Python openpyxl add image to excel file - python

if i separate the code only for add image and only for copy the format all can work normally.But when i combine it and it's always come out : UserWarning: wmf image format is not supported so the image is being dropped.How to solve it ?
import openpyxl
import copy
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
# It is not required for one to create a workbook on
# filesystem, therefore creating a virtual workbook
wrkb = openpyxl.Workbook()
# Number of sheets in the workbook (1 sheet in our case)
ws = wrkb.worksheets[0]
# Adding a row of data to the worksheet (used to
# distinguish previous excel data from the image)
path = "/Users/LEON/OneDrive/Desktop/copy.xlsx"
save_path = "/Users/LEON/OneDrive/Desktop/paste.xlsx"
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(path)
wb2 = openpyxl.Workbook()
sheetnames = wb.sheetnames
for sheetname in sheetnames:
sheet = wb[sheetname]
sheet2 = wb2.create_sheet(sheetname)
# tab颜色
sheet2.sheet_properties.tabColor = sheet.sheet_properties.tabColor
# 开始处理合并单元格形式为“(<CellRange A1:A4>,),替换掉(<CellRange 和 >,)' 找到合并单元格
wm = list(sheet.merged_cells)
if len(wm) > 0:
for i in range(0, len(wm)):
cell2 = str(wm[i]).replace('(<CellRange ', '').replace('>,)', '')
for i, row in enumerate(sheet.iter_rows()):
sheet2.row_dimensions[i+1].height = sheet.row_dimensions[i+1].height
for j, cell in enumerate(row):
sheet2.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(j+1)].width = sheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(j+1)].width
sheet2.cell(row=i + 1, column=j + 1, value=cell.value)
# 设置单元格格式
source_cell = sheet.cell(i+1, j+1)
target_cell = sheet2.cell(i+1, j+1)
target_cell.fill = copy.copy(source_cell.fill)
if source_cell.has_style:
target_cell._style = copy.copy(source_cell._style)
target_cell.font = copy.copy(source_cell.font)
target_cell.border = copy.copy(source_cell.border)
target_cell.fill = copy.copy(source_cell.fill)
target_cell.number_format = copy.copy(source_cell.number_format) = copy.copy(
target_cell.alignment = copy.copy(source_cell.alignment)
# A wrapper over PIL.Image, used to provide image
# inclusion properties to openpyxl library
img = openpyxl.drawing.image.Image('hlrb_image.png')
# The Coordinates where the image would be pasted
# (an image could span several rows and columns
# depending on it's size)
img.anchor = 'A2'
# Adding the image to the worksheet
# (with attributes like position)
# Saving the workbook created under the name of out.xlsx'out.xlsx')
i need a logo top there and copy format detail down there.If i separate run the code,it will delete the sheet.Like only the logo there or only the copy format there dont hv logo.


Python/openpyxl - Is there a way to copy a worksheet from one workbook to another with all properties (exact copy)

I have researched through several similar threads of discussion on this forum and tried several things recommended, but I am not able to get all properties of the source worksheet copied over. Here's my code and I see that column widths and a few other things are not coped over. Would have been great if openpyxl implemented a function to copy a worksheet with all its attributes.
def copy_worksheet(src_xl, dest_xl, src_ws, dest_ws):
import openpyxl as xl
from copy import copy
# opening the source excel file
wb1 = xl.load_workbook(src_xl)
sheet_names = wb1.sheetnames
index = sheet_names.index(src_ws)
ws1 = wb1.worksheets[index]
# opening the destination excel file
wb2 = xl.load_workbook(dest_xl)
sheet_names = wb2.sheetnames
index = sheet_names.index(dest_ws)
ws2 = wb2.create_sheet(dest_ws)
ws2 = wb2.worksheets[index]
# calculate total number of rows and
# columns in source excel file
mr = ws1.max_row
mc = ws1.max_column
# copying the cell values from source
# excel file to destination excel file
for i in range (1, mr + 1):
for j in range (1, mc + 1):
# reading cell value from source excel file
c = ws1.cell(row = i, column = j)
cell = c
# writing the read value to destination excel file
ws2.cell(row = i, column = j).value = c.value
new_cell = ws2.cell(row = i, column = j)
new_cell.font = copy(cell.font)
new_cell.border = copy(cell.border)
new_cell.fill = copy(cell.fill)
new_cell.number_format = copy(cell.number_format) = copy(
new_cell.alignment = copy(cell.alignment)
# saving the destination excel file
This seems to do the job - to set the column widths:
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
for i in range(ws1.max_column):
ws2.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(i+1)].width = ws1.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(i+1)].width

How to read Excel file, create a QR code?

