How to warp an image using a mesh in Python? - python

I want to warp an image using a mesh, the mesh is an array of shape WxHx2. I have two channels: one for x and the other for y, they tell us how much distortion in that zone we will have.
If I create a grid with that distortion it is something like this:
Now I want to interpolate an image using this grid. If the distortion is beyond the image size it will be cut.
I have tried with ImageOps.deform and Image.Image.transform but I can't get it to work.
With ImageOps we need to create a deformer object like:
class SingleDeformer:
def getmesh(self, img):
#Map a target rectangle onto a source quad
return [(
# target rectangle
(20, 10, 30, 20),
# corresponding source quadrilateral
(0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 20, 10, 0)
The target needs two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) and in this case I would need the target to be four points (x,y) as the source quadrilateral which requires to be:
Top left
Bottom left
Bottom right
Top right
I can have the four source as quadrilateral but the target is not a a square, maybe I'm missing something, any help is appreciated.


Map corresponding points between Delaunay triangles

I'm trying to morph two images of faces using an inverse warp. I have the Delaunay triangles for both images as well as all transformation matrices for all pairs of corresponding triangles.
I have applied the matrix to every pixel inside the triangles, but the image I am getting is all messed up and some pixels aren't being filled in as well.
I suspect the vertices lists are not in order which means the triangles are not corresponding. Or it could just be me messing up the row, cols order.
Here's my code:
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
from skimage.draw import polygon
import numpy as np
def drawDelaunay(img, landmarks, color):
tri = Delaunay(landmarks)
vertices = []
for t in landmarks[tri.simplices]:
# t = [int(i) for i in t]
pt1 = [t[0][0], t[0][1]]
pt2 = [t[1][0], t[1][1]]
pt3 = [t[2][0], t[2][1]]
cv2.line(img, pt1, pt2, color, 1, cv2.LINE_AA, 0)
cv2.line(img, pt2, pt3, color, 1, cv2.LINE_AA, 0)
cv2.line(img, pt3, pt1, color, 1, cv2.LINE_AA, 0)
vertices.append([pt1, pt2, pt3])
return img, vertices
def getAffineMat(triangle1, triangle2):
x = np.transpose(np.matrix([*triangle1]))
y = np.transpose(np.matrix([*triangle2]))
# Add ones to bottom of x and y
x = np.vstack((x, [1,1,1]))
y = np.vstack((y, [1,1,1]))
xInv = np.linalg.pinv(x)
return, xInv)
srcImg = face2
srcRows, srcCols, srcDepth = face2.shape
destImg = np.zeros(face1.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
for triangle1, triangle2 in zip(vertices1, vertices2):
transMat = getAffineMat(triangle1, triangle2)
r, c = list(map(list, zip(*triangle2)))
rr, cc = polygon(r, c)
for row, col in zip(rr, cc):
transformed =, [col, row, 1])
srcX, srcY, *_ = np.array(transformed.T)
# Check if pixel is within image boundaries
if isWithinBounds(srcCols, srcRows, col, row):
# Interpolate the color of the pixel from the four nearest pixels
color = bilinearInterpolation(srcImg, srcX, srcY)
# Set the color of the current pixel in the destination image
destImg[row, col] = color
I wish to implement this without getAffineTransform or warpAffine. Any help would be much appreciated!
Transfer coordinates from one triangle to another triangle
But you don't have corresponding triangles! This looks like 2 separates Delaunay triangulation. Maybe made on matching points, but still no matching triangles. You can't do two Delaunay triangulation, one in each image, and expect them to match. You need 1 delaunay triangulation, and then use the same edges on both sides (so, for at least one side, triangulation will not be exactly Delaunay).
Look for example at the top-right corner of your images.
On one side you have you have 4 outgoing edges (counting those we can't see because they are confused with te image border, but they have to be there), on the other you have 6 outgoing edges.
The number of edges connected to two matching vertices is supposed to be a constant (otherwise, how could you warp anything?).
So, clearly, I think (but you did not provide any code, for that, since you postulate that triangulation is correct, when I am pretty sure it is triangulation that is not. So I can only surmise), you got a two sets of matching points, then performed 2 Delaunay's triangulation on those 2 sets of points, expecting to be able to match triangles, even tho they are not at all the same triangles.
Edit: how to transform
(in reply to your question in comment)
It's the same triangulations. You have a list of points p₁, p₂, p₃, ..., pₙ in the first images. A matching list of points q₁, q₂, q₃, ..., qₙ in the second image. You perform a triangulation in the 1st image. Whose output should be a list of triplets of indices, such as (1,3,4), (1, 2, 3), ... meaning that optimal triangulation in 1st image is the one made of triangle (p₁,p₃, p₄), (p₁, p₂, p₃), ...
And in the second image, you use triangulation (q₁,q₃,q₄), (q₁, q₂, q₃), ...
Even if it is not the optimal triangulation of q₁,q₂,...,qₙ (the one that maximize smallest angle). It should not be that far, if q₁,q₂,...,qₙ are not that different from p₁,p₂,...,pₙ (which they are not supposed to be, if you tried to match consistently both images).
So, transformation matrices are the one transforming coordinates in each matching triangles (there are one transformation for each pair of matching triangles).
To decide which point (x',y') of second image matches point (x,y) of first image, you need
to identify in which triangle (i,j,k) (that is (pᵢ,pⱼ,pₖ)) (x,y) is,
Find barycentric coordinates of (x,y) inside this triangle: (x,y)=αpᵢ+βpⱼ+γpₖ
Assume that (x',y') have the same barycentric coordinates inside the matching triangle, that is (x',y')=αqᵢ+βqⱼ+γqₖ
Transformation matrix (for triangle (i,j,k)) is the one going from (x,y) to (x',y')

