I have some batched input x of shape [batch, time, feature], and some batched indices i of shape [batch, new_time] which I want to gather into the time dim of x. As output of this operation I want a tensor y of shape [batch, new_time, feature] with values like this:
y[b, t', f] = x[b, i[b, t'], f]
In Tensorflow, I can accomplish this by using the batch_dims: int argument of tf.gather: y = tf.gather(x, i, axis=1, batch_dims=1).
In PyTorch, I can think of some functions which do similar things:
torch.gather of course, but this does not have an argument similar to Tensorflow's batch_dims. The output of torch.gather will always have the same shape as the indices. So I would need to unbroadcast the feature dim into i before passing it to torch.gather.
torch.index_select, but here, the indices must be one-dimensional. So to make it work I would need to unbroadcast x to add a "batch * new_time" dim, and then after torch.index_select reshape the output.
torch.nn.functional.embedding. Here, the embedding matrices would correspond to x. But this embedding function does not support the weights to be batched, so I run into the same issue as for torch.index_select (looking at the code, tf.embedding uses torch.index_select under the hood).
Is it possible to accomplish such gather operation without relying on unbroadcasting which is inefficient for large dims?
This is actually the most frequent case: when input and index tensors don't perfectly match the number of dimensions. You can still utilize torch.gather though since you can rewrite your expression:
y[b, t, f] = x[b, i[b, t], f]
y[b, t, f] = x[b, i[b, t, f], f]
which ensures all three tensors have an equal number of dimensions. This reveals a third dimension on i, which we can easily create for free by unsqueezing a dimension and expanding it to the shape of x. You can do so with i[:,None].expand_as(x).
Here is a minimal example:
>>> b = 2; t = 3; f = 1
>>> x = torch.rand(b, t, f)
>>> i = torch.randint(0, t, (b, f))
>>> x.gather(1, i[:,None].expand_as(x))
I'm trying to work with a custom Feedforward implementation that takes varying rows of the input and performs some sort of operation on it.
For example, imagine if the function, f, just sums the rows and columns of an input Tensor:
f = lambda x: torch.sum(x) # sum across all dimensions, producing a scalar
Now, for the input Tensor I have an (n, m) matrix and I want to map the function f over all the rows except the row under consideration. For example, here is the vanilla implementation that works:
d = [] # append the values to d
my_tensor = torch.rand(3, 5, requires_grad=True) # = (n, m)
indices = list(range(n)) # list of indices
for i in range(n): # loop through the indices
curr_range = indices[:i] + indices[i+1:] # fetch all indices except for the current one
d.append(f(my_tensor[curr_range]) # calculate sum over all elements excluding row i
Produces a (n, 1) matrix, which is what I want. The problem is Pytorch cannot auto-differentiate over this and I'm getting errors having to do with lack of grad because I have non-primitive Torch operations:
RuntimeError: element 0 of tensors does not require grad and does not have a grad_fn
Turns out casting the output to using x = torch.tensor(d, requires_grad=True) did the trick in the feedforward.
I have two tensors with dimensions as A:[B,3000,3] and C:[B,4000] respectively. I want to use tf.gather() to use every single row from tensor C as index, and to use every row from tensor A as params, to get a result with size [B,4000,3].
Here is an example to make this more understandable: Say I have tensors as
A = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]],
C = [0,2,1,2,1],
result = [[1,2,3],[7,8,9],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[4,5,6]],
by using tf.gather(A,C). It is all fine when applying to tensors with dimension less than 3.
But when it is the case as the description as the beginning, by applying tf.gather(A,C,axis=1), the shape of result tensor is
It seems that tf.gather() just did the job for every element in tensor C as the indices to gather elements in tensor A. The only solution I am thinking about is to use a for loop, but that would extremely reduce the computational ability by using tf.gather(A[i,...],C[i,...]) to gain the correct size of tensor
Thus, is there any function that is able to do this task similarly?
