Speed is reduced substantially when writing to serial port - python

Using pygame to read info from controller, but when I add arduinoData.write(str.encode(ALL_DATA)) it reduces the speed a lot, what can I do?
The line is added almost at the bottom. Is it the placement of the line; it is definitely working but doesn't send updates as fast as if I wouldn't write to serial.
import sys
import serial
import pygame
import time
from pygame.locals import *
A0_value = '0'
A1_value = '0'
A2_value = '0'
A3_value = '0'
A4_value = '0'
A5_value = '0'
A6_value = '0'
B2 = '0'
B3 = '0'
B4 = '0'
B5 = '0'
global axis_data
arduinoData = serial.Serial('COM8',9600)
def main():
global axis_data , button_data
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 700))
pygame.display.set_caption("Joystick example")
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
joysticks = {}
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True # Flag that we are done so we exit this loop.
if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
print("Joystick button pressed.")
if event.button == 0:
joystick = joysticks[event.instance_id]
if joystick.rumble(0, 0.7, 500):
"Rumble effect played on joystick {}".format(
if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP:
print("Joystick button released.")
# Handle hotplugging
if event.type == pygame.JOYDEVICEADDED:
# This event will be generated when the program starts for every
# joystick, filling up the list without needing to create them manually.
joy = pygame.joystick.Joystick(event.device_index)
joysticks[joy.get_instance_id()] = joy
print("Joystick {} connencted".format(joy.get_instance_id()))
if event.type == pygame.JOYDEVICEREMOVED:
del joysticks[event.instance_id]
print("Joystick {} disconnected".format(event.instance_id))
for joystick in joysticks.values():
axes = joystick.get_numaxes()
#print("Number of axes: {}".format(axes))
axis_str = [''] * axes
button_data = ""
axis_data = ""
for i in range(axes):
axis = joystick.get_axis(i)
axis_int = int(axis*100)
axis_str[i] = str(axis_int)
axis_data = axis_str[i] + "," + axis_data
#print("Axis {} value: {}".format(i, axis))
buttons = joystick.get_numbuttons()
#print("Number of buttons: {}".format(buttons))
button_str = ['0'] * buttons
for i in range(buttons):
button = joystick.get_button(i)
button_str[i] = str(button)
#print("Button {} value: {}".format(i, button))
button_data = button_str[i] + "," + button_data
ALL_DATA = axis_data + button_data
ALL_DATA = ALL_DATA[:-1] + "!"
# pygame.display.update()
if __name__ == "__main__":
# If you forget this line, the program will 'hang'
# on exit if running from IDLE.

Writing to serial at 9600 baud is really quite slow. Referencing this answer on baud-rate send-time, to send each letter is a bit more than 1 millisecond (roughly). Note that at 60 FPS, each frame is allowed ~17 milliseconds. The code is writing this data as a string, so probably it's taking quite some milliseconds, every loop.
A really easy win is to simply use a faster baud-rate. You could at least try 230400 for a 24x speed-up.
Also almost never do we send real-time data as strings. You could use the Python struct module to pack all the various joystick readings into binary data, which would be much more compact. Especially if you treat button states as single bits, and don't need high-resolution on the joystick position.
And finally, your code could use a thread to perform the serial communications, writing in parallel to the main PyGame loop. This works well on "IO Bound" operations.


Run 2 pygame windows with 2 different processes [duplicate]

