I am trying to speed up some multi-camera system that relies on calculation of fundamental matrices between each camera pair.
Please notice the following is pseudocode. # means matrix multiplication, | means concatenation.
I have code to calculate F for each pair calculate_f(camera_matrix1_3x4, camera_matrix1_3x4), and the naiive solution is
for c1 in cameras:
for c2 in cameras:
if c1 != c2:
f = calculate_f(c1.proj_matrix, c2.proj_matrix)
This is slow, and I would like to speed it up. I have ~5000 cameras.
I have pre calculated all rotations and translations (in world coordinates) between every pair of cameras, and internal parameters k, such that for each camera c, it holds that c.matrix = c.k # (c.rot | c.t)
Can I use the parameters r, t to help speed up following calculations for F?
In mathematical form, for 3 different cameras c1, c2, c3 I have
f12=(c1.proj_matrix, c2.proj_matrix), and I want f23=(c2.proj_matrix, c3.proj_matrix), f13=(c1.proj_matrix, c3.proj_matrix) with some function f23, f13 = fast_f(f12, c1.r, c1.t, c2.r, c2.t, c3.r, c3.t)?
A working function for calculating the fundamental matrix in numpy:
def fundamental_3x3_from_projections(p_left_3x4: np.array, p_right__3x4: np.array) -> np.array:
# The following is based on OpenCv-contrib's c++ implementation.
# see
# see
# see
f_3x3 = np.zeros((3, 3))
p1, p2 = p_left_3x4, p_right__3x4
x = np.empty((3, 2, 4), dtype=np.float)
x[0, :, :] = np.vstack([p1[1, :], p1[2, :]])
x[1, :, :] = np.vstack([p1[2, :], p1[0, :]])
x[2, :, :] = np.vstack([p1[0, :], p1[1, :]])
y = np.empty((3, 2, 4), dtype=np.float)
y[0, :, :] = np.vstack([p2[1, :], p2[2, :]])
y[1, :, :] = np.vstack([p2[2, :], p2[0, :]])
y[2, :, :] = np.vstack([p2[0, :], p2[1, :]])
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
xy = np.vstack([x[j, :], y[i, :]])
f_3x3[i, j] = np.linalg.det(xy)
return f_3x3
Numpy is clearly not optimized for working on small matrices. The parsing of CPython input objects, internal checks and function calls introduce a significant overhead which is far bigger than the execution time need to perform the actual computation. Not to mention the creation of many temporary arrays is also expensive. One solution to solve this problem is to use Numba or Cython.
Moreover, the computation of the determinant can be optimized a lot since you know the exact size of the matrix and a part of the matrix does not always change. Indeed, using a basic algebraic expression for the 4x4 determinant help compilers to optimize a lot the overall computation thanks to the common sub-expression elimination (not performed by the CPython interpreter) and the removal of complex loops/conditionals in np.linalg.det.
Here is the resulting code:
import numba as nb
def det_4x4(mat):
a, b, c, d = mat[0,0], mat[0,1], mat[0,2], mat[0,3]
e, f, g, h = mat[1,0], mat[1,1], mat[1,2], mat[1,3]
i, j, k, l = mat[2,0], mat[2,1], mat[2,2], mat[2,3]
m, n, o, p = mat[3,0], mat[3,1], mat[3,2], mat[3,3]
return a * (f * (k*p - l*o) + g * (l*n - j*p) + h * (j*o - k*n)) + \
b * (e * (l*o - k*p) + g * (i*p - l*m) + h * (k*m - i*o)) + \
c * (e * (j*p - l*n) + f * (l*m - i*p) + h * (i*n - j*m)) + \
d * (e * (k*n - j*o) + f * (i*o - k*m) + g * (j*m - i*n))
#nb.njit('float64[:,::1](float64[:,::1], float64[:,::1])')
def fundamental_3x3_from_projections(p_left_3x4, p_right_3x4):
f_3x3 = np.empty((3, 3))
p1, p2 = p_left_3x4, p_right_3x4
x = np.empty((3, 2, 4), dtype=np.float64)
x[0, 0, :] = p1[1, :]
x[0, 1, :] = p1[2, :]
x[1, 0, :] = p1[2, :]
x[1, 1, :] = p1[0, :]
x[2, 0, :] = p1[0, :]
x[2, 1, :] = p1[1, :]
y = np.empty((3, 2, 4), dtype=np.float64)
y[0, 0, :] = p2[1, :]
y[0, 1, :] = p2[2, :]
y[1, 0, :] = p2[2, :]
y[1, 1, :] = p2[0, :]
y[2, 0, :] = p2[0, :]
y[2, 1, :] = p2[1, :]
xy = np.empty((4, 4), dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(3):
xy[2:4, :] = y[i, :, :]
for j in range(3):
xy[0:2, :] = x[j, :, :]
f_3x3[i, j] = det_4x4(xy)
return f_3x3
This is 130 times faster on my machine (85.6 us VS 0.66 us).
