Celery: apply_async wait for response - python

There are two services running in my application (Srvice1, Servie2).
A request is sent from the client to Service1 and Service1 calls a task as follows.
result = my_task.apply_async (kwargs = data)
And my_task calls an operation on server two:
def my_task(** kwargs):
return Server2.do_job(kwargs)
Similarly, Service2 performs a series of celery tasks and eventually has to return the output to Service1.
How can I wait for the answer to be returned from server two?
I used result.get() to solve the problem but got no result.


AWS lambda does not finish execution when response is sent back to client

I'm trying to implement Fire and Forget mechanism using FastAPI. I'm facing few difficulties when implementing the mechanism.
I have two applications. One is developed with FastAPI and other is Flask. FastAPI will run in AWS Lambda and it will send requests to the Flask app running on AWS ECS.
Currently, I was able to send a request to the Flask API and receive an immediate response from the FastAPI app. But I see FastAPI still running bg_tasks.add_task(make_request, request) in the background which times out after lambda execution threshold time (15 mins).
Fast API application:
def make_request(data):
Function to make a post request to flask application
:param data: Data from the user to write into the file
:return: None
print("***** Inside post *****")
requests.post(url=root_url, data=data)
print("***** Post completed *****")
async def write_to_file(request: Dict, bg_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
Function to queue the requests and return to the post function
:param request: Request from the user
:param bg_tasks: Background task instance
:return: Some message
print(f"****** Request call started ******")
bg_tasks.add_task(make_request, request)
print(f"****** Request completed ******")
return {"Message": "Data will be written into the file"}
Flask Application:
#app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def write():
Function to write the request data into the file
request_data = request.form
print(f"Sleep time {int(request_data['sleep_time'])}")
request_data = dict(request_data)
request_data['current_time'] = str(datetime.now())
with open("data.txt", "a") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(request_data, indent=4))
return {"Message": "Success"}
except Exception as e:
return {"Message": e}
Fast API (http://localhost:8000/write-to-file/) calls the write_to_file method, which adds all the tasks (requests) into the background queue and runs them in background.
This function does not wait for the process to be completed. However, it returns the response to the client side. make_request method will then trigger the Flask endpoint (http://localhost:5000/), which in turn will process the request and write to a file. Consider make_request as one AWS lambda, if flask application takes more hours to process, the lambda will wait for longer time.
Is it possible to kill lambda once the request is published, or do something else to solve the timeout issue?
With the current setup, your lambda would run for as long, as the Flask endpoint would require to process your request. Effectively, both APIs run exactly the same time.
This is because the requests.post in the lambda function must wait for the response to finish. Given that you don't care about the results of that response, I can think of several other ways to solve this.
If I were you, I would move the queue processing to the ECS side. Then the only thing that lambda would only be responsible for putting a job into the queue that the ECS worker would process when it has capacity.
This option would let you get rid of one of the APIs: you would be able to query the Flask API directly and kill the lambda function, or instead kill the Flask API and run a worker process on ECS.
Alternatively, you could respond early on the Flask API side, which would finish your HTTP request, and thus the lambda execution, sooner. This can be confusing to set up and defeats the purpose of exposing an HTTP API in the first place. Also, under some circumstances, the Flask request execution could be terminated by the webserver after a default timeout (~30 seconds).
And finally, in case you really-really want to leave your code as it is now, you could set a request to timeout after a short period of time. In case you go this route, make sure to choose a long enough timeout for Flask to start processing the request:
requests.post(url=root_url, data=data, timeout=5) # throw after 5 seconds of waiting
except requests.exceptions.Timeout:

Aborting code execution in a Python Process without terminating the process

Let's say I have a (websocket) API, api.py, as such:
from flask import Flask, request
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit
from worker import Worker
app = Flask()
socketio = SocketIO(app)
worker = Worker()
def connect():
print("Client", request.sid, "connected")
def get_results(query):
The only endpoing of the API.
print("Client", request.sid, "requested results for query", query)
# Set the worker to work, wait for results to be ready, and
# send the results back to the client.
results = worker.result_queue.get()
emit("results", results)
def disconnect():
print("Client", request.sid, "disconnected, perhaps before results where ready")
# What to do here?
socketio.run(app, host='')
The a API will serve many clients but only has a single worker to produce the results that should be served. worker.py:
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
class Worker(Process):
def __init__(self):
self.task_queue = Queue()
self.result_queue = Queue()
self.some_stateful_variable = 0
# Do other computationally expensive work
def reset_state(self):
# Computationally inexpensive.
def do_work(self, task):
# Computationally expensive. Takes long time.
# Modifies internal state.
def run(self):
while True:
task = self.task_queue.get()
results = self.do_work(task)
The worker gets a request, i.e. a task to do, and sets forth producing a result. When the result is ready, the client will be served it.
But not all clients are patient. They may leave, i.e. disconnect from the API, before the results are ready. They don't want them, and the worker therefore ends up working on a task that does not need to finish. That makes other client in queue wait unnecessarily. How to avoid this situation, and get the worker to abort executing do_work for a task that does not need to finish?
In client side: when user closes browser tab or leave the page send request to your Flask server, the request should contain id of the task you would like to cancel.
In server side put cancel status for the task in database or any shared variable between Flask Server and your Worker Process
Divide Task processing in several stages and check status of task in database before each stage, if status is canceled - stop the task processing.
Another choice for point 1 is to do some monitoring in Server side in separate Process - count interval between status requests from client side.
I've handled similar problems by launching an entirely separate process via:
sp.call('start python path\\worker.py', shell=True)
worker.py would then report its PID back to the api.py via redis, then its straightforward to kill the process at any point from api.py
Of course, how viable that is for you will depend on how much data resides within api.py and is shared to worker.py - whether its feasible for that to also pass via redis or not is for you to decide.
The added benefit is you decouple socket from heavy compute - and you can go quasi-multi-core (single thread per worker.py). You could go full multi core by incorporating multiprocessing into each worker.py if you wished.

How to wait for Celery task result in asynchronous RestAPI?

I have an API build with FastAPI which endpoint submits a task to a celery worker, waits for worker to finish its job and return a result to the user.
Question is what is the correct way to wait the result?
Endpoint code
from tasks import celery_application, some_task
from celery.result import AsyncResult
async def submit(data: str):
task = some_task.apply_async(kwargs={'data': data}, queue='some_queue')
result = AsyncResult(id=task.task_id, app=celery_application).get()
return {'task_result': result}
The problem with AsyncResult that it is that get method blocks the application, it waits for the result synchronously and the api freezes in the meantime.
One of the solutions I came up with is checking for result in a loop for n seconds
from tasks import celery_application, some_task
import asyncio
import redis
r = redis.Redis.from_url(REDIS_CONN_URI)
async def submit(data: str):
task = some_task.apply_async(kwargs={'data': data}, queue='some_queue')
result = None
for _ in range(100):
if r.exists(task.task_id):
result = r.get(task.task_id)
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
return {'task_result': result}
But it only works partially. Although endpoint is not blocked and can be accessed. Endpoint gets blocked when it tries to reach send task again.

How to use result callback for celery AsyncTask

I have the following situatuion.
My client sends following task to the worker:
# client
task = my_task.apply_async((some_params), queue='my_queue')
# task.get() # This blocks
My worker executes the task properly and returns the result.
So retrieving the result with task.get() works but it blocks. Now what I'd like to have is a callback that is called when a result (success or failure) is available.
There is a on_success function of the Task class. But that is used in the worker. Similiar Question
Any ideas or solutions?
You can have callbacks with a task, but it's not the caller or client that can be notified or called back (because celery is out of process), it will be another celery task that has to be used as the callback. If you would like to use a callback, you can use celery's link or canvassing functionality.
For a simple callback that uses the result of the initiating task you can do the following:
def add(m, n):
return m + n
def callback(result):
print(f'My result was {result}')
def client_caller():
add.apply_async(args=(2, 2), link=callback.s())

Processing a long request in Tornado never finishes

I have the following HTTP server written using Tornado:
def reindex(index):
# After some initialization, we execute a process and wait for its output
result = subprocess.check_output([indexerBinPath, arg])
class ReindexRequestHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
reindexRequest = json.loads(self.request.body)
p = self.application.settings.get('pool')
p.apply_async(reindex, [ reindexRequest['IndexName'] ], callback = self.onIndexingFinished)
def onIndexingFinished(self, output):
logger.info('Async callback: finished')
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/reindex", ReindexRequestHandler)
], pool = Pool(8), queue = Queue())
if __name__ == "__main__":
except KeyboardInterrupt:
In the POST handler, I asynchronously execute the reindex function which in turn launches a process and wait for it to finish. That works fine - the process is always executed correctly. The process may, depending on its arguments, take up to several minutes to finish. If it completes within seconds, everything works fine.
However, when it takes e.g. over 3 minutes to complete, the HTTP client which sent the POST request never gets the answer. From the standpoint of the server, it looks ok - I can see Async callback: finished logged. However, the HTTP client waits indefinitely for the response (until it fails with a timeout). I had tried both Fiddler's request composer and the .NET HttpClient class.
Why does the HTTP client never gets the response if the request takes long to process?
I had a similar handler and the self.finish() will trigger the response back to the client. So if you move that line to above your p.apply_async it ought to work as you intend.
