I'm trying to make a batch script (called run_windows) that check if the python virtual environment exists and if not, create it then activate it, install the requirements and finally run some python code.
set "VIRTUAL_ENV=mat_visualizer_env"
pip install -r app_files/requirements.txt
python -c "import sys; sys.path.insert(1,'app_files'); from main import visualize_mat_eeg; visualize_mat_eeg('%1')"
IF EXIST "%VIRTUAL_ENV%\Scripts\activate.bat" (
CALL :read_mat
) ELSE (
pip install virtualenv
python -m venv mat_visualizer_env
CALL :read_mat
However, when I run my script, the code exits at line 4: %VIRTUAL_ENV%\Scripts\activate with no errors:
Few things:
Running the .bat or bash version of activate in powershell is not predictable, Activate.ps1 is found in newer releases. It could probably be used with older versions if copied from a newer release.
Scripts in windows (.bat or .cmd in windows) processes from top down, :<ANCHOR> is not skipped like a Sub or Function would be.
I have only worked with the Conda version of activate.ps1 and it adds some nice commands. Had a quick look in standard Python 3.10.5 and it does not add commands but should work fine.
Edit: Added that while working, is not the best option to use the bash version of activate
Here is a quick example of your batch file rearranged, and using the Call command as previously instructed.
#Echo Off
Set "VIRTUAL_ENV=mat_visualizer_env"
If Not Exist "%VIRTUAL_ENV%\Scripts\activate.bat" (
pip.exe install virtualenv
python.exe -m venv %VIRTUAL_ENV%
If Not Exist "%VIRTUAL_ENV%\Scripts\activate.bat" Exit /B 1
Call "%VIRTUAL_ENV%\Scripts\activate.bat"
pip.exe install -r app_files/requirements.txt
python.exe -c "import sys; sys.path.insert(1,'app_files'); from main import visualize_mat_eeg; visualize_mat_eeg('%~1')"
Exit /B 0
Please note, that there is no working directory defined in this script, as was yours, and therefore no way to guarantee that when run, the relative paths point to the intended locations. Additionally, you have not made it clear what %1 was supposed to be, or where it was coming from, so I cannot guarantee whether that is correct.
New to programming and to Visual Studio Code..
I'm just learing the first commands but I can't manage that my IDE work..
I tried using Spyder, and shutsdown by itself. And now, VSC is giving me problems.
PS D:\> & conda run -p --no-capture-output --live-stream python d:/T7A.py
usage: conda-script.py run [-h] [-n ENVIRONMENT | -p PATH][-v][--dev]
[--debug-wrapper-scripts] [--cwd CWD] [--no-capture-output]
[--live-stream]...conda-script.py run: error: argument -p/prefix:expected one argument
I don't know what it means or I could solve it... I tried to chance the directory, using other drive, and also using a pendrive, it didn't work either..
conda run means:
Run an executable in a conda environment. [Experimental]
-p PATH, --prefix PATH:
Full path to environment location
--no-capture-output Don't capture stdout/stderr
--live-stream Display the output for the subprocess stdout and stderr on real time.
error: argument -p/prefix:expected one argument
So, you need to give an conda environment path to -p
For example:
conda run -p C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\env01 --no-capture-output --live-stream python C:\Work\python3.10\hello\a.py
But I don't know why you execute this command in the terminal, you can right-click and select Run Python File in Terminal, or execute it likes python pythonFilePath in the terminal.
Very sorry for that, I haven't noticed after you select the conda environment then you select Run Python in Terminal will execute this kind of command.
But my command was a little different from yours, it looks like this:
& conda run -n base --no-capture-output --live-stream python c:/Work/python3.10/hello/a.py
& conda run -n env01 --no-capture-output --live-stream python c:/Work/python3.10/hello/a.py
Instead of -p, it takes -n. I could not find what's the reason for your command. Could you attach a screenshot of it?
And for now, you can switch the environment from conda to a basic python interpreter such as venv as a workaround. And you can refer to the official docs for the basic knowledge of venv.
Or you can try to reinstall the Python extension or install the older version of it.
