So I have been working on this problem for a bit and seem to be I am asking for some guidance here.
This is my code
from clusteval import clusteval
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
import pandas as pd
X, labels = make_blobs(n_samples=50, centers=2, n_features=5, cluster_std=1)
X = abs(X)
X = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=['Feature_1','Feature_2','Feature_3','Feature_4','Feature_5'])
ce = clusteval('kmeans', metric='euclidean', linkage='complete')
results =
X['Cluster_labels'] = results['labx']
This produces this image:
This image is really close to what I want but notice that both clusters show up in the same graph. I would like to produce the same graph represents only one cluster. essentially for every cluster I have I want a graph like this. So if I had 10 clusters, I would have 10 graphs that showed the percentage of each value within that cluster and that cluster only.
Any guidance or help is appreciated. Thanks.
I can suggest two alternative plots. Both would benefit from visual refinement (label all axes, clean up underscores, pick nicer font sizes, etc.) but hopefully are useful starting points.
Using pandas:
axes = X.hist('Feature_1', by='Cluster_labels')
for ax in axes:
ax.set_title('Cluster_labels = ' + ax.get_title())
Using seaborn:
import seaborn as sns
EDIT: Ive found a general example where it doesnt work either!
I am trying to extract the data for a histogram, but different counts seem wrong. As an example code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
data = np.random.rand(1000000)
bins = np.arange(0,1,0.0001)
a,b,c = plt.hist(data,bins)
This gives me this rather messy histogram, and i've saved the counts as a and the interval as b. Now, plotting a and b, I should expect the same histogram, right? But that's not what I get:
which gives me this, which doesnt match at all! Furthurmore, when I try and find the maximum value of a, it gives me 144, which fits fine with the scatterplot, but not with the histogram function.
If I count the numbers myself with the following code:
then it also gives me 144, in accordance with the values. So is the displayed histogram just wrong for some reason, and I should ignore it and just take the extracted data?
Old, unedited post:
For a physics course I am trying to bin my results in the following way:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as ss
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
plt.rc("font", family=["Helvetica", "Arial"])
plt.rc("axes", labelsize=18)
plt.rc("xtick", labelsize=16, top=True, direction="in")
plt.rc("ytick", labelsize=16, right=True, direction="in")
plt.rc("axes", titlesize=22)
plt.rc("legend", fontsize=16)
data_Ra = np.loadtxt('Ra226_cal2_ch001.txt',skiprows=5)
t_Ra = data_Ra[:,0]*10**-8 # time in seconds
channels_Ra = data_Ra[:,1]
channels_Ra = channels_Ra[np.where(channels_Ra>0)] # removing all the measurements at channel = 0
intervalspace = 2 #The intervals in which we count
counts, intervals , stuff = plt.hist(channels_Ra,bins)
Here, the histogram plot looks totally fine, with a max near 13000 counts. But when I then use np.max(counts), I am given about 24000, and when I try and just plot the values it gives me with:
it looks like this, which is totally different, and I can't figure out why. I am expecting the scatterplot to resemble the histogram, and while the peaks are located at the same x-vales, the height do not match.
This problem is in other large datasets as well.
I dont think i'm allowed to drop the txt-file here? So im not sure how much more I can show, but any help will be appreciated!
I don't know why you interpret the results in that way.
If you look at the histogram plot, you will be able to see the maximum value of the y-axis is 25,000. That means that there are some values close to 25,000. This fact can be verified in the scatter plot.
Your scatter plot shows actual values. It would be clearer if you describe how your expected plot looks like.
If you want discard some outlier points, you should apply some filtering before plotting the data.
I'm very (very very) new at this game of mapping/carto in Python, and am finding a drought of resources available for CartoPy, so I thought someone here may be able to help.
I have thousands of lat/long coordinates to plot, distributed across 4 parallel lines.
My code so far is:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
from cartopy import config
import cartopy.feature as cf
latcol = [2]
loncol = [3]
df_lat = pd.read_csv(r'G:\Documents\Thesis\Outputs\concat_Xenos_combineds.csv', usecols = latcol)
df_lon = pd.read_csv(r'G:\Documents\Thesis\Outputs\concat_Xenos_combineds.csv', usecols = loncol)
map = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.EuroPP())
ax.add_feature(cf.BORDERS, linestyle=':')
ax.add_feature(cf.LAKES, alpha=0.5)
ax.plot(df_lon, df_lat, markersize=2, marker='o', color='red', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
As I said, the coordinates are distributed accross 4 parallel lines. but the plot produced is messy as anything with lines going all over the place:
How do I correct this pls?
Also, I have a third column with a numerical value representing the value_count of a specific feature type at each coordinate point, and would eventually like to incorperate this into the map some way (whether as different sized or coloured markers or different colours). whats the best way to achieve this? Is it worth trying to do a heatmap-style plot instead/
Any clarification needed don't hesitate to ask!
To get rid of red lines between the markers, pass linestyle='none' to plot().
Regarding your second question, you should probably use ax.scatter() and use
the value_count variable for color.
I am trying to make a box plot that looks like this.
Now, there are a lot of tickmarks that I do not need and truly do not show any additional information.
