I'm trying to implement the UNET at the keras website:
Image segmentation with a U-Net-like architecture
With only one change. use Dice loss instead of "sparse_categorical_crossentropy". However, every time I try something, I get different error. I'm coding on google colab using Tensorflow 2.7.
For example, I tried using
def DiceLoss(targets, inputs, smooth=1e-6):
#flatten label and prediction tensors
inputs = K.flatten(inputs)
targets = K.flatten(targets)
intersection = K.sum(, inputs))
dice = (2*intersection + smooth) / (K.sum(targets) + K.sum(inputs) + smooth)
return 1 - dice
The eror I got:
ValueError: Shape must be rank 2 but is rank 1 for '{{node DiceLoss99/MatMul}} = MatMul[T=DT_FLOAT, transpose_a=false, transpose_b=false](DiceLoss99/Reshape_1, DiceLoss99/Reshape)' with input shapes: [?], [?].
The problem is on this line:
intersection = K.sum(, inputs))
I also tried this library:
!pip install git+
# define optomizer
LR = 0.0001
optim = keras.optimizers.Adam(LR)
dice_loss_sm = sm.losses.DiceLoss(class_weights=K.ones_like(n_classes))
However, I got the following error:
TypeError: Input 'y' of 'Mul' Op has type int32 that does not match type float32 of argument 'x'.
the remaining code is same as in but I listed below for completeness :
from tensorflow.keras import layers
def get_model(img_size, num_classes):
inputs = keras.Input(shape=img_size + (3,))
### [First half of the network: downsampling inputs] ###
# Entry block
x = layers.Conv2D(32, 3, strides=2, padding="same")(inputs)
x = layers.BatchNormalization()(x)
x = layers.Activation("relu")(x)
previous_block_activation = x # Set aside residual
# Blocks 1, 2, 3 are identical apart from the feature depth.
for filters in [64, 128, 256]:
x = layers.Activation("relu")(x)
x = layers.SeparableConv2D(filters, 3, padding="same")(x)
x = layers.BatchNormalization()(x)
x = layers.Activation("relu")(x)
x = layers.SeparableConv2D(filters, 3, padding="same")(x)
x = layers.BatchNormalization()(x)
x = layers.MaxPooling2D(3, strides=2, padding="same")(x)
# Project residual
residual = layers.Conv2D(filters, 1, strides=2, padding="same")(
x = layers.add([x, residual]) # Add back residual
previous_block_activation = x # Set aside next residual
### [Second half of the network: upsampling inputs] ###
for filters in [256, 128, 64, 32]:
x = layers.Activation("relu")(x)
x = layers.Conv2DTranspose(filters, 3, padding="same")(x)
x = layers.BatchNormalization()(x)
x = layers.Activation("relu")(x)
x = layers.Conv2DTranspose(filters, 3, padding="same")(x)
x = layers.BatchNormalization()(x)
x = layers.UpSampling2D(2)(x)
# Project residual
residual = layers.UpSampling2D(2)(previous_block_activation)
residual = layers.Conv2D(filters, 1, padding="same")(residual)
x = layers.add([x, residual]) # Add back residual
previous_block_activation = x # Set aside next residual
# Add a per-pixel classification layer
outputs = layers.Conv2D(num_classes, 3, activation="softmax", padding="same")(x)
# Define the model
model = keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
return model
# Free up RAM in case the model definition cells were run multiple times
# Build model
model = get_model(img_size, num_classes)
# Configure the model for training.
# We use the "sparse" version of categorical_crossentropy
# because our target data is integers.
# notice I changed the lose the dice loss instead of sparse_categorical_crossentropy
model.compile(optimizer="rmsprop", loss="sparse_categorical_crossentropy")
callbacks = [
keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint("oxford_segmentation.h5", save_best_only=True)
# Train the model, doing validation at the end of each epoch.
epochs = 15, epochs=epochs, validation_data=val_gen, callbacks=callbacks)
This detailed error message when trying the lose library at segmentation_models:
The issue on this code :
backend = kwargs['backend']
gt: ground truth 4D keras tensor (B, H, W, C) or (B, C, H, W)
pr: prediction 4D keras tensor (B, H, W, C) or (B, C, H, W)
class_weights: 1. or list of class weights, len(weights) = C
class_indexes: Optional integer or list of integers, classes to consider, if ``None`` all classes are used.