You can speed up the process even more by a factor of two if the applied function is commutative (ie. f(c1, c2) == f(c2, c1)). If so, you could compute only the upper part. It turns out that your function have some interesting property since f(c1, c2) == f(c2, c1).T appear to be always true. Another possible optimization is to run the loop in parallel.
With all these optimizations, the resulting program should be about 3 order of magnitude faster.
Analysis of the accuracy of the approach
The precision provided appear to be similar than the original one. Regarding the input matrix, results are sometime more accurate and sometimes less accurate than the Numpy method. This is specifically due to the computation of the determinant. With 24-digit decimals, there is no visible error compared to the reliable result of Wolphram Alpha. This show that the method is correct, results as not the same due to numerical stability details. Here is the code used to test the accuracy of the methods:
# Imports
from decimal import Decimal
import numba as nb
# Definitions
def det_4x4(mat):
a, b, c, d = mat[0,0], mat[0,1], mat[0,2], mat[0,3]
e, f, g, h = mat[1,0], mat[1,1], mat[1,2], mat[1,3]
i, j, k, l = mat[2,0], mat[2,1], mat[2,2], mat[2,3]
m, n, o, p = mat[3,0], mat[3,1], mat[3,2], mat[3,3]
return a * (f * (k*p - l*o) + g * (l*n - j*p) + h * (j*o - k*n)) + \
b * (e * (l*o - k*p) + g * (i*p - l*m) + h * (k*m - i*o)) + \
c * (e * (j*p - l*n) + f * (l*m - i*p) + h * (i*n - j*m)) + \
d * (e * (k*n - j*o) + f * (i*o - k*m) + g * (j*m - i*n))
def det_4x4_numba(mat):
a, b, c, d = mat[0,0], mat[0,1], mat[0,2], mat[0,3]
e, f, g, h = mat[1,0], mat[1,1], mat[1,2], mat[1,3]
i, j, k, l = mat[2,0], mat[2,1], mat[2,2], mat[2,3]
m, n, o, p = mat[3,0], mat[3,1], mat[3,2], mat[3,3]
return a * (f * (k*p - l*o) + g * (l*n - j*p) + h * (j*o - k*n)) + \
b * (e * (l*o - k*p) + g * (i*p - l*m) + h * (k*m - i*o)) + \
c * (e * (j*p - l*n) + f * (l*m - i*p) + h * (i*n - j*m)) + \
d * (e * (k*n - j*o) + f * (i*o - k*m) + g * (j*m - i*n))
# Example matrix
precise_xy = np.array(
xy = precise_xy.astype(np.float64)
res_numpy = Decimal(np.linalg.det(xy))
res_numba = Decimal(det_4x4_numba(xy))
res_precise = det_4x4(precise_xy)
# The Wolphram Alpha expression used is:
# det({{42,-6248,4060,845},
# {-0.00992,-0.704,-0.71173298417,300.532},
# {-8.94274,-7554.39,604.57,706282},
# {-0.0132,-0.2757,-0.961,247.65}})
res_wolframalpha = Decimal('-323312.2164828991329828243')
# The result got from Wolfram-Alpha have a 25-digit precision
# and is exactly the same than the one of det_4x4 using 24-digit decimals.
assert res_precise == res_wolframalpha
print(abs((res_numpy-res_precise)/res_precise)) # 1.7E-14
print(abs((res_numba-res_precise)/res_precise)) # 3.1E-14
# => Similar relative error (Numba slightly less accurate
# but both are not close to the 1e-16 relative epsilon)
I am trying to increase the speed of an aerodynamics function in Python.
