I'm trying to find the center of mass of a convex hull. This convex hull is constructed by the triangulation of a set of scattered data points, in particular a Delaunay triangulation, and each point has a value, i.e. w = f(x,y,z). The mass of the convex hull is given by the function f, which is treated as the density of the solid. This function is unknown, so it has to be interpolated from the values w at each point.
I'm a beginner with Python, so I was wondering which would be the best way of finding this center of mass. I was trying with 2D surfaces first. scipy.interpolate.griddata interpolates the data, but then I don't know how to integrate the function in order to compute the center of mass (I need to integrate the interpolated function f over the domain of the convexhull). Any help will be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.
I am in the situation that I have $n$ boundary points of a polygon in the plane.
Then, there is an explicit formula the so-called Shoelace formula to compute the area of the polygon
Fastest way to Shoelace formula
The nice property is that the boundary points do not have to be ordered.
However, I am wondering if there also exists a similar simple algorithmtic way to compute the perimeter of the polygon just from the set of (possibly unordered) boundary points?
I have a 3D scatter plot of some data generated using matploblib Axes 3D. I need to decide if it lies on a plane or a curve. I am trying to understand the visual differences that would indicate plane or curve. My guess is that if there are points along a wide range of z values then it lies on a curve because if it lied a plane, this would mean that the points are spread only over a flat surface. Even if my guess is correct, I am only right by virtue of eliminating the only other possibility so how would I tell specifically if it the data lies on a curve?
If the plane is tilted you will also find a wide range of z values.
Assuming you have your 3D points in an nx3 array, you can calculate the plane that fits them using this:
centroid = np.mean(points, axis=0)
_, eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.svd(points - centroid, full_matrices=False)
normal = eigenvectors[2]
dispersion = eigenvalues[2]
The plane that best approximates the scattered points is defined by a point (centroid) and its normal vector.
Then, according to the dispersion value along the normal axis you can decide whether it is low enough (the points lie on a plane) or it is too high (they don't lie on a plane).
I have a number of points in 3d space (cartesian x,y,z) and would like to fit a ellipsoid
to that in order to determine the axis ratios. The issue here is that I have a distribution of points (not points on a surface), and the solutions to this problem mainly consider the points on a surface. Also would this fit be iterative (like some optimize or mcmc type method), I work in Python.
The code i am using was given in this answer: Python: fit 3D ellipsoid (oblate/prolate) to 3D points
But this does not work for me ( I think it was meant for points on the surface of an ellipsoid). But I have more density distribution of points rather than surface points.
I assume that you are not after the tightest bounding ellipsoid nor some best fit ellipsoid based on the "outer" points (such as an ellipsoid fit on the convex hull).
I understand that you are after a distribution, i.e. a unit-sum positive function of the coordinates, which you want to have "ellipsoidal" symmetry, so that the loci of equiprobable points are ellipsoids.
If you assume your distribution to be multivariate normal,
P(p) = c.exp(-(p-µ)^T M (p-µ)/2)
then M is the inverse of the covariance matrix and µ the average vector.
I have a 4-dimensional ellipsoid from which I want to draw samples uniformly. I thought of an approach using a hyper cube around the ellipsoid. We can draw a sample from it and check if it is in the ellipsoid. But the volume ratio of hypercube and ellipsoid in 4 dimensions is 0.3. That means I have only 30 percent success rate. As my algorithm has speed issues I don't want to use this approach. I have also been looking at Inverse transform sampling. Can you give me an insight on how to do this with a 4-dimensional ellipsoid ?
You can transform your hyper ellipsoid to a sphere.
So the given algorithm is valid for the sphere but can easily transformed to your ellipsoid.
Draw from a gaussian distribution N(0,1) for all coordinates x1, to x4. x=[x1,x2,x3,x4].
Normalize the vector x. ==> You have obtained uniformly distributed vectors on the surface.
Now, draw a radius u from [0,1] for the inner point from unit sphere
p=u**(1/4)*x is the uniformly distributed vector within the 4 dimensional unit sphere.
I need a way to characterize the size of sets of 2-D points, so I can determine whether to render them as individual points in a space or as representative polygons, dependent on the scale of the viewport. I already have an algorithm to calculate the convex hull of the set to produce the representative polygon, but I need a way to characterize its size. One obvious measure is the maximum distance between points on the convex hull, which is the diameter of the set. But I'm really more interested in the size of its cross-section perpendicular to its diameter, to figure out how narrow the bounding polygon is. Is there a simple way to do this, given the sorted list of vertices and and the indices of the furthest points (ideally in Python)?
Or alternatively, is there an easy way to calculate the radii of the minimal area bounding ellipse of a set of points? I have seen some approaches to this problem, but nothing that I can readily convert to Python, so I'm really looking for something that's turnkey.
You can compute:
the size of its cross-section perpendicular to its diameter
with the following steps:
Find the convex hull
Find the two points a and b which are furthest apart
Find the direction vector d = (a - b).normalized() between those two
Rotate your axes so that this direction vector lies horizontal, using the matrix:
[ d.x, d.y]
[-d.y, d.x]
Find the minimum and maximum y value of points in this new coordinate system. The difference is your "width"
Note that this is not a particularly good definition of "width" - a better one is:
The minimal perpendicular distance between two distinct parallel lines each having at least one point in common with the polygon's boundary but none with the polygon's interior
Another useful definition of size might be twice the average distance between points on the hull and the center
center = sum(convexhullpoints) / len(convexhullpoints)
size = 2 * sum(abs(p - center) for p in convexhullpoints) / len(convexhullpoints)