I am looking at GeeksForGeeks problem Kth smallest element:
Given an array arr[] and an integer K where K is smaller than size of array, the task is to find the Kth smallest element in the given array. It is given that all array elements are distinct.
Expected Time Complexity: O(n)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(log(n))
1 <= N <= 105
1 <= arr[i] <= 105
1 <= K <= N
My Code:
class Solution:
def kthSmallest(self,arr, l, r, k):
arr : given array
l : starting index of the array i.e 0
r : ending index of the array i.e size-1
k : find kth smallest element and return using this function
for i in range(k//2,0,-1):
for i in arr[k:]:
if i <arr2[1]:
return arr2[1]
def heapify(self,arr, i, r):
if 2 * i <= r + 1 and arr[2 * i] > arr[i]:
arr[2 * i], arr[i] = arr[i], arr[i * 2]
arr = self.heapify(arr, 2 * i, r)
if 2 * i + 1 <= r + 1 and arr[2 * i + 1] > arr[i]:
arr[2 * i + 1], arr[i] = arr[i], arr[i * 2 + 1]
arr = self.heapify(arr, 2 * i + 1, r)
return arr
I made a sub array of first K elements in the array, and max heapified it.
Then for the rest of the elements in the array, if the element is smaller than the first element of the heap, I replaced the top element and then max heapified the top element. I am getting time limit exceeded error. Any idea?
The problem is that your heapify function is not efficient. In the worst case it makes two recursive calls at the same recursion depth. This may even happen at several recursion depths, so that the number of times heapify is called recursively could become quite large. The goal is to have this only call heapify once (at the most) per recursion level.
It should first find the greatest child, and only then determine whether heapify should be called again, and make that single call if needed.
Some other remarks:
Instead of making heapify recursive, use an iterative solution. This will also save some execution time.
It is strange to pass k-1 to heapify as last argument, when the last element sits at index k, and so you get the weird comparison <= r + 1 in that function. It is more intuitive to pass k as argument, and work with <= r inside the function.
As arr is mutated by heapify it is not needed to return it. This is just overhead that is useless.
2 * i is calculated several times. It is better to calcuate this only once.
arr[k:] makes a copy of that part of the list. This is not really needed. You could just iterate over the range and take the corresponding value from the array in the loop.
It is not clear why the main function needs to get l and r as arguments, since in comments it is explained that l will be 0 and r the index of the last element. But in my opinion, since you get them, you should use them. So you should not assume l is 0,... etc.
I would use a more descriptive name for arr2. Why not name it heap?
Here is the improvement of your code:
class Solution:
def kthSmallest(self,arr, l, r, k):
arr : given array
l : starting index of the array i.e 0
r : ending index of the array i.e size-1
k : find kth smallest element and return using this function
heap = [arr[i] for i in range(l, r + 1)]
heap.insert(0, None)
for i in range(k//2, 0, -1):
self.heapify(heap, i, k)
for i in range(l + k, r + 1):
val = arr[i]
if val < heap[1]:
heap[1] = val
self.heapify(heap, 1, k)
return heap[1]
def heapify(self, arr, i, r):
child = 2 * i
while child <= r:
if child + 1 <= r and arr[child + 1] > arr[child]:
child += 1
if arr[child] <= arr[i]:
arr[child], arr[i] = arr[i], arr[child]
i = child
child = 2 * i
Finally, there is a heapq module you can use, which simplifies your code:
from heapq import heapify, heapreplace
class Solution:
def kthSmallest(self, arr, l, r, k):
arr : given array
l : starting index of the array i.e 0
r : ending index of the array i.e size-1
k : find kth smallest element and return using this function
heap = [-arr[i] for i in range(l, l + k)]
for i in range(l + k, r + 1):
val = -arr[i]
if val > heap[0]:
heapreplace(heap, val)
return -heap[0]
The unary minus that occurs here and there is to make the native minheap work as a maxheap.
I am trying to extract all subsets from a list of elements which add up to a certain value.
Example -
List = [1,3,4,5,6]
Sum - 9
Output Expected = [[3,6],[5,4]]
Have tried different approaches and getting the expected output but on a huge list of elements it is taking a significant amount of time.
