How can I input a time and have the timer count down? - python

I am trying to run a while loop so I can run code while the timer is still counting down.I also want to see the timer as it counts down. I have tried to find something similar on stack overflow, but haven't been able to get the result I'm looking for.
print("Input minutes and seconds")
min = int(input("Minutes: "))
sec = int(input("Seconds: "))
while min & sec > 0:
# do some code
# I want the program to count down from whatever I input

You should run your timer on a different thread. If you don't need the timer to affect the main code being run this should work:
import threading
import time
def timer_function(seconds):
'''Countdown from number of seconds given'''
for t in range(seconds, -1, -1):
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Input minutes and seconds")
min = int(input("Minutes: "))
sec = int(input("Seconds: "))
x = threading.Thread(target=timer_function, args=(min * 60 + sec,))
# Run some other code in parallel with the timer
x.join() # will wait for the timer function to finish
print('All done')
If you need the timer to stop the main thread (the code being run on the main function) then you need send some signal through a variable from the timer thread.
There might be some libraries that handle thread timeouts better if you would like to look it up :)

Getting very precise timeout timing is somewhat troublesome, as the operation of reporting on the timing can affect the timing itself if not carefully written.
Something like this is often best accomplished with two threads in parallel
Making the threads "daemon threads" allows you to end them by quitting the program (otherwise the program will wait for them to be .join()ed)
You can rely on threading.Event() to clearly communicate into a thread and provide a .wait() method, which will either wait for a given timeout or immediately end when the event .is_set()
import threading
import time
def function_to_call(): # replace me with your function
def timer_fn(timeout, event, delay=5): # 5 seconds between reports
time_end = time.time() + timeout
while not event.is_set():
time_remaining = int(time_end - time.time())
if time_remaining <= 0:
print(f"{int(time_remaining)}s remaining")
event.wait((min(delay, time_remaining))) # wait for event
timeout = int(input("minutes: ") or 0) * 60 + int(input("seconds: ") or 0)
E = threading.Event() # Event to kill t2
# making t1 a daemon lets it not prevent shutdown
t1 = threading.Thread(target=function_to_call, daemon=True)
t2 = threading.Thread(target=timer_fn, args=(timeout, E), daemon=True)
# begin both threads
# wait for t1 to exit (but not t2)
# t1 may join faster by ending, otherwise reach here after timeout
E.set() # set the Event to quickly end t2 (timeout or t1 returned)
t2.join() # not technically necessary, but cleans up t2
# program quits and t1 is killed if it's still running
Note that the timing display is actually separate from the thread ending, and ending the function early is done here by stopping the program. The function will continue to run if the program is not stopped!
If more advanced task control is needed, consider
modifying your callable function to repeatedly check another threading.Event throughout it to see if it's time is up (yet)
use multiprocessing, which is much more featureful than threading, though it may need to copy memory into the new process, which can be slow if you have a tremendous amount
use subprocess, creating a script just for the purpose of a timed end (here you can kill the subprocess with a simple .kill() or setting a timeout= argument when creating it! (though again you'll find some inefficiency in copying/streaming input into and out of the new process)
use os.fork() and [os.kill()]( to split your process (advanced, but usually much more efficient than multiprocessing` due to how memory is (or rather is not) copied)
if your function can be made asynchronous, which allows multiple tasks to collaborate in the same namespace similar to threading, but in a more friendly way (though how this behaves is fundamentally different from the other techniques given, it can be very efficient if you have many tasks which don't rely on local resources, such as a webserver or database)
Though further fundamentally different, you may find further or more benefit in designing your task to be a collection of work to iterate over (maybe in a list) and consider a library like tqdm to report on its status

Try this,
Code :
import time
print("Input minutes and seconds")
min = int(input("Minutes: "))
sec = int(input("Seconds: "))
t = min*60 + sec
while t :
mins, secs = divmod(t, 60)
timer = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(mins, secs)
print(timer, end="\r")
t -= 1
print('Timer ended !!')
Output :
Input minutes and seconds
Minutes: 1
Seconds: 5
Timer ended !!

You should ideally use threads and spawn a daemon to keep track, but that might be overkill for your case. I've made a more simple implementation which is hopefully understandable, otherwise please ask and I'll improve the comments/explanation:
import time
set_time = int(input('For how many seconds do you want to run this?'))
start_time = time.time() # lets get the current time
inner_time = time.time() # Seperate vars so we don't overwrite the main loop
count = 0 #To keep track of how many seconds we've been going
while (time.time() - start_time) < set_time: #Lets run this until we've reached our time
if(time.time() - inner_time) >= 1: #If 1 sec has passed
inner_time = time.time() #Reset time
count += 1 #Increase second by 1
print("Code has been running for "+str(count)+" seconds") #Inform the user
#Do something here...
print(str(set_time)+" seconds have now elapsed") #Done and dusted
This is the output:
For how long do you want to run this?5
Code has been running for 1 seconds
Code has been running for 2 seconds
Code has been running for 3 seconds
Code has been running for 4 seconds
5 seconds have now elapsed


Python: can the time library do task: the loop should stop when a certain time passes?