I created a python script ExeMain.py that use virtualenv for dependence. So to launch this script using .desktop I made this command
Exec=sh -c 'source ~/PycharmProjects/ProBlog/venv/bin/activate; python ~/PycharmProjects/ProBlog/ExeMain.py;'
Which resulted with this error "sh: 1: source: not found" and followed by "ImportError"
Without the source command in .desktop file with all necessary modules installed in direct python environment it works fine (in other Linux machine). As it seams not to be a good practice i tried using venv. And as of the errors i could see than the import error is because source command is not executed.
When i launch the .desktop file it should execute the ExeMain.py file.
Standard versions of sh does not have the source command. Perhaps use /bin/bash instead? So it'd be written something along the lines of this:
Exec=/bin/bash -c 'source /home/username/PycharmProjects/ProBlog/venv/bin/activate && /home/username/PycharmProjects/ProBlog/venv/bin/python /home/username/PycharmProjects/ProBlog/ExeMain.py'
I also suggest three other changes: 1) the && operator so that it won't try to run python code until the activate is finished, 2) replace the ~ tilde with the full path in case the desktop environment doesn't properly expand it, and 3) put in the full path to the venv python so that it doesn't default to the system python. Some of these may not be necessary (depending on the system setup), but it doesn't hurt to be careful.
I've installed Anaconda and set Path environment variable to C:\Anaconda3; C:\Anaconda3\Scripts.
Then I try to run in Git Bash
conda install python
But there is an error message "bash: conda: command not found". I would like to know why.
To be able to run conda on gitbash you need to add it to the path. Many times I've seen that's done by default - as shown in the setup for this workshop. If it doesn't, as it seems your case, then you can run their setup directly by running:
. /c/Anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
After running that you should be able to run conda commands.
To keep this setup permanently you can add such line on your .profile or .bashrc file (read more about their differences). A way of doing so is running the follwing:
echo ". /c/Anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" >> ~/.profile
You may encounter problems if the path where Anaconda was installed contains spaces (e.g., C:\Program Files). In that case you would need to change the anaconda location or edit conda.sh script with something like:
sed -e '/^_CONDA_EXE=.*/a alias myconda="${_CONDA_EXE/ /\\\\ }"' \
-e 's/\$_CONDA_EXE/myconda/g' /c/Program\ Files/Anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh > conda_start.sh
This sed command inserts a new alias definition myconda which changes the anaconda path from Program Files to Program\ Files so bash doesn't stop with an error like this one:
bash: /c/Program: No such file or directory
The second sed command replaces the _CONDA_EXE variable by the new alias created.
Since the above doesn't modify the file provided by anaconda, you will need to update your .profile file to load the file we've just created, conda_start.sh, instead.
First, you need to move to the directory where conda is located.
(some path such as C/Anaconda3/Scripts or ../miniconda3/Scripts or anaconda3/bin)
then, open the terminal.
(or, if you use Windows and can't find where the conda is, try moving to directory such as C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Anaconda3 (64-bit) and open the Anaconda prompt.)
Then, do this:
conda init
or something like
conda init bash
if you use Mac OS:
conda init zsh
will work well.
if you wanna use different shell,
conda init [shell_name]
[shell_name] can be: bash, cmd.exe, fish, powershell, tcsh, xonsh, zsh, etc.
use conda init --help for more info.
Joining #dvdgc13. In my case, I fixed the problem by adding
. C:/Users/user/Anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
to my .bash_profile.
I tried to do the same thing as you did but I couldn't get it to work. starriet had the working answer but I am going to make it easier for everyone else reading. You can directly open command windows with explorer instead of struggling with paths.
Find your Anaconda3 folder with Windows Explorer This could be a user install where would be in your user folder such as "C:/Users/your_name/Anaconda3".
Shift + Right Click on the explorer and click on "Open PowerShell Windows Here". Note: you can just click "Git Bash" and you open Bash instead which makes no difference to the command.
Type in "conda init" in the PowerShell window. This works even if you don't have the right paths because the command line looks for the right exe in the current dictionary. If you scroll down in the explorer, you should be able to find it.
My PowerShell window would look a little different than yours because of my prompt but it makes no difference.
Exit the PowerShell and open Git Bash. Type "conda" to confirm that things work.