beta: f-score coefficient
smooth: value to avoid division by zero
per_image: if ``True``, metric is calculated as mean over images in batch (B),
else over whole batch
threshold: value to round predictions (use ``>`` comparison), if ``None`` prediction will not be round
F-score in range [0, 1]
gt: ground truth 4D keras tensor (B, H, W, C) or (B, C, H, W)
pr: prediction 4D keras tensor (B, H, W, C) or (B, C, H, W)
class_weights: 1. or list of class weights, len(weights) = C
class_indexes: Optional integer or list of integers, classes to consider, if ``None`` all classes are used.
beta: f-score coefficient
smooth: value to avoid division by zero
per_image: if ``True``, metric is calculated as mean over images in batch (B),
else over whole batch
threshold: value to round predictions (use ``>`` comparison), if ``None`` prediction will not be round
F-score in range [0, 1]
gt: ground truth 4D keras tensor (B, H, W, C) or (B, C, H, W)
pr: prediction 4D keras tensor (B, H, W, C) or (B, C, H, W)
class_weights: 1. or list of class weights, len(weights) = C
class_indexes: Optional integer or list of integers, classes to consider, if ``None`` all classes are used.
beta: f-score coefficient
smooth: value to avoid division by zero
per_image: if ``True``, metric is calculated as mean over images in batch (B),
else over whole batch
threshold: value to round predictions (use ``>`` comparison), if ``None`` prediction will not be round
F-score in range [0, 1]
gt, pr = gather_channels(gt, pr, indexes=class_indexes, **kwargs)
pr = round_if_needed(pr, threshold, **kwargs)
axes = get_reduce_axes(per_image, **kwargs)
# calculate score
tp = backend.sum(gt * pr, axis=axes) # the issue here
fp = backend.sum(pr, axis=axes) - tp
fn = backend.sum(gt, axis=axes) - tp
score = ((1 + beta ** 2) * tp + smooth) \
/ ((1 + beta ** 2) * tp + beta ** 2 * fn + fp + smooth)
score = average(score, per_image, class_weights, **kwargs)
return score
The code for gt,pr and axis is here:
def get_reduce_axes(per_image, **kwargs):
backend = kwargs['backend']
axes = [1, 2] if backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_last' else [2, 3]
if not per_image:
axes.insert(0, 0)
return axes
def gather_channels(*xs, indexes=None, **kwargs):
"""Slice tensors along channels axis by given indexes"""
if indexes is None:
return xs
elif isinstance(indexes, (int)):
indexes = [indexes]
xs = [_gather_channels(x, indexes=indexes, **kwargs) for x in xs]
return xs
def round_if_needed(x, threshold, **kwargs):
backend = kwargs['backend']
if threshold is not None:
x = backend.greater(x, threshold)
x = backend.cast(x, backend.floatx())
return x
You are passing 1-dimensional vectors to, while the ValueError is saying that requires arrays with 2-dimensions.
You can replace it with element-wise multiplication, i.e. intersection = K.sum(targets *inputs)
InvalidArgumentError: indices[0,0,0,0] = 30 is not in [0, 30)
[[{{node GatherV2}}]] [Op:IteratorGetNext]
I have a custom data loader for a tf.keras based U-Net for semantic segmentation, based on this example. It is written as follows:
def parse_image(img_path: str) -> dict:
# read image
image =
#image = tfio.experimental.image.decode_tiff(image)
if xf == "png":
image = tf.image.decode_png(image, channels = 3)
image = tf.image.decode_jpeg(image, channels = 3)
image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(image, tf.uint8)
#image = image[:, :, :-1]
# read mask
mask_path = tf.strings.regex_replace(img_path, "X", "y")
mask_path = tf.strings.regex_replace(mask_path, "X." + xf, "y." + yf)
mask =
#mask = tfio.experimental.image.decode_tiff(mask)
mask = tf.image.decode_png(mask, channels = 1)
#mask = mask[:, :, :-1]
mask = tf.where(mask == 255, np.dtype("uint8").type(NoDataValue), mask)
return {"image": image, "segmentation_mask": mask}
train_dataset =
dir_tls(myear = year, dset = "X") + "/*." + xf, seed = zeed)
train_dataset =
val_dataset =
dir_tls(myear = year, dset = "X_val") + "/*." + xf, seed = zeed)
val_dataset =
## data transformations--------------------------------------------------------
def normalise(input_image: tf.Tensor, input_mask: tf.Tensor) -> tuple:
input_image = tf.cast(input_image, tf.float32) / 255.0
return input_image, input_mask
def load_image_train(datapoint: dict) -> tuple:
input_image = tf.image.resize(datapoint["image"], (imgr, imgc))
input_mask = tf.image.resize(datapoint["segmentation_mask"], (imgr, imgc))
if tf.random.uniform(()) > 0.5:
input_image = tf.image.flip_left_right(input_image)
input_mask = tf.image.flip_left_right(input_mask)
input_image, input_mask = normalise(input_image, input_mask)
return input_image, input_mask
def load_image_test(datapoint: dict) -> tuple:
input_image = tf.image.resize(datapoint["image"], (imgr, imgc))
input_mask = tf.image.resize(datapoint["segmentation_mask"], (imgr, imgc))
input_image, input_mask = normalise(input_image, input_mask)
return input_image, input_mask
## create datasets-------------------------------------------------------------
buff_size = 1000
dataset = {"train": train_dataset, "val": val_dataset}
# -- Train Dataset --#
dataset["train"] = dataset["train"]\
.map(load_image_train, num_parallel_calls =
dataset["train"] = dataset["train"].shuffle(buffer_size = buff_size,
seed = zeed)
dataset["train"] = dataset["train"].repeat()
dataset["train"] = dataset["train"].batch(bs)
dataset["train"] = dataset["train"].prefetch(buffer_size = AUTOTUNE)
#-- Validation Dataset --#
dataset["val"] = dataset["val"].map(load_image_test)
dataset["val"] = dataset["val"].repeat()
dataset["val"] = dataset["val"].batch(bs)
dataset["val"] = dataset["val"].prefetch(buffer_size = AUTOTUNE)
Now I wanted to use a weighted version of tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy for my model and I found this tutorial, which is rather similar to the example above.
However, they also offered a weighted version of the loss, using:
def add_sample_weights(image, label):
# The weights for each class, with the constraint that:
# sum(class_weights) == 1.0
class_weights = tf.constant([2.0, 2.0, 1.0])
class_weights = class_weights/tf.reduce_sum(class_weights)
# Create an image of `sample_weights` by using the label at each pixel as an
# index into the `class weights` .
sample_weights = tf.gather(class_weights, indices=tf.cast(label, tf.int32))
return image, label, sample_weights
I combined those approaches since the latter tutorial uses previously loaded data, while I want to draw the images from disc (not enough RAM to load all at once).
Resulting in the code from the first example (long code block above) followed by
def add_sample_weights(image, segmentation_mask):
class_weights = tf.constant(inv_weights, dtype = tf.float32)
class_weights = class_weights/tf.reduce_sum(class_weights)
sample_weights = tf.gather(class_weights,
indices = tf.cast(segmentation_mask, tf.int32))
return image, segmentation_mask, sample_weights
(inv_weights are my weights, an array of 30 float64 values) and["train"].map(add_sample_weights),
epochs = 45, steps_per_epoch = np.ceil(N_img/bs),
validation_data = dataset["val"],
validation_steps = np.ceil(N_val/bs),
callbacks = cllbs)
When I run
as in the second example, I get an output that looks reasonable to me (similar to the one in the example):
(TensorSpec(shape=(None, 512, 512, 3), dtype=tf.float32, name=None),
TensorSpec(shape=(None, 512, 512, 1), dtype=tf.float32, name=None),
TensorSpec(shape=(None, 512, 512, 1), dtype=tf.float32, name=None))
However, when I try to fit the model or run something like
a, b, c = dataset["train"].map(add_sample_weights).take(1)
I will receive the error mentioned above.
So far, I have found quite some questions regarding this error (e.g., a, b, c, d), however, they all talk of "embedding layers" and things I am not aware of using.
Where does this error come from and how can I solve it?
Picture tf.gather as a fancy way to do indexing. The error you get is akin to the following example in python:
>>> my_list = [1,2,3]
>>> my_list[3]
IndexError: list index out of range
If you want to use tf.gather, then the range of value of your indices should not be bigger than the dimension size of the Tensor you are willing to index.
In your case, in the call tf.gather(class_weights,indices = tf.cast(segmentation_mask, tf.int32)), with class_weights being a Tensor of dimension (30,), the range of values of segmentation_mask should be between 0 and 29. As far as I can tell from your data pipeline, segmentation_mask has a range of value between 0 and 255. The fix will be problem dependent.
