You are given a circular array A containing N integers. You can perform the
following operation on this array any number of items:
• For each i, replace A[i] by A[i-1], A[i] or A[i+1] i.e. you can keep the
current element or replace it by an adjacent element . Note that due to
circularity of the array adjacent elements exist even for the first and
the last element. In particular, A[i-1] for i=0 is the last element.
Determine the minimum number of steps needed to make all the elements of
the array equal.
Input Format
The first line contains an integer, N, denoting the number of elements in A.
Each line i of the N subsequent lines (where 0 $i< N) contains an integer
describing A[i].
1 <= N <= 10^3
Sample input: 4 2 2 1 1 => Sample output: 1
Sample input:3 1 1 1 => Sample output: 0
Sample input:4 1 2 3 4 => Sample output: 2
I build the following code, it passes all visible test cases on platform, but not passing invisible test cases(that i'm not sure, what are they).Please help me to find any edge cases, if i forgot something here.
from collections import Counter
def make_equal(A):
count = 0
idx = []
map = Counter(A)
value = sorted(map.values(), reverse=True)[0]
for k, v in map.items():
if v == value:
key = k
for i, val in enumerate(A):
if val == key:
new_set = set(idx)
while len(new_set) < len(A):
for j in idx[:]:
l = (j + 1) % len(A)
m = (j - 1) % len(A)
count += 1
new_set = set(idx)
return count
I'm new to python and I wanted to know why my program is displaying "IndexError: list index out of range" for line 4. Can anyone please help.
# A is the array and N is the size of the array.
A =[1,78,46,4,34,10,50,2]
N = len(A)
def Algorithm(A,N):
#B <- Array[N]
B = A[N]
for i in range(1,N):
#for i <-- 1 to N
for j in range(1,N):
#for k <-- to B[j]
for k in range(0,B[j]):
2 N = len(A)
3 def Algorithm(A,N):
4 B = A[N]
5 B=[0]*N
6 for i in range(1,N):
IndexError: list index out of range
So the List index out of range comes from B = A[N] because N represents the total length of A.
However, elements of a list are indexed from 0 up to N-1, which gives you the length (N-1) - 0 + 1 => N. If you want to assign B to the last element of A, you can do that by B = A[N-1], or B = A[-1], since negative indices point to elements of the list from the end. However, given you redeclare B = [0] * N, you could do away with the first assignment
In Python, the first element of a list is addressed as zero rather than one. For example, to access the first element in a list called "numbers" you should write numbers[0] rather than numbers[1].
In B = A[N], you're trying to address the last element of list A by accessing A[N] (N corresponds to the length of list A). However, as previously explained, you have to minus one from this because the list starts at zero and not one. Therefore, the correct code would be B = A[N - 1].
A =[1,78,46,4,34,10,50,2]
N = len(A) # N = 8
def Algorithm(A,N):
B = A[N] # value of N is 8 and when you try to access A[8] its out of index range since the index is from 0 to 7
for i in range(1,N):
#for i <-- 1 to N
for j in range(1,N):
#for k <-- to B[j]
for k in range(0,B[j]):
I would like to point out other things that i have noted in your code.
A =[1,78,46,4,34,10,50,2]
N = len(A)
def Algorithm(A,N):
B = A[N]
B=[0]*N # This line overwrites the above assignment.
for i in range(1,N):
B[A[i]]+=1 # B[A[i]] -- so i guess during execution the A[i] will be a value from list A . hence B[A[i]] might become B[78] , B[46] etc (sorry if i have misunderstood)
#for i <-- 1 to N
for j in range(1,N):
#for k <-- to B[j]
for k in range(0,B[j]):
I am working on this coding challenge named Similarity Measure. Now the problem is my code works fine for some test cases, and failed due to the Time Limit Exceed problem. However, my code is not wrong, takes more than 25 sec for input of range 10^4.
I need to know what I can do to make it more efficient, I cannot think on any better solution than my code.
Question goes like this:
Problems states that given an array of positive integers, and now we have to answer based upon the Q queries.
