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Closed 6 months ago.
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I would like to know how to write in a single line the combination of two hash algorithms in Python. I want to use MD5 and sha256 in one line. Here is my function:
def calcHash(self):
block_string = json.dumps({"nonce":self.nonce, "tstamp":self.tstamp, "output":self.output, "prevhash":self.prevhash}, sort_keys=True).encode()
return hashlib.sha256(block_string).hexdigest()
I tried return md5.hashlib(hashlib.sha256(block_string).hexdigest()) but it doesn't work.
Can someone help?
The problem could just be that .hexdigest() produces a string, not a bytes, so you need to encode it again
>>> import hashlib, json
>>> j = json.dumps({"foo":"bar","baz":2022})
>>> hashlib.sha256(j.encode()).hexdigest()
>>> hashlib.md5(hashlib.sha256(j.encode()).hexdigest().encode()).hexdigest()
Alternatively, you could directly use .digest() to get bytes from the hash, rather than intermediately converting it to a hex string (though note the output is different)
>>> hashlib.md5(hashlib.sha256(j.encode()).digest()).hexdigest()
If you have a great many algorithms in some order, you may find .new() useful to iteratively produce a result from some list of hashes.
md5 is broken from a security perspective and I cannot recommend using it unless it's a required input to a legacy system!
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am trying to detect if a string contains any element in an array. I want to know if the string(msg) has any element from the array(prefixes) in it.
I want this because I want to make a discord bot with multiple prefixes, heres my garbage if statement.
if msg.startswith(prefixes[any]):
The existing answers show two ways of doing a linear search, and this is probably your best choice.
If you need something more scalable (ie, you have a lot of potential prefixes, they're very long, and/or you need to scan very frequently) then you could write a prefix tree. That's the canonical search structure for this problem, but it's obviously a lot more work and you still need to profile to see if it's really worthwhile for your data.
Try something like this:
prefixes = ('a','b','i')
if msg.startswith(prefixes):
The prefixes must be tuple because startswith function does not supports lists as a parameter.
There are algorithms for such a search, however, a functional implementation in Python may look like this:
prefixes = ['foo', 'bar']
string = 'foobar'
result = any(map(lambda x: string.startswith(x), prefixes))
If you search for x at any position in string, then change string.startswith(x) to x in string.
According to #MisterMiyagi in comments, the following is a more readable (possibly more efficient) statement:
result = any(string.startswith(prefix) for prefix in prefixes)
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a string I am trying to create a regex for in order to extract everything inside the brackets. An example of such a string is as follows
The current regex I'm using is'\[.*?\]', string), but this only returns -At(A),-InCar instead of -At(A),+CarAt(B),-CarAt(A),-InCar
I am not sure why it's matching one set of parentheses in -At(A); I thought the regex I had would work because it would match everything between the brackets.
How can I get everything inside the brackets of my original string?
I think the problem is with the question mark. Because question marks, when they come after a quantifiers make them 'lazy'.
So try to use:
You didn't say you wanted the contained members, but I suspect it to be the eventual case
To do so, I've found it better to slice or .strip() brackets off and then .split() this sort of string to get its members before doing further validation
>>> s = "[-At(A),+CarAt(B),-CarAt(A),-InCar]"
>>> s = s.strip('[]')
>>> s
>>> values = s.split(',')
>>> values
['-At(A)', '+CarAt(B)', '-CarAt(A)', '-InCar']
Using a regex to validate the individual results of this is often
easier to write and explain
is better at highlighting mismatches than re.findall(), which will silently omit mismatches
can be much more computationally efficient (though it may not be for your case) than trying to do the operation in a single step (ex1 ex2)
>>> import re
>>> RE_wanted = re.compile(r"[+-](At|Car|In){1,2}(\([A-Z]\))?")
>>> all((RE_wanted.match(a) for a in values))
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to use regex to see if the given string is an IPv4 address. I want to return a boolean value True/False depending on the string. This is my code:
import re
def isIPv4Address(inputString):
pattern = re.compile(r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\s')
return pattern.match(inputString)
The value is null. At this point, I can tell that the function does not return a boolean value. However, all questions I see about regex and IP addresses is about writing the pattern instead of a full implementation. I know that the actual implementation shouldn't be any longer than this because it just takes the input and compares it against the regex.
match returns the match (a re.Match object) or None if the expression doesn't match. If you want to return a boolean whether the regex matches, you probably want to use pattern.match(inputString) is not None
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am having a hard time understanding str.partition() function in python. I have read the definition of the function and searched online without finding an explanation that makes sense to me.
I have some code that uses it pretty heavily and have been trying to understand it. I could post the code if it would help but it is a pretty precise code segment that would probably complicate things.
Need in-depth, probably low-level, explanation of str.partition() function in python.
The docs are pretty clear ...
Split the string at the first occurrence of sep, and return a 3-tuple containing the part before the separator, the separator itself, and the part after the separator. If the separator is not found, return a 3-tuple containing the string itself, followed by two empty strings.
So ...
>>> 'test'.partition('s')
('te', 's', 't')
>>> 'test'.partition('a')
('test', '', '')
You either get the front, splitter character, and tail, or you get the full string and two blank strings (depending on whether or not the partition character is present).
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Closed 9 years ago.
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the following problem in python please .....
Assuming that s is a string of lower case characters.
how would I write a program that prints the number of times the string 'bob' occurs in s. For example, if s = 'azcbobobegghakl', then my program would print
'Number of times bob occurs is: 2'
I am a completely new to python and appreciate any help
If you didn't want to count overlapping bobs as separate values, this would be easy:
But you apparently do. (I had to guess that, based on the fact that your intended output is 2 rather than 1… in the future, it would be better to explain your problem instead of leaving it ambiguous.) As the help says, count returns "the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring sub…", so that won't do any good.
So, for that, you will have to do it manually. I'll show an example that should have enough to get you started:
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i:].startswith('bob'):
print('Found a bob')
A slightly smarter way to do this would be to use the find method on strings. You can find details on this in the online docs, or by typing help(str.find) in the interactive console. Notice that find takes a start argument. You should be able to figure out how this would help you; it may take a bit of work to get the details right, but if you get stuck, you can always post a new question asking for specific help.
You can try this way
search = "BOB"
print len([i for i in range(len(string)) if string.startswith(search, i)])