Extra line at start when printing a pattern using while loop - python

This code prints a pattern of a series of asterisks, taking the params if the pattern is to be printed normally or inverted, and also requests the number of rows.
def print_pattern(rows):
row = 0
while row <= rows:
output = row * "*"
row += 1
output = print_pattern(True, 3)
My expected output is this:
I instead get something like this, with an extra line on top
So why is this extra line left in the start?

You started row at 0, so your first loop iteration prints "*" 0 times, aka a blank line. I'd suggest starting row at 1.


Python to remove extra delimiter

We have a 100MB pipe delimited file that has 5 column/4 delimiters each separated by a pipe. However there are few rows where the second column has an extra pipe. For these few rows total delimiter are 5.
For example, in the below 4 rows, the 3rd is a problematic one as it has an extra pipe.
D|This is a |text|3|5|7
Is there any way we can remove an extra pipe from the second position where the delimiter count for the row is 5. So, post correction, the file needs to look like below.
D|This is a text|3|5|7
Please note that the file size is 100 MB. Any help is appreciated.
Source: my_file.txt
D|This is a |text|3|5|7
E|1 |9 |2 |8 |Not| a |text|!!!|3|7|4
# If using Python3.10, this can be Parenthesized context managers
# https://docs.python.org/3.10/whatsnew/3.10.html#parenthesized-context-managers
with open('./my_file.txt') as file_src, open('./my_file_parsed.txt', 'w') as file_dst:
for line in file_src.readlines():
# Split the line by the character '|'
line_list = line.split('|')
if len(line_list) <= 5:
# If the number of columns doesn't exceed, just write the original line as is.
# If the number of columns exceeds, count the number of columns that should be merged.
to_merge_columns_count = (len(line_list) - 5) + 1
# Merge the columns from index 1 to index x which includes all the columns to be merged.
merged_column = "".join(line_list[1:1+to_merge_columns_count])
# Replace all the items from index 1 to index x with the single merged column
line_list[1:1+to_merge_columns_count] = [merged_column]
# Write the updated line.
Result: my_file_parsed.txt
D|This is a text|3|5|7
E|1 9 2 8 Not a text!!!|3|7|4
A simple regular expression pattern like this works on Python 3.7.3:
from re import compile
bad_pipe_re = compile(r"[ \w]+\|[ \w]+(\|)[ \w]+\|[ \w]+\|[ \w]+\|[ \w]+\n")
with open("input", "r") as fp_1, open("output", "w") as fp_2:
line = fp_1.readline()
while line is not "":
mo = bad_pipe_re.fullmatch(line)
if mo is not None:
line = line[:mo.start(1)] + line[mo.end(1):]
line = fp_1.readline()

