I need to transfer my main.py file to .exe and I made that
pyinstaller -F --hidden-import="sklearn.utils._cython_blas" --hidden-import="sklearn.neighbors.typedefs" --hidden-import="sklearn.neighbors.quad_tree" --hidden-import="sklearn.tree._utils" main.py
but I got this Error could not import the name 'lzw_decode' from 'imagecodecs'
I have just prepared simple script importing some module and printing something:
from clicknium import clicknium as cc
So I have created the venv, installed clicknium (pip3 install clicknium==0.1.9).
After that I have prepared spec file:
pyi-makespec spec_file_name script_name.py
After running the command with created .spec file:
pyinstaller spec_file_name.spec
The pyinstaller is creating the .exe file.
After running the .exe I got an error:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find assembly 'C:\Users\user_1\AppData\Local\Temp\_MEI197042\clicknium\.lib\automation\ClickniumJavaBridge-32.dll'
Of course I understand the error but I'm not sure how to fix it.
When I has some problems with missing files I have added it by using --add-data while making the spec file. But It's not working for me with .dll files.
Right now I'm using velow command to create .spec file:
pyi-makespec --onefile --add-data="C:\Users\...\project_name\venv\Lib\site-packages\clicknium\.lib\automation\*;clicknium\.lib\automation" --name app app.py
The error above is fixed but there is something new.
The code below causes the error:
System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Users\user_1\AppData\Local\Temp\_MEIxxxxxx\clicknium\.lib\automation\ClickniumJavaBridge-32.dll' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.
So as I understand the .dll file is still not visible there and clicknium is still looking for the dll files in Temp files.
clicknium supplied package project/folder function, can generate the exe.
you can refer to this: https://www.clicknium.com/documents/tutorial/vscode/project_management
first, in vscode, run command "Clicknium: Create Project", you can select the current folder;
then, run command "Clicknium: Package Project", it will generate the exe file
Sometimes you have to add *.dll files to your build process in the *.spec file
Look here, there is a lot of discussion about it:
Bundling data files with PyInstaller (--onefile)
If it not work for you try using other options like one file:
pyi-makespec -F script_name.py spec_file_name
also the order need to be the script first
pyi-makespec script_name.py -n spec_file_name
I tried using pyinstaller to get my .py file into an exe, but I cannot get the geemap package to bundle with it.
I am now trying to use py2exe, and I can see geemap is included in the library.zip file.
However, I get the following error when running the exe, and have tried importing http2lib already...
ImportError: cannot import name 'socks' from 'httplib2 (C:\...\library.zip\httplib2\__init__.pyc)'
I have converted my .py file to .exe using pyinstaller by
pyinstaller newpass.py
and it makes exe file successfully! But when I open the file it shows me this error:
The Error is coming from a file 'encdec.py' line 1 but my Code in that file is as follows.
from passlib.context import CryptContext
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
(My program is perfectly running when I run my main python file!)
As soon as I open the file it shows this error and the program closes.
Note:- I am not importing 'config parser' in any of the files.
My files structure are as follows:-
Here, newpass.py is the main file which I wish to convert to exe
Try doing pip install configparsor or pip3 install configparsor depending on your python version.
I have created GUI python2.7 program with Tkinter successfully without error. Now I want to make an executable file of it using pyinstaller in anaconda environment (I'm using windows 10).
Using this command
pyinstaller --onefile main.py I am able to create exe file successfully in dist folder. But when I tried to run the exe file, it showed error :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 333, in <module>
File "main.py", line 90, in __init__
File "lib-tk\ttk.py", line 715, in current
_tkinter.TclError: Index 0 out of range
[22668] Failed to execute script main
Is the problem related to tkinter? I've tried the solution here : Problems with Pyinstaller with tkinter app on python 3.5 and here : How to make pyinstaller import the ttk theme? . But still same error
Try and do:
pyinstaller --onefile -w main.py
The -w flag stops python from bringing up the console, and so this could be why tkinter is failing.
This cool video
I highly recommend you watch this video as it also goes a little in depth on how to clean up after building the exe.
I used pyinstaller to create single exe file for a tkinter project, which contained several py files:
Main.py is my main python file which calls tkinter UI and I had several other python files imported to this Main.py.
Some libraries which I used include pandas,pyodbc
Open cmd in the same directory of the project; Use following command:
pyinstaller --noconfirm --onedir --windowed --icon=XYZ.ico "C:/Users/.../Tkinter_Project/Main.py"
Application was created with no dependencies. If there is any config or image files used, simply copy paste it to the 'dist' folder which gets created.
So I'm just trying to create an exe from a simple hello world program using py2exe. I have created the setup file (setup.py) with the following code:
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
(I have also tried setup(console=[{"script":'hello.py'}]) as per another suggestion )
I run cmd as an administrator and type C:\python27\setup.py py2exe
It then says:
error: hello.py: No such file or directory
I have the hello.py file in the same folder as the setup file. Looked at many different forums and py2exe tutorials and none seem to have answers, any help would be greatly appreciated.
You have to first navigate to that directory and then make the python call:
C:>cd C:\python27
C:\python27>python setup.py py2exe
Note: your hello.py script should also be in C:\python27 directory.