I was trying with this code
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import qrcode
wb = load_workbook("D:\QR\qrcodes.xlsx")
ws = wb.['Sheet1']
column = ws['A'] # Column
data = [column[x].value for x in range(len(column))]
qr = qrcode.QRCode(version = 1, error_correction = qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_H,box_size = 10, border = 4)
for images in data:
But after every loop the image created contains the value of the previous image also, how to solve that?
You are creating the QR object outside the loop.
You're better off initializing the object <class 'qrcode.main.QRCode'> inside your for loop and also using a function to create your QR image as variables inside a function have a local scope.
def createQr(data):
qr = qrcode.QRCode(version = 1, error_correction = qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_H,box_size = 10, border = 4)
return img
for i in data:
img = createQr(i)"{}{}".format(i,ext))
Also as mentioned by #martineau you have to change your loop variable from images to i
Firstly please convert to csv. Then you should add enumerate so you will also have an index number for your file names instead of having multiple file.jpg.
import csv
import qrcode
with open('D:\QR\qrcodes.csv') as csvfile:
fieldnames= ["Your_Column"]
reader= csv.reader(csvfile)
qr = qrcode.QRCode(
for i, row in enumerate(reader):
labeldata = row[0]
img = qr.make_image()"test{}.jpg".format(i))
From an Excel file, it reads data in "A" columns starting from the second row and produces their QR codes, and creates a new excel file named "qrcode_produced" that has QR codes produced in the B column.
# modules needed
import qrcode
from tkinter import filedialog
from tkinter import *
import openpyxl
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import Alignment
from openpyxl import load_workbook
#select the excel file to be read
# the texts must be in the "A" column starting with "2" row. In the B column, qrcodes will be seen.
print('select xlsx file:')
root = Tk()
root.filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir = "/",title = "Select file",filetypes = (("xlsx files","*.xlsx"),("all files","*.*")))
print (root.filename)
# select the folder to save qrcodes as png format images and excel file with qrcodes
print('where to save excel file and qrcodes:')
root2 = Tk()
folder_selected = filedialog.askdirectory()
# read the excel file
workbook = load_workbook(str(root.filename))
sheet =
# settings for qrcode to be produced
qr = qrcode.QRCode(
# excel file cell size settings that will be produced
sheet.column_dimensions['B'].width = 25
for i in range(1,len(sheet['A'])+1):
# Title of B column
# production of qrcodes for each row in the A column except first row. Skips the empty rows.
for i in range(2,len(sheet['A'])+1):
if sheet.cell(row=i, column=1).value is None:
qr.add_data(str(sheet.cell(row=i, column=1).value))
img = qr.make_image() + "/" + "row_"+str(i)+"_qrcode.png")
img=openpyxl.drawing.image.Image(folder_selected + "/" + "row_"+str(i)+"_qrcode.png")
img.anchor = "B" + str(i)
sheet["B" + str(i)].alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')
sheet["A" + str(i)].alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')
# saving the excel file "/qrcode_produced.xlsx")