I've been doing a project regarding making my own WaveNet implementation as Deepmind delivered early in the 2016's in Python.
Preprocessing includes mu law encoding, and one hot encoding. The model itself functions well, my problem lies in the loss function torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy used during training, found here:
Particularly, the relation between my output and my target tensors, namely
input_tensor.shape = tensor([1, 256, 225332]) # [batch_size, sample_size, audio_length]
output.shape = tensor([1, 256, 225332])
According to F.cross_entropy, I must have output = (N, C) and target = input_tensor = (N).
My supervisor told me to do the following:
output = output.T.reshape(-1, 256) = tensor([225332, 256])
target = input_tensor.T.long() = tensor([225332, 256, 1]) # This needs to be 1-dimensional, help?
For anyone interested in the explicit code, below:
NOTE - the receptive field is not padded, so just for debugging purposes I have subtracted it, while I do know this is not natural.
>>> output.T.reshape(-1, 256).shape
torch.Size([225332, 256])
>>> input_tensor[:, :, model.input_size - model.output_size:].T.shape
torch.Size([225332, 256, 1])
>>> loss = F.cross_entropy(output.T.reshape(-1, 256), input_tensor[:, :, model.input_size - model.output_size:].T.long().to(device))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2020.3.3\plugins\python-ce\helpers\pydev\_pydevd_bundle\", line 3, in Exec
exec(exp, global_vars, local_vars)
File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Users\JaQtae\anaconda3\envs\CortiGit\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\", line 2693, in cross_entropy
return nll_loss(log_softmax(input, 1), target, weight, None, ignore_index, None, reduction)
File "C:\Users\JaQtae\anaconda3\envs\CortiGit\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\", line 2388, in nll_loss
ret = torch._C._nn.nll_loss(input, target, weight, _Reduction.get_enum(reduction), ignore_index)
RuntimeError: 1D target tensor expected, multi-target not supported
Somewhat of a novice-in-training with ML and AI, particularly the PyTorch library.
Would appreciate any advice regarding how I should tackle this issue.
The training:
model = Wavenet(layers=3,blocks=2,output_size=32).to(device)
model.apply(initialize) # Initialize causalconv1d() with xavier_uniform_ weights and bias of 0.
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.0003)
for i, batch in tqdm(enumerate(train_loader)):
mu_enc_my_x = encode_mu_law(x=batch, mu=256)
input_tensor = one_hot_encoding(mu_enc_my_x)
input_tensor =
output = model(input_tensor)
# TODO: Inspect input/output formats, maybe something wrong....
loss = F.cross_entropy(output.T.reshape(-1, 256), input_tensor[:,:,model.input_size - model.output_size:].long().to(device)) # subtract receptive field instead of pad it, workaround for quick debugging of loss-issue.
print("\nLoss:", loss.item())
if i % 1000 == 0:
print("\nSaving model"), "")
The purpose is to get my loss function to work properly, so that I can generate sound files. The current ones with my bad loss function obviously return pure noise.
My full model if any help.
Wavenet model
from torch import nn
import torch
#TODO: Add local and global conditioning
def initialize(m):
Initialize CNN with Xavier_uniform weight and 0 bias.
if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Conv1d):
nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0.0)
class CausalConv1d(torch.nn.Module):
Causal Convolution for WaveNet
Causality can be introduced with padding as (kernel_size - 1) * dilation (see Keras documentation)
or it can be introduced as follows according to Golbin.
Else, look at the following article, several ways to implement it using PyTorch:
- Jakob
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, dilation = 1, bias = True):
super(CausalConv1d, self).__init__()
# padding=1 for same size(length) between input and output for causal convolution
self.dilation = dilation
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.out_channels = out_channels
self.padding = padding = (kernel_size-1) * dilation # kernelsize = 2, -1 * dilation = 1, = 1. - Jakob.