Function Set:
import numpy as np
from numba import njit
def calculate_velocity_induced_by_line_vortices(
points, origins, terminations, strengths, collapse=True
# Expand the dimensionality of the points input. It is now of shape (N x 1 x 3).
# This will allow NumPy to broadcast the upcoming subtractions.
points = np.expand_dims(points, axis=1)
# Define the vectors from the vortex to the points. r_1 and r_2 now both are of
# shape (N x M x 3). Each row/column pair holds the vector associated with each
# point/vortex pair.
r_1 = points - origins
r_2 = points - terminations
r_0 = r_1 - r_2
r_1_cross_r_2 = nb_2d_explicit_cross(r_1, r_2)
r_1_cross_r_2_absolute_magnitude = (
r_1_cross_r_2[:, :, 0] ** 2
+ r_1_cross_r_2[:, :, 1] ** 2
+ r_1_cross_r_2[:, :, 2] ** 2
r_1_length = nb_2d_explicit_norm(r_1)
r_2_length = nb_2d_explicit_norm(r_2)
# Define the radius of the line vortices. This is used to get rid of any
# singularities.
radius = 3.0e-16
# Set the lengths and the absolute magnitudes to zero, at the places where the
# lengths and absolute magnitudes are less than the vortex radius.
r_1_length[r_1_length < radius] = 0
r_2_length[r_2_length < radius] = 0
r_1_cross_r_2_absolute_magnitude[r_1_cross_r_2_absolute_magnitude < radius] = 0
# Calculate the vector dot products.
r_0_dot_r_1 = np.einsum("ijk,ijk->ij", r_0, r_1)
r_0_dot_r_2 = np.einsum("ijk,ijk->ij", r_0, r_2)
# Calculate k and then the induced velocity, ignoring any divide-by-zero or nan
# errors. k is of shape (N x M)
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
k = (
/ (4 * np.pi * r_1_cross_r_2_absolute_magnitude)
* (r_0_dot_r_1 / r_1_length - r_0_dot_r_2 / r_2_length)
# Set the shape of k to be (N x M x 1) to support numpy broadcasting in the
# subsequent multiplication.
k = np.expand_dims(k, axis=2)
induced_velocities = k * r_1_cross_r_2
# Set the values of the induced velocity to zero where there are singularities.
induced_velocities[np.isinf(induced_velocities)] = 0
induced_velocities[np.isnan(induced_velocities)] = 0
if collapse:
induced_velocities = np.sum(induced_velocities, axis=1)
return induced_velocities
def nb_2d_explicit_norm(vectors):
return np.sqrt(
(vectors[:, :, 0]) ** 2 + (vectors[:, :, 1]) ** 2 + (vectors[:, :, 2]) ** 2
def nb_2d_explicit_cross(a, b):
e = np.zeros_like(a)
e[:, :, 0] = a[:, :, 1] * b[:, :, 2] - a[:, :, 2] * b[:, :, 1]
e[:, :, 1] = a[:, :, 2] * b[:, :, 0] - a[:, :, 0] * b[:, :, 2]
e[:, :, 2] = a[:, :, 0] * b[:, :, 1] - a[:, :, 1] * b[:, :, 0]
return e
This function is used by Ptera Software, an open-source solver for flapping wing aerodynamics. As shown by the profile output below, it is by far the largest contributor to Ptera Software's run time.
Currently, Ptera Software takes just over 3 minutes to run a typical case, and my goal is to get this below 1 minute.
The function takes in a group of points, origins, terminations, and strengths. At every point, it finds the induced velocity due to the line vortices, which are characterized by the groups of origins, terminations, and strengths. If collapse is true, then the output is the cumulative velocity induced at each point due to the vortices. If false, the function outputs each vortex's contribution to the velocity at each point.
During a typical run, the velocity function is called approximately 2000 times. At first, the calls involve vectors with relatively small input arguments (around 200 points, origins, terminations, and strengths). Later calls involve large input arguments (around 400 points and around 6,000 origins, terminations, and strengths). An ideal solution would be fast for all size inputs, but increasing the speed of large input calls is more important.
For testing, I recommend running the following script with your own implementation of the function:
import timeit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
n_repeat = 2
n_execute = 10 ** 3
min_oom = 0
max_oom = 3
times_py = []
for i in range(max_oom - min_oom + 1):
n_elem = 10 ** i
n_elem_pretty = np.format_float_scientific(n_elem, 0)
print("Number of elements: " + n_elem_pretty)
# Benchmark Python.
print("\tBenchmarking Python...")
