I was wondering how to measure the width of a text in tkinter canvas. I have a text displayed somewhere:
myCanvas.create_text(400,410, text="This is my text", tags="my_tag")
and at some point there is a shape (polygon line) that may overlap when the text gets longer (text will be changed with .itemconfigure()). In this case I wanted to break the text in lines, which works well with the width option.
To figure out if objects overlap there are a couple of possible methods: find_overlapping() or find_enclosed(), however, they do require 4 coordinates and myCanvas.coords("my_tag") only returns 2 coordinates. How could I figure out the other x2, y2?
An alternative was to use find_closest(), however, there are a bunch of shapes closer than the overlapping one, so that is not accurate.
Another alternative was that I could figure out the intersecting coordinate and then just take the distance to the x coordinate of the text and double that as a width (since text gets drawn from the center), for example:
intersection point at (350,405) => width = 2 * (400-350)
However, since the shape is a line (part of a polygon) that goes diagonal, I'm not sure how get the intersection point other than having a loop that creates a line that slowly increases till it overlaps with an object, for example:
text_center = (400,410)
start_x = text_center[0]
start_y = text_center[1]
extender = 1
while(myCanvas.find_overlapping(start_x, start_y, start_x+entender, start_y == ())
extender += 1
myCanvas.create_line(start_x, start_y, start_x+extender, start_y, tags="mytestline")
overlapping_point = (start_x+extender, start_y)
Is there an easier way?
The bbox method will return the bounding box of any item or group of items on the canvas. The bounding box is the smallest rectangle that contains the elements, give or take a pixel or two. The returned value is a tuple of the two coordinates.
The following example creates a text item, gets and displays the bounding box, and also uses the coordinates to draw a rectangle around the text so you can visually see that the numbers are correct.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
myCanvas = tk.Canvas(root)
myCanvas.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
item_id = myCanvas.create_text(100,50, text="This is my text", tags="my_tag")
bbox = myCanvas.bbox(item_id)
myCanvas.create_rectangle(bbox, outline="red")
myCanvas.create_text(100, 70, text=f"bbox: {bbox}")
I want to get current size of a cell in tkinter's grid packaging. Not just default, but after resizing as well. How do I do that?
You can use the grid_bbox method to get the size of a cell or group of cells.
For example, given a frame f which uses grid to manage its children, the width and height of row 4, column 5 can be retrieved like this:
x, y, width, height = f.grid_bbox(5, 4)
This is how the bbox method is described in the official tcl/tk documentation:
With no arguments, the bounding box (in pixels) of the grid is returned. The return value consists of 4 integers. The first two are the pixel offset from the master window (x then y) of the top-left corner of the grid, and the second two integers are the width and height of the grid, also in pixels. If a single column and row is specified on the command line, then the bounding box for that cell is returned, where the top left cell is numbered from zero. If both column and row arguments are specified, then the bounding box spanning the rows and columns indicated is returned.
Gravity seemed like what I wanted but it does not let me change the x offset.
bg.caption(f"{xp} / {req_xp}", left=200, top=165, font=montserrat_bold, gravity='north_east')
Correctly offsets in the y direction but no matter what I put for left it remains glued to the right. Is this a bug with wand? I saw several examples of pure imagemagick where alignment seemed possible.
Captions are created by building a new bounding box (width x height), and renders the text to fit within the box -- while respecting the gravity parameter. After the text has been rendered, the bonding box is composited at the left x top coordinates of the image.
[...] it remains glued to the right. Is this a bug with wand?
With gravity set to "north_east" & width undefined, the text will remain "glued to the right".
Try the following ...
bg.caption(f"{xp} / {req_xp}",
Adjust the width= & height= parameter values to respect the pointsize of montserrat_bold variable.
I have a form (in .png format) with blank text boxes (usually filled out by hand). I would like to populate the boxes with text.
To do this, I am using tkinter to display the form on the screen, I then use the mouse (with finer positioning using arrow keys) to get the pixel coordinates of a box, then use PIL to write text to that box. A working example is below.
My primary issue is I am struggling to align pixel coordinates in the tkinter canvas and pixel coordinates in the PIL image.
Some additional background. The image is in high resolution and is circa 4961 by 7016 pixels. My screen resolution is 1920 x 1080. I had problems writing text where I needed it to write like this and found greater success if I scaled the image to fit entirely within my screen. I can only assume this is because I was / am confusing screen pixels with picture pixels (and resolved this when I fit the image to the screen to align these two - but understanding the differences here and how to do this task without scaling would be most helpful also).