self.conv = torch.nn.Conv1d(in_channels, out_channels,
kernel_size, padding=padding, dilation=dilation,
bias=bias) # Fixed for WaveNet but not sure
def forward(self, x):
output = self.conv(x)
if self.padding != 0:
output = output[:, :, :-self.padding]
return output
class Wavenet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
super(Wavenet, self).__init__()
self.layers = layers
self.blocks = blocks
self.dilation_channels = dilation_channels
self.residual_block_channels = residual_block_channels
self.skip_connection_channels = skip_connection_channels
self.output_channels = output_channels
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
self.output_size = output_size
# initialize dilation variables
receptive_field = 1
init_dilation = 1
# List of layers and connections
self.dilations = []
self.residual_convs = nn.ModuleList()
self.filter_conv_layers = nn.ModuleList()
self.gate_conv_layers = nn.ModuleList()
self.skip_convs = nn.ModuleList()
# First convolutional layer
self.first_conv = CausalConv1d(in_channels=self.output_channels,
kernel_size = 2)
# Building the Modulelists for the residual blocks
for b in range(blocks):
additional_scope = kernel_size - 1
new_dilation = 1
for i in range(layers):
# dilations of this layer
self.dilations.append((new_dilation, init_dilation))
# dilated convolutions
self.filter_conv_layers.append(nn.Conv1d(in_channels=residual_block_channels, out_channels=dilation_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, dilation=new_dilation))
self.gate_conv_layers.append(nn.Conv1d(in_channels=residual_block_channels, out_channels=dilation_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, dilation=new_dilation))
# 1x1 convolution for residual connection
self.residual_convs.append(nn.Conv1d(in_channels=dilation_channels, out_channels=residual_block_channels, kernel_size=1))
# 1x1 convolution for skip connection
# Update receptive field and dilation
receptive_field += additional_scope
additional_scope *= 2
init_dilation = new_dilation
new_dilation *= 2
# Last two convolutional layers
self.last_conv_1 = nn.Conv1d(in_channels=skip_connection_channels,
self.last_conv_2 = nn.Conv1d(in_channels=skip_connection_channels,
#Calculate model receptive field and the required input size for the given output size
self.receptive_field = receptive_field
self.input_size = receptive_field + output_size - 1
def forward(self, input):
# Feed first convolutional layer with input
x = self.first_conv(input)
# Initialize skip connection
skip = 0
# Residual block
for i in range(self.blocks * self.layers):
(dilation, init_dilation) = self.dilations[i]
# Residual connection bypassing dilated convolution block
residual = x
# input to dilated convolution block
filter = self.filter_conv_layers[i](x)
filter = torch.tanh(filter)
gate = self.gate_conv_layers[i](x)
gate = torch.sigmoid(gate)
x = filter * gate
# Feed into 1x1 convolution for skip connection
s = self.skip_convs[i](x)
#Adding skip & Match size with decreasing dimensionality of x
if skip is not 0:
skip = skip[:, :, -s.size(2):]
skip = s + skip # Sum all skip connections
# Feed into 1x1 convolution for residual connection
x = self.residual_convs[i](x)
#Adding Residual & Match size with decreasing dimensionality of x
x = x + residual[:, :, dilation * (self.kernel_size - 1):]
# print(x.shape)
x = torch.relu(skip)
#Last conv layers
x = torch.relu(self.last_conv_1(x))
x = self.last_conv_2(x)
soft = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)
x = soft(x)
return x
EDIT: added code snippet of train for clarity, and full model
I'm trying to build a workflow that uses batches and an iterator. For performance reasons, I am really trying to avoid using the placeholder->feed_dict loop workflow.
The process I'm trying to implement involves grad-cam (which requires the gradient of the loss with respect to the final convolutional layer of a CNN) as an intermediate step, and ideally I'd like to be able to try it out on several Keras pre-trained models, including non-sequential ones like ResNet.