setup = '''
import numpy as np
these_points = np.random.random((''' + str(n_elem) + ''', 3))
these_origins = np.random.random((''' + str(n_elem) + ''', 3))
these_terminations = np.random.random((''' + str(n_elem) + ''', 3))
these_strengths = np.random.random(''' + str(n_elem) + ''')
def calculate_velocity_induced_by_line_vortices(points, origins, terminations,
strengths, collapse=True):
statement = '''
results_orig = calculate_velocity_induced_by_line_vortices(these_points, these_origins,
times = timeit.repeat(repeat=n_repeat, stmt=statement, setup=setup, number=n_execute)
time_py = min(times)/n_execute
time_py_pretty = np.format_float_scientific(time_py, 2)
print("\t\tAverage Time per Loop: " + time_py_pretty + " s")
# Record the times.
sizes = [10 ** i for i in range(max_oom - min_oom + 1)]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(sizes, times_py, label='Python')
ax.set_xlabel("Size of List or Array (elements)")
ax.set_ylabel("Average Time per Loop (s)")
"Comparison of Different Optimization Methods\nBest of "
+ str(n_repeat)
+ " Runs, each with "
+ str(n_execute)
+ " Loops"
Previous Attempts:
My prior attempts at speeding up this function involved vectorizing it (which worked great, so I kept those changes) and trying out Numba's JIT compiler. I had mixed results with Numba. When I tried to use Numba on a modified version of the entire velocity function, my results were much slower than before. However, I found that Numba significantly sped up the cross-product and norm functions, which I implemented above.
Update 1:
Based on Mercury's comment (which has since been deleted), I replaced
points = np.expand_dims(points, axis=1)
r_1 = points - origins
r_2 = points - terminations
with two calls to the following function:
def subtract(a, b):
c = np.empty((a.shape[0], b.shape[0], 3))
for i in range(a.shape[0]):
for j in range(b.shape[0]):
for k in range(3):
c[i, j, k] = a[i, k] - b[j, k]
return c
This resulted in a speed increase from 227 s to 220 s. This is better! However, it is still not fast enough.
I also have tried setting the njit fastmath flag to true, and using a numba function instead of calls to np.einsum. Neither increased the speed.
Update 2:
With Jérôme Richard's answer, the run time is now 156 s, which is a decrease of 29%! I'm satisfied enough to accept this answer, but feel free to make other suggestions if you think you can improve on their work!
First of all, Numba can perform parallel computations resulting in a faster code if you manually request it using mainly parallel=True and prange. This is useful for big arrays (but not for small ones).
Moreover, your computation is mainly memory bound. Thus, you should avoid creating big arrays when they are not reused multiple times, or more generally when they cannot be recomputed on the fly (in a relatively cheap way). This is the case for r_0 for example.
In addition, memory access pattern matters: vectorization is more efficient when accesses are contiguous in memory and the cache/RAM is use more efficiently. Consequently, arr[0, :, :] = 0 should be faster then arr[:, :, 0] = 0. Similarly, arr[:, :, 0] = arr[:, :, 1] = 0 should be mush slower than arr[:, :, 0:2] = 0 since the former performs to noncontinuous memory passes while the latter performs only one more contiguous memory pass. Sometimes, it can be beneficial to transpose your data so that the following calculations are much faster.
Moreover, Numpy tends to create many temporary arrays that are costly to allocate. This is a huge problem when the input arrays are small. The Numba jit can avoid that in most cases.
Finally, regarding your computation, it may be a good idea to use GPUs for big arrays (definitively not for small ones). You can give a look to cupy or clpy to do that quite easily.