Query: Given two indices L,R, determine the maximum absolute difference of index of two same elements lies between L and R
If in a range, there are no two same inputs then return 0
The first line contains N, no. of elements in the array A
The Second line contains N space separated integers that are elements of the array A
The third line contains Q the number of queries
Each of the Q lines contains L, R
1 <= N, Q <= 10^4
1 <= Ai <= 10^4
1 <= L, R <= N
For each query, print the ans in a new line
Sample Input
1 1 2 1 2
2 3
3 4
2 4
3 5
1 5
Sample Output
[2,3] - No two elements are same
[3,4] - No two elements are same
[2,4] - there are two 1's so ans = |4-2| = 2
[3,5] - there are two 2's so ans = |5-3| = 2
[1,5] - there are three 1's and two 2's so ans = max(|4-2|, |5-3|, |4-1|, |2-1|) = 3
Here is my algorithm:
To take the input and test the range in a different method
Input will be L, R and the Array
For difference between L and R equal to 1, check if the next element is equal, return 1 else return 0
For difference more than 1, loop through array
Make a nested loop to check for the same element, if yes, store the difference into maxVal variable
Return maxVal
My Code:
def ansArray(L, R, arr):
maxVal = 0
if abs(R - L) == 1:
if arr[L-1] == arr[R-1]: return 1
else: return 0
for i in range(L-1, R):
for j in range(i+1, R):
if arr[i] == arr[j]:
if (j-i) > maxVal: maxVal = j-i
return maxVal
if __name__ == '__main__':
arr = (input().split())
for i in range(int(input())):
L, R = input().split()
print(ansArray(int(L), int(R), arr))
Please help me with this. I really want to learn a different and a more efficient way to solve this problem. Need to pass all the TEST CASES. :)
You can try this code:
import collections
def ansArray(L, R, arr):
dct = collections.defaultdict(list)
for index in range(L - 1, R):
return max(lst[-1] - lst[0] for lst in dct.values())
if __name__ == '__main__':
arr = (input().split())
for i in range(int(input())):
L, R = input().split()
print(ansArray(int(L), int(R), arr))
dct is a dictionary that for every seen number keeps a list of indices. The list is sorted so lst[-1] - lst[0] will give maximum absolute difference for this number. Applying max to all this differences you get the answer. Code complexity is O(R - L).
This can be solved as O(N) approximately the following way:
from collections import defaultdict
def ansArray(L, R, arr) :
# collect the positions and save them into the dictionary
positions = defaultdict(list)
for i,j in enumerate(arr[L:R+1]) :
# create the list of the max differences in index
max_diff = list()
for vals in positions.values() :
max_diff.append( max(vals) - min(vals) )
# now return the max element from the list we have just created
if len(max_diff) :
return max(max_diff)
else :
return 0
You are given a list of size N, initialized with zeroes. You have to perform M operations on the list and output the maximum of final values of all the elements in the list. For every operation, you are given three integers a,b and k and you have to add value to all the elements ranging from index a to b(both inclusive).
Input Format
First line will contain two integers N and M separated by a single space.
Next lines will contain three integers a,b and k separated by a single space.
Numbers in list are numbered from 1 to N.
Here is the code which I have written:
for i in range(n+1):
for j in range(m):
for i in range(a,b+1):
When I try to submit my solution I get a "TERMINATED DUE TO TIMOUT" message.Could you please suggest a strategy to avoid these kind of errors and also a solution to the problem.
Thanks in advance!
Don't loop over the list range; instead, use map again to increment the indicated values. Something like
for j in range(m):
arr[a:b+1] = map(lambda <increment-by-k>, arr[a:b+1])
This should let your resident optimization swoop in and save some time.
You probably need an algorithm that has better complexity than O(M*N).
You can put interval delimiters in a list:
intervals = []
arr = [0 for i in range(n)]
for j in range(m):
intervals += [(str(a), "begin", k)]
intervals += [(str(b), "end", k)]
intervals = sorted(intervals, key=lambda x: x[0]+x[1])
k, i = 0, 0
for op in intervals:
ind = int(op[0])
if op[1] == "begin":
while ind > i:
arr[i] += k
i += 1
k += op[2]
while i <= ind:
arr[i] += k
i+= 1
k -= op[2]
If the sorting algorithm is O(MlogM), this is O(MlogM + N)
File input.txt consists of two lines: first has integer number N space then integer number K (1 ≤ N,K ≤ 250000). Second has N space-delimeted integers, where each integer is less than or equal to K. It is guaranteed that each integer from 1 to K is in the array. The task is to find subarray of minimum length, that contains all integers. And print its start and end. Note, that indexing starts from 1.
Input Output
5 3 2 4
1 2 1 3 2
6 4 2 6
2 4 2 3 3 1
I had this task in a recent programming competition. It is over, and I am not cheating. I've implemented it using python 3:
with open('input.txt') as file:
N, K = [int(x) for x in file.readline().split()]
alley = [int(x) for x in file.readline().split()]
trees = {}
min_idx = (1, N)
min_length = N
for i in range(N):
trees[alley[i]] = i
if len(trees) == K:
idx = (min(trees.values())+1, max(trees.values())+1)
length = idx[1] - idx[0] + 1
if length < min_length:
min_idx = idx
min_length = length
if min_length == K:
print (str(min_idx[0]) + " " + str(min_idx[1]))
The idea is to save last position of i-th tree into a dictionary and if dictionary contains all items, check if this subarray is minimum.
