How to loop in python to target amount? - python

I'm having difficulty with the below problems and not sure what I'm doing wrong. My goal is to figure out how many periods I need to compound interest on a deposit using loops to reach a target deposit amount on a function that takes three arguments I have to create. I've included what I have below but can't seem to get my number of periods.
period(1000, .05, 2000) - answer 15
where d is initial deposit, r is interest rate and t is target amount.
new_deposit = 0
def periods (d,r,t):
while d*(1+r)<=t:
new_deposit = d*(1+r) - d
return periods
I'm very new to this so not sure where I'm going wrong.

You were close, but your return statement would throw an error as you never set periods.
def periods(d,r,t):
count_periods = 1
current_ammount = d
while current_ammount*(1+r)<=t:
current_ammount = current_ammount*(1+r)
return count_periods
print(periods(100, 0.01, 105))
I renamed the return variable, as to not overlap with the function name itself.
EDIT: sorry your logic was flawed all the way through the code, rewrote it.

def periods(d, r, t):
p = 0
while d < t:
d *= (1 + r)
p += 1
return p
periods(100, .01, 105) # 5


Probabilities and rpg dice goes wrong for high values

I made this short code to calculate the chances of a success rolling dice, and it worked very well... but not in big numbers. Se the code, I'll explain better below.
def calc_dados(f_sucessos = 1, faces = 6, n_dados = 1):
p_max = ((f_sucessos/faces)**n_dados) #chance de todos
fator = 1
p_meio = 0
for i in range(n_dados-1):
p_meio += (((f_sucessos/faces)**(n_dados-fator) * ((faces-f_sucessos)/faces)**(n_dados-(n_dados-fator))) * n_dados)
fator += 1
p = p_max + p_meio
return p*100
So, ok, it works, why not see how my chances are better in function of adding dice? More the dice, better the chance. So I made this tiny table with pandas:
f_sucessos = 1 # how many faces are success
faces = 2 # faces of the dice
n_dados = 10 # n de dados lançados
suc_list = []
for i in range(0,n_dados): suc_list.append(f_sucessos)
fac_list = []
for i in range(0,n_dados): fac_list.append(faces)
cha_list = []
for i in range(0,n_dados): cha_list.append(calc_dados(f_sucessos, faces, i+1))
df = pd.DataFrame(
"n_dados" : range(1,n_dados+1),
"faces" : fac_list,
"sucessos" : suc_list,
"chance" : cha_list
The results were very strange... So I wrote an coin probability table and tested as the coin was an 2 faced dice. The right table is this:
table of right brute force tested results
But if you use my code to create this table the result will be this:
table of the results of my code
Please, anybody can help me to understood why in a certain moment the probabilities just fall when they should be higher? For example:The chance of at least 1 'head' in 4 coins should be 93,75%, but my code says it is 81,25%...
To be honest, I don't get how exactly 'calc_dados' calculate the probability of a success rolling dice.
So instead, I implemented maybe a more naive approach:
First, we calculate the total of possible outcomes: outcomes_total = faces ** n_dados
Second, we calculate the successful outcomes: outcomes_success
At last: p = outcomes_success / outcomes_total
I'm going to add a mathematical proof behind my version of the function a bit later:)
from math import comb
def calc_dados(f_sucessos=1, faces=6, n_dados=1):
assert f_sucessos <= faces
outcomes_total = faces ** n_dados
outcomes_success = 0
f_fail = faces - f_sucessos
for i in range(1, n_dados + 1):
one_permutation = (f_sucessos ** i) * (f_fail ** (n_dados - i))
n_permutations = comb(n_dados, i)
outcomes_success += one_permutation * n_permutations
p = outcomes_success / outcomes_total
return p * 100
These are some testing results
Now my code, based on the images I posted is the sum of all exact chances to find the chance of at least 1 result.
Below the code I will comment the changes.
from decimal import Decimal
def dado(fs=1,ft=6,d=1,ns=1,exato=False):
fs = faces success
ft = faces totals
d = n of dice rolled
ns - n of expected success
exato = True: chance of exact ns events, False: chance of at least ns events
s = Decimal(str(fs/ft))
f = Decimal(str((ft-fs)/ft))
d_int = d
d = Decimal(str(d))
ns = Decimal(str(ns))
p_max = Decimal(str(s))**Decimal(str(d))