Here is an optimized implementation working on the CPU:
import numpy as np
from numba import njit, prange
def subtract(a, b):
c = np.empty((a.shape[0], b.shape[0], 3))
for i in prange(c.shape[0]):
for j in range(c.shape[1]):
for k in range(3):
c[i, j, k] = a[i, k] - b[j, k]
return c
def nb_2d_explicit_norm(vectors):
res = np.empty((vectors.shape[0], vectors.shape[1]))
for i in prange(res.shape[0]):
for j in range(res.shape[1]):
res[i, j] = np.sqrt(vectors[i, j, 0] ** 2 + vectors[i, j, 1] ** 2 + vectors[i, j, 2] ** 2)
return res
# NOTE: better memory access pattern
def nb_2d_explicit_cross(a, b):
e = np.empty(a.shape)
for i in prange(e.shape[0]):
for j in range(e.shape[1]):
e[i, j, 0] = a[i, j, 1] * b[i, j, 2] - a[i, j, 2] * b[i, j, 1]
e[i, j, 1] = a[i, j, 2] * b[i, j, 0] - a[i, j, 0] * b[i, j, 2]
e[i, j, 2] = a[i, j, 0] * b[i, j, 1] - a[i, j, 1] * b[i, j, 0]
return e
# NOTE: avoid the slow building of temporary arrays
def cross_absolute_magnitude(cross):
return cross[:, :, 0] ** 2 + cross[:, :, 1] ** 2 + cross[:, :, 2] ** 2
# NOTE: avoid the slow building of temporary arrays again and multiple pass in memory
# Warning: do the work in-place
def discard_singularities(arr):
for i in prange(arr.shape[0]):
for j in range(arr.shape[1]):
for k in range(3):
if np.isinf(arr[i, j, k]) or np.isnan(arr[i, j, k]):
arr[i, j, k] = 0.0
def compute_k(strengths, r_1_cross_r_2_absolute_magnitude, r_0_dot_r_1, r_1_length, r_0_dot_r_2, r_2_length):
return (strengths
/ (4 * np.pi * r_1_cross_r_2_absolute_magnitude)
* (r_0_dot_r_1 / r_1_length - r_0_dot_r_2 / r_2_length)
def rDotProducts(b, c):
assert b.shape == c.shape and b.shape[2] == 3
n, m = b.shape[0], b.shape[1]
ab = np.empty((n, m))
ac = np.empty((n, m))
for i in prange(n):
for j in range(m):
ab[i, j] = 0.0
ac[i, j] = 0.0
for k in range(3):
a = b[i, j, k] - c[i, j, k]
ab[i, j] += a * b[i, j, k]
ac[i, j] += a * c[i, j, k]
return (ab, ac)
# Compute `np.sum(arr, axis=1)` in parallel.
def collapseArr(arr):
assert arr.shape[2] == 3
n, m = arr.shape[0], arr.shape[1]
res = np.empty((n, 3))
for i in prange(n):
res[i, 0] = np.sum(arr[i, :, 0])
res[i, 1] = np.sum(arr[i, :, 1])
res[i, 2] = np.sum(arr[i, :, 2])
return res
def calculate_velocity_induced_by_line_vortices(points, origins, terminations, strengths, collapse=True):
r_1 = subtract(points, origins)
r_2 = subtract(points, terminations)
# NOTE: r_0 is computed on the fly by rDotProducts
r_1_cross_r_2 = nb_2d_explicit_cross(r_1, r_2)
r_1_cross_r_2_absolute_magnitude = cross_absolute_magnitude(r_1_cross_r_2)
r_1_length = nb_2d_explicit_norm(r_1)
r_2_length = nb_2d_explicit_norm(r_2)
radius = 3.0e-16
r_1_length[r_1_length < radius] = 0
r_2_length[r_2_length < radius] = 0
r_1_cross_r_2_absolute_magnitude[r_1_cross_r_2_absolute_magnitude < radius] = 0
r_0_dot_r_1, r_0_dot_r_2 = rDotProducts(r_1, r_2)
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
k = compute_k(strengths, r_1_cross_r_2_absolute_magnitude, r_0_dot_r_1, r_1_length, r_0_dot_r_2, r_2_length)
k = np.expand_dims(k, axis=2)
induced_velocities = k * r_1_cross_r_2
if collapse:
induced_velocities = collapseArr(induced_velocities)
return induced_velocities
On my machine, this code is 2.5 times faster than the initial implementation on arrays of size 10**3. It also use a bit less memory.
I have reached to this bilinear interpolation code (added here), but I would like to improve this code to 3D, meaning update it to work with an RGB image (3D, instead of only 2D).
If you have any suggestions of how I can to that I would love to know.
This was the one dimension linear interpolation:
import math
def linear1D_resize(in_array, size):
`in_array` is the input array.
`size` is the desired size.
ratio = (len(in_array) - 1) / (size - 1)
out_array = []
for i in range(size):
low = math.floor(ratio * i)
high = math.ceil(ratio * i)
weight = ratio * i - low
a = in_array[low]
b = in_array[high]
out_array.append(a * (1 - weight) + b * weight)
return out_array
And this for the 2D:
import math
def bilinear_resize(image, height, width):
`image` is a 2-D numpy array
`height` and `width` are the desired spatial dimension of the new 2-D array.
img_height, img_width = image.shape[:2]
resized = np.empty([height, width])
x_ratio = float(img_width - 1) / (width - 1) if width > 1 else 0
y_ratio = float(img_height - 1) / (height - 1) if height > 1 else 0
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
x_l, y_l = math.floor(x_ratio * j), math.floor(y_ratio * i)
x_h, y_h = math.ceil(x_ratio * j), math.ceil(y_ratio * i)
x_weight = (x_ratio * j) - x_l
y_weight = (y_ratio * i) - y_l
a = image[y_l, x_l]
b = image[y_l, x_h]
c = image[y_h, x_l]
d = image[y_h, x_h]
pixel = a * (1 - x_weight) * (1 - y_weight) + b * x_weight * (1 - y_weight) + c * y_weight * (1 - x_weight) + d * x_weight * y_weight
resized[i][j] = pixel # pixel is the scalar with the value comptued by the interpolation
return resized
Check out some of the scipy ndimage interpolate functions. They will do what you're looking for and are 'using numpy'.