Can the time library help with the task: the loop should stop when a certain time passes? I'm going to write a light game program in Python that should stop after for example 1 minute and output the result.
I can't find information about this function.
The straightforward solution is to run a while-loop with a time-checking boolean expression:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
end_time = + timedelta(minutes=1)
while end_time >=
print("Your code should be here")
Another more sophisticated approach is to run the program in a separate thread. The thread checks for an event flag to be set in a while loop condition:
import threading
import time
def main_program(stop_event):
while not stop_event.is_set():
print("Your code should be here")
stop_event = threading.Event()
th_main_program = threading.Thread(target=main_program, args=(stop_event,))
In the approaches shown above the program execution finishes gracefully but an iteration within the while-loop has to be finished to check the boolean expression. This means the program doesn't exit immediately once the timeout is reached.
To make the main program exit right away once the timeout is reached, we can use daemon thread. Please note that daemon threads are abruptly stopped at shutdown. Their resources may not be released properly:
import threading
import time
def main_program():
while True:
print("Your code should be here")
th_main_program = threading.Thread(target=main_program, daemon=True)
You need to take time at the start and break your loop when the difference between current time and time at the start is more than you want.
import time
start_time = time.time()
while True:
current_time = time.time()
if current_time - start_time > 60: #time in seconds
#your code
You can also add time.sleep(0.01) to the loop to limit your fps.

How does Thread().join work in the following case?

I saw the following code in a thread tutorial:
from time import sleep, perf_counter
from threading import Thread
start = perf_counter()
def foo():
threads = []
for i in range(100):
t = Thread(target=foo,)
for i in threads:
end = perf_counter()
print(f'Took {end - start}')
When I run it it prints Took 5.014557975. Okay, that part is fine. It does not take 500 seconds as the non threaded version would.
What I don't understand is how .join works. I noticed without calling .join I got Took 0.007060926999999995 which indicates that the main thread ended before the child threads. Since '.join()' is supposed to block, when the first iteration of the loop occurs won't it be blocked and have to wait 5 seconds till the second iteration? How does it still manage to run?
I keep reading python threading is not truly multithreaded and it only appears to be (runs on a single core), but if that is the case then how exactly is the background time running if it's not parallel?
So '.join()' is supposed to block, so when the first iteration of the loop occurs wont it be blocked and it has to wait 5 seconds till the second iteration?
Remember all the threads are started at the same time and all of them take ~5s.
The second for loop waits for all the threads to finish. It will take roughly 5s for the first thread to finish, but the remaining 99 threads will finish roughly at the same time, and so will the remaining 99 iterations of the loop.
By the time you're calling join() on the second thread, it is either already finished or will be within a couple of milliseconds.
I keep reading python threading is not truly multithreaded and it only appears to be (runs on a single core), but if that is the case then how exactly is the background time running if it's not parallel?
It's a topic that has been discussed a lot, so I won't add another page-long answer.
Tl;dr: Yes, Python Multithreading doesn't help with CPU-intensive tasks, but it's just fine for tasks that spend a lot of time on waiting for something else (Network, Disk-I/O, user input, a time-based event).
sleep() belongs to the latter group of tasks, so Multithreading will speed it up, even though it doesn't utilize multiple cores simultaneously.
The OS is in control when the thread starts and the OS will context-switch (I believe that is the correct term) between threads.
time functions access a clock on your computer via the OS - that clock is always running. As long as the OS periodically gives each thread time to access a clock the thread's target can tell if it has been sleeping long enough.
The threads are not running in parallel, the OS periodically gives each one a chance to look at the clock.
Here is a little finer detail for what is happening. I subclassed Thread and overrode its run and join methods to log when they are called.
Caveat The documentation specifically states
only override __init__ and run methods
I was surprised overriding join didn't cause problems.
from time import sleep, perf_counter
from threading import Thread
import pandas as pd
c = {}
def foo(i):
c[i]['foo start'] = perf_counter() - start
# print(f'{i} - start:{start} end:{perf_counter()}')
c[i]['foo end'] = perf_counter() - start
class Test(Thread):
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
self.i = kwargs['args'][0]
def run(self):
# print(f'{self.i} - started:{perf_counter()}')
c[self.i]['thread start'] = perf_counter() - start
def join(self):
# print(f'{self.i} - joined:{perf_counter()}')
c[self.i]['thread joined'] = perf_counter() - start
threads = []
start = perf_counter()
for i in range(10):
c[i] = {}
t = Test(target=foo,args=(i,))
for i in threads:
df = pd.DataFrame(c)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
thread start 0.000729 0.000928 0.001085 0.001245 0.001400 0.001568 0.001730 0.001885 0.002056 0.002215
foo start 0.000732 0.000931 0.001088 0.001248 0.001402 0.001570 0.001732 0.001891 0.002058 0.002217
thread joined 0.002228 5.008274 5.008300 5.008305 5.008323 5.008327 5.008330 5.008333 5.008336 5.008339
foo end 5.008124 5.007982 5.007615 5.007829 5.007672 5.007899 5.007724 5.007758 5.008051 5.007549
Hopefully you can see that all the threads are started in sequence very close together; once thread 0 is joined nothing else happens till it stops (foo ends) then each of the other threads are joined and terminate.
Sometimes a thread terminates before it is even joined - for threads one plus foo ends before the thread is joined.

