Text in Entry widget going out of view - python

I have an entry widget as such:
and when I type a long string within in,
it crops out the last letter such that I can't even bring it into view using the right arrow key
but if I add one more character then I can use the right arrow key to bring it into view
How do I fix this issue?


QLineEdit dont want to save changes :(

It's my first question, I was just a reader before
I'm trying to make an app in python using PyQt5: I need to get data from DB into a table, every row has an EDIT button, when you push it, fields of the row become editable and you can change the data and the EDIT button changes to SAVE button. When you push it , data should be saved and be sent to database(I didn't made a "commit to DB" function yet) but its not saving and comes to previous amounts every time I click SAVE.
When I click EDIT button, it takes a cell text and than replace the widget in a cell by the same , but editable version(just change an option to EDITABLE = TRUE is not working), and it makes it for the whole row.
The save button should make the same, but it makes cells UNEDITABLE again...
tell me why it is so?
my function on SAVE button is
def ButtonSaveClicked(self):
s = self.sender()
roww = int((s.text().split())[1]) - 1
# replacing the existing active widgets by inactive with a same text
q = self.ui.tableWidget.item(roww, 0).text()
self.ui.btn_sell = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(q)
self.ui.tableWidget.setCellWidget(roww, 0, self.ui.btn_sell)
q = self.ui.tableWidget.item(roww, 1).text()
self.ui.btn_sell = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(q)
self.ui.tableWidget.setCellWidget(roww, 1, self.ui.btn_sell)
q = self.ui.tableWidget.item(roww, 2).text()
self.ui.btn_sell = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(q)
self.ui.tableWidget.setCellWidget(roww, 2, self.ui.btn_sell)
self.ui.btn_sell = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Edit " +str(roww+1))
self.ui.tableWidget.setCellWidget(roww, 3, self.ui.btn_sell)
enter image description here
I will attempt to answer your question, but I think you may also want to consider the following alternative:
You can set your table to have Edit Triggers instead of you needing to keep track of the state of a QPushButton and keep replacing items and copying data back and forth between them.
My suggestion would be to use the QAbstractItemView::DoubleClicked edit trigger and you can apply that to your QTableWidget like this:
If the user double clicks on a cell, that cell becomes editable.
setSelectionBehavior() lets you choose whether you want each cell, row or column to be selected when clicked.
setSelectionMode() determines whether one (cell,row,column) or many (cells,rows,columns) can be selected at once. I think in your case you want to select one cell at a time.
This way the user can double click the cells they wish to edit and then you can have a "Save" button at the bottom of the widget which saves all the changes.
I will try to reproduce your problem above, but I wanted to bring this functionality to your attention as it may save you a lot of headaches.

QtreeWidget python read the state of the checked boxes

First sorry if I am missing anything.and sorry about the format, new to stackoverflow
I am trying to read the flag state from a QtreeWidget.
I have tried a lot of things and nothing seam to work.
I am dynamical creating the tree as follows
B = QTreeWidgetItem(A, [Part,qty,instock])
B.setCheckState(0, Qt.Unchecked)
I have a button Generate Po's and when I click it I want to iterate through the items and grab the text value of the checked Items.
so it should return a list of some sort with all the text field.
I can do the list I just need to understand how to grab the "State" of the button.
I hope this is clear enough.

Trying to modify a string with a button click event

So i have coded a keyboard in tkinter, and i am trying to create a game where the user has to click the key corresponding to the displayed character. Once they click the correct key the character changes to another character. I want to have a certain number of characters that once the user has clicked them all they win.
At the moment I have the code working so when they click they right key the character changes. But i cant seem to work out how to keep track of when they have finished clicking all the right keys.
All the keys have this command
new_but = Button(button_frame, text=key, command=lambda x=key: letter_check(x,target))
and here is the code for the command
def clear_data(String):
def show_data(string):
def letter_check(string, target):
if data.get() == string:
target = next_target(target)
def next_target(block):
new_block = list(block)
letter = random.choice(new_block)
block = str(new_block)
return block
target = "abcdef"
n = 3
where the show_data and clear_data methods just change the display character. I know that in the command I​ am always going to be using the original target string "abcdef"
I want it to work so at the start I have the target string "abcdef", then the system will randomly pick one of the character in the target string say it chooses "b" then I want the target string to now be "acdef" then when the corresponding key ('b') is clicked, again it chooses another random char say "e" then the target string should be "acdf" and so on until the target string is empty then the game is won. I just don't know how to keep track of the modified target string in the methods. I am fairly new to tkinter so not sure if I can have a "main" method to keep track of everything? Any help is appreciated