Python: Return position and size of arbitrary/teeth shapes in image using OpenCV

I'm very new to the image processing and object detection. I'd like to extract/identify the position and dimensions of teeth in the following image:
Here's what I've tried so far using OpenCV:
import cv2
import numpy as np
planets = cv2.imread('model.png', 0)
canny = cv2.Canny(planets, 70, 150)
circles = cv2.HoughCircles(canny,cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT,1,40, param1=10,param2=16,minRadius=10,maxRadius=80)
circles = np.uint16(np.around(circles))
for i in circles[0,:]:
# draw the outer circle,(i[0],i[1]),i[2],(255,0,0),2)
# draw the center of the circle,(i[0],i[1]),2,(255,0,0),3)
cv2.imshow("HoughCirlces", planets)
This is what I get after applying canny filter:
This is the final result:
I don't know where to go from here. I'd like to get all of the teeth identified. How can I do that?
I'd really appreciate any help..
Note that the teeth-structure is more-or-less a parabola (upside-down). If you could somehow guess the parabolic shape that defines the centroids of those blobs (teeth), then your problem could be simplified to a reasonable extent. I have shown a red line that passes through the centers of the teeth.
I would suggest you to approach it as follows:
Binarize your image (background=0, else 1). You could use sklearn.preprocessing.binarize.
Calculate the centroid of all the non-zero pixels. This is the central blue circle in the image. Call this structure_centroid. See this: How to center the nonzero values within 2D numpy array?.
Make polar slices of the entire image, centered at the location of the structure_centroid. I have shown a cartoon image of such polar slices (triangular semi-transparent). Cover complete 360 degrees. See this: polarTransform library.
Determine the position of the centroid of the non-zero pixels for each of these polar slices. See these:
find the distance between a point and a curve python.
Find the minimum distance from a point to a curve.
The array containing these centroids gives you the locus (path) of the average location of the teeth. Call this centroid_path.
Run an elimination/selection algorithm on the circles you were able to detect, that are closest to the centroid_path. Use a threshold distance to drop the outliers.
This should give you a good approximation of the teeth with the circles.
I hope this helps.

