I'm trying to scrap the gross of each movie in this list, but can't seem to extract that value.
The objective is to extract only the gross amount of each movie to later make a table with the name of the movie and the gross.
Already extracted the titles, but I'm having a hard time with the Gross
Here is the code I have
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import pandas as pd
url = "https://www.imdb.com/list/ls024149810/"
page = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html.parser")
I've tried this, but it returns both "Votes" and "Gross"
gross = soup.find_all('span', attrs = {'name':'nv'})
Also tried this, but it still doesn't work
gross = soup.find_all('span', attrs = {'name':'nv'})[1]['data-value']
This might solve your problem, using the step in the list to select every second occurrence.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
url = "https://www.imdb.com/list/ls024149810/"
page = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html.parser")
gross_values = soup.find_all('span', attrs = {'name':'nv'})[1::2]
for gross_value in gross:
I'm trying to scrape reviews from TrustPilot, but the code always return with blank sheets and the headers/categories I specified. Could someone help me with this?
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer
import pandas as pd
driver= webdriver.Chrome()
names=[] #List to store name of the product
headers=[] #List to store price of the product
ratings=[] #List to store rating of the product
#driver = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install())
content = driver.page_source
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser", parse_only=SoupStrainer('a'))
for a in soup.findAll('a', href=True, attrs={'class':'reviews-container'}):
name=a.find('div', attrs={'class':'consumer-information_name'})
header=a.find('div', attrs={'class':'review-content_title'})
body=a.find('div', attrs={'class':'review-content_text'})
rating=a.find('div', attrs={'class':'star-rating star-rating--medium'})
date=a.find('div', attrs={'class':'review-date--tooltip-target'})
print ('webpage, no errors')
df = pd.DataFrame({'User Name':names,'Header':headers,'Body':bodies,'Rating':ratings,'Date':dates})
df.to_csv('reviews02.csv', index=False, encoding='utf-8')
print ('csv made')```
The issue is soup.findAll('a', href=True, attrs={'class':'reviews-container'}) is not finding any results, so there are 0 iterations in the loop. Make sure you are using the correct tags and class names. Also you don't need to use a loop because BeautifulSoup has a find_all method. I used the requests module to open the web page, though it shouldn't make a difference.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
req = requests.get("https://www.trustpilot.com/review/birchbox.com?page=2")
content = req.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "lxml")
names = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': 'consumer-information__name'})
headers = soup.find_all('h2', attrs={'class':'review-content__title'})
bodies = soup.find_all('p', attrs={'class':'review-content__text'})
ratings = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class':'star-rating star-rating--medium'})
dates = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class':'review-content-header__dates'})
And now each list has 20 entries.
I need to get price (61,990) between div tag but how can I get rid of currency symbol?
Same as here, I need to grab rating only (4.7), but I don't need anything after that, such that img src. How can I ignore it? Or skip it?
Code sample:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
price = []
response = requests.get("https://www.flipkart.com/laptops/~buyback-guarantee-on-laptops-/pr?sid=6bo%2Cb5g&uniq")
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
for a in soup.findAll('a',href=True, attrs={'class':'_31qSD5'}):
price=a.find('div', attrs={'class':'_1vC4OE _2rQ-NK'})
rating=a.find('div', attrs={'class':'hGSR34'})
Here. You just need to use the .text method and treat it like a normal string. In this case, retain all but the first character.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
price = []
response = requests.get("https://www.flipkart.com/laptops/~buyback-guarantee-on-laptops-/pr?sid=6bo%2Cb5g&uniq")
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
for a in soup.findAll('a',href=True, attrs={'class':'_31qSD5'}):
price=a.find('div', attrs={'class':'_1vC4OE _2rQ-NK'}).text[1:]
rating=a.find('div', attrs={'class':'hGSR34'}).text
Out[110]: '4.3'
Out[111]: '52,990'
How can I scrape the yahoo earnings calendar to pull out the dates?
This is for python 3.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
import urllib
url = 'https://finance.yahoo.com/calendar/earnings?day=2019-06-13&symbol=ibm'
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
html = response.read()
page_soup = soup(html,'lxml')
table = page_soup.find('p')
the output is "None"
Beautiful Soup has some find functions that you can use to inspect the DOM , please refer to the documentation
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
import urllib.request
url = 'https://finance.yahoo.com/calendar/earnings?day=2019-06-13&symbol=ibm'
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
html = response.read()
page_soup = soup(html,'lxml')
table = page_soup.find_all('td')
Dates = []
for something in table:
if something['aria-label'] == "Earnings Date":
Might be off-topic but since you want to get a table from a webpage, you might consider using pandas which works with two lines:
import pandas as pd
earnings = pd.read_html('https://finance.yahoo.com/calendar/earnings?day=2019-06-13&symbol=ibm')[0]
Here are two succinct ways
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
r = requests.get('https://finance.yahoo.com/calendar/earnings?day=2019-06-13&symbol=ibm&guccounter=1')
soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')
# using attribute = value selector
dates = [td.text for td in soup.select('[aria-label="Earnings Date"]')]
#using nth-of-type to get column
dates = [td.text for td in soup.select('#cal-res-table td:nth-of-type(3)')]
I am trying to get a product price using BeautifulSoup in python.
But i keep getting erroes, no matter what I try.
The picture of the site i am trying to web scrape
I want to get the 19,90 value.
I have already done a code to get all the product names, and now need their prices.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = 'https://www.zattini.com.br/busca?nsCat=Natural&q=amaro&searchTermCapitalized=Amaro&page=1'
page = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html.parser')
price = soup.find('span', itemprop_='price')
Less ideal is parsing out the JSON containing the prices
import requests
import json
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = 'https://www.zattini.com.br/busca?nsCat=Natural&q=amaro&searchTermCapitalized=Amaro&page=1'
page = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'lxml')
scripts = [script.text for script in soup.select('script') if 'var freedom = freedom ||' in script.text]
pricesJson = scripts[0].split('"items":')[1].split(']')[0] + ']'
prices = [item['price'] for item in json.loads(pricesJson)]
names = [name.text for name in soup.select('#item-list [itemprop=name]')]
results = list(zip(names,prices))
df = pd.DataFrame(results)
Sample output:
span[itemprop='price'] is generated by javascript. Original value stored in div[data-final-price] with value like 1990 and you can format it to 19,90 with Regex.
import re
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html.parser')
prices = soup.select('div[data-final-price]')
for price in prices:
price = re.sub(r'(\d\d$)', r',\1', price['data-final-price'])
when i run this code it gives me an empty bracket. Im new to web scraping so i dont know what im doing wrong.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = 'https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=laptop'
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
container = soup.findAll('li', {'class': 's-result-item celwidget '})
#btw the space is also there in the html code
What i tried is to grab the html code from the site, and to soup trough the li tags where all the information is stored so I can print out all the information in a for loop.
Also if someone wants to explain how to use BeautifulSoup we can always talk.
Thank you guys.
So a working code that grabs product and price would could look something like this.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = 'https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=laptop'
r = requests.get(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla Firefox'})
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
container = soup.findAll('li', {'class': 's-result-item celwidget '})
for cont in container:
h2 = cont.h2.text.strip()
# Amazon lists prices in two ways. If one fails, use the other
currency = cont.find('sup', {'class': 'sx-price-currency'}).text.strip()
price = currency + cont.find('span', {'class': 'sx-price-whole'}).text.strip()
price = cont.find('span', {'class': 'a-size-base a-color-base'})
print('Product: {}, Price: {}'.format(h2, price))
Let me know if that helps you further...