Odoo image in excel

I'm creating an excel file with xlsxwriter and need to place my company logo into these excel file.. I've been trying with insert_image but not success.
I suppose that is something like parse partner.image into a buffer... but im stuck.. Pleace your help.
this is my code.
def report_print(self):
# Looking for partner data
partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(
#copy partner name in B1
partner_name =
#put partner logo in B3
sheet1.insert_image('B3',base64.b64encode(buf_image.getvalue()),{'image_data': buf_image})
In Odoo v11 I use :
sheet1.insert_image('B3', "any_name.png", {'image_data': buf_image})
this is the format for adding images in worksheet
import xlsxwriter
# Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet.
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('images.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
# Widen the first column to make the text clearer.
worksheet.set_column('A:A', 30)
# Insert an image.
worksheet.write('A2', 'Insert an image in a cell:')
worksheet.insert_image('B2', 'python.png')
# Insert an image offset in the cell.
worksheet.write('A12', 'Insert an image with an offset:')
worksheet.insert_image('B12', 'python.png', {'x_offset': 15, 'y_offset': 10})
# Insert an image with scaling.
worksheet.write('A23', 'Insert a scaled image:')
worksheet.insert_image('B23', 'python.png', {'x_scale': 0.5, 'y_scale': 0.5})
In case of a stored image in Odoo look here an example using openpyxl, use the same format.
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.writer.excel import ExcelWriter
from openpyxl.drawing import Image
from PIL import Image as PILImage
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
wb = Workbook()
ws = wb.get_active_sheet()
#extra has the data of the image from the database
im =
img = Image(im)
handler = StringIO()
writer = ExcelWriter(wb)
xls = handler.getvalue()
Finaly did it with openpyxl
def report_print(self):
partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(
partner_name =
wb = Workbook()
ws = wb.get_active_sheet()
im =
img = OPYImage(im)
ws.add_image(img, "A3")
width, height = im.size
# more code
It works in Odoo 11 and Python 3

Insert hyperlink to a local folder in Excel with Python

The piece of code reads an Excel file. This excel file holds information such as customer job numbers, customer names, sites, works description ect..
What this code will do when completed (I hope) is read the last line of the worksheet (this is taken from a counter on the worksheet at cell 'P1'), create folders based on cell content, and create a hyperlink on the worksheet to open the lowest local folder that was created.
I have extracted the info I need from the worksheet to understand what folders need to be created, but I am not able to write a hyperlink to the cell on the row in column B.
#Insert Hyperlink to folder
def folder_hyperlink(last_row_position, destination):
cols = 'B'
rows = str(last_row_position)
position = cols + rows
final_position = "".join(position)
print final_position # This is just to check the value
# The statement below should insert hyperlink in eps.xlsm > worksheet jobnoeps at column B and last completed row.
ws.cell(final_position).hyperlink = destination
The complete code is below but here is the section that is meant to create the hyperlink. I have also tried the 'xlswriter' package with no joy. Searched the internet and the above snippet is the result of what I found.
Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
__author__ = 'Paul'
import os
import openpyxl
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import xlsxwriter
site_info_root = 'C:\\Users\\paul.EPSCONSTRUCTION\\PycharmProjects\\Excel_Jobs\\Site Information\\'
# This function returns the last row on eps.xlsm to be populated
def get_last_row(cell_ref = 'P1'): #P1 contains the count of the used rows
global wb
global ws
wb = load_workbook("eps.xlsm", data_only = True) #Workbook
ws = wb["jobnoeps"] #Worksheet
last_row = ws.cell(cell_ref).value #Value of P1 from that worksheet
return last_row
# This function will read the job number in format EPS-XXXX-YR
def read_last_row_jobno(last_row_position):
last_row_data = []
for cols in range(1, 5):
last_row_data += str(ws.cell(column = cols, row = last_row_position).value)
last_row_data_all = "".join(last_row_data)
return last_row_data_all
#This function will return the Customer
def read_last_row_cust(last_row_position):
cols = 5
customer_name = str(ws.cell(column = cols, row = last_row_position).value)
return customer_name
#This function will return the Site
def read_last_row_site(last_row_position):
cols = 6
site_name = str(ws.cell(column = cols, row = last_row_position).value)
return site_name
#This function will return the Job Discription
def read_last_row_disc(last_row_position):
cols = 7
site_disc = str(ws.cell(column = cols, row = last_row_position).value)
return site_disc
last_row = get_last_row()
job_no_details = read_last_row_jobno(last_row)
job_customer = read_last_row_cust(last_row)
job_site = read_last_row_site(last_row)
job_disc = read_last_row_disc(last_row)
cust_folder = job_customer
job_dir = job_no_details + "\\" + job_site + " - " + job_disc
#Insert Hyperlink to folder
def folder_hyperlink(last_row_position, destination):
cols = 'B'
rows = str(last_row_position)
position = cols + rows
final_position = "".join(position)
print final_position # This is just to check the value
# The statement below should insert hyperlink in eps.xlsm > worksheet jobnoeps at column B and last completed row.
ws.cell(final_position).hyperlink = destination
folder_location = site_info_root + job_customer + "\\" + job_dir
print folder_location # This is just to check the value
folder_hyperlink(last_row, folder_location)
Now my hyperlink function looks like this after trying xlsxwriter as advised.
##Insert Hyperlink to folder
def folder_hyperlink(last_row_position, destination):
import xlsxwriter
cols = 'B'
rows = str(last_row_position)
position = cols + rows
final_position = "".join(position)
print final_position # This is just to check the value
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('eps.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('jobnoeps')
print worksheet
worksheet.write_url(final_position, 'folder_location')
The function overwrites the exsisting eps.xlsx, creates a jobnoeps table and then inserts the hyperlink. I have played with the following lines but don't know how to get it to open the existing xlsx and existing jobnoeps tab and then enter the hyperlink.
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('eps.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('jobnoeps')
worksheet.write_url(final_position, 'folder_location')
The XlsxWriter write_url() method allows you to link to folders or other workbooks and worksheets as well as internal links and links to web urls. For example:
import xlsxwriter
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('links.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
worksheet.set_column('A:A', 50)
# Link to a Folder.
worksheet.write_url('A1', r'external:C:\Temp')
# Link to a workbook.
worksheet.write_url('A3', r'external:C:\Temp\Book.xlsx')
# Link to a cell in a worksheet.
worksheet.write_url('A5', r'external:C:\Temp\Book.xlsx#Sheet1!C5')
See the docs linked to above for more details.
Here is the code that did the trick:-
# Creates hyperlink in existing workbook...
def set_hyperlink():
from openpyxl import load_workbook
x = "hyperlink address"
wb = load_workbook("filename.xlsx")
ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name("sheet_name")
ws.cell(row = x?, column = y?).hyperlink = x"filename.xlsx")
Tried again with openpyxl as advised.

