REST API requests - Use Concurrent.futures in the right way - python

The code below is a sample from my complete program, I tried it to make understandable.
It sends requests to a REST API. It starts with an URL and the number of pages for this specific search and tries to catch the content for each page.
Each page has several results. Each result becomes a FinalObject.
Because there are as many API requests as there are pages, I decided to use multi-threading and the concurrent.futures module.
=> It works but, as I'm new in coding and Python, I still have these 2 questions:
How to use ThreadPoolExecutor sequentially in this case,
Is there a better way to handle multi-threading in this case?
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from requests import get as re_get
def main_function(global_page_number, headers, url_request):
# create a list of pages number
pages_numbers_list = [i for i in range(global_page_number)]
# for each page, call the page_handler (MultiThreading)
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
for item in pages_numbers_list:
def page_handler(page_number, url_request, headers):
# we change the page number in the url request
url_request = change_page(url_request, page_number)
# new request with the new url
result = re_get(url_request, headers=headers)
result = result.json()
# in the result, with found the list of dict in order to create the
# final object
def change_page(url_request, new_page_number):
"to increment the value of the 'page=' attribute in the url"
current_nb_page = ''
start_nb = url_request.find("page=") + len('page=')
while 1:
if url_request[start_nb].isdigit():
current_nb_page = url_request[start_nb]
new_url_request = url_request.replace("page=" + current_nb_page,
"page=" + str(new_page_number))
return new_url_request
def final_object_creation(results_list):
'thanks to the object from requests.get(), it builts the final object'
global current_id_decision, dict_decisions
# each item in the results lis should be an instance of the final object
for item in results_list:
# On définit l'identifiant du nouvel objet Decision
current_id_decision += 1
new_id = current_id_decision
# On crée l'objet Décision et on l'ajoute au dico des décisions
dict_decisions[new_id] = FinalObject(item)
class FinalObject:
def __init__(self, content):
self.content = content
current_id_decision = 0
dict_decisions = {}
main_function(1000, "headers", "https://api/v1.0/search?page=0&query=test")


Python API script

I am making a python script using API of a free test automation website called TestProject.
Link to their API:
Basically what i want to do is grab pdf of reports of all tests and save them somewhere.
But to make the GET request to do that i first need projectID and jobID which i already wrote functions getting them and saving them in the array.
But now i have a problem where its looping through both lists and not using correct projectID and jobID and its throwing errors because it does not exist.
So what i need is something to check if jobID is in projectID so that way i can make a GET request to get all the executionID's to get the PDF of the report.
I am kinda new to programming so i would love any help i can get. If anyone has any better solutions please feel free to let me know.
My script:
import requests
import json
import csv
from datetime import datetime
from jsonpath_ng import jsonpath, parse
API_key = 'api_key'
headers = {'Authorization':'{}'.format(API_key)}
list_projectId = []
list_jobId = []
list_executionId = []
ParseData_projectId = parse('$')
ParseData_jobId = parse('$')
ParseData_executionId = parse('$')
def parsing (response,ParseData,list_data):
# parses data and appends it to the list
Data = json.loads(response)
Parsaj = ParseData
Podatki = Parsaj.find(Data)
for i in range(0, len(Podatki)):
vrednost = Podatki[i].value
def projectId():
# gets all projectId's and saves them in list_projectId
url = ''
response = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
response_json = response.json()
converted = json.dumps(response_json)
def jobId():
# gets all jobId's and saves them in list_jobId
for i in range(0, len(list_projectId)):
id = list_projectId[i]
url = '{}'.format(id) + '/jobs?onlyScheduled=false&_start=0'
response = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
response_json = response.json()
converted = json.dumps(response_json)
def executionId():
# Their API link:
# the for loop below does not work here is where i need the help:
for i in range(0, len(list_projectId)):
project_id = list_projectId[i]
job_id = list_jobId[i]
url = '{}'.format(project_id) + '/jobs/{}'.format(job_id) + '/reports?_start=0'
response = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
response_json = response.json()
converted = json.dumps(response_json)
print("----------LIST PROJECT ID: ----------")
print("----------LIST JOB ID: ----------")
print("----------LIST EXECUTION ID: ----------")
you have to use 'in' operator to check the value exist in the list data structure.

Asynchronous requests inside the for loop in python

I have this snippet
config = {10: '', 5: '', 7: '',
3: '', 11: ''}
def test(arg):
for key in arg.keys():
requests.get(arg[key], timeout=key)
On that way the things are happaning synchronously. I want to do it аsynchronously. I want to iterate through the loop without waiting for response for each address and to go ahead to the next one. And so until I iterate though all addresses in dictionary. Than I want to wait until I get all responses for all addresses and after that to get out of test function. I know that I can do it with threading but I read that with asyncio lyb it can be done better, but I couldn't implement it. If anyone have even better suggestions I am open for them. Here is my try:
async def test(arg):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
tasks = [loop.run_in_executor(requests.get(arg[key], timeout=key) for key in arg.keys())]
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
Here is the solution:
def addresses(adr, to):
requests.get(adr, timeout=to)
async def test(arg):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
tasks = [loop.run_in_executor(None, addresses, arg[key], key) for key in arg.keys()]
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
Now it works аsynchronously with lyb asyncio not with threading.
Some good answers here. I had trouble with this myself (I do a lot of webscraping) and so I created a package to help me async-scrape (
It supports GET and POST. I tried to make it as easy to use as possible. You just need to specify a handler function for the response when you instantiate and then use the scrape_all method to do the work.
It uses the term scrape becasue i've build in some handlers for common errors when scraping websites.
You can do some things in it as well like limit the call rate if you find you're getting blocked.
An example of it's use is:
# Create an instance
from async_scrape import AsyncScrape
def post_process(html, resp, **kwargs):
"""Function to process the gathered response from the request"""
if resp.status == 200:
return "Request worked"
return "Request failed"
async_Scrape = AsyncScrape(
urls = [
resps = async_Scrape.scrape_all(urls)
To do this inside a loop i collect the results and add then to a set and pop off the old ones.
from async_scrape import AsyncScrape
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
def post_process(html, resp, **kwargs):
"""Function to process the gathered response from the request"""
new_urls = bs.findall("a", {"class":"new_link_on_website"}
return [new_urls, resp]
async_Scrape = AsyncScrape(
# Run the loop
urls = set([""])
processed = set()
all_resps = []
while len(urls):
resps = async_scrape.scrape_all(urls)
# Get failed urls
success_reqs = set([
r["req"] for r in resps
if not r["error"]
errored_reqs = set([
r["req"] for r in resps
if r["error"]
# Get what you want from the responses
for r in success_reqs:
# Add found urls to urls
urls |= set(r["func_resp"][0]) # "func_resp" is the key to the return from your handler function
# Collect the response
# Add to processed urls
processed.add(r["url"]) # "url" is the key to the url from the response
# Remove processed urls
urls = urls - processed

