I started to learn python and wanted to do a small project. The project is quite simple. The script should be creating random password with the lenght of user's input. Here the code:
from datetime import datetime
import random
date = datetime.now()
dateFormat = str(date.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"))
lowerCase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
numbers = "0123456789"
symbols = "!?%&##+*"
passwordConstructor = lowerCase + upperCase + numbers + symbols
userName = str(input("Enter username: "))
passwordLength = int(input("Enter the length of password: "))
f = open(userName.upper() + " - " + dateFormat + ".txt","w+") #generate txt-filename
password = "".join(random.sample(passwordConstructor, passwordLength))
print(userName + "'s generated password is: " + password)
f.write("USERNAME: " + userName + "\nPASSWORD: " + password + "\n\nGENERATED ON: " + dateFormat)
But here the characters where choosed just once. But how do I get it done, so for example the letter "a" can be choosed multiple time.
I enter password length 7. The output would be: "abc1234" (of course random order)
I enter password length 10. The output should be: "aaabcc1221" (of course random order)
Thanks for the help!
I think you can use random.select n times where n is the length of the password instead and then join all the selected values into a string
password = "".join([random.choice(passwordConstructor) for i in range(passwordLength)])
I have created a random password generator and it works but it displays "Here is your randomly generated password" for every character that it outputs. I would like it to put the full password in 1 string and display it to the user. Any help would be much appreciated.
import random
def password_generator():
length = int(input("Input length of password: "))
for n in range(length):
symbol_number = random.randint(33, 58)
character = random.randint(65, 123)
password = chr(symbol_number or character)
print(f"Here is your randomly generated password \nPassword: {password}")
One method you could use is to collect each item from the for loop inside a list and then join the list items together as a string before you display them to use user.
import random
def password_generator():
length = int(input("Input length of password: "))
password = []
for n in range(length):
symbol_number = random.randint(33, 58)
character = random.randint(65, 123)
password.append(chr(symbol_number or character))
password = "".join(password)
print(f"Here is your randomly generated password \nPassword: {password}")
What is the intended purpose of the or operator? I don't think it is going to do what you expect it to.
it displays "Here is your randomly generated password" for every character that it outputs.
That's because you have incorrectly indented your last line. It should be outside the for loop, not inside. You can fix it like so:
def password_generator():
length = int(input("Input length of password: "))
password = ""
for n in range(length):
symbol_number = random.randint(33, 58)
character = random.randint(65, 123)
password = password + chr(symbol_number or character)
print(f"Here is your randomly generated password \nPassword: {password}")
I am creating a password generator the takes the length of the desired password, number of letters, as well as the number of numbers. The password needs to contain uppercase letters as well as numbers and special characters. I am having trouble figuring out how to specify the number of letters and numbers in the password. This is what I have so far:
import random
charslet ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
charsnum = "1234567890"
charssym = "!##$%^&*"
def password():
pwd = ""
passlen = int(input("How long do you want the password to be?: "))
passlet = int(input("How many letters do you want in your password?: "))
passnum = int(input("How many numbers do you want in your password?: "))
passsym = int(passlen - (passlet + passnum))
chars = ""
for let in range(passlet):
chars += random.choice(charslet)
for num in range(passnum):
chars += random.choice(charsnum)
for sym in range(passsym):
chars += random.choice(charssym)
for p in range(passlen):
pwd += random.choice(chars)
I think the last part is what is confusing you. You are building the chars variable with the correct amount of specific chars, but you then choose between them again at the end.