16th test showed that my algorithm exceeded time limit, which was 1 second. I think, that my algorithm is O(N), because it finishes in one run across array, and map access costs O(1).
How can one speed up this algorithm? Can be complexity reduced or is it my misunderstanding of some Python which takes much time?
Your algorithm is good but ignoring the time that len(trees) < K, it's O(NK) because every call to min and max is O(K). There's no need to call max because max(trees.values()) == i. Dealing with min is trickier, but if you keep track of which key corresponds to the minimum index then you can recalculate it only when that key is updated.
A minor point is that your last if doesn't always need to be checked.
trees = {}
min_idx = (1, N)
min_length = N
first_index = -1
for i in range(N):
trees[alley[i]] = i
if len(trees) == K:
if first_index == -1 or alley[first_index] == alley[i]:
first_index = min(trees.values())
idx = (first_index+1, i+1)
length = idx[1] - idx[0] + 1
if length < min_length:
min_idx = idx
min_length = length
if min_length == K:
Make integer array Counts[K], fill with zeros.
Keep some variables - left index L, right index R (like your idx[0] and idx[1]), zero count Z.
Set L and R to 1, increment Counts[A[1]], set Z to K-1
Move R, incrementing Counts[A[1]], and decrement Z if zero entry is updated, until Z becomes 0
At this moment subarray [L..R] contains all values from to K
Now move L, decrementing Counts entry for values leaving the window. Increment Z if some entry becomes 0. When Z becomes non-zero, stop moving L and move R again.
When R reaches N and L stops, process is over. Minimum length is minimum from valid (R-L+1) pairs
Example run for your [1 2 1 3 2]
Move R
1 0 0 Z=2
1 1 0 Z=1
2 1 0 Z=1
2 1 1 Z=0
Move L
1 1 1 Z=0
1 0 1 Z=1 Stop moving L, check previous L,R pair 2,4
Move R
1 1 1 Z=0
move L
9 1 1 Z=1 Stop moving L, check previous L,R pair 3,5
The longest arithmetic progression subsequence problem is as follows. Given an array of integers A, devise an algorithm to find the longest arithmetic progression in it. In other words find a sequence i1 < i2 < … < ik, such that A[i1], A[i2], …, A[ik] form an arithmetic progression, and k is maximal. The following code solves the problem in O(n^2) time and space. (Modified from . )
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
def arithmetic(arr):
n = len(arr)
if (n<=2):
return n
llap = 2
L = [[0]*n for i in xrange(n)]
for i in xrange(n):
L[i][n-1] = 2
for j in xrange(n-2,0,-1):
i = j-1
k = j+1
while (i >=0 and k <= n-1):
if (arr[i] + arr[k] < 2*arr[j]):
k = k + 1
elif (arr[i] + arr[k] > 2*arr[j]):
L[i][j] = 2
i -= 1
L[i][j] = L[j][k] + 1
llap = max(llap, L[i][j])
i = i - 1
k = j + 1
while (i >=0):
L[i][j] = 2
i -= 1
return llap
arr = [1,4,5,7,8,10]
print arithmetic(arr)
This outputs 4.
However I would like to be able to find arithmetic progressions where up to one value is missing. So if arr = [1,4,5,8,10,13] I would like it to report that there is a progression of length 5 with one value missing.
Can this be done efficiently?
Adapted from my answer to Longest equally-spaced subsequence. n is the length of A, and d is the range, i.e. the largest item minus the smallest item.
A = [1, 4, 5, 8, 10, 13] # in sorted order
Aset = set(A)
for d in range(1, 13):
already_seen = set()
for a in A:
if a not in already_seen:
b = a
count = 1
while b + d in Aset:
b += d
count += 1
# if there is a hole to jump over:
if b + 2 * d in Aset:
b += 2 * d
count += 1
while b + d in Aset:
b += d
count += 1
# don't record in already_seen here
print "found %d items in %d .. %d" % (count, a, b)
# collect here the largest 'count'
I believe that this solution is still O(n*d), simply with larger constants than looking without a hole, despite the two "while" loops inside the two nested "for" loops. Indeed, fix a value of d: then we are in the "a" loop that runs n times; but each of the inner two while loops run at most n times in total over all values of a, giving a complexity O(n+n+n) = O(n) again.
Like the original, this solution is adaptable to the case where you're not interested in the absolute best answer but only in subsequences with a relatively small step d: e.g. n might be 1'000'000, but you're only interested in subsequences of step at most 1'000. Then you can make the outer loop stop at 1'000.