def main():
cc = (input("Enter Message to Encrypt\n"))#user input
shift = int(2) #shift length
"m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"] #reference list
newa={} #new shifted reference list
for i in range (0,len(a)):
newa [a[i]]=a[(i+shift)%len(a)]
#adds shifted 2 alaphabet into newalaphabet
#% moodulus used to wrap
for i in cc: #iterates through cc
if i in a:
So I need input from the user #cc
the shift needs to be two
I used an alphabet list
then shift the alphabet by two to create newa
but I do not know how to apply the new alphabet to my user's input
Use a dictionary to map inputs to outputs
shifted_a = a[-shift:] + a[:-shift]
cipher = {a[i]: shifted_a[i] for i in range(len(a))}
output = ''.join(cipher[char] for char in cc)
Iterate through the string cc and replace all the alphabets using the get method of newa. Characters that are not in the dictionary are left as is, by passing them as the default to newa.get when the key is missing:
newa = {}
for i, x in enumerate(a):
newa[x] = a[(i+shift) % len(a)]
encrypted_text = ''.join(newa.get(i, i) for i in cc)
Python's builtin enumerate can be used in place of range(len(a)) in this case where you need the items in a and their respective indices.
Use mapping for every char, then join them back to create the encrypted message:
''.join(map(lambda x: chr((ord(x) - 97 + shift) % 26 + 97) if x in alphabet else x, cc.lower()))
Integrate it like that:
import string
alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase
cc = input('Enter string to encode: ')
shift = 2 # could be any number
encrypted = ''.join(map(lambda x: chr((ord(x) - 97 + shift) % 26 + 97) if x in alphabet else x, cc.lower()))
cc.lower() for the letters to be all same case (to map using constant ord)
chr((ord(x) - 97 + shift) % 26 + 97) :
get the value of the number minus 97 (0 for a, 1 for b, etc.).
apply the shift (a turns to c, etc.).
modulate by 26 to prevent letters like z from exceeding (25 + 2 = 27, 27 % 26 = 1 = b).
add 97 to bring the letter back to ascii standard (97 for a, 98 for b, etc.)
if x in alphabet else x cover for signs that are not letter (if you want to ignore spaces and punctuation use if x in alphabet else '' instead).
I would just build transition table and use it to decode string.
import string
shift = 2
letters = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase
transtable = str.maketrans({letters[i]: letters[(i + shift) % len(letters)]
for i in range(len(letters))})
cc = input('Enter string to encode: ')
I'll throw my solution in there. It should be pretty clear how it works...
import string
index_lookup = {letter: index for index, letter in enumerate(string.ascii_lowercase)}
def caesar_letter(l, shift=2):
new_index = index_lookup[l] + shift
return string.ascii_lowercase[new_index % len(index_lookup)]
def caesar_word(s):
return ''.join([caesar_letter(letter) for letter in s])
I think the above is better for readability but if you're opposed to imports...
index_lookup = {chr(idx): idx - ord('a') for idx in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)}
In [5]: caesar_word('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
Out[5]: 'cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzab'
I'm trying to make an encryption function that encrypts plaintext messages but the problem is that if i input a key too large that goes past 'Z' then it goes onto greater unicode values.
My code:
def encrypt(var1,var2):
var3 = ""
for i in range(0, len(var1)):
if ord(var1[i])>64 and ord(var1[i])<90:
elif ord(var1[i])+var2>90:
How do I get it to loop 'Z' back to 'A'. I think I have to make an if statement like this but I'm not sure what to put into it.
elif ord(var1[i])+var2>90:
Here is my one! Im using the modulus operator to wrap around every 26 numbers (the number of letter between a-z). I also handle upper on lowercase separately.
def encrypt(data, shift):
result = ''
for c in data:
c_num = ord(c)
# is the letter lower case a - z?
if (c_num >= ord('a')) and (c_num <= ord('z')):
# get the letter number from 0 - 26
c_num = c_num - ord('a')
# shift the number
c_num += shift
# wrap the number every 26 numbers
c_num = c_num % 26
# now increase a by the new amount
c_num += ord('a')
result += chr(c_num)
# is the letter upper case A - Z?
elif (c_num >= ord('A')) and (c_num <= ord('Z')):
# get the letter number from 0 - 26
c_num = c_num - ord('A')
# shift the number
c_num += shift
# wrap the number every 26 numbers
c_num = c_num % 26
# now increase a by the new amount
c_num += ord('A')
result += chr(c_num)
return result
encrypt('aAbB', 2)
encrypt('afZz', 2)
Here is the code golf version using list comprehension just for fun!