I need to to build an application that has multiple windows. In one of these windows, I need to be able to play a simple game and another window has to display questions and get response from a user that influences the game.
(1) I was wanting to use pygame in order to make the game. Is there a simple way to have pygame operate with multiple windows?
(2) If there is no easy way to solve (1), is there a simple way to use some other python GUI structure that would allow for me to run pygame and another window simultaneously?
The short answer is no, creating two pygame windows in the same process is not possible (as of April 2015). If you want to run two windows with one process, you should look into pyglet or cocos2d.
An alternative, if you must use pygame, is to use inter-process communication. You can have two processes, each with a window. They will relay messages to each other using sockets. If you want to go this route, check out the socket tutorial here.
Internally set_mode() probably sets a pointer that represents the memory of a unique display. So if we write:
screenA = pygame.display.set_mode((500,480), 0, 32)
screenB = pygame.display.set_mode((500,480), 0, 32)
For instance we can do something like that later:
screenA.blit(background, (0,0))
screenB.blit(player, (100,100))
both blit() calls will blit on the same surface. screenA and screenB are pointing to the same memory address. Working with 2 windows is quite hard to achieve in pygame.
Yes, that is possible. SDL2 is able to open multiple windows. In the example folder you can take a look at "video.py".
"This example requires pygame 2 and SDL2. _sdl2 is experimental and will change."
I've been trying to do this for a few days now, and I'm finally making progress. Does this count as simple? Or even as "being in" pygame. In this exampe I never even call pygame.init() That just seems to get in the way. The event pump is running (for mouse and keyboard) but not all the normal events seem to be coming thru (FOCUSGAINED and LOST in particular). In this example each window renders it status (size, position, etc) to it's self. I also have versions where I mix SDL windows with the pygame display. But those involve encapsulating a Window rather than extending it.
In order to draw on these windows you can draw on a vanilla surface as usually and then use the Renderer associated with the window to create a texture that will update the the window. (texture.draw(), renderer.present). You dont't use display.update() or flip() because you you aren't using the pygame display surface.
The X11 package is just my experimental windowing stuff and has nothing to do with X11. I think all my imports are explicit so it should be easy to figure out what the missing pieces are.
from typing import List
from pygame import Rect, Surface, Color
import pygame.event
from pygame.event import Event
from pygame.freetype import Font
from pygame._sdl2.video import Window, Renderer, Texture
from X11.windows import DEFAULT_PAD, default_font, window_info
from X11.text import prt
class MyWindow(Window):
def __init__(self, font: Font=None):
self._font = font if font else default_font()
self.resizable = True
self._renderer = None
def destroy(self) -> None:
def update(self):
r = self.renderer
r.draw_color = Color('grey')
#self.render_line(f"TICKS: {pg.time.get_ticks()}", 5, size=16.0)
txt: List[str] = window_info(self)
self.render_text(txt, lineno=0)
def renderer(self):
if self._renderer is None:
self._renderer = Renderer.from_window(self)
self._renderer = Renderer(self)
return self._renderer
def render_text(self, txt: List[str], lineno: int=0):
for line in txt:
self.render_line(line, lineno, size=16.0)
lineno += 1
def render_line(self, txt: str, lineno: int = 0, size: float = 0.0):
font = self._font
line_spacing = font.get_sized_height(size) + DEFAULT_PAD
y = DEFAULT_PAD + lineno * line_spacing
# compute the size of the message
src_rect = font.get_rect(txt, size=size)
# create a new surface (image) of text
l_surf = Surface((src_rect.width, src_rect.height))
src_rect = font.render_to(l_surf, (0, 0), txt, size=size)
# get ready to draw
texture = Texture.from_surface(self.renderer, l_surf)
dst = Rect(x, y, src_rect.width, src_rect.height)
texture.draw(None, dst)
_running: bool = False
def test():
global _running
win1 = MyWindow()
win2 = MyWindow()
my_windows = {win1.id: win1, win2.id: win2}
win = win1
rnd = win1.renderer
print("pygame.get_init():", pygame.get_init())
print("pygame.display.get_init():", pygame.display.get_init())
print("pygame.mouse.get_pos():", pygame.mouse.get_pos())
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
_running = True
while _running:
events = pygame.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type != pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
_running = False
elif event.type == pygame.WINDOWENTER:
win = my_windows[event.window.id]
print(f"Enter Window ({event.window.id}")
elif event.type == pygame.WINDOWLEAVE:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_q:
_running = False
if event.key == pygame.K_1:
win = my_windows[1]
rnd = win.renderer
if event.key == pygame.K_2:
win = my_windows[2]
rnd = win.renderer
elif event.key == pygame.K_b:
rnd.draw_color = Color('blue')
elif event.key == pygame.K_g:
rnd.draw_color = Color('grey')
elif event.key == pygame.K_t:
win.render_line("Hello, world")
elif event.key == pygame.K_s:
surface = pygame.display.get_surface()
print("surface: ", surface)
elif event.key == pygame.K_f:
# pygame.error: Display mode not set
elif event.key == pygame.K_u:
# pygame.error: Display mode not set
for win in my_windows.values():
if __name__ == '__main__':