For MAC users, do this:
$ echo ". /usr/local/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
I tried many ways, but they are incomplete until I run the following commands:
Go to the path of anaconda3 is C:\Users\USER_NAME\anaconda3 and open commend line over there and print the following: (YOUR_PATH = C:\Users\USER_NAME\anaconda3 )
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:[YOUR_PATH]:[YOUR_PATH]/Scripts"' >> .bashrc
echo 'alias python="winpty python.exe"' >> .bashrc
If Git bash is opened, close it and reopen it again and type the following to make sure anaconda and python work without problems:
conda --version
python -- version
If you see the versions are printed, everything works well.
In my case conda command was recognised in cmd, but not in bash. I used conda init bash instead of simple conda init in cmd.
This command modified the .bash_profile file, which was residing in my C:\Users\xyz directory, and added the following code in it
# >>> conda initialize >>>
# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
eval "$('/C/Users/Saifullah/miniconda3/Scripts/conda.exe' 'shell.bash' 'hook')"
# <<< conda initialize <<<
now it is working in bash terminal too.
I am using Python 3.5.2 version on Windows 7 and tried using python3 app.py. I am getting this error message:
'python3' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Is there any specific cause about why the python3 command is not working?
I also verified that the PATH is added to environment variables.
There is no python3.exe file, that is why it fails.
py is just a launcher for python.exe. If you have more than one python versions installed on your machine (2.x, 3.x) you can specify what version of python to launch by
py -2 or
py -3
You can also try this:
Go to the path where Python is installed in your system. For me it was something like C:\Users\\Local Settings\Application Data\Programs\Python\Python37
In this folder, you'll find a python executable. Just create a duplicate and rename it to python3. Works every time.
Python3.exe is not defined in windows
Specify the path for required version of python when you need to used it by creating virtual environment for your project
Python 3
virtualenv --python=C:\PATH_TO_PYTHON\python.exe environment
virtualenv --python=C:\PATH_TO_PYTHON\python.exe environment
then activate the environment using
Yes, I think for Windows users you need to change all the python3 calls to python to solve your original error. This change will run the Python version set in your current environment. If you need to keep this call as it is (aka python3) because you are working in cross-platform or for any other reason, then a work around is to create a soft link. To create it, go to the folder that contains the Python executable and create the link. For example, this worked in my case in Windows 10 using mklink:
cd C:\Python3
mklink python3.exe python.exe
Use a (soft) symbolic link in Linux:
cd /usr/bin/python3
ln -s python.exe python3.exe
In my case I have a git hook on commit, specified by admin. So it was not very convenient for me to change the script (with python3 calls).
And the simplest workaround was just to copy python.exe to python3.exe.
Now I could launch both python and python3.
If python2 is not installed on your computer, you can try with just python instead of python3
For Python 27
virtualenv -p C:\Python27\python.exe django_concurrent_env
For Pyton36
virtualenv -p C:\Python36\python.exe django_concurrent_env
Enter the command to start up the server in that directory:
py -3.7 -m http.server
I had a related issue after installing windows 11, where python3 in cmd would open the windows store. I was able to sort it out between this post and this other one. In short, I reinstalled python and made sure to add it to PATH. Then, in settings, Apps > Apps & Features > App Execution aliases. Here, all I had to do was make sure that every single python .exe (including idle and pip) were turned off EXCEPT FOR the python3.exe alias. Now it works like a charm.
The root of this issue is not with you or with python. Apparently, Microsoft wanted to make installing python easier for young kiddos getting interested in coding, so they automatically add an executable to PATH. For those of us that already have this executable, it can cause these issues.
Found out instead press the play button the top right and it should work in visual studios:
Do not disable according to first answer
Saying python3 in the command will not work by default.
After figuring out the problem with the modules (Solution): https://youtu.be/paRXeLurjE4
To import python modules in case of problem to import modules:
Hover over python in search:
Click open in folder
Hover over and right click
click properties
copy everything in path before \python.exe
close those windows
For cmd (administrator):
cd --path that was copied--
then python -m pip install --upgrade pip
cd Scripts
pip install "Name of Package" such as pip install --module (package) --
Im on win10 and have 3.7, 3.8 and 3.10 installed.
For me "python" launches version 3.10 and does not accept commands (like -3.7), "py" launches newest version but does accept commands, and "python3" does nothing.
Uninstalled 3.10 and "python" now does nothing, and "py" launches 3.8.
I am unable to add a comment, but the mlink option presented in this answer above https://stackoverflow.com/a/55229666/8441472 by #Stanislav preserves cross-platform shebangs at the top of scripts (#!/usr/bin/env python3) and launches the right python.