They are also very functional, fast and have been tested many times.
I will try and explain exactly what's going on and my issue.
This is a bit mathy and SO doesn't support latex, so sadly I had to resort to images. I hope that's okay.
I don't know why it's inverted, sorry about that.
At any rate, this is a linear system Ax = b where we know A and b, so we can find x, which is our approximation at the next time step. We continue doing this until time t_final.
This is the code
import numpy as np
tau = 2 * np.pi
tau2 = tau * tau
i = complex(0,1)
def solution_f(t, x):
return 0.5 * (np.exp(-tau * i * x) * np.exp((2 - tau2) * i * t) + np.exp(tau * i * x) * np.exp((tau2 + 4) * i * t))
def solution_g(t, x):
return 0.5 * (np.exp(-tau * i * x) * np.exp((2 - tau2) * i * t) - np.exp(tau * i * x) * np.exp((tau2 + 4) * i * t))
for l in range(2, 12):
N = 2 ** l #number of grid points
dx = 1.0 / N #space between grid points
dx2 = dx * dx
dt = dx #time step
t_final = 1
approximate_f = np.zeros((N, 1), dtype = np.complex)
approximate_g = np.zeros((N, 1), dtype = np.complex)
#Insert initial conditions
for k in range(N):
approximate_f[k, 0] = np.cos(tau * k * dx)
approximate_g[k, 0] = -i * np.sin(tau * k * dx)
#Create coefficient matrix
A = np.zeros((2 * N, 2 * N), dtype = np.complex)
#First row is special
A[0, 0] = 1 -3*i*dt
A[0, N] = ((2 * dt / dx2) + dt) * i
A[0, N + 1] = (-dt / dx2) * i
A[0, -1] = (-dt / dx2) * i
#Last row is special
A[N - 1, N - 1] = 1 - (3 * dt) * i
A[N - 1, N] = (-dt / dx2) * i
A[N - 1, -2] = (-dt / dx2) * i
A[N - 1, -1] = ((2 * dt / dx2) + dt) * i
for k in range(1, N - 1):
A[k, k] = 1 - (3 * dt) * i
A[k, k + N - 1] = (-dt / dx2) * i
A[k, k + N] = ((2 * dt / dx2) + dt) * i
A[k, k + N + 1] = (-dt / dx2) * i
#Bottom half
A[N :, :N] = A[:N, N:]
A[N:, N:] = A[:N, :N]
Ainv = np.linalg.inv(A)
#Advance through time
time = 0
while time < t_final:
b = np.concatenate((approximate_f, approximate_g), axis = 0)
x =, b) #Solve Ax = b
approximate_f = x[:N]
approximate_g = x[N:]
time += dt
approximate_solution = np.concatenate((approximate_f, approximate_g), axis=0)
#Calculate the actual solution
actual_f = np.zeros((N, 1), dtype = np.complex)
actual_g = np.zeros((N, 1), dtype = np.complex)
for k in range(N):
actual_f[k, 0] = solution_f(t_final, k * dx)
actual_g[k, 0] = solution_g(t_final, k * dx)
actual_solution = np.concatenate((actual_f, actual_g), axis = 0)
print(np.sqrt(dx) * np.linalg.norm(actual_solution - approximate_solution))
It doesn't work. At least not in the beginning, it shouldn't start this slow. I should be unconditionally stable and converge to the right answer.
What's going wrong here?
The L2-norm can be a useful metric to test convergence, but isn't ideal when debugging as it doesn't explain what the problem is. Although your solution should be unconditionally stable, backward Euler won't necessarily converge to the right answer. Just like forward Euler is notoriously unstable (anti-dissipative), backward Euler is notoriously dissipative. Plotting your solutions confirms this. The numerical solutions converge to zero. For a next-order approximation, Crank-Nicolson is a reasonable candidate. The code below contains the more general theta-method so that you can tune the implicit-ness of the solution. theta=0.5 gives CN, theta=1 gives BE, and theta=0 gives FE.