fator = 1
po_soma = 0
for i in range(d_int-1):
po = (Decimal(str(s))**(Decimal(str(d))-fator) * Decimal(str(f))**(Decimal(str(d))-(Decimal(str(d))-fator)))*Decimal(str(d))
po_soma += po
if exato == True:
p_max = 0
fator += 1
return f'{(p_max + po_soma)*100:.2f}%'
First - not a change, it still dont work well.
Second - I'm using now 'fs' variable to number of faces that means success and 'ns' variable to elaborate how many successes we gonna find, so fs = 1 and ns 2 in 3d6 means 'the chance of find at least 2 of 1 specific face rolling 3 dice'.
Third - I'm using Decimal because I realize that the multiplication of fractions could generate very small numbers and the precision could be affected by this (but it dont solve the initial problem, them Decimal may be quicked out soon).
Fourth - Exato (exact) is now a variable that breaks the loop and send to us just the 'exact value' or the 'at least ns value'. So 'exato=True' means in the last example 'the chance of find exact 2 of 1 specific face rolling 3 dice', a very smaller number.
This is it, my thanks for #Raibek that is trying solve this problem in combinations way, I'll study this way too but if you have an idea about please let me know.
Hello people, it's finally solved!
First I would like to thank Raibek, who solved it using combinations, I didn't realize it was solved when he did it and below I'll tell you how and why.
If you are not following the history of this code, you just need to know that it is used to calculate the probability of getting at least ns successes when rolling d amount of dice. Solution codes are at the end of this answer.
I found out how to solve the problem by talking to a friend, Eber, who pointed me to an alternative to check the data, I quickly realized that my visual check, assembling tables in Excel/Calc was wrong, but why?
Well, here comes my friend who, reading the table of large numbers with 7d6, where the error was already very evident, shows me that although at the beginning the account worked, my table did not have all the possible combinations. And the more possibilities there were, the more my accounts failed, with the odds getting smaller as more dice were added to the roll.
This is the combinations I was considering, in this example on 7d6 case.
In the first code the account was:
successes**factor *failures**factor *d
The mistake is in assuming that the number of possible combinations was equal to d (which is a coincidence up to 3 dice for the tests I did before thanks to factorials of 1 = 1 and factorial of 2 = 2).
Now notice that, in 7d6 example, in the exact 3 block there are some missing possible combinations in yellow:
The correct account for this term of the equation is:
factorial(d) / factorial (failures) * factorial (successes)
With this account we can find out what the chance of exactly n faces rolling is, and then if we want, for example, to know the chance of at least once getting the number 1 in 3d6, we just need to add the chances of getting exactly 1 time, 2 times and 3 times. What the code already did well.
Finally, let's get to the code:
Daniel-Eber solution:
def dado(fs=1,ft=6,d=1,ns=1,exato=False):
fs = faces sucesso
ft = faces totais
d = n de dados
ns - n de sucessos esperados modificados por exato
exato = True: chance de exatamente ns ocorrerem, False: chance de pelo menos ns ocorrerem
from math import factorial
s = fs/ft
f = (ft-fs)/ft
d = d
ns = ns
p_max = s**d
falhas = 1
po_soma = 0
if exato == False:
for i in range(d-1):
po = ( (s**(d-falhas)) * (f**(falhas))) * (factorial(d)/(factorial(falhas)*factorial((d-falhas))))
po_soma += po
falhas += 1
p_max = 0
falhas = d-ns
po_soma = ( (s**(d-falhas)) * (f**(falhas))) * (factorial(d)/(factorial(falhas)*factorial((d-falhas))))
return f'{(p_max + po_soma)*100:.2f}%'
Raibek solution:
from scipy.special import comb
def calc_dados(f_sucessos=1, faces=6, n_dados=1):
assert f_sucessos <= faces
outcomes_total = faces ** n_dados
outcomes_success = 0
f_fail = faces - f_sucessos
for i in range(1, n_dados + 1):
one_permutation = (f_sucessos ** i) * (f_fail ** (n_dados - i))
n_permutations = comb(n_dados, i)
outcomes_success += one_permutation * n_permutations
p = outcomes_success / outcomes_total
return f'{(p)*100:.2f}%'