def encrypt(data, shift):
return ''.join([chr(((ord(c) - ord('a') + shift) % 26) + ord('a')) if ord(c) in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1) else chr(((ord(c) - ord('A') + shift) % 26) + ord('A')) for c in data])
A straight-forward way would be to check if you have passed beyond Z, and modify the character in that case:
if var1[i] >= 'A' and var1[i] <= 'Z':
translated_char = chr(ord(var1[i])+var2)
if translated_char > 'Z':
# If the resulting character is beyond Z,
# we go 26 characters back
translated_char = chr(ord(translated_char)-26)
# Append the translated character to the output string
var3 += translated_char
You may want to consider more descriptive variable names -- you'll thank yourself if you revisit your code after two months :-)
I would recommend using the modulus operator to do what you are wanting. In python that is the % character. In modulus math. X % Y tells us what the remainder of X / Y is. For example. 27 % 26 is 1. Using this you can get your wrap around that you want. Here is a sample bit of code to encrypt a single character
def encrypt_character( valToEncrypt, keyVal ):
# Update the character to be our standard Alphabet mapping
# A -> 0; B->1 ... Z -> 25
x = ord(valToEncrypt) - ord('A')
# Perform the Encryption
retVal = ( x + keyVal ) % 26
# Translate back to the standard ASCII mapping of the character
# for display in python and translate it back into a string
retVal = chr(retVal + ord('A'))
return retVal
# end encrypt_character
Now if we feed the character "A" Into our encryption algorithm with a key of 13 we get "N" as shown:
>>> encrypt_character("A", 13)
The decrypt algorithm is very similar, except you do subtraction instead of addtion
def decrypt_character( valToDecrypt, keyVal ):
# Update the character to be our standard Alphabet mapping
# A -> 0; B->1 ... Z -> 25
x = ord(valToDecrypt) - ord('A')
retVal = ( x - keyVal ) % 26
# Translate back to the standard ASCII mapping of the character
# for display in python and translate it back into a string
retVal = chr(retVal + ord('A'))
return retVal
To encrypt a string you can use the following function:
from re import sub
def encrypt_message( message, key ):
# Convert the message text into a plain text with all spaces and
# punctuation removed.
plainText = sub(r'[^A-Z]', '', message.upper())
cipherText = ""
charIndex = 0
# Encrypt the message 1 character at a time
while charIndex < len(plainText):
cipherText += \
encrypt_character( plainText[charIndex], key)
charIndex += 1
return cipherText
This function can be called:
>>> encrypt_message("HELLO World!", key=23)
The decryption function is very similar to the encryption function, except it calls the decrypt utility instead of the encrypt utility.
Let's say that I have a list of the alphabet:
ALPHABET = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']
and lets say the shift positions are
0, 2, 19
if the input is a string
string = "xyz"
and I want to shift these 3 characters using the above shift positions of 0,2,19
as in shift 'x' 0 times to the right, shift 'y' 2 times to the right, and shift z 19 times to the right.
The only thing that comes to mind is something like the index() function of lists
I also see another problem. IF I shift 'z' 19 times to the right I will get an list index out of range error. If 'z' is shifted 19 times to the right I want it to become 's' which would be 19 shifts going around the list and starting from the beginning. Same thing with 'y' if I shift it to the right 2 times I want it to become 'a' etc....
Any suggestions on what to use?
So my way is more basic than TheSoundDefense but it works pretty well when you input three letters like "xyz". (Im guessing you can come up with a check to make sure they did so)
The main tool that i use is the index function which will match an item in the list and will give me the placement number for that item. Then I take that number and I add it to the numbers you gave. But then I divide it against the length and take the remainder. I don't care how many times it divides out to be, i just want the remainder because that tells me where its at in the alphabet. then I replace the letters and print them out.
ALPHABET = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']
print "Please enter three letters"
x = list(raw_input("> ").upper())
length = len(ALPHABET)
first_letter = ALPHABET.index(x[0])
first_letter = (first_letter + 0) % length
x[0] = ALPHABET[first_letter]
second_letter = ALPHABET.index(x[1])
second_letter = (second_letter + 2) % length
x[1] = ALPHABET[second_letter]
third_letter = ALPHABET.index(x[2])
third_letter = (third_letter + 19) % length
x[2] = ALPHABET[third_letter]
print ''.join(x)
EDIT: I just realized I was probably answering a totally different question, because my brain doesn't understand the word "shift" properly. So instead of generating new letters, I'm generating an entirely new alphabet. Feel free to point and laugh.
For handling the out-of-range problem, you'll want to use the modulus function % to make the number "wrap around". You can use this in conjunction with slicing in order to get your shift.
ALPHABET = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']
inputstring = "XYZ"
def shift(inputstr, shift1, shift2, shift3):
new_alphabet = list(ALPHABET)
shifts = [shift1, shift2, shift3]
for i in range(0,3):
inputchar = inputstr[i]
i1 = new_alphabet.index(inputchar)
i1_adjust = (i1 + shifts[i]) % len(new_alphabet)
temp_alphabet = new_alphabet[:i1] + new_alphabet[i1+1:]
new_alphabet = temp_alphabet[:i1_adjust] + [inputchar] + temp_alphabet[i1_adjust:]
print new_alphabet
# We call it here.
We're basically finding the index of our character and adding our shift amount to it. Then we pull that character out of our alphabet and move along i1_adjust number of spaces to the new position. We pull the alphabet apart at that position, insert the character, and glue it back together. The code could probably be more elegant if shift1, shift2, shift3 was changed to a list of shift positions, but the proof of concept is there.