Can this be optimized using Dynamic Programming or any other technique.
def subset(array, num):
result = []
def find(arr, num, path=()):
if not arr:
if arr[0] == num:
result.append(path + (arr[0],))
find(arr[1:], num - arr[0], path + (arr[0],))
find(arr[1:], num, path)
find(array, num)
return result
numbers = [2, 2, 1, 12, 15, 2, 3]
x = 7
def isSubsetSum(arr, subset, N, subsetSize, subsetSum, index , sum):
global flag
if (subsetSum == sum):
flag = 1
for i in range(0, subsetSize):
print(subset[i], end = " ")
for i in range(index, N):
subset[subsetSize] = arr[i]
isSubsetSum(arr, subset, N, subsetSize + 1,
subsetSum + arr[i], i + 1, sum)
If you want to output all subsets you can't do better than a sluggish O(2^n) complexity, because in the worst case that will be the size of your output and time complexity is lower-bounded by output size (this is a known NP-Complete problem). But, if rather than returning a list of all subsets, you just want to return a boolean value indicating whether achieving the target sum is possible, or just one subset summing to target (if it exists), you can use dynamic programming for a pseudo-polynomial O(nK) time solution, where n is the number of elements and K is the target integer.
The DP approach involves filling in an (n+1) x (K+1) table, with the sub-problems corresponding to the entries of the table being:
DP[i][k] = subset(A[i:], k) for 0 <= i <= n, 0 <= k <= K
That is, subset(A[i:], k) asks, 'Can I sum to (little) k using the suffix of A starting at index i?' Once you fill in the whole table, the answer to the overall problem, subset(A[0:], K) will be at DP[0][K]
The base cases are for i=n: they indicate that you can't sum to anything except for 0 if you're working with the empty suffix of your array
subset(A[n:], k>0) = False, subset(A[n:], k=0) = True
The recursive cases to fill in the table are:
subset(A[i:], k) = subset(A[i+1:, k) OR (A[i] <= k AND subset(A[i+i:], k-A[i]))
This simply relates the idea that you can use the current array suffix to sum to k either by skipping over the first element of that suffix and using the answer you already had in the previous row (when that first element wasn't in your array suffix), or by using A[i] in your sum and checking if you could make the reduced sum k-A[i] in the previous row. Of course, you can only use the new element if it doesn't itself exceed your target sum.
ex: subset(A[i:] = [3,4,1,6], k = 8)
would check: could I already sum to 8 with the previous suffix (A[i+1:] = [4,1,6])? No. Or, could I use the 3 which is now available to me to sum to 8? That is, could I sum to k = 8 - 3 = 5 with [4,1,6]? Yes. Because at least one of the conditions was true, I set DP[i][8] = True
Because all the base cases are for i=n, and the recurrence relation for subset(A[i:], k) relies on the answers to the smaller sub-problems subset(A[i+i:],...), you start at the bottom of the table, where i = n, fill out every k value from 0 to K for each row, and work your way up to row i = 0, ensuring you have the answers to the smaller sub-problems when you need them.
def subsetSum(A: list[int], K: int) -> bool:
N = len(A)
DP = [[None] * (K+1) for x in range(N+1)]
DP[N] = [True if x == 0 else False for x in range(K+1)]
for i in range(N-1, -1, -1):
Ai = A[i]
DP[i] = [DP[i+1][k] or (Ai <=k and DP[i+1][k-Ai]) for k in range(0, K+1)]
# print result
print(f"A = {A}, K = {K}")
print('Ai,k:', *range(0,K+1), sep='\t')
for (i, row) in enumerate(DP): print(A[i] if i < N else None, *row, sep='\t')
print(f"DP[0][K] = {DP[0][K]}")
return DP[0][K]
subsetSum([1,4,3,5,6], 9)
If you want to return an actual possible subset alongside the bool indicating whether or not it's possible to make one, then for every True flag in your DP you should also store the k index for the previous row that got you there (it will either be the current k index or k-A[i], depending on which table lookup returned True, which will indicate whether or not A[i] was used). Then you walk backwards from DP[0][K] after the table is filled to get a subset. This makes the code messier but it's definitely do-able. You can't get all subsets this way though (at least not without increasing your time complexity again) because the DP table compresses information.