Pygame: Adding an Escape key to exit whole game with stopwatch function

I'm making a game via Python on a Raspberry Pi. I'm using the GPIOs to light up an LED and detect a button switch.
I wanted to incorporate an ESC on the keyboard so we can exit at any time.
But whenever I add in the ESC key code into the main while loop. It doesn't work. The LED and Buttons work, but when I press on the ESC key, it doesn't do anything.
The loop runs to refresh/run a stopwatch and listen to an LED button via the GPIO.
I wanted some advice on how things like ESC key are handled in games. Especially with fast paced games where the loop and cycles are very fast.
Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Please see the code below:
# Importing all libraries
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import sys, time, atexit, pygame
# Setup GPIO and Pygame
# Define Tuples and Variables
leds = (16,17,22,9,5)
switches = (19,4,27,10,11)
button_pressed = False
taskcomplete = False
# Pygame visual variables
screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (1024,240) )
counterfont = pygame.font.Font('DSEG14Modern-Regular.ttf', 70)
# Set Pygame refresh rate variable = clock
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# Clock variables
sec_val = 0
sec = 0
mins = 0
hours = 0
# Status variables
paused = False
running = True
# Start the clock
start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()
# Defining Functions
# Function that renders segment display on screen
def time_convert(sec):
sec = sec % 60
sec_val = ("Timer: {0}".format(round((sec), 2)))
counting_text = counterfont.render(str(sec_val), 3, (134,145,255))
counting_rect = counting_text.get_rect(left = screen.get_rect().left)
screen.fill( (0,0,0) )
screen.blit(counting_text, (300,40))
# Stopwatch function to compute for a SS:MS based stopwatch
def stop_Watch():
end_time = time.time()
time_lapsed = end_time - start_time
sec_val = time_convert(time_lapsed)
# Press Button 1 to start the game
def but_3():
while GPIO.input(switches[2]) == GPIO.LOW:
print(" Button 3 is pressed! Exit")
start_time = time.time()
def buttonPress(channel):
# This function gets called every time a button is pressed, if the button pressed is the same as the button
# that is illuminated, then we set the "correct_button" variable to True,
# otherwise we set the "incorrect_button" variable to True.
# We need to set some variables to global so that this function can change their value.
button_pressed = True
def exit():
# This function gets called when we exit our script, using Ctrl+C
print("GPIO Clean Up!")
# This tells our script to use the "exit()" without this, our "exit()" function would never be called.
#Loop through the leds to set them up
for led in leds:
# Set the led to be an ouput
GPIO.setup(led, GPIO.OUT)
# Turn the led off
# Loop through the switches to set them up
for switch in switches:
# Set the switch to be an input
GPIO.setup(switch, GPIO.IN)
# Add rising edge detection
GPIO.add_event_detect(switch, GPIO.RISING, bouncetime=300)
# Add the function "buttonPress" to be called when switch is pressed.
GPIO.add_event_callback(switch, buttonPress)
# Main sequence code
# Setup Pygame refresh rate to 120 fps
# Start timer
start_time = time.time()
# Main loop
while running:
# Press Button 1 to start the game
while GPIO.input(switches[0]) == GPIO.LOW:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
print("escape pressed")
running = False
print(" Button 1 is pressed! Exit")
running = False
It's because it's in another while loop I'm guessing, so it's not in the running while loop anymore. You can add pygame.quit() to make it quit that way though:
# Main loop
while running:
# Press Button 1 to start the game
while GPIO.input(switches[0]) == GPIO.LOW:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
print("escape pressed")
running = False
print(" Button 1 is pressed! Exit")
running = False
Or, since you have a function named exit() that does the same thing, you can add exit() to those places instead.