But I am also having trouble reconciling the pixel coordinates on the tkinter canvas with the PIL picture. For example, the code below is designed to write (x, y) pixel coordinates and then its page relativity {x% across the page, y% up the page} to the box (the reason for this is because it is an input into another process). An example is: (346, 481) >> {49.856, 51.018}
But if (using a scaling factor of 0.14) I click very low to the bottom of the image, I get (209, 986) >> {30.115, -0.407}. The relativities should be bounded between 0 and 100% so should not be negative and I cannot see this on my PIL produced .png file.
If I use a scaling factor of 0.125, I can write text to the tkinter canvas box fine, but the text appears quite a bit lower (ie outside the box) on the PIL .png file which is saved to the drives. So something is clearly not working between these two systems.
How can I reconcile PIL and tkinter pixel coordinates?
As an aside, I have a four separate functions to handle finer key adjustments. Ideally these would be one function, but I could not get the arrow buttons ( etc) to work inside an if elif block (eg, I tried this and some more derivatives of left, right etc)
def mouseMovement(event):
moveSpeed = 1
moveSpeed = max(1, int(event.char)*5)
return True
except ValueError:
return False
x, y = pyautogui.position()
if event.char == '<Left>':
pyautogui.moveTo(x-moveSpeed, y)
elif event.char == '<Right>':
pyautogui.moveTo(x+moveSpeed, y)
root.bind('<Key>' , mouseMovement)
Any help greatly appreciated!
Almost working example below:
from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageTk
import pyautogui
# Form
formName = '2013+ MCS4'
# PIL image'
formImage = Image.open(formName+'.png')
wForm, hForm = formImage.size
scale = 0.14
formImage = formImage.resize((int(scale*wForm), int(scale*hForm)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(formImage)
font = ImageFont.truetype('arial.ttf', 10)
textColor = (255, 40, 40)
# tkinter canvas
def colorConversion(RGB):
def hexadecimalScale(RGB):
hexadecimalSystem = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F')
return str(hexadecimalSystem[RGB//16]) + str(hexadecimalSystem[RGB%16])
return '#' + hexadecimalScale(RGB[0]) + hexadecimalScale(RGB[1]) + hexadecimalScale(RGB[2])
fontCanvas = 'arial 7'
textColorCanvas = colorConversion(textColor)
# generate canvas
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk()
# set up tkinter canvas with scrollbars
frame = Frame(root, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN)
frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
xscroll = Scrollbar(frame, orient=HORIZONTAL)
xscroll.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E+W)
yscroll = Scrollbar(frame)
yscroll.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=N+S)
canvas = Canvas(frame, width=int(scale*wForm), height=int(scale*hForm), bd=0, xscrollcommand=xscroll.set, yscrollcommand=yscroll.set)
canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N+S+E+W)
# add image
#img = PhotoImage(file=formName+'.png')
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(formImage)
wForm = img.width()
hForm = img.height()
# finer mouse movements
moveSpeed = 1
def setMoveSpeed(event):
global moveSpeed
moveSpeed = max(1, int(event.char)*5)
return moveSpeed
except ValueError:
return False
def moveMouseLeft(event):
x, y = pyautogui.position()
pyautogui.moveTo(x-moveSpeed, y)
def moveMouseRight(event):
x, y = pyautogui.position()
pyautogui.moveTo(x+moveSpeed, y)
def moveMouseUp(event):
x, y = pyautogui.position()
pyautogui.moveTo(x, y-moveSpeed)
def moveMouseDown(event):
x, y = pyautogui.position()
pyautogui.moveTo(x, y+moveSpeed)
root.bind('<Key>' , setMoveSpeed)
root.bind('<Left>' , moveMouseLeft)
root.bind('<Right>', moveMouseRight)
root.bind('<Up>' , moveMouseUp)
root.bind('<Down>' , moveMouseDown)
# print coordinates
def printCoordinates(event):
x = event.x # minor adjustments to correct for differences in tkinter vs PIL methods (investigate further)
y = event.y # minor adjustments to correct for differences in tkinter vs PIL methods (investigate further)
canvas.create_text(x, y-5, fill= textColorCanvas, font= fontCanvas, anchor= 'sw',
text= '{'+str(round(x/wForm*100,3))+', '+str(round((1-y/hForm)*100,3))+'}' )
draw.text( (x, y-5), '{'+str(round(x/wForm*100,3))+', '+str(round((1-y/hForm)*100,3))+'}' , fill=textColor, font=font)
print('('+str(x)+', '+str(y)+') >> {'+str(round(x/wForm*100,3))+', '+str(round((1-y/hForm)*100,3))+'}')
root.bind('<Return>', printCoordinates)
formImage.save('coordinates - '+formName+'.png')
I cannot run your code, so this is just an educated guess.