Here is the optimized solution to the problem with a complexity of O(n^2).
def get_subsets(data: list, target: int):
# initialize final result which is a list of all subsets summing up to target
subsets = []
# records the difference between the target value and a group of numbers
differences = {}
for number in data:
prospects = []
# iterate through every record in differences
for diff in differences:
# the number complements a record in differences, i.e. a desired subset is found
if number - diff == 0:
new_subset = [number] + differences[diff]
if new_subset not in subsets:
# the number fell short to reach the target; add to prospect instead
elif number - diff < 0:
prospects.append((number, diff))
# update the differences record
for prospect in prospects:
new_diff = target - sum(differences[prospect[1]]) - prospect[0]
differences[new_diff] = differences[prospect[1]] + [prospect[0]]
differences[target - number] = [number]
return subsets
So I decided to approach this problem by creating another array (lets say arraycount) with the same length of the input array(lets say arraynumber) which is to be sorted. For the program to really check the stability of the sorting function, I decided to use test cases of integer array of repeated occurrences eg arraynumber = {10,8,7,8,2,2,2,1,6}. I then use a function to calculate the occurrences of the number in the array and store them in the arraycount[] which will result as arraycount={1,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1}.
Naturally after sorting in increasing order they become arraynumber={1,2,2,2,6,7,8,8,10} and the result of the arraycount decides that its stable or not. Hence if its stable arraycount={1,1,2,3,1,1,1,2,1} otherwise it won't be same.
This is the code I have been working on. Help and feedback is appreciated. Main function and input is not taken yet. I will take another array copy of the original arraycount which will be compared afterward to check if it's retained the original position. Sorry if I made any trivial mistakes. Thank you.
def merge(arr1, l, m, r,arr2):
n1 = m - l + 1
n2 = r- m
# create temp arrays
L = [0] * (n1)
R = [0] * (n2)
# Copy data to temp arrays L[] and R[]
for i in range(0 , n1):
L[i] = arr1[l + i]
for j in range(0 , n2):
R[j] = arr1[m + 1 + j]
# Merge the temp arrays back into arr[l..r]
i = 0 # Initial index of first subarray
j = 0 # Initial index of second subarray
k = l # Initial index of merged subarray
while i < n1 and j < n2 :
if L[i] <= R[j]:
arr1[k] = L[i]
i += 1
arr1[k] = R[j]
j += 1
k += 1
# Copy the remaining elements of L[], if there
# are any
while i < n1:
arr1[k] = L[i]
i += 1
k += 1
# Copy the remaining elements of R[], if there
# are any
while j < n2:
arr1[k] = R[j]
j += 1
k += 1
# l is for left index and r is right index of the
# sub-array of arr to be sorted
def mergeSort(arr1,l,r,arr2):
if l < r:
# Same as (l+r)/2, but avoids overflow for
# large l and h
m = (l+(r-1))/2
# Sort first and second halves
mergeSort(arr1, l, m,arr2)
mergeSort(arr1, m+1, r,arr2)
merge(arr1, l, m, r,arr2)
# This function takes last element as pivot, places
# the pivot element at its correct position in sorted
# array, and places all smaller (smaller than pivot)
# to left of pivot and all greater elements to right
# of pivot
def partition(arr1,low,high,arr2):
i = ( low-1 ) # index of smaller element
pivot = arr1[high] # pivot
for j in range(low , high):
# If current element is smaller than or
# equal to pivot
if arr1[j] <= pivot:
# increment index of smaller element
i = i+1
arr1[i],arr1[j] = arr1[j],arr1[i]
arr1[i+1],arr1[high] = arr1[high],arr1[i+1]
return ( i+1 )
# The main function that implements QuickSort
# arr1[] --> Array to be sorted,
# arr2[] --> Second Array of the count to be sorted along with first array
# low --> Starting index,
# high --> Ending index
# Function to do Quick sort
def quickSort(arr1,low,high,arr2):
if low < high:
# pi is partitioning index, arr[p] is now
# at right place
pi = partition(arr1,low,high,arr2)
# Separately sort elements before
# partition and after partition
quickSort(arr1, low, pi-1,arr2)
quickSort(arr1, pi+1, high,arr2)
def countArray(arr1,arr2):
while i<range(len(arr1[])):
while j<range(len(arr1[])):
if arr1[i]==arr1[j]:
def isStable(arr1,arr2):
while i < range(len(arr1[])):
if arr[i]==arr2[i]:
if k==len(arr2):
print("Stable sort")
print("Unstable sort")
First of all, sorry about the naive question. But I couldn't find help elsewhere
I'm trying to create an Optimal Search Tree using Dynamic Programing in Python that receives two lists (a set of keys and a set of frequencies) and returns two answers:
1 - The smallest path cost.