PyGame - RaspberryPi 3b+ with a ps3 controller

I am trying to use pygame with the raspberry pi to use a PlayStation 3 controller as an input for a car.
I have tested the controller with a demo code, and everything works fine. Then when I try to use it in my program, it reads 0.0 as the input, when the joysticks are moved. attached is my current code:
import pygame
class controller:
def __init__(self):
global joystick
joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)
def get_value(self, axis):
value = joystick.get_axis(axis)
return value
control = controller()
val = control.get_value(0)
while True:
I am aware that this test is only for axis 0, but the output is still 0.0 for all axes.
Below, i have attached the demo code, where all the values are properly read.
import pygame, sys, time #Imports Modules
from pygame.locals import *
pygame.init()#Initializes Pygame
joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)
joystick.init()#Initializes Joystick
# get count of joysticks=1, axes=27, buttons=19 for DualShock 3
joystick_count = pygame.joystick.get_count()
numaxes = joystick.get_numaxes()
numbuttons = joystick.get_numbuttons()
loopQuit = False
while loopQuit == False:
# test joystick axes and prints values
outstr = ""
for i in range(0,4):
axis = joystick.get_axis(i)
outstr = outstr + str(i) + ":" + str(axis) + "|"
# test controller buttons
outstr = ""
for i in range(0,numbuttons):
button = joystick.get_button(i)
outstr = outstr + str(i) + ":" + str(button) + "|"
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
loopQuit = True
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
loopQuit = True
# Returns Joystick Button Motion
if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
print("joy button down")
if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP:
print("joy button up")
if event.type == pygame.JOYBALLMOTION:
print("joy ball motion")
# axis motion is movement of controller
# dominates events when used
if event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION:
# print("joy axis motion")
any feedback will be much appreciated.
The code is losing the reference to the initialised joystick. It needs to maintain an internal link to it. Note the use of self. in the class below. This keeps the reference inside the class, making "self.joystick" a member variable of the class. Python classes need the self. notation (unlike lots of (all?) other object orientated languages). While editing I changed some of the names to match the Python PEP-8 style guide, I hope that's OK ;)
class Controller:
def __init__( self, joy_index=0 ):
pygame.joystick.init() # is it OK to keep calling this?
self.joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick( joy_index )
def getAxisValue( self, axis ):
value = self.joystick.get_axis( axis )
return value
Maybe you left the extra code out of the question, but a PyGame program without an event loop will eventually lock up.
import pygame
# Window size
class Controller:
""" Class to interface with a Joystick """
def __init__( self, joy_index=0 ):
self.joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick( joy_index )
def getAxisValue( self, axis ):
value = self.joystick.get_axis( axis )
return value
### initialisation
window = pygame.display.set_mode( ( WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT ) )
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
pygame.display.set_caption( "Any Joy?" )
# Talk to the Joystick
control = controller()
# Main loop
done = False
while not done:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if ( event.type == pygame.QUIT ):
done = True
# Query the Joystick
val = control.getAxisValue( 0 )
print( "Joystick Axis: " + str( val ) )
# Update the window, but not more than 60fps
window.fill( (0,0,0) )