I used return, however the recursion does not end. help me please

I am doing a question that gives me a start coordinate, a end coordinate and the number of times of moving.Every time you can add 1 or minus 1 to x or y coordinate based on previous coordinate and the number of moving limit the time the coordinate can move. At last, I need to identify whether there is a possibility to get to the end coordinate
I decide to use recursion to solve this problem however, it does not end even if I wrote return inside a if else statement. Do you mind to take a look at it.
This is the code
# input
start = input()
end = input()
count = int(input())
coo_end = end.split(' ')
x_end = coo_end[0]
y_end = coo_end[1]
end_set = {int(x_end), int(y_end)}
coo = start.split(' ')
x = int(coo[0])
y = int(coo[1])
change_x = x
change_y = y
sum = x + y+count
set1 = set()
tim = 0
timer = 0
ways = 4** (count-1)
def elit(x, y, tim,timer, ways = ways):
tim = tim +1
co1 = (x, y+1)
co2 = (x+1, y)
co3 = (x, y-1)
co4 = (x-1, y)
if tim == count:
tim =0
timer = timer +1
if timer == ways:
return co1, co2, co3, co4 #### this is the place there is a problem
elit(co3[0],co3[1],tim, timer)
elit(co4[0],co4[1],tim, timer)
#print(elit(change_x,change_y,tim)) - none why
elit(change_x,change_y,tim, timer)
for a in set1:
if end_set != a:
answer = 'N'
answer = "Y"
In addition, if you have any suggestions about writing this question, do you mind to tell me since I am not sure I am using the best solution.
one of example is
Sample Input
3 4 (start value)
3 3 (end value)
3 (count)
Output for Sample Input
One possibility is to travel from (3, 4) to (4, 4) to (4, 3) to (3, 3).
the detailed question can be seen in this file
It is question 3. Thank you
thank you guys
the function is returning properly however by the time you reach the recursive depth to return anything you have called so many instances of the function that it seems like its in an infinite loop
when you call elite the first time the function calls itself four more times, in the example you have given timer is only incremented every 3 cycles and the function only return once timer hits 16 thus the function will need to run 48 times before returning anything and each time the function will be called 4 more times, this exponential growth means for this example the function will be called 19807040628566084398385987584 times, which depending on your machine may well take until the heat death of the universe
i thought i should add that i think you have somewhat over complicated the question, on a grid to get from one point to another the only options are the minimum distance or that same minimum with a diversion that must always be a multiple of 2 in length, so if t the movement is at least the minimum distance or any multiple of 2 over the result should be 'Y', the minimum distance will just be the difference between the coordinates on each axis this can be found by add in the difference between the x and y coordinates
abs(int(start[0]) - int(end[0])) + abs(int(start[1]) -int(end[1]))
the whole function therefore can just be:
def elit():
start = input('start: ').split(' ')
end = input('end: ').split(' ')
count = int(input('count: '))
distance = abs(int(start[0]) - int(end[0])) + abs(int(start[1]) -int(end[1]))
if (count - distance) % 2 == 0:
3 4
3 3
10 4
10 2

Paradox python algorithm

I am trying to solve a version of the birthday paradox question where I have a probability of 0.5 but I need to find the number of people n where at least 4 have their birthdays within a week of each other.
I have written code that is able to simulate where 2 people have their birthdays on the same day.
import numpy
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
no_of_simulations = 1000
milestone_probabilities = [50, 75, 90, 99]
milestone_current = 0
def birthday_paradox(no_of_people, simulations):
global milestone_probabilities, milestone_current
same_birthday_four_people = 0
#We assume that there are 365 days in all years.
for sim in range(simulations):
birthdays = numpy.random.choice(365, no_of_people, replace=True)
unique_birthdays = set(birthdays)
if len(unique_birthdays) < no_of_people:
same_birthday_four_people += 1
success_fraction = same_birthday_four_people/simulations
if milestone_current < len(milestone_probabilities) and success_fraction*100 > milestone_probabilities[milestone_current]:
print("P(Four people sharing birthday in a room with " + str(no_of_people) + " people) = " + str(success_fraction))
milestone_current += 1
return success_fraction
def main():
day = []
success = []
for i in range(1, 366): #Executing for all possible cases where can have unique birthdays, i.e. from 1 person to a maximum of 365 people in a room
success.append(birthday_paradox(i, no_of_simulations))
plt.plot(day, success)
I am looking to modify the code to look for sets of 4 instead of 2 and then calculate the difference between them to be less than equal to 7 in order to meet the question.
Am I going down the right path or should I approach the question differently?
The key part of your algorithm is in these lines:
unique_birthdays = set(birthdays)
if len(unique_birthdays) < no_of_people:
same_birthday_four_people += 1
Comparing the number of unique birthdays to the number of people did the work when you tested if two different people had the same birthday, but It wont do for your new test.
Define a new function that will receive the birthday array and return True or False after checking if indeed 4 different people had the a birthday in a range of 7 days:
def four_birthdays_same_week(birthdays):
# fill this function code
def birthday_paradox(no_of_people, simulations):
(this function can be defined outside the birthday_paradox function)
Then switch this code:
if len(unique_birthdays) < no_of_people:
same_birthday_four_people += 1
if four_birthdays_same_week(birthdays):
same_birthday_four_people += 1
Regarding the algorithm for checking if there 4 different birthday on the same week: a basic idea would be to sort the array of birthdays, then for every group of 4 birthdays check if the day range between them is equal or lower to 7:
if it is, the function can immediately return True.
(I am sure this algorithm can be vastly improved.)
If after scanning the whole array we didn't return True, the function can return False.