2 - The generated tree for that smallest cost.
I basically need to create a tree organized by the most accessed items on top (most accessed item it's the root), and return the smallest path cost from that tree, by using the Dynamic Programming solution.
I've the following implemented code using Python:
def optimalSearchTree(keys, freq, n):
#Create an auxiliary 2D matrix to store results of subproblems
cost = [[0 for x in xrange(n)] for y in xrange(n)]
#For a single key, cost is equal to frequency of the key
#for i in xrange (0,n):
# cost[i][i] = freq[i]
# Now we need to consider chains of length 2, 3, ... .
# L is chain length.
for L in xrange (2,n):
for i in xrange(0,n-L+1):
j = i+L-1
cost[i][j] = sys.maxint
for r in xrange (i,j):
if (r > i):
c = cost[i][r-1] + sum(freq, i, j)
elif (r < j):
c = cost[r+1][j] + sum(freq, i, j)
elif (c < cost[i][j]):
cost[i][j] = c
return cost[0][n-1]
def sum(freq, i, j):
s = 0
k = i
for k in xrange (k,j):
s += freq[k]
return s
keys = [10,12,20]
freq = [34,8,50]
print(optimalSearchTree(keys, freq, n))
I'm trying to output the answer 1. The smallest cost for that tree should be 142 (the value stored on the Matrix Position [0][n-1], according to the Dynamic Programming solution). But unfortunately it's returning 0. I couldn't find any issues in that code. What's going wrong?
You have several very questionable statements in your code, definitely inspired by C/Java programming practices. For instance,
keys = [10,12,20]
freq = [34,8,50]
I think you think you calculate the number of items in the list. However, n is not 3:
What you need is this:
n = len(keys)
One more find: elif (r < j) is always True, because r is in the range between i (inclusive) and j (exclusive). The elif (c < cost[i][j]) condition is never checked. The matrix c is never updated in the loop - that's why you always end up with a 0.
Another suggestion: do not overwrite the built-in function sum(). Your namesake function calculates the sum of all items in a slice of a list:
import sys
def optimalSearchTree(keys, freq):
#Create an auxiliary 2D matrix to store results of subproblems
n = len(keys)
cost = [[0 for x in range(n)] for y in range(n)]
storeRoot = [[0 for i in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
#For a single key, cost is equal to frequency of the key
for i in range (0,n):
cost[i][i] = freq[i]
# Now we need to consider chains of length 2, 3, ... .
# L is chain length.
for L in range (2,n+1):
for i in range(0,n-L+1):
j = i + L - 1
cost[i][j] = sys.maxsize
for r in range (i,j+1):
c = (cost[i][r-1] if r > i else 0)
c += (cost[r+1][j] if r < j else 0)
c += sum(freq[i:j+1])
if (c < cost[i][j]):
cost[i][j] = c
storeRoot[i][j] = r
return cost[0][n-1], storeRoot
if __name__ == "__main__" :
keys = [10,12,20]
freq = [34,8,50]
print(optimalSearchTree(keys, freq))
I'm trying to compute a certain subset of the full outer product of n vectors. The computation of the full outer product is described in this question.
Formally: Let v1,v2,...,vk be vectors of some length n, and K be a positive constant. I want a list containing all the products v1[i1]v2[i2]...vk[ik] for which i1*i2*...*ik <= K (indices start at one). Note: For example, if K = n ** k, the list would contain every combination.
My current approach is to create a hierarchical list of the indices fulfilling the condition above and then calculating the products recursively, which has the advantage of reusing some factors.
This implementation is a lot slower than the computation of the full outer product using NumPy (for same n and k). I want to achieve a better performance than the computation of the full product. I'm interested in larger values for k, and small K (this problem comes from function approximation with sparse bases, i.e. hyperbolic cross).
Does anyone know a more performant way to get this list? Maybe by using more NumPy or another algorithm? I will try a C implementation next.
Here is my current implementation:
import numpy as np
def get_cross_indices(n, k, K):
Assume k > 0.
Returns a hierarchical list containg elements of type
(i1, list) with
- i1 being a index (zero based!)