Can i solve this way: Let me know if you don't like this solution in comment, I will remove it. ( instead of down-voting )
alpha = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I',\
def shift_right(char, shift_inx):
dic1 = dict(zip(alpha, range(26)))
dic2 = dict(zip(range(26), alpha))
total = len(alpha)
nxt_inx = dic1[char] + shift_inx
if nxt_inx <= 25:
return dic2[nxt_inx]
return dic2[nxt_inx % total]
def main():
for x,y in [('X', 0), ('Y', 2), ('Z', 19)]:
print '%s => %s => %s' % ( x, y, shift_right(x, y))
if __name__ == '__main__':
X => 0 => X
Y => 2 => A
Z => 19 => S
alpha = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I',\
def shift_right(char, shift_inx):
total = len(alpha)
nxt_inx = alpha.index(char) + shift_inx
if nxt_inx <= 25:
return alpha[nxt_inx]
return alpha[nxt_inx % total]
def main():
for x,y in [('X', 0), ('Y', 2), ('Z', 20)]:
print '%s => %s => %s' % ( x, y, shift_right(x, y))
if __name__ == '__main__':
I want to decrypt an encrypted file. I'm having trouble all the way at the bottom when converting it and comparing it to a dictionary (which is full of words). Can someone guide me in the right direction? I'm struggling comparing the two.
#this function takes a string and encrypts ONLY letters by k shifts
def CaeserCipher(string, k):
#setting up variables to move through
lower = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'*10000
newCipher = ''
#looping each letter and moving it k times
for letter in string:
if letter in upper:
if upper.index(letter) + k > 25:
indexPosition = (upper.index(letter) + k)
newCipher = newCipher + upper[indexPosition]
indexPosition = upper.index(letter) + k
newCipher = newCipher + upper[indexPosition]
elif letter in lower:
if lower.index(letter) + k > 25:
indexPosition = (lower.index(letter) + k)
newCipher = newCipher + lower[indexPosition]
indexPosition = lower.index(letter) + k
newCipher = newCipher + lower[indexPosition]
newCipher = newCipher + letter
return newCipher
f = open('dictionary.txt', "r")
dictionary = set()
for line in f:
word = line.strip()
print dictionary
#main file
#reading file and encrypting text
f = open('encryptMystery1.txt')
string = ''
out = open("plain1.txt", "w")
myList = []
for line in f:
for sentence in myList:
for k in range(26):
updatedSentence = CaeserCipher(sentence, k)
for word in updatedSentence.split():
if word in dictionary:
print myList
Let's tackle this in steps, and the first step is entitled
Sorry, I don't mean to be overly dramatic, but you realize that's going to take up more space than, well, Space, don't you? And it's completely unnecessary. It's an ugly and slow hack to avoid understanding the % (modulo) operator. Don't do that.
Now, to the modulo:
Step two of course will have to be understanding the modulo. It's not actually hard, it's just like the remainder of a division problem. You remember when you were in school and just LEARNING division? 7/4 was 1r3 not 1.75, remember? Well Python has functions for all that. 7/4 == 1.75, 7//4 == 1 and 7 % 4 == 3. This is useful because it can serve to "wrap" a number around a fixed length.
Let's say for example you have some string with 26 indexes (like, I don't know, an alphabet?). You're trying to add some number to a starting index, then return the result but UGH YOU'RE ADDING 2 TO Y AND IT DOESN'T WORK! Well with modulo it can. Y is in index 24 (remember zero is its own index), and 24+2 is 26 and there IS no 26th index. However, if you know there's going to be only 26 elements in your string, we can take the modulo and use THAT instead.
By that logic, index + CONSTANT % len(alphabet) will ALWAYS return the right number using simple math and not sweet baby jesus the quarter million element long string you just butchered.
Ugh your mother would be ashamed.
Reversing a Caesar cipher
So you've got a good idea, going through each line in turn and applying every kind of cipher to it. If I were you I'd dump them all into separate files, or even into separate list elements. Remember though that if you're reversing the cipher, you need to use -k not k. It's probably a good idea to simply change your Caesar cipher to detect that though, since the modulo trick doesn't work in this case. Try something like:
def cipher(text, k):
if k < 0:
k = len(cipherkey) + k
# len(cipherkey) - abs(k) would be more clear, but if it HAS to be
# a negative number to get in here, it seems silly to add the call
# to abs
Then you can do:
startingtext = "Encrypted_text_goes_here"
possibledecrypts = [cipher(startingtext, -i) for i in range(1,26)]