How can I accurately set the new cursor positions after text replacements have been made

I am trying to adapt a plugin for automated text replacement in a Sublime Text 3 Plugin. What I want it to do is paste in text from the clipboard and make some automatic text substitutions
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import re
class PasteAndEscapeCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
# Position of cursor for all selections
before_selections = [sel for sel in self.view.sel()]
# Paste from clipboard
# Postion of cursor for all selections after paste
after_selections = [sel for sel in self.view.sel()]
# Define a new region based on pre and post paste cursor positions
new_selections = list()
delta = 0
for before, after in zip(before_selections, after_selections):
new = sublime.Region(before.begin() + delta, after.end())
delta = after.end() - before.end()
# Clear any existing selections
# Select the saved region
# Replace text accordingly
for region in self.view.sel():
# Get the text from the selected region
text = self.view.substr(region)
# Make the required edits on the text
text = text.replace("\\","\\\\")
text = text.replace("_","\\_")
text = text.replace("*","\\*")
# Paste the text back to the saved region
self.view.replace(edit, region, text)
# Clear selections and set cursor position
This works for the most part except I need to get the new region for the edited text. The cursor will be placed to the location of the end of the pasted text. However since I am making replacements which always make the text larger the final position will be inaccurate.
I know very little about Python for Sublime and like most others this is my first plugin.
How do I set the cursor position to account for the size changes in the text. I know I need to do something with the after_selections list as I am not sure how to create new regions as they were created from selections which are cleared in an earlier step.
I feel that I am getting close with
# Add the updated region to the selection
This, for some yet unknown to me reason, places the cursor at the beginning and end of the replaced text. A guess would be that I am removing the regions one by one but forgetting some "initial" region that also exists.
I am pretty sure the double loop in the code in the question here is redundant. but that is outside the scope of the question.
I think your own answer to your question is a good one and probably the way I would go if I was to do something like this in this manner.
In particular, since the plugin is modifying the text on the fly and making it longer, the first way that immediately presents itself as a solution other than what your own answer is doing would be to track the length change of the text after the replacements so you can adjust the selections accordingly.
Since I can't really provide a better answer to your question than the one you already came up with, here's an alternative solution to this instead:
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class PasteAndEscapeCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
org_text = sublime.get_clipboard()
text = org_text.replace("\\","\\\\")
text = text.replace("_","\\_")
text = text.replace("*","\\*")
This modifies the text on the clipboard to be quoted the way you want it to be quoted so that it can just use the built in paste command to perform the paste.
The last part puts the original clipboard text back on the clipboard, which for your purposes may or may not be needed.
So, one approach for this would be to make new regions as the replaced text is created using their respective lengths as starting positions. Then once the loop is complete clear all existing selections and set the new one we created in the replacement loop.
# Replace text accordingly
new_replacedselections = list()
for region in self.view.sel():
# Get the text from the selected region
text = self.view.substr(region)
# Make the required edits on the text
text = text.replace("\\","\\\\") # Double up slashes
text = text.replace("*","\\*") # Escape *
text = text.replace("_","\\_") # Escape _
# Paste the text back to the saved region
self.view.replace(edit, region, text)
# Add the updated region to the collection
# Set the selection positions after the new insertions.

How to get current cursor position for Text widget

I am using an onscreen keyboard to type data for a tkinter based gui.
I was able to use the entry field to enter, edit data through the onscreen keyboard such as getting current cursor position and length of the string.
temp = self.entry_label.get()
cursor_position = self.entry_label.index(INSERT)
But I wish to do the same for a Text widget. I could get the text for Text widget using get() method and its length but cannot get the current mouse cursor position.
temp=self.new_text.get(1.0, END)
cursor_position = self.new_text.index(INSERT)
Acutally it works and i am able to add character to that poisition , but after adding character cursor goes back to origional position , i.e last character
maybe This works? Else maybe text_widget.index(Tkinter.INSERT) is what should work.
Although the other answer is correct and worked I believe tk.Current is the meta answer.
as provided by this reference.