You could just change:
for p in range(passlen):
password += random.choice(chars)
# option 1 - works better if working with lists
list_chars = list(chars)
password = "".join(list_chars)
# option 2 - simpler solution for strings
password = "".join(random.sample(char, len(char)))
You could also use shuffle to select the chars before without the for loops, something like:
# for this to work your `charslet` must be a list
chars += "".join(charslet[:passlet])
This is the corrected code:
import random
charslet ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
charsnum = "1234567890"
charssym = "!##$%^&*"
def password():
pwd = ""
passlen = int(input("How long do you want the password to be?: "))
passlet = int(input("How many letters do you want in your password?: "))
passnum = int(input("How many numbers do you want in your password?: "))
passsym = int(passlen - (passlet + passnum))
chars = ""
for let in range(passlet):
chars += random.choice(charslet)
for num in range(passnum):
chars += random.choice(charsnum)
for sym in range(passsym):
chars += random.choice(charssym)
list_chars = list(chars)
pwd = "".join(list_chars)
I replaced:
for p in range(passlen):
password += random.choice(chars)
list_chars = list(chars)
pwd = "".join(list_chars)
Putting the altered chars variable in a list allowed me to shuffle it, randomizing it and allowing me to assign it to pwd
So I have this code:
def myprogram():
import string
import random
import getpass
inputpasswd = getpass.getpass("Password: ")
passwd = ("I<3StackOverflow")
if passwd == inputpasswd:
qwerty = input("Type something: ")
def add_str(lst):
_letters = ("1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0","q","w","e","r","t","z","u","i","o","p","a","s","d","f","g","h","j","k","l","y","x","c","v","b","n","m","!","#","$","%","&","/","(",")","=","?","*","+","_","-",";"," ")
return [''.join(random.sample(set(_letters), 1)) + letter + ''.join(random.sample(set(_letters), 1))for letter in lst]
print("Wrong password")
My question is: How can I make an opposite program, so it accepts the bunch of junk letters and converts it to text that makes sense?
If I type something like "aaaaaaa" in this program it will convert it to something like "mapma&)at7ar8a2ga-ka*"
In this new program I want to type "mapma&)at7ar8a2ga-ka*" and get output "aaaaaaa".
Does this work for you?:
print(s[1::3]) # aaa
Do so: initial_str = random_str[1:-1:3], where random_str is string with junk
I am needing a bit of help on my encryption program. Instead of having the program just move the letters by two (c would become a or r would become p) I'd like to be able to have it reference 2 lists, the first one going from a-z normally and the other with letters in different order to act as the encrypt/decrypt side. Hopefully that makes sense. Here's what i have so far.
result = ''
choice = ''
message = ''
while choice != 0:
choice = input("\n Do you want to encrypt or decrypt the message?\n 1 to encrypt, 2 to decrypt or 0 to exit program. ")
if choice == '1':
message = input('\nEnter message for encryption: ')
for i in range(0, len(message)):
result = result + chr(ord(message[i]) - 2)
print(result + '\n\n')
result = ''
if choice == '2':
message = input('\nEnter message to decrypt: ')
for i in range(0, len(message)):
result = result + chr(ord(message[i]) + 2)
print(result + '\n\n')
result = ''
elif choice != '0':
print('You have entered an invalid input, please try again. \n\n')
This works fine and dandy but i'd like to have the lists. Lets say list 1 is A,B,C,D,E and list 2 would be W,N,U,D,P. just for ease of use purposes.
Here is a solution, for small letters only. It can easily be modified to handle also capital letters, by adding them to the text strings.
As can be seen, the space character is at the same position in both lists. This is not necessary, as any character can be translated to any other. However if the decrypted or encrypted is not containing unique characters only, the program will break down.
decrypted = b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz "
encrypted = b"qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm "
encrypt_table = bytes.maketrans(decrypted, encrypted)
decrypt_table = bytes.maketrans(encrypted, decrypted)
result = ''
choice = ''
message = ''
while choice != '0':
choice = input("\n Do you want to encrypt or decrypt the message?\n 1 to encrypt, 2 to decrypt or 0 to exit program. ")
if choice == '1':
message = input('\nEnter message for encryption: ')
result = message.translate(encrypt_table)
print(result + '\n\n')
elif choice == '2':
message = input('\nEnter message to decrypt: ')
result = message.translate(decrypt_table)
print(result + '\n\n')
elif choice != '0':
print('You have entered an invalid input, please try again. \n\n')
Ok, so a few things here...
First I'll give you exactly what you were looking for and explain what I used and some of the changes that needed to be made to your original code. Then I'll explain some inherent issues what what you're trying to do and suggest some areas to read up on/some ways you might want to improve what you've got.