Calculating monthly growth percentage from cumulative total growth

I am trying to calculate a constant for month-to-month growth rate from an annual growth rate (goal) in Python.
My question has arithmetic similarities to this question, but was not completely answered.
For example, if total annual sales for 2018 are $5,600,000.00 and I have an expected 30% increase for the next year, I would expect total annual sales for 2019 to be $7,280,000.00.
BV_2018 = 5600000.00
Annual_GR = 0.3
EV_2019 = (BV * 0.3) + BV
I am using the last month of 2018 to forecast the first month of 2019
Last_Month_2018 = 522000.00
Month_01_2019 = (Last_Month_2018 * CONSTANT) + Last_Month_2018
For the second month of 2019 I would use
Month_02_2019 = (Month_01_2019 * CONSTANT) + Month_01_2019
...and so on and so forth
The cumulative sum of Month_01_2019 through Month_12_2019 needs to be equal to EV_2019.
Does anyone know how to go about calculating the constant in Python? I am familiar with the np.cumsum function, so that part is not an issue. My problem is I cannot solve for the constant I need.
Thank you in advance and please do not hesitate to ask for further clarification.
More clarification:
# get beginning value (BV)
BV = 522000.00
# get desired end value (EV)
EV = 7280000.00
We are trying to get from BV to EV (which is a cumulative sum) by calculating the cumulative sum of the [12] monthly totals. Each monthly total will have a % increase from the previous month that is constant across months. It is this % increase that I want to solve for.
Keep in mind, BV is the last month of the previous year. It is from BV that our forecast (i.e., Months 1 through 12) will be calculated. So, I'm thinking that it makes sense to go from BV to the EV plus the BV. Then, just remove BV and its value from the list, giving us EV as the cumulative total of Months 1 through 12.
I imagine using this constant in a function like this:
def supplier_forecast_calculator(sales_at_cost_prior_year, sales_at_cost_prior_month, year_pct_growth_expected):
Calculates monthly supplier forecast
monthly_forecast = supplier_forecast_calculator(sales_at_cost_prior_year = 5600000,
sales_at_cost_prior_month = 522000,
year_pct_growth_expected = 0.30)
# get monthly growth rate
monthly_growth_expected = CONSTANT
# get first month sales at cost
month1_sales_at_cost = (sales_at_cost_prior_month*monthly_growth_expected)+sales_at_cost_prior_month
# instantiate lists
month_list = ['Month 1'] # for months
sales_at_cost_list = [month1_sales_at_cost] # for sales at cost
# start loop
for i in list(range(2,13)):
# Append month to list
month_list.append(str('Month ') + str(i))
# get sales at cost and append to list
month1_sales_at_cost = (month1_sales_at_cost*monthly_growth_expected)+month1_sales_at_cost
# append month1_sales_at_cost to sales at cost list
# add total to the end of month_list
month_list.insert(len(month_list), 'Total')
# add the total to the end of sales_at_cost_list
sales_at_cost_list.insert(len(sales_at_cost_list), np.sum(sales_at_cost_list))
# put the metrics into a df
all_metrics = pd.DataFrame({'Month': month_list,
'Sales at Cost': sales_at_cost_list}).round(2)
# return the df
return all_metrics
Let r = 1 + monthly_rate. Then, the problem we are trying to solve is
r + ... + r**12 = EV/BV. We can use numpy to get the numeric solution. This should be relatively fast in practice. We are solving a polynomial r + ... + r**12 - EV/BV = 0 and recovering monthly rate from r. There will twelve complex roots, but only one real positive one - which is what we want.
import numpy as np
# get beginning value (BV)
BV = 522000.00
# get desired end value (EV)
EV = 7280000.00
def get_monthly(BV, EV):
coefs = np.ones(13)
coefs[-1] -= EV / BV + 1
# there will be a unique positive real root
roots = np.roots(coefs)
return roots[(roots.imag == 0) & (roots.real > 0)][0].real - 1
rate = get_monthly(BV, EV)
# 0.022913299846925694
Some comments:
roots.imag == 0 may be problematic in some cases since roots uses a numeric algorithm. As an alternative, we can pick a root with the least imaginary part (in absolute value) among all roots with a positive real part.
We can use the same method to get rates for other time intervals. For example, for weekly rates, we can replace 13 == 12 + 1 with 52 + 1.
The above polynomial has a solution by radicals, as outlined here.
Update on performance. We could also frame this as a fixed point problem, i.e. to look for a fixed point of a function
x = EV/BV * x ** 13 - EV/BV + 1
The fix point x will be equal to (1 + rate)**13.
The following pure-Python implementation is roughly four times faster than the above numpy version on my machine.
def get_monthly_fix(BV, EV, periods=12):
ratio = EV / BV
r = guess = ratio
while True:
r = ratio * r ** (1 / periods) - ratio + 1
if abs(r - guess) < TOLERANCE:
return r ** (1 / periods) - 1
guess = r
We can make this run even faster with a help of numba.jit.
I am not sure if this works (tell me if it doesn't) but try this.
def get_value(start, end, times, trials=100, _amount=None, _last=-1, _increase=None):
#don't call with _amount, _last, or _increase! Only start, end and times
if _amount is None:
_amount = start / times
if _increase is None:
_increase = start / times
attempt = 1
for n in range(times):
attempt = (attempt * _amount) + attempt
if attempt > end:
if _last != 0:
_increase /= 2
_last = 0
_amount -= _increase
elif attempt < end:
if _last != 1:
_increase /= 2
_last = 1
_amount += _increase
return _amount
if trials <= 0:
return _amount
return get_value(start, end, times, trials=trials-1,
_amount=_amount, _last=_last, _increase=_increase)
Tell me if it works.
Used like this:
get_value(522000.00, 7280000.00, 12)