You need to use tf.gather_nd:
import tensorflow as tf
A = ... # B x 3000 x 3
C = ... # B x 4000
s = tf.shape(C)
B, cols = s[0], s[1]
# Make indices for first dimension
idx = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(B, dtype=C.dtype), 1), [1, cols])
# Complete index for gather_nd
gather_idx = tf.stack([idx, C], axis=-1)
# Gather result
result = tf.gather_nd(A, gather_idx)
I am trying to achieve something like:
x: a vector with length n, [x1,x2,...,xn], elements (xi, i=1,2,...n) are scalars.
T: a tensor with length n in its first dimension, [t1,t2,...tn], elements (ti, i=1,2,..,n) are tensors with rank 3.
return: a tensor, [x1*t1, x2*t2, ... xn*tn].
I know this can be achieved by tf.stack([x[i]*T[i] for i in range(n)]), wonder if there are any elegant approaches without iteration.
Just bring the two vectors to the same dimensions:
T = tf.constant([[[[1,1]]],[[[2,2]]]])
x = tf.constant([3,4])
xr = tf.reshape(x, [-1,1,1,1])
res = T*xr
Running res will print:
[[[[3, 3]]],[[[8, 8]]]]
which is exactly what you're asking for.
Once the two tensor are of the same dimension, tf will take care of broadcasting the op (reshaping is needed to perform the broadcasting correctly)
Im getting this error when passing the input data to the Linear (Fully Connected Layer) in PyTorch:
matrices expected, got 4D, 2D tensors
I fully understand the problem since the input data has a shape (N,C,H,W) (from a Convolutional+MaxPool layer) where:
N: Data Samples
C: Channels of the data
H,W: Height and Width
Nevertheless I was expecting PyTorch to do the "reshaping" of the data form:
[ N , D1,...Dn] --> [ N, D] where D = D1*D2*....Dn
I try to reshape the Variable.data, but I've read that this approach is not recommended since the gradients will conserve the previous shape, and that in general you should not mutate a Variable.data shape.
I am pretty sure there is a simple solution that goes along with the framework, but i haven't find it.
Is there a good solution for this?
PD: The Fully connected layer has as input size the value C * H * W
After reading some Examples I found the solution. here is how you do it without messing up the forward/backward pass flow:
(_, C, H, W) = x.data.size()
x = x.view( -1 , C * H * W)
A more general solution (would work regardless of how many dimensions x has) is to take the product of all dimension sizes but the first one (the "batch size"):
n_features = np.prod(x.size()[1:])
x = x.view(-1, n_features)
It is common to save the batch size and infer the other dimension in a flatten:
batch_size = x.shape[0]
x = x.view(batch_size, -1)
I have two square matrices of the same size and the dimensions of a square patch. I'd like to compute the dot product between every pair of patches. Essentially I would like to implement the following operation:
def patch_dot(A, B, patch_dim):
res_dim = A.shape[0] - patch_dim + 1
res = np.zeros([res_dim, res_dim, res_dim, res_dim])
for i in xrange(res_dim):
for j in xrange(res_dim):
for k in xrange(res_dim):
for l in xrange(res_dim):
res[i, j, k, l] = (A[i:i + patch_dim, j:j + patch_dim] *
B[k:k + patch_dim, l:l + patch_dim]).sum()
return res
Obviously this would be an extremely inefficient implementation. Tensorflow's tf.nn.conv2d seems like a natural solution to this as I'm essentially doing a convolution, however my filter matrix isn't fixed. Is there a natural solution to this in Tensorflow, or should I start looking at implementing my own tf-op?
The natural way to do this is to first extract overlapping image patches of matrix B using tf.extract_image_patches, then to apply the tf.nn.conv2D function on A and each B sub-patch using tf.map_fn.
Note that prior to use tf.extract_image_patches and tf.nn.conv2D you need to reshape your matrices as 4D tensors of shape [1, width, height, 1] using tf.reshape.
Also, prior to use tf.map_fn, you would also need to use the tf.transpose op so that the B sub-patches are indexed by the first dimension of the tensor you use as the elems argument of tf.map_fn.