Search and Replace a string in text file

I would like to search for a line in a text file which contains the string "SECTION=C-BEAM" and replace the first 13 characters in the "next line" by reading a pattern from first line (pattern highlighted in bold (see example below - read 1.558 from first line and replace it with 1.558/2 =0.779 in the second line). The number to read from first line is always in between the strings "H_" and "H_0".
Example Input:
0., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Output as follows:
0.779, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
This is what I have tried so far.
file_in = open(test_input, 'rb')
file_out = open(test_output, 'wb')
lines = file_in.readlines()
print ("Total no. of lines to process: ", len(lines))
for i in range(len(lines)):
if lines.startswith("SECTION") and "SECTION=C-BEAM" in lines:
start_index = lines.find("H_")+1
end_index = lines.find("H_0")
x = lines[start_index:end_index]/2.0
print (x)
lines[i+1]= lines[i+1].replace(" 0.",x)+lines[i+1][13:]
As you have mentioned that the content resides in a file, I tried to store some other random lines in a string other than the pattern you are looking for.
Tested below piece of code and it works. I assume there is only one such occurrence in the file.If there are multiple occurrences in the file that can be done through a loop though.
import re
st = '''These are some different lines - you need not worry about.
0., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
These are more different lines - you need not worry about.
0.,2 numbers'''
num = str(float(re.findall('.*H_(.+)H_0.*SECTION=C-BEAM.*\n.*',st)[0].replace("_","."))/2)
print (re.sub(r'(.*SECTION=C-BEAM.*\n)(0\.)(,.*)',r'\g<1>'+num+r'\g<3>',st))
# re.findall('.*H_(.*)H_0.*SECTION=C-BEAM.*\n.*',st) --> Returns ['1_558']. Extract 1_558 by indexing it -[0]
# Then replace "_" with "." Convert to a float, divide by 2 and then convert the result to string again
# .* means 0 or more non-newline characters,.+ means 1 or more non-newline characters "\n" stands for new line.
# (.+) means characters inside the bracket from the overall pattern will be extracted
# Second line of the code: I replaced the desired number("0.") for the matching patternin the second line.
# Divided the pattern in to 3 groups: 1) Before the pattern "0." 2) The pattern "0." itself 3) After the pattern "0.".
# Replaced the pattern "0." with "group 1 + num + group 2"
Output as shown below:
Basic python regex should do it :
my_text = """SECTION, ELSET=DIORH_1_558H_0_76W_241_1, SECTION=C-BEAM, MAT=XYZ;\n0., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5"""
# This find the index of the first occurence of your regex in my_text
index = my_text.find('SECTION=C-BEAM')
# You select everything before the first occurence of your regex
# and count the number of lines (\n is the escape line character)
nb_line = my_text[:index].count('\n')
# Now you wand to find the index of the beginning of the n + 1 line.
# You can do this thanks to finditer function
# This creates the list of index of a specified regex,
# you select the n + 1 (here it is nb_line because python indexing starts at 0)
index = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(r"\n",my_text)][nb_line]
# the you re build the wanted string with :
# the beginning of your string until the n + 1 line,
# the text you want (0.779)
# the text after the substring you removed (you need to know the length of the string you want to remove here 2
string_to_remove = "0."
my_text = my_text[:index+1] + '0.779' + my_text[index + 1 + len(string_to_remove):]

Replace space-char by newline-char within max-line-length in python

I am trying to write a python script,
which breaks a continuous string into lines,
when the max_line_length has been exceeded.
It shall not break words,
and searches therefore the last occurrence of a whitespace-char,
which will be replaced by a newline-char.
For some reason it does not break within the specified limit.
E.g. when defining the max_line_length = 80,
the text sometimes breaks at 82 or 83, etc.
Since quite some time I am trying to fix the problem,
however it feels like i am having the tunnel vision
and don't see the problem here:
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print('usage: $ python3 breaktext.py <max_line_length> <file>')
print('example: $ python3 breaktext.py 80 infile.txt')
filename = str(sys.argv[2])
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
text_str = file.read().replace('\n', '')
m = int(sys.argv[1]) # max_line_length
text_list = list(text_str) # convert string to list
l = 0; # line_number
i = m+1 # line_character_index
index = m+1 # total_list_index
while index < len(text_list):
while text_list[l * m + i] != ' ':
i -= 1
text_list[l * m + i] = '\n'
l += 1
i = m+1
index += m+1
text_str = ''.join(text_list)
I guess we'll take this from the top.
text_str = file.read().replace('\n', '')
Here's one assumption about the input data I don't know if it's true. You're replacing all the newline characters with nothing; if there weren't spaces next to them, this means the code below will never break the lines in the same places.
text_list = list(text_str) # convert string to list
This splits the input file into single character strings. I guess you might have done so to make it mutable, such that you can replace individual characters, but it's a very expensive operation and loses all the features of a string. Python is a high level language that would allow you to split into e.g. words instead.
index = m+1 # total_list_index
while index < len(text_list):
index += m+1
Let's consider what this means. We're not entering into the loop if index exceeds the text_list length. But index is advancing in steps of m+1. So we're splitting math.floor(len(text)/(max_line_length+1)) times. Unless every line is exactly max_line_length characters, not counting its space we replace with a newline, that's too few times. Too few times means too long lines, at least at the end.
l = 0; # line_number
i = m+1 # line_character_index
while text_list[l * m + i] != ' ':
i -= 1
text_list[l * m + i] = '\n'
l += 1
i = m+1
This is making things difficult with index math. Quite clearly the one index we ever use is l * m + i. This moves in a quite odd way; it searches backwards for a space, then leaps forward as l increments and i resets. Whatever position it had reversed to is lost as all the leaps are in steps of m.
Let's apply m=5 to the string "Fee fie faw fum who did you see now". For the first iteration, 0 * 5 + 5+1 hits the second word, and i seeks back to the first space. The first line then is "Fee", as expected. The second search starts at 1*5 + 5+1, which is a space, and the second line becomes "fie faw", which already exceeds our limit of 5! The reason is that l * m isn't the beginning of the line; it's actually in the middle of "fie", a discrepancy which can only grow as you continue through the file. It grows whenever you split off a line that is shorter than m.
The solution involves remembering where you did your split. That could be as simple as replacing l * m with index, and updating it by index += i instead of m+1.
Another odd effect happens if you ever encounter a word that exceeds the maximum line length. Beyond meaning a line is longer than the limit, i will still search backwards until it finds a space; that space could then be in an earlier line altogether, producing extra short lines as well as too long ones. That's a result of handling the entire text as one array and not limiting which section we're looking at.
Personally I'd much rather use Python's built in methods, such as str.rindex, which can find a particular character in a given region within a string:
s = "Fee fie faw fum who did you see now"
maxlen = 5
start = 8
end = s.rindex(' ', start, start+maxlen)
start = end + 1
We also, as PaulMcG pointed out, can go full "batteries included" and use the standard library textwrap module for the entire task.