- list being again a list (possibly empty) with all indices i2, such
that (i1+1) * (i2+1) * ... * (ik+1) <= K (going down the hierarchy)
if k == 1:
num = min(n, K)
return (num, [(x, []) for x in range(num)])
indices = []
nums = 0
for i in xrange(min(n, K)):
(num, tail) = get_cross_indices(n,
k - 1, K // (i + 1))
indices.append((i, tail))
nums += num
return (nums, indices)
def calc_cross_outer_product(vectors, result, factor, indices, pos):
Fills the result list recursively with all products
vectors[0][i1] * ... * vectors[k-1][ik]
such that i1,...,ik is a feasible index sequence
from `indices` (they are in there hierarchically,
also see `get_cross_indices`).
for (x, list) in indices:
if not list:
result[pos] = factor * vectors[0][x]
pos += 1
pos = calc_cross_outer_product(vectors[1:], result,
factor * vectors[0][x], list, pos)
return pos
k = 3 # number of vectors
n = 4 # vector length
K = 3
# using random values here just for demonstration purposes
vectors = np.random.rand(k, n)
# get all indices which meet the condition
(count, indices) = get_cross_indices(n, k, K)
result = np.ones(count)
calc_cross_outer_product(vectors, result, 1, indices, 0)
## Equivalent version ##
alt_result = np.ones(count)
# create full outer products
outer_product = reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*vectors))
pos = 0
for inds in np.ndindex((n,)*k):
# current index set is feasible?
if np.product(np.array(inds) + 1) <= K:
# compute [ vectors[0][inds[0]],...,vectors[k-1][inds[k-1]] ]
values = map(lambda x: vectors[x[0]][x[1]],
np.dstack((np.arange(k), inds))[0])
alt_result[pos] = np.product(values)
pos += 1
To get a visual idea of the indices I'm interested in, here is a picture for k=3, K=n:
(taken from this website)
So I'm working on some practice problems and having trouble reducing the complexity. I am given an array of distinct integers a[] and a threshold value T. I need to find the number of triplets i,j,k such that a[i] < a[j] < a[k] and a[i] + a[j] + a[k] <= T. I've gotten this down from O(n^3) to O(n^2 log n) with the following python script. I'm wondering if I can optimize this any further.
import sys
import bisect
first_line = sys.stdin.readline().strip().split(' ')
num_numbers = int(first_line[0])
threshold = int(first_line[1])
count = 0
if num_numbers < 3:
print count
numbers = sys.stdin.readline().strip().split(' ')
numbers = map(int, numbers)
for i in xrange(num_numbers - 2):
for j in xrange(i+1, num_numbers - 1):
k_1 = threshold - (numbers[i] + numbers[j])
if k_1 < numbers[j]:
cross_thresh = bisect.bisect(numbers,k_1) - (j+1)
if cross_thresh > 0:
count += cross_thresh
print count
In the above example, the first input line simply provides the number of numbers and the threshold. The next line is the full list. If the list is less than 3, there is no triplets that can exist, so we return 0. If not, we read in the full list of integers, sort them, and then process them as follows: we iterate over every element of i and j (such that i < j) and we compute the highest value of k that would not break i + j + k <= T. We then find the index (s) of the first element in the list that violates this condition and take all the elements between j and s and add them to the count. For 30,000 elements in a list, this takes about 7 minutes to run. Is there any way to make it faster?
You are performing binary search for each (i,j) pair to find the corresponding value for k. Hence O(n^2 log(n)).
I can suggest an algorithm that will have the worst case time complexity of O(n^2).
Assume the list is sorted from left to right and elements are numbered from 1 to n. Then the pseudo code is:
for i = 1 to n - 2:
j = i + 1
find maximal k with binary search
while j < k:
j = j + 1
find maximal k with linear search to the left, starting from last k position
The reason this has the worst case time complexity of O(n^2) and not O(n^3) is because the position k is monotonically decreasing. Thus even with linear scanning, you are not spending O(n) for each (i,j) pair. Rather, you are spending a total of O(n) time to scan for k for each distinct i value.
O(n^2) version implemented in Python (based on wookie919's answer):
def triplets(N, T):
N = sorted(N)
result = 0
for i in xrange(len(N)-2):
k = len(N)-1
for j in xrange(i+1, len(N)-1):
while k>=0 and N[i]+N[j]+N[k]>T:
result += max(k, j)-j
return result
import random
sample = random.sample(xrange(1000000), 30000)
print triplets(sample, 500000)