I have 2 separate arrays with different sizes:
len(range_data) = 4320
len(az1) = 385
len(az2) = 347
data1.shape = (385,4320)
data2.shape = (347,4320)
I would like for the dimensions of data2 to equal that of data1, such that data2.shape should be (385,4320). I have tried scipy interpolate such as:
f = interpolate.interp2d(az1,range_data,data1,kind='cubic')
znew = f(az2,range_data)
znew.shape should be (385,4320), any ideas why this is happening and/or what might need to be done to fix this?
I don't think that interp2d actually generates more points for you, it defines an interpolation function over a grid. That means that what you've created is a way to interpolate points within the grid defined by your first set of data points. znew will return an interpolated grid with the same number of values as the x and y passed to it.
See the source code.
z : 2-D array with shape (len(y), len(x))
The interpolated values.
If you want to add extra data points, I would suggest deriving a regression function (or whatever ML technique you want, NNs if you're so inclined) on the second data set and use that function to produce the extra 38 datapoints you need.
I am currently trying to plot some data into cartopy, but I am having some issues.
I have a datasheet that has a shape of (180, 180, 360) time, lat, and lon respectively.
I would like to get an annual mean of this data. I had been using the code
def global_mean_3D(var, weights):
# make sure masking is correct, otherwise we get nans
var = np.ma.masked_invalid(var)
# resulting variable should have dimensions of depth and time (x)
ave = np.zeros([var.shape[0], var.shape[1]])
# loop over time
for t in np.arange(var.shape[0]):
# loop over each depth slice
for d in np.arange(var.shape[1]):
ave[t,d] = np.ma.average(var[t,d,:], weights = weights)
return ave
which I then use to plot
ax.contourf(x,y, ann_total_5tg)
But this code gives me a one dimension shape, over time, which I can't plot into cartopy using pcolor mesh.
I am left with the error
TypeError: Input z must be a 2D array.
Would it be possible to get an annual mean whilst maintaining variables within the datasheet?
I suspect that you have to reshape your numpy array to use it with the contour method.
Using your variable name it can be done like this :
ann_total_5tg = ann_total_5tg.reshape((180, 180))
I am trying to fit these values:
This is my code:
for i in range(-area,area):
stDev1= []
for j in range(-area,area):
stDev0 = stDev[i+i0][j+j0]
slices[i] = stDev1
fitV = []
xV = []
for l in range(-area,area):
y = np.asarray(slices[l])
x = np.arange(0,2*area,1)
for m in range(-area,area):
fit = np.polyfit(xV,fitV,4)
yfit = function(fit,area)
x100 = np.arange(0,100,1)
def function(fit,area):
yfit = []
for x in range(-area,area):
i0 = 400
j0 = 400
area = 50
stdev = 2d np.array([1300][800]) #just an image of "noise" feel free to add any image // 2d np array you like.
This yields:
obviously this is completly wrong?
I assume I miss understand the concept of polyfit? From the doc the requirement is that I feed it with with two arrays of shape x[i] y[i]? My values in
xV = [ x_1_-50,x_1_-49,...,x_1_49,x_2_-50,...,x_49_49]
and my ys are:
fitV = [y_1_-50,y_1_-49,...,y_1_49,...y_2_-50,...,y_2_49]
I do not completely understand your program. In the future, it would be helpful if you were to distill your issue to a MCVE. But here are some thoughts:
It seems, in your data, that for a given value of x there are multiple values of y. Given (x,y) data, polyfit returns a tuple that represents a polynomial function, but no function can map a single value of x onto multiple values of y. As a first step, consider collapsing each set of y values into a single representative value using, for example, the mean, median, or mode. Or perhaps, in your domain, there's a more natural way to do this.
Second, there is an idiomatic way to use the pair of functions np.polyfit and np.polyval, and you're not using them in the standard way. Of course, numerous useful departures from this pattern exist, but first make sure you understand the basic pattern of these two functions.
a. Given your measurements y_data, taken at times or locations x_data, plot them and make a guess as to the order of the fit. That is, does it look like a line? Like a parabola? Let's assume you believe your data to be parabolic, and that you'll use a second order polynomial fit.
b. Make sure that your arrays are sorted in order of increasing x. There are many ways to do this, but np.argsort is a easy one.
c. Run polyfit: p = polyfit(x_data,y_data,2), which returns a tuple containing the 2nd, 1st, and 0th order coefficients in p, (c2,c1,c0).
d. In the idiomatic use of polyfit and polyval, next you would generate your fit: polyval(p,x_data). Or perhaps you want the fit to be sampled more coarsely or finely, in which case you might take a subset of x_data or interpolate more values in x_data.