Since the canvas doesn't typically have focus, and the binding is on the root window, the values for event.x and event.y are possibly relative to the window as a whole rather than the canvas.
This should be easy to determine. You can print out the coordinates in the binding, and then click in the upper left corner of the canvas, as near to 0,0 as possible. The printed coordinates should also be very near to 0,0 if the coordinates are relative to the canvas. If they are off, they might be off by the distance of the top-left corner of the canvas to the top-left corner of the window.
It's due to Pillow setting the text coordinates on the left-hand corner(i.e. the coordinates selected become the top left-hand corner of whatever textbox pillow adds). But in newer versions of Pillow(I think 8.1), the text has an anchor option. Simply in the parameters for creating text add anchor="mm". The Pillow docs have more info on this(ps. you'll also have to slightly increase the font in some cases due to Pillow font sizes being slightly smaller. I found adding 4 gets pretty close)
EDIT: make sure the cords you're using are also Canvas cords
I'm new to Python, and I'm trying to write a program that displays an 8x8 grid. The vertical lines are supposed to be red and the horizontal lines are supposed to be blue. But I can't seem to figure it out. I know it must be in a loop, but I'm not sure even where to start. Please help!
Here's my code so far:
from tkinter import *
class Canvas:
def __init__(self):
self.window = Tk()
self.canvas = Canvas(window, width = 200, height = 200,
bg = "white")
def drawGrid(self):
Take a look at http://effbot.org/tkinterbook/canvas.htm#Tkinter.Canvas.create_line-method for details about the create_line() method.
You need two arguments: the coordinates of the line and a fill color. The coordinates are a list of [x0, y0, x1, y1], and they correspond to pixel values with an origin at the top-left corner of the parent widget, so to draw a horizontal green line on your 200x200 Canvas, you'd write:
self.canvas.create_line(0,0,200,200, fill='green')
To create a grid of lines, a for or while loop would work, which modified the list of coordinates at every iteration and passed it to a new create_line() function at the end of each loop.
That should get you started.
I've been trying to create a graph using a create_line and a list of (x,y) points.
import Tkinter
Screen = [a list of screen coordinates]
World = []
for x,y in screen:
if len(World) >= 2:
The line doesn't show in my canvas though, and no error was given. Any help?
Took me a while but this is how you draw to a canvas in the way you want:
import Tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Drawing lines to a canvas")
cv = tk.Canvas(root,height="500",width="500",bg="white")
def linemaker(screen_points):
""" Function to take list of points and make them into lines
is_first = True
# Set up some variables to hold x,y coods
x0 = y0 = 0
# Grab each pair of points from the input list
for (x,y) in screen_points:
# If its the first point in a set, set x0,y0 to the values
if is_first:
x0 = x
y0 = y
is_first = False
# If its not the fist point yeild previous pair and current pair
yield x0,y0,x,y
# Set current x,y to start coords of next line
x0,y0 = x,y
list_of_screen_coods = [(50,250),(150,100),(250,250),(350,100)]
for (x0,y0,x1,y1) in linemaker(list_of_screen_coods):
cv.create_line(x0,y0,x1,y1, width=1,fill="red")
You need to supply create_line with the x,y positions at the start and end point of the line, in the example code above (works) I'm drawing four lines connecting points (50,250),(150,100),(250,250),(350,100) in a zigzag line
Its worth pointing out also that the x,y coords on a canvas start at the top left rather than the bottom left, think of it less like a graph with the x,y = 0,0 in the bottom left of the canvas and more how you would print to a page starting in top left corner moving to the right in the x and with the y incrementing as you move down the page.
I used:
http://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/tk_canvas.htm as reference.
If you aren't getting errors and you're certain your function is being called, you probably have one of three problems:
Is your canvas visible? A common mistake for beginners is to either forget to pack/grid/place the canvas, or to neglect to do that for all of its containers. An easy way to verify is to temporarily give your canvas a really bright background so that it stands out from the rest of the GUI.
Have you set the scroll region? The other explanation is that the drawing is happening, but it's happening in an area that is outside the viewable portion of the canvas. You should be setting the scrollregion attribute of the canvas after creating your drawings, to make sure everything you're drawing can be made visible.
Does your canvas and canvas objects have an appropriate color? It's possible that you've changed the background of the canvas to black (since you don't show that code in your question), and you're using a default color of black when creating your lines.