A couple other things that I tweaked:
I selected a more appropriate time step of dt = (dx**2)/2 instead of dt = dx. That latter doesn't converge to the right solution using CN.
It's a minor note, but since t_final isn't guaranteed to be a multiple of dt, you weren't comparing solutions at the same time step.
With regards to your comment about it being slow: As you increase the spatial resolution, your time resolution needs to increase too. Even in your case with dt=dx, you have to perform a (1024 x 1024)*1024 matrix multiplication 1024 times. I didn't find this to take particularly long on my machine. I removed some unneeded concatenation to speed it up a bit, but changing the time step to dt = (dx**2)/2 will really bog things down, unfortunately. You could trying compiling with Numba if you are concerned with speed.
All that said, I didn't find tremendous success with the consistency of CN. I had to set N=2^6 to get anything at t_final=1. Increasing t_final makes this worse, decreasing t_final makes it better. Depending on your needs, you could looking into implementing TR-BDF2 or other linear multistep methods to improve this.
The code with a plot is below:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
tau = 2 * np.pi
tau2 = tau * tau
i = complex(0,1)
def solution_f(t, x):
return 0.5 * (np.exp(-tau * i * x) * np.exp((2 - tau2) * i * t) + np.exp(tau * i * x) * np.exp((tau2 + 4) * i * t))
def solution_g(t, x):
return 0.5 * (np.exp(-tau * i * x) * np.exp((2 - tau2) * i * t) - np.exp(tau * i * x) *
np.exp((tau2 + 4) * i * t))
N = 2 ** l
dx = 1.0 / N
dx2 = dx * dx
dt = dx2/2
t_final = 1.
x_arr = np.arange(0,1,dx)
approximate_f = np.cos(tau*x_arr)
approximate_g = -i*np.sin(tau*x_arr)
H = np.zeros([2*N,2*N], dtype=np.complex)
for k in range(N):
H[k,k] = -3*i*dt
H[k,k+N] = (2/dx2+1)*i*dt
if k==0:
H[k,N+1] = -i/dx2*dt
H[k,-1] = -i/dx2*dt
elif k==N-1:
H[N-1,N] = -i/dx2*dt
H[N-1,-2] = -i/dx2*dt
H[k,k+N-1] = -i/dx2*dt
H[k,k+N+1] = -i/dx2*dt
### Bottom half
H[N :, :N] = H[:N, N:]
H[N:, N:] = H[:N, :N]
### Theta method. 0.5 -> Crank Nicolson
A = np.eye(2*N)+H*theta
B = np.eye(2*N)-H*(1-theta)
### Precompute for faster computations
mat = np.linalg.inv(A)#B
t = 0
b = np.concatenate((approximate_f, approximate_g))
while t < t_final:
t += dt
b = mat#b
approximate_f = b[:N]
approximate_g = b[N:]
approximate_solution = np.concatenate((approximate_f, approximate_g))
#Calculate the actual solution
actual_f = solution_f(t,np.arange(0,1,dx))
actual_g = solution_g(t,np.arange(0,1,dx))
actual_solution = np.concatenate((actual_f, actual_g))
I am not going to go through all of your math, but I'm going to offer a suggestion.
The use of a direct calculation for fxx and gxx seems like a good candidate for being numerically unstable. Intuitively a first order method should be expected to make second order mistakes in the terms. Second order mistakes in the individual terms, after passing through that formula, wind up as constant order mistakes in the second derivative. Plus when your step size gets small, you are going to find that a quadratic formula makes even small roundoff mistakes turn into surprisingly large errors.
Instead I would suggest that you start by turning this into a first-order system of 4 functions, f, fx, g, and gx. And then proceed with backward's Euler on that system. Intuitively, with this approach, a first order method creates second order mistakes, which pass through a formula that creates first order mistakes of them. And now you are converging as you should from the start, and are also not as sensitive to propagation of roundoff errors.
If I had a RGB decimal such as 255, 165, 0, what could I do to convert this to CMYK?