How to print output in single line in linux terminal

Below is the code:
data2 = [["jsdfgweykdfgwey",
kdglwduifgeuifeudiwfkjkedluefywduifkcjkewfgpt4 \
data = [x for x in data2 if x is not None]
col_width = max(len(word) for row in data for word in row) + 2
for row in data:
print "".join(word.ljust(col_width) for word in row)#print in single line in output console.
It is not printing output properly
How to print output in single line in command output (OS Linux)
or any other suggestions to print in column wise for long line printing.
Each element in your list is printed out as a combined string as you wished. But by doing the word.ljust(col_width) step, where col_width is about 140, you are taking up a lot of empty space for printing. If your console size is small it will seem like you are printing in a new line. Try to replace col_width by 10, you will probably get the elements of data2[0] printed in one line.
If you want data2 to be printed as a single string then you can do the following:
for row in data:
a = " ".join(word.ljust(col_width) for word in row)
tmp = tmp + a
tmp will contain each element of data2 in a string one after the other

Python: split line by comma, then by space

I'm using Python 3 and I need to parse a line like this
-1 0 1 0 , -1 0 0 1
I want to split this into two lists using Fraction so that I can also parse entries like
1/2 17/12 , 1 0 1 1
My program uses a structure like this
from sys import stdin
for line in stdin:
and I'm trying to do
for line in stdin:
X = [str(elem) for elem in line.split(" , ")]
num = [Fraction(elem) for elem in X[0].split()]
den = [Fraction(elem) for elem in X[1].split()]
but all I get is a list index out of range error: den = [Fraction(elem) for elem in X[1].split()]
IndexError: list index out of range
I don't get it. I get a string from line. I split that string into two strings at " , " and should get one list X containing two strings. These I split at the whitespace into two separate lists while converting each element into Fraction. What am I missing?
I also tried adding X[-1] = X[-1].strip() to get rid of \n that I get from ending the line.
The problem is that your file has a line without a " , " in it, so the split doesn't return 2 elements.
I'd use split(',') instead, and then use strip to remove the leading and trailing blanks. Note that str(...) is redundant, split already returns strings.
X = [elem.strip() for elem in line.split(",")]
You might also have a blank line at the end of the file, which would still only produce one result for split, so you should have a way to handle that case.
With valid input, your code actually works.
You probably get an invalid line, with too much space or even an empty line or so. So first thing inside the loop, print line. Then you know what's going on, you can see right above the error message what the problematic line was.
Or maybe you're not using stdin right. Write the input lines in a file, make sure you only have valid lines (especially no empty lines). Then feed it into your script:
python myscript.py < test.txt
How about this one:
pairs = [line.split(",") for line in stdin]
num = [fraction(elem[0]) for elem in pairs if len(elem) == 2]
den = [fraction(elem[1]) for elem in pairs if len(elem) == 2]