Why json output so small?

This output should be way longer than it is in here.
I start with a GET request, I parse a JSON list and extract the id, which I then call on the second function, that will give me a second ID which then I will use to call on the 3rd function. But, I am only getting one entry whereas I should be getting way more entries.
The code is the following:
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import requests
import json
import urllib3
def countries():
data = requests.get("https://localhost:8543/api/netim/v1/countries/", verify=False, auth=HTTPBasicAuth("admin", "admin"))
rep = data.json()
return [elem.get("id","") for elem in rep['items']]
def regions():
for c in countries():
url = requests.get("https://localhost:8543/api/netim/v1/countries/{}/regions".format(c), verify=False, auth=HTTPBasicAuth("admin", "admin"))
response = url.json()
return [cid.get("id","") for cid in response['items']]
def city():
for r in regions():
api = requests.get("https://localhost:8543/api/netim/v1/regions/{}/cities".format(r), verify=False, auth=HTTPBasicAuth("admin", "admin"))
resolt = api.json()
return(json.dumps([{"name":r.get("name",""),"id":r.get("id", "")} for r in resolt['items']], indent=4))
The output is the following :
"name": "Herat",
"id": "AF~HER~Herat"
I should have a huge list, so I am not sure what am I missing?
You need to go through all the iterations of your loop and collect the results, then jsonify the and return them.
data = []
for r in regions():
api = requests.get("https://localhost:8543/api/netim/v1/regions/{}/cities".format(r), verify=False, auth=HTTPBasicAuth("admin", "admin"))
resolt = api.json()
data.extend([{"name":r.get("name",""),"id":r.get("id", "")} for r in resolt['items']])
return json.dumps(data, indent=4)
This would be a fix for city() but you have the same problem in all your functions. return immediately exits the function and does not do anything else, effectively all your for loops are doing 1 iteration.
I'll update my example here to give you a better idea what's occurring.
Your functions are basically this:
def test_fn():
for i in [1,2,3,4]:
return i
# output:
# We never see 2 or 3 or 4 because we return before looping on them.
What you want:
def test_fn():
results = []
for i in [1,2,3,4]:
return results
# output
It seems like you understand that the for loop is going to take some action once for each element in the list. What you're not understanding is that return ends the function NOW. No more for loop, no more actions, and in your code, you immediately return inside the for loop, stopping any further action.

How to throttle GET requests from a list of URLs

I have a list of ~250000 urls, that I need to get data from an API.
I have created a class using the grequests library to make asynchronous calls. However the API limit is 100 calls per second, which grequest surpasses.
Code using grequests:
import grequests
lst = ['','']
class Test:
def __init__(self):
self.urls = lst
def exception(self, request, exception):
print ("Problem: {}: {}".format(request.url, exception))
def async(self):
return for u in self.urls), exception_handler=self.exception, size=100000)
def collate_responses(self, results):
return [x.text for x in results]
test = Test()
#here we collect the results returned by the async function
results = test.async()
Is there anyway I can use the requests library to make 100 calls per second?
I tried requests, but it times out after roughly 100000 calls.
In this case I am passing an ID into the URL.
import requests
L = [1,2,3]
for i in L:
#print (row)
url = '{}'.format(i)
xml_data1 = requests.get(url).text
Use multithreading.
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
def some_fun(url):
for i in L:
#print (row)
url = '{}'.format(i)
xml_data1 = requests.get(url).text
if __name__ == '__main__':
lst = ['','']
c_pool = ThreadPool(30) #add as many as threads you can, lst)

How can I implement dynamic routing in Python?

I'm attempting to implement dynamic routing for a web framework. At the moment, the goal is to pass arguments into a function by way of the url. So, if user offers a url of "/page/23", then the route function will extract the "23" which will then be used as a parameter for the page function. I am getting a "keyerror", however.
import re
routing_table = {}
url = "/page/23"
def route(url, func):
key = url
key = re.findall(r"(.+?)/<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*>", url)
if key:
params = re.findall(r"<([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)>", url)
routing_table[key[0]] = [params, func]
routing_table[url] = func
def find_path(url):
if url in routing_table:
return routing_table[url]
return None
def page(page_id):
return "this is page %d" % page_id
route("/page/<page_id>", page)
When you called route, you used a url equal to "/page/<page_id>", but in the last line, url is a global variable equal to "/page/23".
It looks like there are other problems: replace your last line with
to see what you're doing.