Here's the code you're looking for (while retaining the same flow as what you submitted put above):
import random
result = ''
choice = ''
message = ''
characters_in_order = [chr(x) for x in range(32,127)]
while choice != 0:
choice = input("\n Do you want to encrypt or decrypt the message?\n 1 to encrypt, 2 to decrypt or 0 to exit program. ")
if str(choice) == '1':
message = input('\nEnter message for encryption: ')
r_seed = input('Enter an integer to use as a seed: ')
shuffled_list = [chr(x) for x in range(32,127)]
for i in range(0, len(message)):
result += shuffled_list[characters_in_order.index(message[i])]
print(result + '\n\n')
result = ''
elif str(choice) == '2':
message = input('\nEnter message to decrypt: ')
r_seed = input('Enter an integer to use as a seed (should be the same one used to encrypt): ')
shuffled_list = [chr(x) for x in range(32,127)]
for i in range(0, len(message)):
result += characters_in_order[shuffled_list.index(message[i])]
print(result + '\n\n')
result = ''
elif str(choice) != '0':
print('You have entered an invalid input, please try again. \n\n')
You'll notice that I set a global 'characters in order' list, which is just every ASCII character (32-126) in order. I also imported the 'random' module and used this to shuffle the characters in order according to a seed that the user inputs. As long as this seed is the same on the encryption and decryption end, it will produce the same shuffled list and it should work to encrypt or decipher the same string. Also notice the str() around your input choices. Without that, the user had to input '1', rather than 1 to submit a choice without an error.
All of that said...
Notice that the way the new function works is by looking at a character's index in one list and pulling out the character at that index in another. The method you were using, of incrementing or decrementing a character's ASCII code is basic (though not much more basic than this), but it also has a pretty critical flaw, which is that characters on one end or another of the ASCII set wouldn't return ASCII characters. If you were encrypting it at a bit-level, which would be preferred, this wouldn't matter/would be irrelevant, but here you're not going to get the kind of string back that you want if you were to, for example, enter a [space] (ASCII 32) into your plaintext to be encrypted.
If you're interested, you might want to read up on symmetric key encryption/DES for some ideas on how encryption is really done, though props on the start/interest and this can certainly be a fun way to create some sort of cryptogram puzzle or something along those lines. I won't pretend to be any kind of expert, but I can at least point you in the write direction. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Encryption_Standard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symmetric-key_algorithm)
Consider having your code read in a .txt file and print out to a .txt file, rather than using user input for the message.
Again, I'm not an expert by any means and there are definitely some fun uses of the kind of program you're aiming for, just trying to point you in the right direction if this is something that you're interested in. Hope all of that is helpful!
Here is my solution. It uses a randomizer to encrypt the file by assigning a ASCII value to the plain text and randomly shifts it around.
from random import randint
import sys
def menu():
input1=int(input(""" please select what you want to do:
3.Extended Encryption
"""))#menu to choose what you want to do
if input1==1:
encrypt() #takes you to the encrypt function
elif input1==2:
decrypt()#takes you to the decrypt function
elif input1==3:
enxtended()#takes you to the extended encryption function
elif input1==4:
sys.exit #exits the program
print("invalid entry try again")
def encrypt():
file_name=str(input("please enter the name of the file that you want to open\n"))
text_file=open(file_name + ".txt","r")#puts the text file into read
text_file=text_file.read()#reads the text file
print(text_file)#prints the strings in the document
print("error try again")
def random(text_file):
list1=("")#creates blank string
for x in range (0,8):
num=(randint(33,126))#generates a random number between33 and 126
ascii1=chr(num) #converts it into an ascii character
list1=list1+ascii1#adds the ascii character to the blank string list1
print (f"your 8 key code is {list1}") #prints 8 character code
def offset(list1,text_file):
for x in range (8,):
total=total+ord(list1[x]) #turns each character into an ascii value
total=total/8 #divides it by
total=round(total,0)#rounds it to 0 decimel places
total=total-32#minuses 32 from total
print(f"your offset factor is {total}")
def encrypting(total,text_file):
for x in range (length,):
numascii=ord(text_file[x])#turns the characters into its ascii value
numascii=int(numascii)#makes sure they are integers
if numascii==32:
letter=chr(32)#converts spaces back into spaces
string1=string1+letter#adds space to thestring
numascii1=numascii+total#adds the character value to the offset factor
numascii1=int(numascii1)#makes sure it is an integer
if numascii1>126:# if the ascii value is great then 126
numascii1=numascii1-94#minus 94 from it
letter=chr(numascii1)#turn it into a character
string1=string1+letter#add it to the string
letter=chr(numascii1)#turn the ascii value into a character
string1=string1+letter#add it to the string
print(f"your encrypted file is {string1}")
I have written separate programs for encryption and decryption. Both of these use file manipulation techniques. Use the username 'eggs' and password 'chicks' so that not anyone can see my secret code. I have used hashlib for more security. Just change the User 'Soumajit' to your respective Username to make it work. The first one is encryption and the next one is for decryption.
