I am trying to get my iPhone's device info using Python on Windows,
unfortunately I could not find any package or way to do so.
Does anybody know how to get device info from a connected iPhone with USB using Python?
I want to get the names of the devices connected to my laptop hotspot using python
I searched a lot and I find module like wmi and platform that gives you some system information but I couldn't get the job done by them
First of all, It depends on your OS actually.
For windows;
For Linux;
I am able to connect an Android device with ADB using a USB cable but I want to connect a remote device without a USB cable, and not rooted also. I am running the ADB command through Python. I have been googling for 2 days and most of the resources say we can't do this. If it's not possible, please suggest other options.
Is this possible with a Python script?
I am trying to write a Python script to identify USB devices that did not get auto-mounted correctly in Linux. I am currently using subprocess and calling lsusb to gather the USB devices and then using PyUsb (A libusb 1.0 python wrap library) to find the category of the USB device so I can identify if it is a Mass Storage Media. What I can't figure out is how to bridge the information I have into the mountpoint that belongs to that USB drive. I need a combination of Linux commands that will get me the information I can use to link a mountpoint to a specific USB device so I can use subprocess and some basic parsing to create the script. Or maybe some other way to do this with Python modules I haven't thought of using.
I found a way to do it using information from mount and fdisk. I wrote a python module that encapsulates everything if anyone has the need for something similar: https://github.com/arthurbayerlein/Python/blob/master/storage_media.py
I am really frustrated and have no idea where to search for an answer.
Currently I am working on a project to detect drowsiness with an ECG device (Zephyr Bioharness 3). The device works but I can't find it with windows (For example like this). I tried several things:
Find the device with my Smartphone -> works
Find the device with an Ubuntu on the same Laptop -> works
Connect directly on Win7 via Bluetooth with this Python Script: Gist -> connects and sends data
Find other Bluetooth devices with my Laptop on Win7 -> Bluetooth radio is dound
COM port for (virtual) serial connection to a bluetooth device (device manager)
What I am trying, is getting this script to work: ZephyrApp. Beside some compatibility problems with QT and serial (which I was able to fix), the programm hangs here protocol.py. I suspect the problems of not finding the device relates to the problems with the program. I know this is very special case, but hope anyone has an idea, how to fix this.
EDIT: Another PC with Win7 can't detect the device as well, it seems it is a Windows problem.
The device can't be detected with Win7, but I found a way to connect via bluetooth directly: https://gist.github.com/darkopetrovic/2127217
I want to be able to read out information about connected Bluetooth Low Energy HID devices in Windows 8. My main application uses Qt, but I thought it could be much easier to get help from a Python script. Since Windows 8.1 supports Bluetooth Low Energy natively, I connect my mouse to it and tried using the pywinusb package, but it doesn't seem to be able to read out this wirelessly connected device, only connected HID devices.
How can I read out information about my BLE device with Python?