Omxplayer fill mode not working

Working on a video project for raspberry pi. Trying to get video to fill entire screen. When I call omxplayer videofile.mp4 --aspect-mode fill it plays fine. However when I call it in my program the argument for the aspect ratio is not working.
import pygame
import sys
from time import sleep
from omxplayer import OMXPlayer
_joystick_right = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)
_joystick_left = pygame.joystick.Joystick(1)
done = False
button = ''
controller = ''
player = ''
path = 'hankvids/'
movies = [
quit_video = False
while done==False:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
button = event.button
controller = event.joy
if quit_video == True:
if button == 0 and controller == 0:
if player.is_playing():
player.load(path + movies[controller], pause=False)
quit_video = True
player = OMXPlayer(path + movies[controller], args=["-b --aspect-mode fill"], pause=False)
You need to split the command into words: args=["-b", "--aspect-mode", "fill"],. Alternatively you can pass your CLI string to shlex to split the args string for you.

Python time counter in Pygame-mouse events

I want to calculate the time of user's mouse events in Pygame, if user doesn't move his mouse about 15 seconds, then I want to display a text to the screen. I tried time module for that, but it's not working.
import pygame,time
font = pygame.font.SysFont(None,25)
text = font.render("Move your mouse!", True, red)
FPS = 30
while True:
start = time.time()
cur = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #catching mouse event
end = time.time()
diff = end-start
if 15 < diff:
Well output is not what I want, I don't know how to calculate it if user doesn't move his mouse.
If I want to write a text when user's mouse in a special area, it's working like;
if 100 < cur[0] < 200 and 100 < cur[1] < 200:
But how can I calculate? I even couldn't find how to tell Python, user's mouse is on the same coordinates or not.Then I can say, if mouse coordinates changes, start the timer, and if it's bigger than 15, print the text.
Edit: You can assume it in normal Python without Pygame module, assume you have a function that catching the mouse events, then how to tell Python if coordinates of mouse doesn't change, start the timer, if the time is bigger than 15 seconds,print a text, then refresh the timer.
To display a text on the screen if there is no mouse movement within the pygame window for 3 seconds:
import sys
import pygame
WHITE, RED = (255,255,255), (255,0,0)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((300,200))
pygame.display.set_caption('Warn on no movement')
font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 25)
text = font.render("Move your mouse!", True, RED, WHITE)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
timer = pygame.time.get_ticks
timeout = 3000 # milliseconds
deadline = timer() + timeout
while True:
now = timer()
if pygame.mouse.get_rel() != (0, 0): # mouse moved within the pygame screen
deadline = now + timeout # reset the deadline
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if now > deadline: # no movement for too long
screen.blit(text, (10, 50))
clock.tick(60) # set fps
You should add:
start = time.time()
cur = None
before while loop.
You should also change start = time.time() in while loop to:
if cur != pygame.mouse.get_pos():
start = time.time()
Also you could use pygame.time (it's similar to time but measure time in milliseconds)
In your code, the while True: code block is continuously running. The cur = pygame.mouse.get_pos() function is non blocking. This means it does not wait for mouse input - it will return straight away. So you need to initialize the start and cur variables before your while True: code block and then check the mouse position constantly in your loop.
If cur has changed since the last time the loop ran, then reset the start variable to the current time, and if the difference between the current time and start becomes larger than your 15 seconds, you can display the text.
You can also do that even without getting time, since you can calculate the pause as an integer counter through your FPS. Consider following example. Note that if the cursor is out of the window, the values of its positon will not change even if you move the cursor.
import pygame
clock = pygame.time.Clock( )
DISP = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 400))
FPS = 25
Timeout = 15
Ticks = FPS*Timeout # your pause but as an integer value
count = 0 # counter
MC = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
MC_old = MC
MainLoop = True
while MainLoop :
Keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if Keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE]:
MainLoop = False
MC = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # get mouse position
if (MC[0]-MC_old[0] == 0) and (MC[1]-MC_old[1] == 0) :
count = count + 1
else : count = 0
if count > Ticks :
print "What are you waiting for"
count = 0
MC_old = MC # save mouse position
pygame.display.flip( )
pygame.quit( )