from time import sleep
import subprocess
import hashlib
def copy2clip(txt):
cmd='echo '+txt.strip()+'|clip'
return subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
def en():
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqsrtuwvxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQSRTUVWXYZ,./?:;!##$%_&* ()`-+=1234567890"
encrypt = ""
decrypt = ""
print "Type y for yes and anything else for no"
start = raw_input("Do you want to import file from desktop? ")
if start == "y":
Open = raw_input("Enter the .txt file you want to open in desktop: ")
a = open("C://Users//Soumajit//Desktop//" + Open + ".txt", "r")
x = (a.read())
print "Right click and select paste below to encrypt"
message = raw_input()
for i in message:
x = alphabet.find(i)
new = (x - 5) % 74
encrypt += alphabet[new]
e2 = encrypt[::-1]
print "Type your message below"
message = raw_input("")
for i in message:
x = alphabet.find(i)
new = (x - 5) % 74
encrypt += alphabet[new]
e2 = encrypt[::-1]
a = raw_input("By what name do you want to save it?: ")
file = open(a + ".txt", 'wb')
copy = raw_input("Do you want to copy your file? ")
if copy == 'y':
print 'Your encrypted file has been copied to the clipboard'
print "Your encrypted file has been saved with the name " + str(a) + " in desktop"
print "To decrypt it, use my other program"
u = 'e415bf03b4d860dccba57cea46371f831d772ba1deca47f28fa7d1f7'
p = 'c35f7f79dc34a678beb2b4106c84c9963561e7c64bc170e50c429b9a'
ur = raw_input('Enter your username: ')
ur1 = hashlib.sha224(ur).hexdigest()
pr = raw_input('Enter your password: ')
pr1 = hashlib.sha224(pr).hexdigest()
if ur1 == u and pr1 == p:
print 'Access granted'
print "Incorrect username or password"
from time import sleep
import subprocess
import hashlib
def copy2clip(txt):
cmd='echo '+txt.strip()+'|clip'
return subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
def de():
print "Type y for yes and anything else for no"
start = raw_input("Do you want to import file from desktop? ")
if start == "y":
Open = raw_input("Enter the .txt file you want to open from folder: ")
a = open("C://Users//Soumajit//Desktop//" + Open + ".txt", "r")
x = (a.read())
#print x
print "Right click and select paste below to decrypt"
message = raw_input()
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqsrtuwvxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQSRTUVWXYZ,./?:;!##$%_&*()`-+=1234567890"
decrypt = ''
for i in message:
x = alphabet.find(i)
new = (x + 5) % 74
decrypt += alphabet[new]
d2 = decrypt[::-1]
d3 = d2.replace("`", " ")
final = d3.replace("2", " ")
print final
print "Type or paste your encrypted text below"
message = raw_input()
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqsrtuwvxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQSRTUVWXYZ,./?:;!##$%_&*()`-+=1234567890"
decrypt = ''
for i in message:
x = alphabet.find(i)
new = (x + 5) % 74
decrypt += alphabet[new]
d2 = decrypt[::-1]
d3 = d2.replace("`", " ")
final = d3.replace("2", " ")
print final
u = 'e415bf03b4d860dccba57cea46371f831d772ba1deca47f28fa7d1f7'
p = 'c35f7f79dc34a678beb2b4106c84c9963561e7c64bc170e50c429b9a'
ur = raw_input('Enter your username: ')
ur1 = hashlib.sha224(ur).hexdigest()
pr = raw_input('Enter your password: ')
pr1 = hashlib.sha224(pr).hexdigest()
if ur1 == u and pr1 == p:
print 'Access granted'
end = raw_input('press q to quit: ')
while end != 'q':
print 'You did not type q'
end = raw_input('press q to quit: ')
if end == 'q':
print 'Incorrect username or password'
I'm trying to loop through a set of inputs where I ask for a user's course grade, course hours and course code. The loop keeps on repeating until the user enters "done". Once the user has entered done I want it to print out the entered courses with grade and hours.
