Trying to update a cell in an Excel workbook which is shared (to clarify- it has the 'shared' status ).
However, writing to the workbook using 'openpyxl' library removes the 'shared' status.
I tried looking for solutions online and found nothing helpful. The closest thing was this thread but the zip solution suggested there didn't help. It did not save the changes made into the workbook.
p.s- it goes without saying that using Google Sheets is the better program to use, however sadly it's not a possibility for me.
Thanks in advance :)
Is there a way to remove missing references (references that have prefix: "MISSING" mentioned before their name) from an Excel workbook using VBA? I have a macro-enabled Excel workbook which I have to share with my colleagues from time to time. The workbook uses a special add-in that utilizes specific references. However, due to a limited number of licenses, not everyone has that add-in installed in their Excel, which is why the references associated with that add-in show up as "MISSING" in their workbooks and throw compilation errors when they try to run any macro. I don't want my collegues to go poking around the developer tab and uncheck the "MISSING" references each time they get the file. Is there a way this can be automated using VBA?
Issue Screenshot
I already tried the following code but it didn't work.
Option Explicit
Sub References_RemoveMissing()
Dim theRef As Variant, i As Long
For i = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.Count To 1 Step -1
Set theRef = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.Item(i)
If theRef.IsBroken = True Then
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.Remove theRef
End If
Next i
End Sub
When I ran the above code, I got an error on line:
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.Remove theRef
The error stated: "Run-time error '-2147319779 (8002801d)': Object library not registered"
Error Screenshot
Before running the above code, I made sure that "Microsoft Visual Basic for Application Extensibility 5.3" is checkmarked/ticked in my MS Excel reference list and placed above the missing references (which I did by increasing its priority).
My excel security settings were also set to "Trust Access To Visual Basic Project".
I looked up on google, this seems to be a pretty old issue. I found a bunch of old links suggesting the same coding solution but none of them seem to work for me.
Excel VBA prevent from importing missing references (didn't work for me) (didn't work for me) (didn't work for me)
If the missing references cannot be removed using VBA, is it possible to have an external Python-based script embedded within excel VBA that runs and removes the "MISSING" references?
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! :)
I'm working on an program which makes an excel file, then it gets the info into JSON and does more things. I'm struggling with Openpyxl. I found out today that if you don't open an Excel file made with Openpyxl with Excel, the formulas won't be computer.
So when I write:
excel = load_workbook(self.path_excel, read_only=True, data_only=True)
I don't get the formulas result, but only a "None" result. If I instead write data_only=False I will get my original formula. I very well know why this happens and I'm trying to find an automatic solution to open the excel file, compute all the formulas inside my excel file and close it. So when I open it up again in Openpyxl in the code after this "phase" I will have my results.
I'm using Python btw.
Here is the result I get and what I want to get:
1: data_only=True
What I really want with data_only=True
'delta_1': '12345' and more answers with numbers like when I open it in excel...
Thanks for the eventual help :)
I'm answering my own post for future reference and for others having my same problem...
Basically what worked was:
Stop using Pycharm as for some reason it was limiting my Python code;
Download Visual Studio Code;
Use the xlwings library as suggested by jezza_99 in the second comment.
Thanks for the help everyone :)
I want to use python to find what the address or coordinates of the currently active or selected cell in an excel spreadsheets currently active sheet.
So far all I've been able to do is the latter. Perhaps I'm just using the wrong words to search. However, this is the first time in two years of writing first VBA and now Python that I haven't been able to just search and find the answer. Even if it took me half a day.
I've crawled through the code at readthedocs (
and looked through the openpyxl.cell.cell, openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet, openpyxl.worksheet.views code. The last seemed to have some promise and led me to writing the code below. Still, no joy, and I don't seem to be able to phrase my online searches to be able to pinpoint results that talk about finding the actual active/selected cell. Perhaps this is because openpyxl is really looking at the saved spreadsheet which might not include any data on the last cell to be selected.
I've tried it both in Python 3.4.3 and 2.7.11. Using openpyxl 2.4.0.
Here's the code that got me the closest to my goal. I was running it in Python3.
from openpyxl.worksheet.views import Selection
import openpyxl
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('example.xlsx')
ws =
Which gives me the below.
['Sheet1', 'Sheet2', 'Sheet3']
<Worksheet "Sheet3">
Values must be of type <class 'str'>
I put in the first two prints just to prove to myself that I'm actually accessing the workbook/sheet.
If I change the last line to:
I get:
Values must be of type <class 'int'>
I assume this is because these are only for writing not querying. I've toyed with the idea of writing a VBA macro and just running it from python. However, this code will be used with spreadsheets I don't control. By people who aren't necessarily capable of fixing any problems. I don't think I'm capable of writing something good enough to handle any problems that might crop up either.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
It's difficult to see the purpose of an active cell for a library like openpyxl as it is effectively a GUI artefact. Nevertheless, because openpyxl works hard to implement the OOXML specification it should be possible to read the value stored by the previous application, or write it.
Consider the win32com library to replicate the Excel VBA property, ActiveCell. Openpyxl might have a limited method for this property while wind32com allows Python to fully utilize the COM libraries of Windows programs including the MS Office Suite (Excel, Word, Access, etc.). You can even manipulate files as a child process as if your were directly writing VBA.
import win32com.client
xlApp = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
xlApp = None
Is it possible in python by which I can write a simple .py script to update my access database records or insert new one if any i have on behalf of me? new records are to be pulled from Excel and pushed to be in the database.
MS-Access2010 i am using.
It's definitely possible. You'll probably want to do it with the comtypes module, which allows communication between Windows processes using the Component Object Model (COM).
Here's an example of a script that does that posted in another question.
Getting the information out of Microsoft Excel can be done with a lot of modules, but one I've had success with is openpyxl. Some examples of reading Excel workbooks with it can be found here.
I am using python in Linux to automate an excel. I have finished writing data into excel by using pyexcelerator package.
Now comes the real challenge. I have to add another tab to the existing sheet and that tab should contain the macro run in the first tab. All these things should be automated. I Googled a lot and found win32come to do a job in macro, but that was only for windows.
Anyone have any idea of how to do this, or can you guide me with few suggestions.
Excel Macros are per sheets, so, I am afraid, you need to copy the macros explicitly if you created new sheet, instead of copying existing sheet to new one.
You might find that Resolver One is better for what you want - it's a python-scriptable spreadsheet.
Maybe manipulating your .xls with Openoffice and pyUno is a better way. Way more powerful.