The code I am using is the following:
plot=sns.boxplot(y=MSE, x=Sim,
plot=sns.stripplot(y=MSE, x=Sim,
Where MSE and SIM are two numpy arrays of 400 elements each.
I reviewed some solutions that use locator_params and set_xticklabels. However, I want to know:
why this happen and,
is there a simple transformation in the MSE and SIM arrays to solve this?
I hope my questions are clear enough.
Thanks in advance.
Not very sure what you have as Sim, if it is an array of floats, then they are converted to categorical before plotting. The thing you can do, since the labels are not useful, is to use a range of values thats as long as the y-values.
With that, it still overlaps a lot because you are trying to fit 400 x ticks onto the x-axis, and the font size are set by default to be something readable. For example:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,6))
MSE = [np.random.normal(0,1,10) for i in range(100)]
Sim = np.arange(len(MSE))
g = sns.boxplot(y=MSE, x=Sim, width=0.5,palette='colorblind',ax=ax)
You can set the font size to be smaller and they don't overlap but I guess its hardly readable:
So like you said in your case, they are not useful, you can do:
features = ["Ask1", "Bid1", "smooth_midprice", "BidSize1", "AskSize1"]
client = InfluxDBClient(host='', port=8086, database='data',
username=username, password=password)
series = "DCIX_2016_11_15"
sql = "SELECT * FROM {} where time >= '{}' AND time <= '{}' ".format(series,FROMT,TOT)
df = pd.DataFrame(client.query(sql).get_points())
#Separating out the features
X = df.loc[:, features].values
# Standardizing the features
X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X)
tsne = TSNE(n_components=3, n_jobs=5).fit_transform(X)
I would like map my 5 features into a 2D or 3D plot. I am a bit confused how to do that. How can I build a plot from that information?
You already have most of the work done. t-SNE is a common visualization for understanding high-dimensional data, and right now the variable tsne is an array where each row represents a set of (x, y, z) coordinates from the obtained embedding. You could use other visualizations if you would like, but t-SNE is probably a good starting place.
As far as actually seeing the results, even though you have the coordinates available you still need to plot them somehow. The matplotlib library is a good option, and that's what we'll use here.
To plot in 2D you have a couple of options. You can either keep most of your code the same and simply perform a 2D t-SNE with
tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, n_jobs=5).fit_transform(X)
Or you can just use the components you have and only look at two of them at a time. The following snippet should handle either case:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
The zip(*...) transposes your data so that you can pass the x coordinates and the y coordinates individually to scatter(), and the [:,:2] piece selects two coordinates to view. You could ignore it if your data is already 2D, or you could replace it with something like [:,[0,2]] to view, for example, the 0th and 2nd features in higher-dimensional data rather than just the first 2.
To plot in 3D the code looks much the same, at least for a minimal version.
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
The main differences are a use of 3D plotting libraries and making a 3D subplot.
Adding color: t-SNE visualizations are typically more helpful if they're color-coded somehow. One example might be the smooth midprice you currently have stored in X[:,2]. For exploratory visualizations, I find 2D plots more helpful, so I'll use that as the example:
plt.scatter(*zip(*tsne[:,:2]), c=X[:,2])
You still need the imports and whatnot, but by passing the keyword argument c you can color code the scatter plot. To adjust how that numeric data is displayed, you could use a different color map like so:
plt.scatter(*zip(*tsne[:,:2]), c=X[:,2], cmap='RdBu')
As the name might suggest, this colormap consists of a gradient between red and blue, and the lower values of X[:,2] will correspond to red.
Hi all, I am trying to plot the following type of plot using seaborn with a different data set. The problem is when a histogram type is used, I cannot name the bins (like 2-2.5,2.5-3..etc) even though it provides kernel curves. Bar plots dont have function to draw the normal curve like in the picture. The image seems to be used SPSS statistical package which I have little knowledge of.
Following is the closest thing I can get (I have attached the code)
df = pd.DataFrame({'cat': ['1-1.5', '1.5-2', '2-2.5','2.5-3','3-3.5','3.5-4','4-4.5','4.5-5'],'val': [0,0,1,7,7,33,17,10]})
ax = sns.barplot(y = 'val', x = 'cat',
data = df)
ax.set(xlabel='Categories', ylabel='Frequency')
So the problem is of course that you don't have the original data, but data that has already been binned. One could reverse this binning and start with an array of raw data. Then perform the histogramming again and use a sns.distplot which, by default, shows a KDE plot as well.
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
cat = ['1-1.5', '1.5-2', '2-2.5','2.5-3','3-3.5','3.5-4','4-4.5','4.5-5']
val = [0,0,1,7,7,33,17,10]
data = []
for i in range(len(cat)):
bins = np.arange(1,5.5, 0.5)
ax = sns.distplot(data, bins=bins, hist_kws= dict(edgecolor="k"))
ax.set(xlabel='Categories', ylabel='Frequency')
Use the bw keyword argument to the KDE function to set the smoothness of the curve. E.g. sns.distplot(data, bins=bins, kde_kws=dict(bw=0.5), hist_kws= dict(edgecolor="k")) where bw=0.5 produces
Also try bw=0.1, bw=0.25, bw=0.35 and bw=2 to see the differences.