how do I fit a grid of points on a random point cloud

I have a binary image with dots, which I obtained using OpenCV's goodFeaturesToTrack, as shown on Image1.
Image1 : Cloud of points
I would like to fit a grid of 4*25 dots on it, such as the on shown on Image2 (Not all points are visible on the image, but it is a regular 4*25 points rectangle).
Image2 : Model grid of points
My model grid of 4*25 dots is parametrized by :
1 - The position of the top left corner
2 - The inclination of the rectangle with the horizon
The code below shows a function that builds such a model.
This problem seems to be close to a chessboard corner problem.
I would like to know how to fit my model cloud of points to the input image and get the position and angle of the cloud.
I can easily measure a distance in between the two images (the input one and the on with the model grid) but I would like to avoid having to check every pixel and angle on the image for finding the minimum of this distance.
def ModelGrid(pos, angle, shape):
# Initialization of output image of size shape
table = np.zeros(shape)
# Parameters
size_pan = [32, 20]# Pixels
nb_corners= [4, 25]
index = np.ndarray([nb_corners[0], nb_corners[1], 2],dtype=np.dtype('int16'))
angle = angle*np.pi/180
# Creation of the table
for i in range(nb_corners[0]):
for j in range(nb_corners[1]):
index[i,j,0] = pos[0] + j*int(size_pan[1]*np.sin(angle)) + i*int(size_pan[0]*np.cos(angle))
index[i,j,1] = pos[1] + j*int(size_pan[1]*np.cos(angle)) - i*int(size_pan[0]*np.sin(angle))
if 0 < index[i,j,0] < table.shape[0]:
if 0 < index[i,j,1] < table.shape[1]:
table[index[i,j,0], index[i,j,1]] = 1
return table
A solution I found, which works relatively well is the following :
First, I create an index of positions of all positive pixels, just going through the image. I will call these pixels corners.
I then use this index to compute an average angle of inclination :
For each of the corners, I look for others which would be close enough in certain areas, as to define a cross. I manage, for each pixel to find the ones that are directly on the left, right, top and bottom of it.
I use this cross to calculate an inclination angle, and then use the median of all obtained inclination angles as the angle for my model grid of points.
Once I have this angle, I simply build a table using this angle and the positions of each corner.
The optimization function measures the number of coincident pixels on both images, and returns the best position.
This way works fine for most examples, but the returned 'best position' has to be one of the corners, which does not imply that it corresponds to the best position... Mainly if the top left corner of the grid within the cloud of corners is missing.

Scale and Centre image - Skimage

I am trying to scale a set of images in Skimage. I am using the following code, which works well, except that the new rescaled image (by a factor 2) is now centered in the top-left (see below). I would like the image to remain in the original centre. Is there a simple way to achieve this? My aim is to have the saved copy of the image (e.g. as jpg file) to remain centered. My question does not concern the display of the image through imshow. E.g. when i save the image per below - the image is centered to the upper left, which causes issues with subsequent steps in my code.
###Part of the code
tform=skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(scale=2, rotation=0,translation=(0, 0))
rotated = skimage.transform.warp(test, tform)
import scipy
scipy.misc.imsave('rotated.jpg', rotated)
Scaling as itself is defined as one subset of affine transformations.
The affine transformation matrix for scaling only is defined as
s_x, 0, 0
0, s_y, 0
0, 0, 1
where s_x and s_y are the scaling factors in the respective dimensions (defined relative to the origin at (0,0)). If you want your image, to be scaled not relative to the origin, but another point, you first translate the image , so that the center of scaling is in the origin, then you scale, then you move the image back. You simply do a matrix multiplication of your transform matrices with the scale matrix. I had a similar problem with rotation, that can be found here. Same principle applies for this problem. The result is
s_x, 0, (-s_x*x)+x
0, s_y, (-s_y*y)+y
0, 0, 1
where x and y are half the size of your image in the respective dimensions.
The resulting matrix can be used with:

Using 3D perception in opencv2

Can anyone please explain if it is possible, and if so how, to work with cv2.getPerspectiveTransform().
I have 3d information about my image: I know the length of a,b and also the Different heights of c,d,e,f and g. I made the height different to get more 3d information but if it isn't needed that will be preferable.
Ultimately I need to know where the pink dot really is in the rectangle after implementing the transform on my [x,y] position I get from the camera feed.
If you denote by C,D,E,F the positions of the four corners of the black polygon in the original image (each of them is a 2D point), and C',D',E',F' the positions of the corresponding points in your target image (probably (0,0), (a, 0), (a, b), (0, b)), M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform({C,D,E,F}, {C',D',E',F'}) is the perspective transformation from one polygon to the other.
Given the position G of the vertical projection of g onto the black polygon in the original image, you can compute its position in the target image as cv2.transform(G, M). This will return a point (x,y,z), where the last coordinate z is a normalizing term. This z is zero when your point would be "at infinity" in the target image. If z is not zero, the point you are looking for is (x/z, y/z).
If z is zero, your point is at infinity, in the direction of the support of vector (x, y) (think of the case where G would be at the intersection of the supporting lines of two opposite sides of the black polygon in the source image).
If you know that the heights of c,d,e,f,g are equal, these points are also coplanar, and the exact same method applies to c,d,e,f,g instead of C,D,E,F,G.