(Even if you install python from python.org, Windows will direct you to the app marketplace nowadays if you type python3 on the command line. If you type python on the same cli it will launch the python.org version repl. It leads to scripts that generate no output, but more likely silently failed completely. I don't know ho common this is but have experienced it on a couple of different devices)
If you have this at the top of your script to ensure you launch python3 and don't feel like editing everything you own, it is not a bad approach at all... lol.
I had a problem where python was not finding modules installed by pip while in the virtualenv.
I have narrowed it down, and found that when I call python when my virtualenv in activated, it still reaches out to /usr/bin/python instead of /home/liam/dev/.virtualenvs/noots/bin/python.
When I use which python in the virtualenv I get:
When I look up my $PATH variable in the virtualenv I get:
bash: /home/liam/dev/.virtualenvs/noots/bin:/home/liam/bin:/home/liam/.local/bin:/home/liam/bin:/home/liam/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin: No such file or directory
and yet when I actually run python it goes to /usr/bin/python
To make things more confusing to me, if I run python3.5 it grabs python3.5 from the correct directory (i.e. /home/liam/dev/.virtualenvs/noots/bin/python3.5)
I have not touched /home/liam/dev/.virtualenvs/noots/bin/ in anyway. python and python3.5 are still both linked to python3 in that directory. Traversing to /home/liam/dev/.virtualenvs/noots/bin/ and running ./python, ./python3 or ./python3.5 all work normally.
I am using virtualenvwrapper if that makes a difference, however the problem seemed to occur recently, long after install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper
My problem was that i recently moved my project with virtualenv to another location, due to this activate script had wrong VIRTUAL_ENV path.
$ cat path_to_your_env/bin/activate
... # some declarations
VIRTUAL_ENV="/path_to_your_env/bin/python" # <-- THIS LINE
... # some declarations
To fix this, just update VIRTUAL_ENV in activate script.
Also you maybe need to fix first line of your bin/pip to link to real python path.
As tdelaney suggested in the comments, I ran alias and found that I had previously aliased python to /usr/bin/python3.5 in my .bashrc.
I removed that alias from my .bashrc, ran unalias python, and source ~/.bashrc and the problem was solved.
If you don't get the program that which says you should get, you need to look higher up the chain than the platform executor. Shells typically have a way to alias commands and on most unixy shells you can just enter alias to see which commands have been remapped. Then its just a matter of going to the config files for your shell and removing the alias.
Sometimes people alias python to try to sort out which python they should be using. But there are usually other, better ways. On my linux machine, for example, python3 is in the path but is a symlink to the real python I am using.
td#mintyfresh ~ $ which python3
td#mintyfresh ~ $ ls -l /usr/bin/python3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Feb 17 2016 /usr/bin/python3 -> python3.4
td#mintyfresh ~ $
This is nice because non-shell programs running python get the same one I do and virtual environments work naturally.
On Cygwin, I still have a problem even after I created symlink to point /usr/bin/python to F:\Python27\python.exe. Here, after source env/Scripts/activate, which python is still /usr/bin/python.
After a long time, I figured out a solution. Instead of using virtualenv env, you have to use virtualenv -p F:\Python27\python.exe env even though you have created a symlink.
I'm currently having the same problem. Virtualenv was created in Windows, now I'm trying to run it from WSL.
In virtualenv I renamed python.exe to python3.exe(as I have only python3 command in WSL). In $PATH my virtualenv folder is first, there is no alias for python. I receive which python3
/usr/bin/python3. In /usr/bin/python3 there is symlink `python3 -> python3.6. I suppose it doesn't matter for order resolution.
Had the exact same problem.
I ran:
virtualenv -p /venv/bin/python3 env
and got a permission denied.
so i tried:
sudo chmod 777 -R /venv/bin
which python and print(sys.executable)
were not agreeing for me. This meant that with an active virtualenv pip install <package> would install to the virtualenv, but running python would be the base install.
I eventually got around this by running
virtualenv -p \path\to\python.exe --always-copy <venvName>
I'm not sure if specifying the path to the original python is really necessary, but can't hurt. According to the man page:
--copies, --always-copy try to use copies rather than symlinks, even when symlinks are the default for the platform (default: False)
I'm using windows powershell with msys64.