Activate second worksheet with openpyxl

I am trying to activate multiple excel worksheets and write to both multiple sheets within both workbook(s) using python and openpyxl. I am able to load the second workbook f but I am unable to append cell G2 of my second workbook with the string Recon
from openpyxl import Workbook, load_workbook
filename = 'sda_2015.xlsx'
wb = Workbook()
ws =
ws['G1'] = 'Path'
ws.title = 'Main'
adf = "Dirty Securities 04222015.xlsx"
f = "F:\\ana\\xlmacro\\" + adf
wb2 = load_workbook(f)
wb22 = Workbook(wb2)
ws =
ws['G1'] = "Recon2"
ws.title = 'Main2'
print wb2.get_sheet_names()
I commented out the code which is broken
I adjusted my code with the below answer. The value in cell H1 is written onto wb2 in column H, but for some reason the column is hidden. I have adjusted the column to other columns but still I have seen the code hide multiple columns. There are also occurences when the code executes and titles ws2 as Main21 but the encoded value is Main2
from openpyxl import Workbook, load_workbook
filename = 'sda_2015.xlsx'
wb1 = Workbook()
ws1 =
ws1['G1'] = 'Path'
ws1.title = 'Main'
adf = "Dirty Securities 04222015.xlsx"
f = "F:\\ana\\xlmacro\\" + adf
wb2 = load_workbook(f)
ws2 =
ws2['H1'] = 'Recon2'
ws2.title = 'Main2'
print wb2.get_sheet_names()
If you have two workbooks open, wb1 and wb2, you'll also need different names for the various worksheets: ws1 = and ws2 =
If you're working with a file with macros, you'll need to set the keep_vba flag to True when opening it in order to preserve the macros.
I had experienced the same thing with hidden cells. Eventually, I unpacked the Excel file and looked at the raw XML to find out that not all of the columns had a dimension for width. Those without a width were being by Excel.
A quick fix is to do something like this...
for col in 'ABCDEFG':
if not worksheet.column_dimensions[col].width:
worksheet.column_dimensions[col].width = 10