How Do I Loop An Input In Python?

I have been searching and searching on how to figure out how to make an input or something go into a while loop. As in, the input() command won't stop my stopwatch. I have tried tkinter, pygame, and a couple other methods, but they just didn't work. If anyone can help me out, I would prefer something small and simple, if that's even possible. And to be specific on what I want to learn to do, is basically allowing, when any key is pressed, for it to instantly stop (preferably without hitting enter). Thanks, saddlepiggy!
Here is what I have so far, with nothing to activate the stopping:
#Setup (Variables and stuff)
hours = 0
minutes = 0
seconds = 0
import time
#Main Part of Code
print("Welcome to PyWatch, a stopwatch coded in Python!")
print("Press any key to start the stopwatch.")
print("Then, press any key to stop it!")
start = input("")
while hours < 48:
seconds = seconds + 1
print(hours, "hours,", minutes, "minutes,", seconds, "seconds")
#If Statements for getting seconds/minutes/hours
if (seconds == 60):
minutes = minutes + 1
seconds = seconds - 60
if (minutes == 60):
hours =hours + 1
minutes = minutes - 60
Threading is what you want.
Create a second thread that waits for the input while your first thread handles your stopwatch code. Behold:
import threading, sys
def halt():
while hours < 48 and threading.active_count() > 1:
seconds = seconds + 1
# copy and past what you had before
Allow me to elaborate on what's happening: Thus far, all of the code you've written has been single threaded. This means only one line of code is executed at a time, there's only one thread of execution. Consequentially, your script can't multitask, it can't wait for input and print the time at the same time.
So when this line is evaluated
The main thread creates a second thread of execution. Meanwhile, the main thread goes on and enters the while loop. The target parameter is the entry point of the thread, it's the starting point. It's analogous to if __name__ == "__main__:" for the main thread. Just as the main thread terminates when it reaches the end of if __name__ == "__main__:", our second thread will terminate once it reaches the end of halt().
The threading.active_count function tells you how many threads in are current in execution.
You can't do that in Python. You are asking for a keyboard event. Keyboard events are shipped with a GUI. This thread explains pretty much everything: QKeyPress event in PyQt
Or use an external application for your OS that can append output to a file that is read by your Python program in a loop. When a certain event is detected you can perform some actions. For Linux this tread explains:

How to implement a timing function in Python?

I am thinking to implement a function like below:
timeout = 60 second
timer = 0
while (timer not reach timeout):
do somthing
if another thing happened:
reset timer to 0
My question is how to implement the timer stuff? Multiple thread or a particular lib?
I hope the solution is based on the python built-in lib rather than some third-part fancy package.
I don't think you need threads for what you have described.
import time
timeout = 60
timer = time.clock()
while timer + timeout < time.clock():
do somthing
if another thing happened:
timer = time.clock()
Here, you check every iteration.
The only reason you would need a thread is if you wanted to stop in the middle of an iteration if something was taking too long.
I use the following idiom:
from time import time, sleep
timeout = 10 # seconds
start = time()
while time() - start < timeout:
if done_doing_stuff():
print "Timeout not hit. Keep going."
sleep(1) # Don't thrash the processor
print "Timeout elapsed."
# Handle errors, cleanup, etc

timer interrupt thread python

I've been trying to make a precise timer in python, or as precise a OS allows it to be. But It seems to be more complicated than I initially thought.
This is how I would like it to work:
from time import sleep
from threading import Timer
def do_this():
print ("hello, world")
t = Timer(4, do_this)
Where during 20 seconds I would execute 'do_this' every fourth second. However 'do_this' executes once then the script terminates after 20 seconds.
Another way would be to create a thread with a while loop.
import time
import threading
import datetime
shutdown_event = threading.Event()
def dowork():
while not shutdown_event.is_set():
def main():
t = threading.Thread(target=dowork, args=(), name='worker')
print("Instance started")
while t.isAlive():
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
if __name__ == '__main__':
This thread executes as expected but I get a timing drift. In this case have to compensate for the time it takes to execute the code in the while loop by adjusting the sleep accordingly.
Is there a simple way in python to execute a timer every second (or any interval) without introducing a drift compared to the system time without having to compensate the sleep(n) parameter?
Thanks for helping,
If dowork() always runs in less time than your intervals, you can spawn a new thread every 4 seconds in a loop:
def dowork():
wlen = random.random()
sleep(wlen) # Emulate doing some work
print 'work done in %0.2f seconds' % wlen
def main():
while 1:
t = threading.Thread(target=dowork)
If dowork() could potentially run for more than 4 seconds, then in your main loop you want to make sure the previous job is finished before spawning a new one.
However, time.sleep() can itself drift because no guarantees are made on how long the thread will actually be suspended. The correct way of doing it would be to figure out how long the job took and sleep for the remaining of the interval. I think this is how UI and game rendering engines work, where they have to display fixed number of frames per second at fixed times and rendering each frame could take different length of time to complete.