For Example:
course_count = False
#LOOP through Inputs
while not course_count:
#GET course code
course_code = input( "Please Enter the Course Code (or done if finished): " )
#IF course code is not equal to done (convert to lowercase)
if course_code.lower() != "done":
#GET course hours
course_hours = int( input( "How many credit hours was " + course_code + "? " ) )
#GET grade earned
course_grade = float( input( "What grade did you earn in " + course_code + "? " ) )
course_count = True
print("Course: " + course_code + " Weight: " + str( course_hours ) + " hours " + "Grade: " + str( course_grade ) + "%")
The problem is it will always print out only one inputted course, hour and grade. How would I save more than one answer using only accumulative strings?
The output I'm looking to make is:
# Please Enter the Course Code (or done if finished): COMP 10001
# How many credit hours was COMP 10001? 5
# What grade did you earn in COMP 10001? 75
# Please Enter the Course Code (or done if finished): COMP 20002
# How many credit hours was COMP 10001? 8
# What grade did you earn in COMP 10001? 95
# Please Enter the Course Code (or done if finished): done
# Course: COMP 10001 Weight: 5 Grade: 75%
# Course: COMP 20002 Weight: 8 Grade: 95%
It's for a school practice problem and were not allowed to use lists, arrays or dictionaries if that makes sense
You may find it useful to keep your information in a dictionary structure where the key is stored as the course code. Then it is as simple as iterating over each course saved in your dictionary to get the details.
course_count = False
course_info = {}
#LOOP through Inputs
while not course_count:
#GET course code
course_code = input( "Please Enter the Course Code (or done if finished): " )
course_info[course_code] = {};
#IF course code is not equal to done (convert to lowercase)
if course_code.lower() != "done":
#GET course hours
course_hours = int( input( "How many credit hours was " + course_code + "? " ) )
course_info[course_code]['hours'] = course_hours;
#GET grade earned
course_grade = float( input( "What grade did you earn in " + course_code + "? " ) )
course_info[course_code]['grade'] = course_grade
course_count = True
For course_code in course_info :
course_hours = course_info[course_code]['hours']
course_grade = course_info[course_code]['grade']
print("Course: " + course_code + " Weight: " + str( course_hours ) + " hours " + "Grade: " + str( course_grade ) + "%")
See if you can relate this simplified example to your code. To get the output you describe, you need to store the output text somehow and access it later:
output_lines = []
for i in range(10):
input_string = input("Enter some input")
for output_line in output_lines:
From the comments, using only string "accumulation" (warning: quadratically bad):
for i in range(10):
input_string = input("Enter some input")
output_text = output_text + '\n' + input_string
Note that the preferred way to build up a long string is to append to a list and use 'separator'.join(list_of_strings) or print one-by-one as above.
Use an output string output_string
Add each new line to the output string
output_string += "Course: {} Weight: {} hours Grade: {}\n".format(course_code, course_hours, course_grade"
This accumulates the information into a string, using standard string formatting to insert the data from each pass through the loop.
At the end of the program, print the output string.
As others have noted, this is a pretty silly way of storing data, since accessing it, except to print out, will be difficult. Lists/dictionaries would be a lot better.