A complete example is below.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# these are your measurements, unsorted
x_data = np.array([18, 6, 9, 12 , 3, 0, 15])
y_data = np.array([583.26347805, 63.16059915, 100.94286909, 183.72581827, 62.24497418,
134.99558191, 368.78421529])
# first, sort both vectors in increasing-x order:
sorted_indices = np.argsort(x_data)
x_data = x_data[sorted_indices]
y_data = y_data[sorted_indices]
# now, plot and observe the parabolic shape:
# generate the 2nd order fitting polynomial:
p = np.polyfit(x_data,y_data,2)
# make a more finely sampled x_fit vector with, for example
# 1024 equally spaced points between the first and last
# values of x_data
x_fit = np.linspace(x_data[0],x_data[-1],1024)
# now, compute the fit using your polynomial:
y_fit = np.polyval(p,x_fit)
# and plot them together:
Hope that helps.
I have two datasets of a specific region: The first is the rainfall and the second a vegetation measure (npp) of that region. So, the first two dimensions (x,y) represent the geographical location. The third dimension is the time (8 time steps). What I want to do is to perform a linear regression for each location of the 8 values rainfall versus the 8 values of the vegetation. The result should be either several two dimensional arrays in which for each location the p-value, the r², the slope and ideally the residuals are calculated or all values togeher in a 3D array.
nppList = glob.glob(nppPath+"*.img")
rainList = glob.glob(rainPath+"*.img")
nppImg = [gdal.Open(i) for i in nppList]
rainImg = [gdal.Open(i) for i in rainList]
nppFiles = [i.ReadAsArray() for i in nppImg]
rainFiles = [i.ReadAsArray() for i in rainImg]
# get nodata
nppNodata = nppImg[1].GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()
rainNodata = rainImg[1].GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()
# convert to float and set no data
nppStack = nppStack.astype(float)
nppStack[nppStack == nppNodata] = np.nan
rainStack = rainStack.astype(float)
rainStack[rainStack == rainNodata] = np.nan
# instead of range(0,8) there should be the rainfall variable, but on a pixel base
def linReg(a):
return stats.linregress(a, range(0, 8))
lm = np.apply_along_axis(linReg, axis=2, arr=nppStack)
I know the function numpy.apply_along_axis() but here a function can be applied to only one array. I am searching for a possibility to apply a function on two arrays along an axis preferably wihtout looping through the arrays.
The source for scipy.stats.linregress indicates that only arrays with dimension greater than 2 are not supported (and only then for the case that your x and y data happen to be in the same data structure).
Honestly, in your case I would use a Python loop -- it is unlikely that the slowest part of the code is looping over the data points; rather, the regression itself will be determining the speed.
In that case, you could flatten your positional axes, use a single loop, and then reshape the regression results back to 3D. Something like:
n = nx * ny
frain = rainStack.reshape((n, 8))
fnpp = nppStack.reshape((n, 8))
reg_results = np.empty((n,5))
for i in range(n):
reg_results[i] = stats.linregress(frain[i], fnpp[i])
reg_results[i].reshape((nx,ny,8)) # back to 3D
I am trying to interpolate 3D atmospheric data from one vertical coordinate to another using Numpy/Scipy. For example, I have cubes of temperature and relative humidity, both of which are on constant, regular pressure surfaces. I want to interpolate the relative humidity to constant temperature surface(s).
The exact problem I am trying to solve has been asked previously here, however, the solution there is very slow. In my case, I have approximately 3M points in my cube (30x321x321), and that method takes around 4 minutes to operate on one set of data.
That post is nearly 5 years old. Do newer versions of Numpy/Scipy perhaps have methods that handle this faster? Maybe new sets of eyes looking at the problem have a better approach? I'm open to suggestions.
Slow = 4 minutes for one set of data cubes. I'm not sure how else I can quantify it.
The code being used...
def interpLevel(grid,value,data,interp='linear'):
Interpolate 3d data to a common z coordinate.
Can be used to calculate the wind/pv/whatsoever values for a common
potential temperature / pressure level.
grid : numpy.ndarray
The grid. For example the potential temperature values for the whole 3d
value : float
The common value in the grid, to which the data shall be interpolated.