For example:
>>> red, green, blue = 255, 165, 0
>>> rgb_to_cmyk(red, green, blue)
(0, 35, 100, 0)
Here's a Python port of a Javascript implementation.
def rgb_to_cmyk(r, g, b):
if (r, g, b) == (0, 0, 0):
# black
return 0, 0, 0, CMYK_SCALE
# rgb [0,255] -> cmy [0,1]
c = 1 - r / RGB_SCALE
m = 1 - g / RGB_SCALE
y = 1 - b / RGB_SCALE
# extract out k [0, 1]
min_cmy = min(c, m, y)
c = (c - min_cmy) / (1 - min_cmy)
m = (m - min_cmy) / (1 - min_cmy)
y = (y - min_cmy) / (1 - min_cmy)
k = min_cmy
# rescale to the range [0,CMYK_SCALE]
The accepted answer provided a nice way to go from RGB to CMYK but question title also includes
vice versa
So here's my contribution for conversion from CMYK to RGB:
def cmyk_to_rgb(c, m, y, k, cmyk_scale, rgb_scale=255):
r = rgb_scale * (1.0 - c / float(cmyk_scale)) * (1.0 - k / float(cmyk_scale))
g = rgb_scale * (1.0 - m / float(cmyk_scale)) * (1.0 - k / float(cmyk_scale))
b = rgb_scale * (1.0 - y / float(cmyk_scale)) * (1.0 - k / float(cmyk_scale))
return r, g, b
Unlike patapouf_ai's answer, this function doesn't result in negative rgb values.
But converting full image RGB2CMYK or vice versa is as simple as
from PIL import Image
image =
if image.mode == 'CMYK':
rgb_image = image.convert('RGB')
if image.mode == 'RGB':
cmyk_image = image.convert('CMYK')
Following up on Mr. Fooz's implementation.
There are two possible implementations of CMYK. There is the one where the proportions are with respect to white space (which is used for example in GIMP) and which is the one implemented by Mr. Fooz, but there is also another implementation of CMYK (used for example by LibreOffice) which gives the colour proportions with respect to the total colour space. And if you wish to use CMYK to model the mixing of paints or inks, than the second one might be better because colours can just be linearly added together using weights for each colour (0.5 for a half half mixture).
Here is the second version of CMYK with back conversion:
rgb_scale = 255
cmyk_scale = 100
def rgb_to_cmyk(r,g,b):
if (r == 0) and (g == 0) and (b == 0):
# black
return 0, 0, 0, cmyk_scale
# rgb [0,255] -> cmy [0,1]
c = 1 - r / float(rgb_scale)
m = 1 - g / float(rgb_scale)
y = 1 - b / float(rgb_scale)
# extract out k [0,1]
min_cmy = min(c, m, y)
c = (c - min_cmy)
m = (m - min_cmy)
y = (y - min_cmy)
k = min_cmy
# rescale to the range [0,cmyk_scale]
return c*cmyk_scale, m*cmyk_scale, y*cmyk_scale, k*cmyk_scale
def cmyk_to_rgb(c,m,y,k):
r = rgb_scale*(1.0-(c+k)/float(cmyk_scale))
g = rgb_scale*(1.0-(m+k)/float(cmyk_scale))
b = rgb_scale*(1.0-(y+k)/float(cmyk_scale))
return r,g,b
Using a CMYK conversion like the one given in the accepted answer (at the time of this writing) is not accurate for most practical purposes.
CMYK is based on how four kinds of ink form colors on paper; however, color mixture of inks is considerably complex, more so than the mixture of "lights" used to form colors in the RGB color model.
As CMYK is useful, above all, when printing images, any conversion to CMYK needs to take the printing condition into account, including what printer and what paper is used for printing. An accurate conversion to CMYK for printing purposes is not trivial and requires calibrating the printer and measuring CMYK patches on a test sheet, among other things.
There is no meaning for CMYK colors that is as ubiquitous as sRGB is for RGB, as illustrated by the International Color Consortium's page of CMYK characterization data.
See also my color article on this subject.
For this conversion to be useful, you need a color management system, with profiles describing the RGB system and the CMYK system being converted.
Here is a discussion of how to solve this problem using ICC profiles:
How can one perform color transforms with ICC profiles on a set of arbitrary pixel values (not on an image data structure)?
Here is a link to pyCMS, which uses ICC color profiles to do the conversion:
I tried using the back computation provided by bisounours_tronconneuse and it failed for CMYK (96 63 0 12). Result should be : like this
Converting w3schools javascript (code here) to python, the below code now returns correct results:
def cmykToRgb(c, m, y, k) :
r = round(255.0 - ((min(1.0, c * (1.0 - k) + k)) * 255.0))
g = round(255.0 - ((min(1.0, m * (1.0 - k) + k)) * 255.0))
b = round(255.0 - ((min(1.0, y * (1.0 - k) + k)) * 255.0))
return (r,g,b)