Most implementations of grad-cam that I've found rely on hand-crafting the CNN of interest in tensorflow. I found one implementation,, that is made for keras models, and following that example, I get
def safe_norm(x):
return x / tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(x ** 2) + 1e-8)
vgg_ = VGG19()
dataset =
it = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
files, batch = it.get_next()
conv5_4 = vgg_.layers[-6]
h_k, w_k, c_k = conv5_4.output.shape[1:]
vgg_model = Model(inputs=vgg_.input, outputs=vgg_.output)
conv_model = Model(inputs=vgg_.input, outputs=conv5_4.output)
probs = vgg_model(batch)
predicted_class = tf.argmax(probs, axis=-1)
layer_name = 'block5_conv4'
target_layer = lambda x: target_category_loss(x, predicted_class, n_categories)
x = Lambda(target_layer)(vgg_model.outputs[0])
model = Model(inputs=vgg_model.inputs[0], outputs=x)
loss = K.sum(model.output, axis=-1)
conv_output = [l for l in model.layers if is layer_name][0].output
grads = Lambda(safe_norm)(K.gradients(loss, [conv_output])[0])
gradient_function = K.function([model.input], [conv_output, grads])
output, grads_val = gradient_function([batch])
weights = tf.reduce_mean(grads_val, axis = (1, 2))
cam = tf.ones([batch_size, h_k, w_k], dtype = tf.float32)
cam += tf.reduce_sum(output * tf.reshape(weights, [-1, 1, 1, weights.shape[-1]]), axis=-1)
cam = tf.squeeze(tf.image.resize_images(images=tf.expand_dims(cam, axis=-1), size=(224, 224)))
cam = tf.maximum(cam, 0)
heatmap = cam / tf.reshape(tf.reduce_max(cam, axis=[1, 2]), shape=[-1, 1, 1])
The problem is that gradient_function([batch]) returns a numpy array whose value is determined by the first batch, so that heatmap doesn't change with subsequent evaluations.
I've tried replacing K.function with a Model in various ways, but nothing seems to work. I usually end up either with an error suggesting that grads evaluates to None or that one model or another is expecting a feed_dict and not receiving one.
Is this code salvageable? Is there a better way to do this besides looping through the data several times (once to get all the grad-cams and then again once I have them) or using placeholders and feed_dicts?
def safe_norm(x):
return x / tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(x ** 2) + 1e-8)
vgg_ = VGG19()
dataset =
it = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
files, batch = it.get_next()
conv5_4 = vgg_.layers[-6]
h_k, w_k, c_k = conv5_4.output.shape[1:]
vgg_model = Model(inputs=vgg_.input, outputs=vgg_.output)
conv_model = Model(inputs=vgg_.input, outputs=conv5_4.output)
probs = vgg_model(batch)
predicted_class = tf.argmax(probs, axis=-1)
layer_name = 'block5_conv4'
target_layer = lambda x: target_category_loss(x, predicted_class, n_categories)
x = Lambda(target_layer)(vgg_model.outputs[0])
model = Model(inputs=vgg_model.inputs[0], outputs=x)
loss = K.sum(model.output, axis=-1)
conv_output = [l for l in model.layers if is layer_name][0].output
grads = Lambda(safe_norm)(K.gradients(loss, [conv_output])[0])
gradient_function = K.function([model.input], [conv_output, grads])
output, grads_val = gradient_function([batch])
weights = tf.reduce_mean(grads_val, axis = (1, 2))
cam = tf.ones([batch_size, h_k, w_k], dtype = tf.float32)
cam += tf.reduce_sum(output * tf.reshape(weights, [-1, 1, 1, weights.shape[-1]]), axis=-1)
cam = tf.squeeze(tf.image.resize_images(images=tf.expand_dims(cam, axis=-1), size=(224, 224)))
cam = tf.maximum(cam, 0)
heatmap = cam / tf.reshape(tf.reduce_max(cam, axis=[1, 2]), shape=[-1, 1, 1])
# other operations on heatmap and batch ...
# ...
output_function = K.function(model.input, [node1, ..., nodeN])
for batch in range(n_batches):
outputs1, ... , outputsN = output_function(batch)
Gives me the desired outputs for each batch.
Yes, K.function returns numpy arrays because it evaluates the symbolic computation in your graph. What I think you should do is to keep everything symbolic up to K.function, and after getting the gradients, perform all computations of the Grad-CAM weights and final saliency map using numpy.
Then you can iterate on your dataset, evaluate gradient_function on a new batch of data, and compute the saliency map.
If you want to keep everything symbolic, then you should not use K.function to produce the gradient function, but use the symbolic gradient (the output of K.gradient, without lambda) and convolutional feature maps (conv_output) and perform the saliency map computation on top of that, and then build a function (using K.function) that takes the model input, and outputs the saliency map.