Returning multiple values from function in python 3.5 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I return two values from a function in Python?
(8 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm trying to get some help in returning values from "year_calc" function below (Python 3.5). In essence, the code works for returning "b" as I need a new starting value for "b" to be passed to "year_calc" for each iteration - I can get that to work just fine. However, I want the "total_cost" value from each year_calc iteration to be returned and added up until finished. Note the "grand_total" under the while loop. I realize this doesn't work as stated - just adding it so it may add clarity to what I'm attempting to accomplish. I am just not sure how to pull a specific value which is being returned. Any insight?
def main():
archive_total = float(input('Enter archive total (GB): '))
transfer_rate = float(input('Enter transfer rate (Gbps): '))
days_to_transfer = ((((archive_total*8/transfer_rate)/60)/60)/24)
xfer_per_day = archive_total/days_to_transfer
day_cost = xfer_per_day * 0.007 / 30
days = 365
total_days = 0
sum = 0
b = xfer_per_day * 0.007 / 30
total_years = 1
grand_total = 0.0
total_cost = 0.0
while total_years < years_to_transfer + 1:
b = year_calc(day_cost, days, total_days, sum,b,total_years,total_cost)
total_years += 1
grand_total += total_cost
def year_calc(day_cost,days,total_days,sum,b,total_years,total_cost):
while total_days < days -1:
b += day_cost
sum += b
total_days += 1
total_cost = sum + day_cost
print('Year',total_years,'cost: $', format(sum + day_cost, ',.2f'))
return (b, total_cost)
year_calc, as with any function that returns multiple items, will return its values in a tuple. Therefore, you can just change this line:
b = year_calc(day_cost, days, total_days, sum,b,total_years,total_cost)
to this one:
b, total_cost = year_calc(day_cost, days, total_days, sum,b,total_years)
This works because of how Python handles multiple assignment:
>> a, b = 1,2
>> print a
>> print b
As an aside, you should try to avoid using builtin names like sum for your variables. And I'm not sure what years_to_transfer is - do you define that elsewhere in your code?
If I understand correctly your description correctly, this implements what you want:
def main():
# ...
total_cost = 0.0
while total_years < years_to_transfer + 1:
b, total_cost = year_calc(day_cost, days, total_days, sum,b,total_years,total_cost)
# ...
def year_calc(day_cost,days,total_days,sum,b,total_years,total_cost):
# ...
return (b, total_cost)
Hmm, seems a bit like trying to code VBA in Python... :-)
Ok, first: I don't think you want to pass total_cost to the function year_calc, as you do not depend on any value you get. So remove it from the definition line:
def year_calc(day_cost,days,total_days,sum,b,total_years):
Next: you calculate a new value for total_cost and return a tupple from the function. That's pretty correct.
Now, when callin year_calc you should remove the total_cost variable from calling the function. But you should remember that you return a tupple, so assign the value to a tupple:
(b, total_cost) = year_calc(day_cost, days, total_days, sum,b,total_years)
Bottom line: there are no ref variables (or output variables, ...) to be sent in a function in python. Put in the parameters, nothing more. If you want to return 2 different calculations, return a tupple, but assign the value also to a tupple. Much cleaner.