For example, 350.0
data : numpy.ndarray
The data which shall be interpolated. For example, the PV values for
the whole 3d grid.
kind : str
This indicates which kind of interpolation will be done. It is directly
passed on to scipy.interpolate.interp1d().
returns : numpy.ndarray
A 2d array containing the *data* values at *value*.
ret = np.zeros_like(data[0,:,:])
for yIdx in xrange(grid.shape[1]):
for xIdx in xrange(grid.shape[2]):
# check if we need to flip the column
if grid[0,yIdx,xIdx] > grid[-1,yIdx,xIdx]:
ind = -1
ind = 1
f = interpolate.interp1d(grid[::ind,yIdx,xIdx], \
data[::ind,yIdx,xIdx], \
ret[yIdx,xIdx] = f(value)
return ret
I could share npy dumps of sample data, if anyone was interested enough to see what I am working with.
Since this is atmospheric data, I imagine that your grid does not have uniform spacing; however if your grid is rectilinear (such that each vertical column has the same set of z-coordinates) then you have some options.
For instance, if you only need linear interpolation (say for a simple visualization), you can just do something like:
# Find nearest grid point
idx = grid[:,0,0].searchsorted(value)
upper = grid[idx,0,0]
lower = grid[idx - 1, 0, 0]
s = (value - lower) / (upper - lower)
result = (1-s) * data[idx - 1, :, :] + s * data[idx, :, :]
(You'll need to add checks for value being out of range, of course).For a grid your size, this will be extremely fast (as in tiny fractions of a second)
You can pretty easily modify the above to perform cubic interpolation if need be; the challenge is in picking the correct weights for non-uniform vertical spacing.
The problem with using scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates is that, although it provides higher order interpolation and can handle arbitrary sample points, it does assume that the input data be uniformly spaced. It will still produce smooth results, but it won't be a reliable approximation.
If your coordinate grid is not rectilinear, so that the z-value for a given index changes for different x and y indices, then the approach you are using now is probably the best you can get without a fair bit of analysis of your particular problem.
One neat trick (again, assuming that each column has the same, not necessarily regular, coordinates) is to use interp1d to extract the weights doing something like follows:
NZ = grid.shape[0]
zs = grid[:,0,0]
ident = np.identity(NZ)
weight_func = interp1d(zs, ident, 'cubic')
You only need to do the above once per grid; you can even reuse weight_func as long as the vertical coordinates don't change.
When it comes time to interpolate then, weight_func(value) will give you the weights, which you can use to compute a single interpolated value at (x_idx, y_idx) with:
weights = weight_func(value)
interp_val = np.dot(data[:, x_idx, y_idx), weights)
If you want to compute a whole plane of interpolated values, you can use np.inner, although since your z-coordinate comes first, you'll need to do:
result = np.inner(data.T, weights).T
Again, the computation should be practically immediate.
This is quite an old question but the best way to do this nowadays is to use MetPy's interpolate_1d funtion:
There is a new implementation of Numba accelerated interpolation on regular grids in 1, 2, and 3 dimensions:
Usage is as follows:
from fast_interp import interp2d
import numpy as np
nx = 50
ny = 37
xv, xh = np.linspace(0, 1, nx, endpoint=True, retstep=True)
yv, yh = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, ny, endpoint=False, retstep=True)
x, y = np.meshgrid(xv, yv, indexing='ij')
test_function = lambda x, y: np.exp(x)*np.exp(np.sin(y))
f = test_function(x, y)
test_x = -xh/2.0
test_y = 271.43
fa = test_function(test_x, test_y)
interpolater = interp2d([0,0], [1,2*np.pi], [xh,yh], f, k=5, p=[False,True], e=[1,0])
fe = interpolater(test_x, test_y)
in Python I want to interpolate some data using scipy.interpolate.griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi).
Since I want my unequal spaced original data on the X-Y grid map on an equal spaced XI-YI grid I have to use a meshgrid as:
X, Y = numpy.meshgrid([1,2,3], [2,5,6,8])
XI,YI = numpy.meshgrid([1,2,3],[4,5,6,7])
print scipy.interpolate.griddata(X,Y,X**2+Y**2,XI,YI)
Unfortunately it seems as scipys' griddata does not accept matrices as input for x,y,z in contrast to matlab's griddata-function. Does anyone has a hint for me how to solve the problem?
The correct call sequence in your case is
print scipy.interpolate.griddata((X.ravel(),Y.ravel()), (X**2+Y**2).ravel(), (XI, YI))
I.e., you need to cast the input data points to 1-d. (This could be fixed to work without the .ravel()s in the next version of Scipy.)
I think you need to reshape your grids, griddata expects a list of points with coordinates in column form:
points = transpose(reshape((X,Y), (2,12)))
pointsI = transpose(reshape((XI,YI), (2,12)))
Z = reshape(X**2+Y**2, 12)
print scipy.interpolate.griddata(points, Z, pointsI)