Hope the explanation is enough.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import os
import re
import PIL
def read_image_label_list(img_directory, folder_name):
# Input:
# -Name of folder (test\\\\train)
# Output:
# -List of names of files in folder
# -Label associated with each file
cat_label = 1
dog_label = 0
filenames = []
labels = []
dir_list = os.listdir(os.path.join(img_directory, folder_name)) # List of all image names in 'folder_name' folder
# Loop through all images in directory
for i, d in enumerate(dir_list):
if"train", folder_name):
if"cat", d): # If image filename contains 'Cat', then true
filenames.append(os.path.join(img_dir, folder_name, d))
return filenames, labels
# Define convolutional layer
def conv_layer(input, channels_in, channels_out):
w_1 = tf.get_variable("weight_conv", [5,5, channels_in, channels_out], initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer())
b_1 = tf.get_variable("bias_conv", [channels_out], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
conv = tf.nn.conv2d(input, w_1, strides=[1,1,1,1], padding="SAME")
activation = tf.nn.relu(conv + b_1)
return activation
# Define fully connected layer
def fc_layer(input, channels_in, channels_out):
w_2 = tf.get_variable("weight_fc", [channels_in, channels_out], initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer())
b_2 = tf.get_variable("bias_fc", [channels_out], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
activation = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(input, w_2) + b_2)
return activation
# Define parse function to make input data to decode image into
def _parse_function(img_path, label):
img_file = tf.read_file(img_path)
img_decoded = tf.image.decode_image(img_file, channels=3)
img_decoded = tf.image.resize_images(img_decoded, (28, 28), method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR)
img_decoded = tf.image.per_image_standardization(img_decoded)
img_decoded = tf.cast(img_decoded, dty=tf.float32)
label = tf.one_hot(label, 1)
return img_decoded, label
# Define parameterspe
BATCH_SIZE_training = 64
learning_rate = 0.001
img_dir = 'C:/Users/tharu/PycharmProjects/cat_vs_dog/data'
batch_size = 128
# Define data
features, labels = read_image_label_list(img_dir, "train")
# Define dataset
dataset =, labels)) # Takes slices in 0th dimension
dataset =
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
iterator = dataset.make_initializable_iterator()
# Get next batch of data from iterator
x, y = iterator.get_next()
# Create the network (use different variable scopes for reuse of variables)
with tf.variable_scope("conv1"):
conv_1 = conv_layer(x, 3, 32)
pool_1 = tf.nn.max_pool(conv_1, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding="SAME")
with tf.variable_scope("conv2"):
conv_2 = conv_layer(pool_1, 32, 64)
pool_2 = tf.nn.max_pool(conv_2, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding="SAME")
flattened = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(pool_2)
with tf.variable_scope("fc1"):
fc_1 = fc_layer(flattened, 7*7*64, 1024)
with tf.variable_scope("fc2"):
logits = fc_layer(fc_1, 1024, 1)
# Define loss function
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=tf.cast(y, dtype=tf.int32)))
# Define optimizer
train = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss)
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Initiliaze all the variables
# Train the network
for i in range(EPOCHS):
# Initialize iterator so that it starts at beginning of training set for each epoch
print("EPOCH", i)
while True:
_, epoch_loss =[train, loss])
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: # Error given when out of data
if i % 2 == 0:
# [train_accuaracy] =[accuracy])
# print("Step ", i, "training accuracy = %{}".format(train_accuaracy))
I've spent a few hours trying to figure out systematically why I've been getting 0 loss when I run this model.
Features = list of file locations for each image (e.g. ['\data\train\cat.0.jpg', /data\train\cat.1.jpg])
Labels = [Batch_size, 1] one_hot vector
Initially I thought it was because there was something wrong with my data. But I've viewed the data after being resized and the images seems fine.
Then I tried a few different loss functions because I thought maybe I'm misunderstanding what the the tensorflow function softmax_cross_entropy does, but that didn't fix anything.
I've tried running just the 'logits' section to see what the output is. This is just a small sample and the numbers seem fine to me:
[0. ]
Surely then the softmax_cross_entropy function should be able to compute this loss given that the corresponding labels are 0 or 1? I'm not sure if I'm missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As documented:
logits and labels must have the same shape, e.g. [batch_size, num_classes] and the same dtype (either float16, float32, or float64).
Since you mentioned your label is "[Batch_size, 1] one_hot vector", I would assume both your logits and labels are [Batch_size, 1] shape. This will certainly lead to zero loss. Conceptually speaking, you have only 1 class (num_classes=1) and your cannot be wrong (loss=0).
So at least for you labels, you should transform it: tf.one_hot(indices=labels, depth=num_classes). Your prediction logits should also have a shape [batch_size, num_classes] output.
Alternatively, you can use sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits, where:
A common use case is to have logits of shape [batch_size, num_classes] and labels of shape [batch_size]. But higher dimensions are supported.