09.000+0000', 'expirationDate': '2021-04-30T21:59:59.000+0000', 'publisherId': None, 'visualisationOption': 'XL', 'lastModificationDate': '2021-04-22T02:36:15.000+0000'}, 'transaction': {'type': 'FOR_SALE', 'subtype': 'BUY_REGULAR', 'availabilityPeriodType': 'AT_DELIVERY', 'availabilityDate': '2022-10-01T00:00:00.000+0000', 'certificates': {'carbonEmission': 40, 'hasElectricalInstallationComplianceCertificate': None, 'primaryEnergyConsumptionPerSqm': 45, 'primaryEnergyConsumptionYearly': None, 'epcDescription': None, 'epcReference': 'A+', 'epcScore': 'A', 'epcUrl': ''}, 'rental': None, 'sale': {'price': None, 'vatType': 'VAT_EXCLUDED', 'cadastralIncome': 0, 'publicSale': None, 'pricePerSqm': None, 'oldPrice': None, 'lifeAnnuity': None, 'hasStartingPrice': True, 'isFurnished': None, 'homeToBuild': None}, 'investor': {'isInvestmentProperty': False, 'currentMonthlyRentalIncome': None, 'currentReturnOnInvestment': None, 'expectedMonthlyRentalIncome': None, 'expectedMonthlyRentalIncomeDescription': None, 'expectedReturnOnInvestment': None, 'habitableUnitCount': None, 'occupancyRate': None}}, 'priceType': None, 'price': {'type': 'group_sale', 'mainValue': None, 'alternativeValue': None, 'additionalValue': None, 'oldValue': None, 'minRangeValue': 240500, 'maxRangeValue': 521500, 'mainDisplayPrice': '€240,500 - €521,500', 'HTMLDisplayPrice': '<span aria-hidden="true">€240,500 - €521,500</span>', 'alternativeDisplayPrice': '', 'oldDisplayPrice': None, 'shortDisplayPrice': '240.5K - 521.5K €', 'accessibilityPrice': 'From 240500€ To 521500€', 'label': 'Min price - Max price', 'language': 'en'}, 'externalReference': '4161726', 'isBookmarked': False, 'hasSectionsArray': {'hasGeneralSection': True, 'hasInteriorSection': False, 'hasExteriorSection': False, 'hasFacilitiesSection': False, 'hasEnergySection': True, 'hasPlanningSection': True, 'hasFinancialSection': True, 'hasPublicSaleSection': False}, 'unitGroupings': [], 'displayFlags': {'main': None, 'secondary': ['new_real_estate_project', 'percent_sold'], 'percentSold': 47}, 'statistics': {'bookmarkCount': 18, 'viewCount': 2604, 'alertPrice': None, 'creationDate': None, 'description': None, 'isAlertEmailSet': None, 'rating': None, 'wasOwnerContacted': None, 'wasPropertyVisited': None}}

Find a minimal value in each array in Python

Suppose I have the following data in Python 3.3:
my_array =
[{'man_id': 1, '_id': ObjectId('1234566'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 11},
{'man_id': 1, '_id': ObjectId('1234577'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 12}],
[{'man_id': 2, '_id': ObjectId('1234588'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 11},
{'man_id': 2, '_id': ObjectId('3243'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 7},
{'man_id': 2, '_id': ObjectId('54'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 99},
{'man_id': 2, '_id': ObjectId('9879878'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 135}],
[{'man_id': 13, '_id': ObjectId('111'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 1},
{'man_id': 13, '_id': ObjectId('222'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 2},
{'man_id': 13, '_id': ObjectId('3333'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 9}]
There are 3 arrays. How do I find an element in each array with minimal value?
[min(arr, key=lambda s:s['value']) for arr in my_array]
Maybe something like that is acc for you:
for arr in my_array:
minVal = min([row['value'] for row in arr])
print [row for row in arr if row['value'] == minVal]
